Jaune, heading to Glynda's room to pick her up for their date. he was a bit nervous since he has never been in a date, he was just planning to bring Glynda to Menagerie, have a nice dinner then have a walk in the park. He just wanted to show Glynda a good time since she started to have more paperwork due to the students from other Huntsman Academy arriving, she has to complete paperwork for each of them and ȧssign a dorm room for them to stay at, Jaune was thinking if there was anything he can make for her to help with her paperwork like a simplified version of JARVIS, giving her suggestion and typing the answer she is saying to help her complete the paperwork faster rather than her having to type everything.

After a few minutes of thinking he arrived in the front of her room and he knocked and waited for Glynda to answer when she did Jaune was mesmerized by the way Glynda look, her hair was styled in a fishtail braid, the clothes she was wearing was a navy blue blazer, a grey shirt, a brown stylish belt, a white pencil skirt and beige high heels, the only think Jaune could think of was 'wow' or 'beautiful'.

"You look amazing Glynda." Jaune told her which caused Glynda to blush since most people just see her as a strict teacher and nothing more.

"Thank you, Jaune. And you look great as well, why don't you come in for a bit." Glynda said to Jaune.

"Are you ready to go." Jaune asked.

"Yes, I am, just doing some final touches, and also I would like to apologise for the way I may act today Jaune, since this is my first date with anyone, ever, since I was very focused on being a huntress since a young age, so I did not really have time to go on a date and before I knew it, it was already too late, no one was interested in me since to the people and my colleague, I'm the strict teacher who won't tolerate anything and they think I'm married to my work." Glynda said to Jaune with sadness in her voice.

"It's okay Glynda and we should be having a good time today, so let's just enjoy ourselves, okay." Jaune said to Glynda to take her mind of the subject.

"Thanks, Jaune, so, what will we be doing today, you just told me that you would pick me up but did not tell me where we were heading." Glynda asked

"We are heading to Menagerie, we will first having dinner then we will head to a botanical garden, and lastly I just want to have some time getting to know you." Jaune said which confused Glynda since Menagerie not somewhere you can just go to if you were in Vale.

"Jaune, Menagerie is across the continent, how are we supposed to get there." Glynda said. Jaune did not say anything and just took out Yamato and opened a portal to Menagerie, and Jaune took Glynda's hand and pulled her through the portal.

Glynda was amazed by the beauty that was in front of her, Jaune did not just bring her to any place in Menagerie but he brought her to the botanical garden of Menagerie where a lot of its flowers are currently blooming.

"I hope you don't mind. I thought that since you are always busy, I should bring you here to have a relaxing time, have a walk and have some tea for the start of the date." Jaune told Glynda which got a smile from her since she was grateful for Jaune bringing her here.

"Thanks, Jaune, I appreciate it. Ozpin, may be the headmaster but most of his work are relayed to me, he would often say that he is busy to do it since he has other important things to do. But tell me Jaune, is this really Menagerie? The last time I heard about Menageries is that they are currently struggling with resources." Glynda asked Jaune.

"This is in fact Menagerie, all you have to do is look around and you will see that there are almost no Humans here." Jaune told Glynda and true to his word when she looked around she saw no Humans besides them.

"So, Glynda, can I ask, what do you like to do when you aren't busy with work, any hobbies?" Jaune asked

"When I'm not being buried with work I just like to drink tea and relax while trying to clear my mind, what about you?" Glynda told Jaune.

"For me, when I don't have much to do I would sometimes train or sit down and write a book." Jaune told Glynda.

"What is your family like." Glynda asked.

"Well, I have seven sisters, three older and four younger, the oldest is Saphron she is four years older than me and is sometime quite spontaneous, then there is the second oldest Ivory she is three years older than me, she is a more level headed person and likes to analyse things, the third oldest is Viridian she is only a year older than me, she is the creative one in the family and she loves making art, the first youngest is Beryl she is a year younger and she loves cooking and sometimes would come to me to ask for some cooking advice since she loves my cooking, the second youngest is two years younger her name is Cyan she loves dressing in blue and loves making music she would mostly say that music is a part of our soul, the third youngest is Jade she is the dancer and is the twin of Cyan she would always try and get me to dance with her during her practice, and lastly the youngest of them all Olive she is four years younger and just wants to be a florist. My dad Giallo is a semi active huntsman, he only accepts work that is near our village and lastly my mom she is just a regular house wife who really loves her kids." Jaune told Glynda, who was now wide-eyed at the fact that Jaune has seven sisters.

