After the current first-year class they taught was over the next one is coming in and this was the class were team RWBY and NPR are, and Jaune was able to easily spot and he saw them take a sit with each other and Sun and Neptune seems to be with them but are being ignored especially Neptune due to his advances towards Weiss.

"Alright class, today we are going to be training in handicapped situation, but first who would like to volunteering to have a tournament styled sparring before we get started with todays lesson." Glynda asked.

Sun raised his hands, wanting to volunteer and pick Jaune as his opponent as a sort of payback for scaring him about getting expelled, unfortunately, Sun still did not know that Jaune was a Professor and not a student so, he is going to get his ȧss kicked six ways to Sunday.

"And you are… ah, Mr Wukong from Haven." Glynda said not knowing who he was until she looked at her scroll which showed Sun's information.

"So, who would you like to challenge." Glynda asked Sun.

"Him." Sun said pointing at Jaune. This got a laugh from everyone since they know that he was going to get his ȧss thoroughly kicked if Glynda accepted his request.

"Mr Wukong, Jaune is-" Glynda was going to inform Sun that Jaune was not a student but was stopped by Jaune.

"I don't mind fighting him, Ms. Goodwitch." Jaune said to Glynda which she easily caught on when he called her Goodwitch rather than by her name, she realised that Sun did not know that Jaune was a teacher and was challenging him without properly looking at his timetable that has both her name and Jaune's listed as teachers.

"Alright, Mr Wukong head on to the lockers and retrieve your weapons." Glynda said.

After Sun went to the lockers Neptune heard some of the students still laughing at Sun.

"Oh, this is going to be so funny." Student 1 said.

"I know right, it's like the start of the first semester when a lot of the students challenge Professor Arc to a spar thinking that they can easily beat him." Student 2 said.

"I am so going to record this, and upload it to dust tube." Student 3 said.

"Well, shit. Sun is going to get his ȧss kicked badly." Neptune said to himself.

"So, Neptune. How well do you think Sun is going to do, now that you know Jaune is a Professor?" Yang asked Neptune while smirking.

"Not good, not good at all." Neptune said sweating bullets.

"Trust us when we say this, not even with all RWBY, NPR, and CFVY combined, we still could bȧrėly touch him, every time we think we got him, he would suddenly dodge as if he can predict the future." Pyrrha said. Now Neptune is really worried about his partner when the invincible girl is saying that a few teams combine can't even touch him.

"Well you don't have to worry too much since, Jaune bȧrėly get serious, when people challenge him to a spar in class, the worst he did was completely shatter a person's aura in a single hit." Weiss told Neptune.

'A single hit! He shattered someone's aura in a single fuċkɨnġ hit! And that's him holding back.' Neptune thought.

While Neptune was thinking to himself Sun came back from the lockers and was ready to spar, he even gave Neptune a thumbs up, which Neptune just gulped at. Sun headed to the arena and so did Jaune.

"Are you ready." Glynda asked both Jaune and Sun and gave her a nod.

"3…2…1, start." Glynda signalled. Sun was looking for opening's but Jaune just looked at Ruby and spoke to her.

"Ruby, I have taught you and trained you for a few months now, so, now I will show you a technique that is perfect for you since you are a speedster and speed is your forte, but I saw a massive down side to your semblance, it maybe speed base but your maximum speed is two hundred and fifty miles per hour, so I will show you my accel turn, what I'm about to show you is its slowest variant and then in the future I will teach you its upgraded version." Jaune told Ruby and she got excited to learn a new technique and its speed based no less.

When Sun saw that Jaune was not taking him seriously he rushed towards him converting his staff to a dual nunchaku. But when he was about to reach Jaune he suddenly disappeared, to everyone that was what it looked like, but to Ruby and the others they saw him blurred behind Sun.

"This is accel turn, Ruby. Next I will show you Tempest turn." Jaune said.

Jaune used tempest turn which made it looked like he made a clone, but to someone like Blake who can make clones, she knows this is not the case. Jaune hit Sun on the head, both his arms, his back and his leg at the same time. Tempest turn is not a very fast movement since it concentrates on making after images.

"Next, I want to show you what it looks like, when I combine both Accel Turn and Tempest Turn." Jaune said.