"Wow, seven sisters, that must have been tough for you." Glynda said to Jaune.

"To most maybe, but it was not really that tough for me since I enjoyed our time together especially when they needed my help with something and they come to me instead of our parents." Jaune said to Glynda while smiling remembering his siblings.

"What about you Glynda, how is your family?" Jaune asked.

"Both of my parents have passed away years ago while I was studying at Beacon, the dispatched huntsman sent to there village to help take care of the Grimm was unfortunately a drunk and was not able to get in the location he was sent to due to being passed out in a bar, it was one of the reason why I'm quite irritated with Qrow since he used to always be drunk and it would remind me of the time my parents died." Glynda said saddened at the memories of her deceased parents.

"I'm sorry about your parents Glynda and for making you remember such bad memories." Jaune said very apologetically.

"It's fine Jaune, since you didn't know and I was the one who mentioned family in our conversation." Glynda said.

Over the next few hours, Jaune and Glynda got to know more about each other such as the fact that Jaune's parents do not know that he is a huntsman or the fact that Glynda hates coffee due to some embarrassing experience. They enjoyed themselves and when Glynda got hungry they went to a restaurant that Jaune got permission from the owner to use the kitchen since they have not opened yet and Jaune cooked a very appetizing Chaliapin steak, Beef Stew, and a Buche de Noel for dessert. They both enjoyed their first date and when they got back to Beacon Jaune walked Glynda back to her room and she kissed him goodbye and thanked him for a wonderful evening.

Hours before Jaune's return to the base, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang and Pyrrha were in their respective rooms contemplating their feelings for Jaune.

In Ruby's room, we see her on her bed trying to figure out why she felt jealous when she heard that Jaune was going on a date with Miss Goodwitch.

'Why am I feeling like this, I have never felt this way what anyone before, and then when I heard Jaune say he was going on a date with Miss Goodwitch I just felt so jealous, wait just that mean I want to go on a date with Jaune.' Ruby thought.

'But, but Jaune is my best friend and the first friend that I was able to gain without the help of Yang, we even have the same interest, we both love weapons and we both like making them and every time I'm near him my heart would beat faster, but when I heard Nora say that Jaune was going on a date my heart hurt that it was someone else.' Ruby thought still confused on her feelings for Jaune.

"I don't know why I'm feeling like this, maybe I should ask Yang, she has more experience about people since she is quite outgoing." Ruby said to only herself.

In Weiss room, she is like Ruby in that she is contemplating her feelings for Jaune on whether she likes him as a friend or something more.

'Jaune is amazing, when we met he knew who I was but did not care for my family name, and the fact that he is the opposite of my father who only cares for his political standing. Jaune cares for the people who he considers his friend, and I can tell just how much he cares about both team JNPR and RWBY.' Weiss thought to herself.

"I especially love it when he gets very commanding, his voice was so amazing that I just can't help but blush. But I also know that I'm not the only one that is interested in Jaune, Ruby, Blake, Yang and Pyrrha all like Jaune more than just a friend." Weiss said to herself while sighing.

In Blake's room, we see her writing down something in a book, but after she shut the book she sat on her bed thinking about Jaune.

'I think I maybe in love with Jaune, he cares about me and everyone here, he helped me meet with my family again and he was able to help Menagerie in ways that no can in a decade, he also does not care that I was a former white fang member or a Faunus, he still treats me the way he treats his friends, I don't remember when I started to fall for him but I know I do love him, just being close to him makes my day.' Blake thought to herself.

"What will I do, I know that I'm not the only one who is in love with Jaune, but that is not a real issue since Menagerie is a very polyamorous place since they live in a very close proximity with each other and that our population is dwindling so multiple partners is not a rare thing, the problem is whether the other girls are okay with it." Blake said to herself trying to find a way to talk to the other girls about sharing Jaune, but among all the girls the biggest hurdle will be Miss Goodwitch.

Yang is sitting in her bed thinking about what she sees Jaune as.

"Jaune is a great person, he gets along with Ruby and does not leer at my body like every other boy that I meet, he has help me a lot and he is genuinely a great person but I'm still afraid to tell him how I feel since I can tell that Ruby has feelings for Jaune and I can't take away the first person that Ruby has shown interest too." Yang said to herself before she heard a knock to her door.

"Hey, Yang, do you mind if I talk to you for a minute." Yang heard Ruby say outside her door.

"Sure, come in Ruby." Yang said to Ruby.

Ruby entered Yang's room and Yang can see that she has been thinking about something.

"Hey Ruby, what's up?" Yang said to Ruby.

"Yang, can I ask you a question." Ruby asked Yang.

"Sure, Ruby." Yang said.

In the next ten minutes, Yang had to explain to Ruby that what she was feeling was normal, and what those feelings mean and Ruby finally accepted how she felt about Jaune.

"Wait, if the wait I act mean I'm in love with Jaune does that mean you, Pyrrha, Blake and Weiss also like Jaune." Ruby said to Yang.

"Yeah, and that's the problem since we are all in love with him." Yang said.

"Why, why is that a problem, I mean we all love him right and it is not against the law so why not just share him." Ruby said.

"That's because not everyone is okay with sharing, some just want to be the only one that is loved by the person they love." Yang said.

"Well, if that is the case then why not just ask every then, and if they are okay with it then why not share him." Ruby said.

And they decided to do just that but first let's see what Pyrrha is doing in her room.

Pyrrha is in her room laying down and looking at her ceiling while thinking about what she heard about Jaune having a date with Miss Goodwitch.

'I can't believe I got really jealous of Miss Goodwitch, I guess I was hoping that I'm in her position right now, Jaune was the first person to treat me like a regular person rather than put me in a pedestal, I mean he is stronger than me but he never brags about being strong and he is willing to help people when he can, but I love it most when he trains us or when he is teaching in class he looks so radiant whenever he can impart his knowledge to other people, he just looks so handsome. Maybe I should talk to Miss Goodwitch and the others since having multiple partners is a normal thing in Mistral.' Pyrrha was thinking to herself.

She decided to talk to the other girls that she knows have feelings for Jaune, the moment she left her room the other girls also left their room at the same time as her.

"So, let me guess, you guys been thinking about Jaune and his date with Miss Goodwitch." Yang said.

"Yeah." said everyone.

"Well me and Ruby decided that we don't mind sharing Jaune, we were also going to guys room to ask you what you think about sharing him." Yang said.

"I don't mind sharing Jaune, as long as you he treats us all equally, since polygamy in Mistral is a normal thing even among civilians." Pyrrha said.

"It is Okay for me as well, Menagerie is a very Polyamorous kingdom and it is a normal thing for us to have multiple partners." Blake said.

"I can try it, I mean Jaune is a great man that is so different from my father that I am willing to give it a shot, and it might be easier since I already know all of you rather than some other girls." Weiss said.

"So, we are all in agreement, well the last thing we just need to do is confess our feelings to Jaune and talk to Miss Goodwitch about it." Yang said.

In the next few hours, the girls were discussing how they are going to confess to Jaune, but the thing that they all agree on was that they will first talk to Miss Good witch about before confessing to him since they don't want to have to make Jaune choose without knowing if the woman he is dating is either okay with sharing him or not, and the other thing that they decided on is to try and talk to Glynda before the dance.

"Saph, what's wrong, you have been spacing out a lot lately." Terra asked Saphron.

"It's nothing, just thinking about something." Saphron said.

"Something or someone." Terra said.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Saph said feigning ignorance.

"Oh come on Saph, I know that you are in love with Jaune, I mean even I fell in love with him after living with him for two years, he is always willing to help around the house, he would gladly stop his training when either one of us is sick, when he was living with us he made us feel like we are the world to him, he made us feel special. I love you Saph but I don't know went, but I also fell in love with him." Terra said.

"How did you know that I was in love with him." Saph said to Terra.

"It was actually obvious. You would always do anything that can help you stay closer to him, you would even sometime get me caught up in it, but the most obvious is that would sometimes mumble it in your sleep." Terra said to Saphron who is now blushing up a storm.