Reaching a speed of three hundred eighty miles per hour Jaune made multiple after images that attacked Sun in multiple directions at the same time, he never stood a chance when Jaune combined both moves since not only were there a lot of afterimages, it was also all moving at three hundred eighty miles per hour. Of course, Jaune did not hit Sun very hard since if he did then Sun's aura would already have shattered in the first hit.

Ruby and everyone else was amazed at the technique, even Glynda since she has never seen anyone without a speed semblance move that fast. Ruby was very excited to learn both techniques since she knew that her semblance had some limitation, but now she is imagining using her semblance with that technique, she could cause so much carnage in the battlefield, Ruby even nearly loudly chuckled evilly.

After the fight, Glynda approached Sun.

"Jaune Arc is the victor of the match; Next time please chose your opponent wisely next time Mr Wukong as it is not a wise idea to challenge a Combat Professor." Glynda told Sun. Sun was now wide-eyed she just called Jaune a professor, he just challenged a professor.

'Oh man, now my team is going to make fun of me for challenging a professor and getting my ȧss kicked, I could not even track his movements, let alone try and touch him once.' Sun thought.

When RWBY and NPR arrived, they bombarded him with questions about the accel turn and tempest turn. Jaune explained to them that he will teach all of them to be able to do what he did but they must first condition their body to withstand that kind of speeds before even trying to use the technique or else they will be badly injured, he also told them he is willing to teach the technique to Ruby early was the fact because her semblance makes her body already condition to go at fast speeds.

After lunch, everyone went back to their class which was Grimm studies and Jaune was going to his lecture room teach those who want to take his class. But after classes, he heads back to his base to train RWBY and NPR.

Unlike in the original, by now team RWBY should be preparing to investigate the White fang meeting but instead, they are all with him training except for Ruby who said that she met a friend and is bringing her over which he said is fine she met her again after the first meeting when Weiss bumped into her at the docks, and according to Ruby she was a bit weird but is eager to make friends and is super friendly. From the way, Ruby talked about her friend he already knew that it was Penny.

'I guess, since Penny was not involved in the docks incident Ironwood did not restrict her movement, and she is now headed here with Ruby.' Jaune thought.

It did not take long before Ruby arrived with Penny, she looked just like the show, but if one was to slightly observe her more they will see that her eyes are censors and the fact that she is not even breathing.

"Hey guys, I brought Penny with me since I met her after I went to the cafeteria for some snacks." Ruby said.

"Salutations, I am Penny Polendina." Penny said in a very peppy voice.

"So, do we introduce ourselves again or do you remember us." Nora asked.

"No introduction necessary, I remember every single one of you, except for you, I have never seen you before." Penny told RWBY and NPR the first part before turning to Jaune and saying the next part.

"Names, Jaune Arc." Jaune said.

"Salutations, my name is Penny Polendina." Penny said once more.

"You already said that." Jaune told her.

"So…I did." She said.

"So, Penny, where are you from." Jaune asked.

"I am from Atlas. I am here to participate in the upcoming Vytal tournament." Penny said.

"Well, you are welcome to train with us, if you want." Jaune told her.

"That would be wonderful." Penny said.

"Well, alright then." Jaune said and everyone started with their warm-up.

After their warm-up they separated to groups, depending on what they are supposed to be training in, right now team CFVY is not training with them since they were sent for a mission to Lower Cairn. Pyrrha was training her swordsmanship, Yang was training to control her semblance, Weiss is also concentrating in her summoning to try and speed it up, she is also training to increase her strength, Nora was training to control her aura more to be more efficient so that she is not using too much at ones. Blake was training to increase her strength more since she is fast and nimble enough, Ren was increasing his stamina and endurance, and lastly Ruby was training with Jaune trying to learn how to use Accel turn and Tempest Turn.

The more she watched the more jealous she got since back in Atlas she could not make any friends since, the General was always telling her about her destiny and her purpose how her time will come, but all she wanted was to make friends since she was already here so why not try to make friends with them. So, she went towards the group.

"Can I join with you guys." Penny asked Jaune.

"Sure, why not. Come on, right now I am teaching Ruby a speed-based technique, but to use the technique it requires the person's body to be strong enough to with stand immense amount for force which Ruby is capable of due to her semblance." Jaune said, he did not mind telling Penny about it since to use it, one must know how to circulate aura around the body, reinforce it enough and time the release of the gathered aura perfectly if the steps are not done properly, they risk getting them crippled for life, it is not a technique that anybody can just learn, even if they were able to imitate the procedure to do it, they still need a body that can withstand it which is near impossible, team RWBY and NPR are only able to learn it in the future is since they took the pills that bring out their bodies full potential.