"Don't you find it weird that I have romantic feelings for my brother." Saph asked Terra.

"Not really, I know a bit of huntsman and huntress family that practice ɨnċėstuous relationship since they believe that it might produce a stronger offspring, so not really weird for me since you come from a famous family of heroes." Terra said.

"So, Terra, when were you going to tell me that you're in love with my brother while married to me." Saph asked Terra jokingly.

"Well, I was planning on telling you when you finally come out and told me that you are in love with your brother." Terra said to Saph with a chuckle.

"So, are you going to tell Jaune about your feelings for him." Terra asked.

"I don't know, I mean we have a very close relationship as a sibling but I don't want to break that by telling him how I feel and he doesn't respond in kind, I'm afraid that he might start avoiding me." Saph said to Terra.

"I doubt that will be the case, if Jaune is willing to support us with our baby when we said that he did not have to, do you really think that he would avoid you just because you have romantic feelings for him." Terra said.

"I guess not. But it is still quite nerve wrecking to tell him how I feel about him." Saph said.

"So, when are you going to tell him how you feel about him." Terra said.

"I was thinking of telling him when he next visits since he is a teacher in Beacon, he is probably quite busy." Saph said.

The married couple continued talking to each other until they both fell asleep in their bed, while the girls back in Beacon were still discussing who will be the one to approach Glynda about their decision.

Jaune was heading back to the base, but on his way, he started to hear a voice, unfortunately, it was not very clear. At first, he thought that he was just hearing some of the students talking, but after looking around for a while he noticed that there were no students or teacher in the area but he just shrugged it off. He headed back to his base and went to bed, and that was when the weird things started to happen. He started having a lucid dreaming of a place that he knew that he has never been to since he remembers everything he sees. In the dream, he saw an area filled with Grimm, but looking around Jaune saw a cave that the Grimms seems to avoid as if they are afraid to come near it, so he headed in that direction and see what the Grimm is avoiding. When he got there he saw an ordinary cave, it was dark, dump, and it smells bad, but in that cave, he saw a lone silver white rose in the middle of the cave, it was emitting familiar energy, so Jaune went closer to the rose to check it and when he kneeled to touch the rose he made a connection with the rose and he heard the voice once again, but this time it was a lot clearer than before.

"Someone please help me." The voice said.

Jaune was able to hear the plea of a woman within the flower, but whenever he lets go he stops hearing her, so he decided to keep holding the flower and ask who she was.

"Who are you? And how did you get in my dream?" Jaune asked the voice.

"I don't know, but I have been here for a long time. My name is ___." The voice said but was muffled in the end so Jaune tried asking to repeat what she said but was always muffled.

"Okay, can you tell me where this place is." Jaune asked the voice.

"I'm not sure, but the last place I remember before I ended up here was the Grimmlands, I was on a mission and everything was going great, until she came, she commanded the Grimm and they followed her like a queen. She attacked me and I was overwhelmed by the Grimms and then I saw nothing but darkness, here alone for a long time but I don't know how long I have been here, since there is no way of telling." The voice told Jaune.

'Grimmlands, that is where Salem is currently residing, if she really is in the Grimmlands then it would be a challenge to help her since they have recorded a large amount of Grimm in that area and some of them are ancient Grimms that can destroy an entire kingdom alone, but I can't just leave someone who is asking for help, I got to figure something out.' Jaune thought.

"Can you tell me where in the Grimmlands are you, land marks that I can identify to find you?" Jaune asked.

"All I can remember is that I fought the queen of the Grimm or whoever she is near a hill or a mountain and on the mountain was a castle, I did not come near the castle but it is visible even below the mountain." The voice said.

"Okay, I will talk to Ozpin and ask him if he can send me and some other huntsman or huntress to come and find you." Jaune told the voice.

"You know Ozpin, I worked for him before I got stuck here, I hope he is doing well, the last time that I saw him he was talking to a friend of mine before I went to do my mission." The voice said.

"Then maybe Oz, knows who you are, I might be able to get your name from him and we might be able to get some of your friends to help find you." Jaune said.

"Thank you for all your help, but you have not old me your name yet." The voice said.

"Don't thank me yet until I get you to safety and the names Jaune Arc." Jaune said.

"It matters not whether you have already helped me or not, just knowing that I was finally able to get in touch of someone that might be able to help me is good enough to keep my sanity in this dark place and keep me wanting to survive this wretched place."The voice said.

Jaune was about to ask a few more question but the dream was starting to break since he was waking up, he tried to keep himself from waking up but due to his habit of waking up early he failed to do that.

In the next moment Jaune's vision disappeared and the next he saw his bedroom in the base that he created. When he woke up he was contemplating whether what he experience was just a dream or a something else but he decided to talk to Ozpin able anyways, since it was better to be safe than to forget about it.

Jaune went about his day normally but this time after doing his routine he headed straight to Ozpin's office to ask him about what he just dreamed about and try to find out who that woman was that he was talking to. When he got there, he was met with Glynda and Ozpin since they are discussing the security of the Vytal festival since people from all over Remnant will be arriving in Vale to watch the competition.

After a few minutes of waiting Glynda and Ozpin finished talking and Ozpin called Jaune to his office.

"Ah, Jaune, how can I help you." Ozpin asked Jaune.

"Hey Ozpin, last night I had a dream about a place filled with Grimm and when I started to look around the area I noticed that the Grimm seems to be avoiding a cave, so I decided to enter the cave, but when I entered it I saw nothing but an ordinary cave until I spotted a silver white rose in the centre, when I went to touch the rose I started to hear a woman's voice, she told me that she has been there for a long time try to look for help, so I tried to ask who she was but whenever she tried to say her name it seems that the voice gets muffled, but she did tell me that she knows you and that you were talking to a friend of hers before she departed for a mission to the Grimmlands." Jaune told Ozpin.

Ozpin was shocked by the things that Jaune said since there was only one person he sent on a mission near the Grimmlands, and that was also the day that she never came back, the day he took a mother from her children and the day he made one of his biggest regrets making a mother break her promise to her child that she would return.

"I only remember one person that I sent near the Grimmlands and that mission was to eliminate a Grimm horde that was coming close to a settlement, and the mission was not that difficult as well, that was why when we heard nothing from her for a while we decided to send a search party for her, and all they found of hers was her emblem and nothing more, but we kept search until we couldn't anymore due to the increase of the Grimm activity in the area, we even had to evacuate the settlement that she had to help and that was twelve years ago." Ozpin said to Jaune.

"Can you tell me who she was since she was the one that got into contact with me, I want to know how I can help her." Jaune said.

"I am not the best person to tell you about her, Qrow and Tai will be the people to talk to able her since they were in a team with her and she was married to Tai and was the mother of Ruby, Summer Rose." Ozpin said

"Is there a way to contact Qrow right now, or is he currently on a mission." Jaune asked Ozpin.

"Qrow is actually here right now at Beacon, he hasn't been going on missions since he is currently watching over Amber, although you were able to completely stable her soul and she is no longer in danger, she doesn't have full mobility since she is missing half her soul so she is struggling to stand for long period of time." Ozpin said.

"That means that Qrow is in the infirmary right now." Jaune asked.

"Yes, he is. If you have any question about Summer then he and Tai will be able to help you, but what do you plan to do Jaune." Ozpin asked.

"I plan to head to the Grimmland to see if there is anything I can do to help her, and I was thinking if her family is willing to help me find her in that place." Jaune told Ozpin.

"I see, then Qrow and Tai might be willing to help you if you told them what you saw and what she told you. I wish you luck Jaune if you really do decide to try and find Summer and bring back a young girl's mother home." Ozpin said with obvious sign of regret in his voice.

Jaune was heading to the infirmary to meet Qrow since he wanted to ask him if he would be willing to go with him to the Grimmland to try and save Summer, but he also knows that there is a possibility that Qrow would not come, since it has been twelve years since they have heard from her and the fact that he may have already accepted her death. Jaune was also thinking if he should get Tai involved since Summer is his wife after all, but Jaune also knew that if they are not able to find or save Summer it would break his heart all over again and he was really torn if he should involve him.

When he arrived in the infirmary, Jaune thought that he would see Qrow immediately since he was guarding Amber, but all he saw was Amber eating soup.

"Oh, hey Jaune. How have you been?" Amber asked while taking a sip of her soup.

"I'm doing quite well, except for the weird dream that I got last night. What about you Amber how have you been coping with being stuck to a bed for a while now." Jaune said and asked.

"At first it was quite irritating, but after a while I got used to it, and I know that all of you are working hard to find the three people that attacked me, so right now I am quite relaxed and a little bit of down time while I try and get rehabilitated to be able to move better." Amber said.

"We will find them, and when we do, we will do what we can to get back half your soul from them. By the way where is Qrow." Jaune said and asked.

"I know you will Jaune, I know you will. As for Qrow he received a message from the headmaster and he told me that he rushed back to Patch to pack somethings and to meet a friend." Amber said.

"Did he say anything else about the message he received from the headmaster." Jaune asked.

"He did not say much, but he did say that the mission was going to be quite difficult since it would be a place with a lot of Grimm and it was a rescue mission and lastly, he said that he might be back in about two hours." Amber told Jaune.

"Thank you, Amber, from the looks of it, the mission that he was talking about is the mission that I am going on as well and he is right this mission will be quite difficult since we are heading to the Grimmland," Jaune said to Amber.

"The Grimmland, that is the most dangerous place on Remnant, why would you go there. I have heard during my travels that the Grimmland have Grimm that are incredibly strong that even Alpha, Major, and Elder Grimm obey them when they are close by. Be careful Jaune, please be careful." Amber said in worry since the Grimmland is so dangerous that no one has ever returned unscathed, some of the huntsman or huntress that accidentally just ended up close to the border would always come back with a severe injury that they had to retire or they do not return at all.

"I will Amber, and thank you for worrying about me." Jaune said to Amber.

"Of course, I would worry about you, we have been friends for two years now, it's natural to worry for your friends." Amber told Jaune and he just smiled.

While waiting for Qrow to return, Jaune and Amber are talking about the things that they wish to achieve in the future, Jaune told her that he wishes to be able to help bring equality between Human and Faunus while dealing with the Grimm the best he can, while Amber told him that when she does fully recover that she wishes to be able to go all over Remnant and see what the world can offer her while also dealing with the Grimm.

Qrow took longer than Jaune and Amber thought he would take, but after three hours he finally returned and he arrived in the infirmary with Tai, they were both holding a huge amount of equipment such as tents, food, night vision goggles and more. Jaune was confused as to why they were carrying it by hand since Jaune told them about the storage function of the suit he gave them and the fact that Qrow has a storage ring with him.

"Qrow, why are you carrying so much stuff." Jaune asked

"If you are going to the Grimmlands to search for Summer I'm coming with you and so is Tai, I did not even have to convince him to come." Qrow said.

"I already knew that you would be coming with me, that is why I have been waiting here for you, what I meant was, why are you caring things by hand when you have a storage function in the suit that I gave you and the storage ring that you are currently wearing." Jaune said to Qrow, who was now quite embarrassed that he had a storage device to store all the equipment and did not have to carry them by hand.

"Yeah, I kind of forgot that I did not have to carry them since I was hurriedly packing for this mission." Qrow said.

"I tried to tell him to slow down a bit, but all he said was for me to shut up and start packing everything we need and the fact that he just told me to join him on a mission that I have no clue is about, I had to send an e-mail to Signal that I would not be around for a while due to a mission." Tai told Jaune.

"Qrow, what the hell, you did not tell him that we are heading to the Grimmlands." Jaune said to Qrow.

"Sorry, I forgot since I was in a hurry." Qrow said.

In the next few minutes, Jaune and Qrow explained to Tai everything they can, at first Tai, was a bit hesitant to join them but eventually he decided that it was best to join them, whether Summer was still alive or not he was willing to take that chance, even if Summer was dead at least he would find some closure and if she was alive, there was no way that he won't be there for her.

Jaune, Qrow and Tai, after talking decided to head to the Grimmlands tomorrow Morning instead of going there right now, since some of them had to do somethings, Tai had to send a formal e-mail to Signal academy about his mission, Qrow had to talk to Ozpin about Amber since he was technically responsible for her wellbeing, and Jaune had was making a recording for his class for the next few days which he made into a hologram and would properly respond to the class when it is teaching as if he was there.

Jaune also had to inform team JNPR and team RWBY that he was going on a mission, but he did not tell them where his mission was going to be since he did not want them to worry about him, and he also did not tell them what the mission was about.

In the evening, Jaune was once again met with the same lucid dream that he experienced last night. In this dream, Jaune was able to ask Summer the closes location she remembers, so that they will have an easier time to find her since they had more time to talk, Summer talked about her two daughters that she told Jaune she loves a lot and Jaune told her that he knew who they were since he was friends with them, the whole night was just Summer talking about her life before she ended up in the darkness.

In the next morning, Jaune did his normal routine, he ran for a while, then he made breakfast for everyone, then he said his goodbye to team RWBY and JNPR.

"Good luck Jaune, and be careful on your mission." Pyrrha said.

"Yeah, Jaune-Jaune, be safe and make sure that you do everything you can to succeed on your mission and don't forget to bring some pancakes back." Nora said.

"Be safe, I know that you are stronger than us, but I can't help but worry since you are like a brother that I never had." Ren said.

"I will be careful Ren and you are also like a brother that I never had and Nora is like my eighth sister." Jaune said

"Promise me Jaune, that you will come back safe." Ruby said to Jaune while hugging him which she does from time to time, just like when he went to Menagerie for two weeks, when he visited Ruby she hugged him.

"I promise Ruby, and you know an Arc never goes back on his word." Jaune said which got a smile from Ruby.

"Hey lady killer, you better comeback to us safe and sound." Yang told Jaune in which she got a nod.

"Jaune you better comeback, Pyrrha, Ruby, Weiss, me and Yang have somethings to tell you, and we can't do that if you don't comeback." Blake said.

"And we can use this time when you are gone to talk to somebody about the thing we want to talk to you about." Weiss added to the things Blake said.

"I will do everything I can to stay safe in this mission and do everything I can to comeback, that's a promise." Jaune said and everyone just smiled at Jaune now that he reassured them that he will come back safe.

Jaune went over to the front of Beacon to meet with Tai and Qrow, when he got there he saw the two and he greeted them.

"Are you guys ready for this." Jaune asked.

"Yeah, we got this." Qrow said.

"So, how are we getting there." Tai asked.

"Come on, follow me to the bullhead port." Jaune said and they followed.

When they got there, there was no available bullhead, so they were confused, so they asked Jaune about it.

"So, kid, where is our ride." Qrow asked.

"Don't tell me you have an invisible bullhead." Tai said.

"I don't have an invisible bullhead unfortunately, but I do have an invisible Quinjet that I developed." Jaune told them while releasing the cloaking of the Quinjet.

This Quinjet was developed by Jaune, he did not use his Arc of Embodiment to make it, he built it from scratch, everything about the Quinjet was made by Jaune by hand. The fuselage, the engine, the cloaking device, the control system, A.I., autopilot, etc… was slowly developed by him in the last two years. It was designed to look exactly like the Avengers Quinjet, the only difference was that the Avengers Quinjet was grey and red, while the one that Jaune made was coloured with mostly white, some blue and some gold trimmings.

"This is my Quinjet, it has cloaking technology, it is fitted with my latest Arc Reactor, it is capable of flying up to 750mph, it is not as fast as Sleipnir but it is good for bringing multiple teams to their destination, it has an auto pilot so that we can make some plans while we head to our destination." Jaune told them.

"Well, I did not think that you have something that flies and turn invisible." Tai said.

"The Quinjet does not turn invisible it just cloaks itself to make it look invisible." Jaune told Tai and Tai just nods understanding that invisibility and cloaking are two different things.

"Come on let's go in." Jaune said.

With that, Jaune, Qrow and Tai headed into the Quinjet to head to their mission destination, while on the way to the Grimmland they were discussing the best way to tackle the mission since the area is huge, but luckily Jaune got some info from Summer the previous night and they have a rough location on where she is.. It took them a few hours to get to the Grimmland, the Quinjet was still cloaked so that they will have less problem about alerting their enemies, Jaune landed the Quinjet and their mission has now officially begun.

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