"If you want Penny, I can teach you some martial arts techniques." Jaune said.

"That would be wonderful." Penny replied.

So, the next couple of hours they trained in the things they need to improve while Jaune taught Penny some martial arts like Judo and Jiu-Jitsu, she was happily interacting with him and the rest of the group, her jealousy in the beginning disappeared and she genuinely smiled with them.

Penny now was heading to her dorm, after having a great training session with team JNPR and RWBY, she enjoyed it a lot and she was able to make new friends. She was just curious about the feelings that she got earlier when she was not training with them and seeing them so happy interacting with each other. In the next moment, she received a scroll call coming from her father Dr Polendina.

"Hello, Father. How can I help you?" Penny asked.

"Hello, Penny. I just wanted to ask how you are doing in Beacon." Dr Polendina asked.

"I'm doing wonderful, Father. I met a friend that I told you about, and she introduced me to her friends and we had a wonderful time. I only had one issue, before I joined them and was just watching them train I had a weird sensation, I felt anxiety, anger and confusion at the same time while watching them training happily together, but when I joined them it disappeared." Penny told her father.

"Oh, Penny. What you felt was Jealousy, I guess since you see people around having fun with their friends you were jealous and wanted to experience what they experience, that is why, when you joined them you no longer felt jealous since you were having fun just like them." Dr Polendina said.

"I guess, it's probably because I just want to be a normal girl just like everyone else." Penny said to her father.

"I know Penny, I am trying everything I can to make the General to let you have the most normal life possible, but since he sees you as a property of Atlas, it is a big problem since he sees you as an ȧsset to the military. But, I promise you Penny, no matter what I will do what I can to try and give you your freedom." Dr Polendina said.

"Thank you, but… I don't want you to get in trouble with the General, Father." Penny said worried that her father might anger the general.

"Penny, you are my daughter, I will do what I can for you, I don't care if the general gets mad at me since he knows that there is no one smarter than I am in Atlas, I am a very important ȧsset for him." Dr Polendina said.

When the called between Penny and her father ended she headed back to her dorm. Meanwhile, Dr Polendina was planning to search for a person that he heard about that can help him solve Penny's problem, he heard of a person who a few months ago would help villages outside of the kingdoms who would help them with the technology he has never seen before, he believes that that person can help him, even if it was a long shot he would still try since it was for his daughter.

Back with Jaune, after they finish training, he cooked them dinner had a conversation about the changes to their training such as the fact that Jaune would increase it, to prepared them to learn to use Accel Turn and Tempest Turn, and when they headed to bed Jaune started a project to help Penny become human, even as a synthetic human, Jaune can see the sadness in Penny's eyes, longing to be just like everyone else. So, he is making a device that will create a perfect artificial human body without any soul, so that when he asks Penny if she wants to be human, it would be ready or if something happens to her current body, he can just extract her soul using the power of separation of Yamato and place it on the new body.

Meanwhile back with Ozpin, received a message from Roman telling him that he was told by Cinder that they are soon heading to MT. Glenn to set things up, telling Ozpin that they are using the old railway that is heading towards Vale for something but was not yet told what it was.

Ozpin was thinking what it was they are doing there, or what they might be using the old railways for since they are blocked and is a dead end, so he was not entirely sure what it is they are doing, but Ozpin was thinking maybe they are the reason why the Grimm in the area seems to be increasing or why no matter how many huntsmans and huntress they send the amount of Grimm is not decreasing in number. So, he called Qrow to try and find out what they are doing but Qrow was not answering his scroll, so he let it be for the next day.

It now has been three days since the training with Penny, and Jaune is sitting down with one Pietro Polendina, apparently, Pietro tracked him down by going to the villages that he helped and asked them where they got the technology they had such as the appliances and the houses they have, and at first, Pietro did not get anywhere since they were all not wanting to give information about Jaune but, he was about to get some information on Jaune due to some kids who saw him save them, and the kids were able to tell him what he looked like but did not have any name but Jaune being the youngest teacher at Beacon was in the news, everyone from Vale saw the news, and some other kingdoms but not all, that is why until now Jaune's parents still have no idea that he is in Beacon and well they don't have good news coverage back home, that is how Pietro was able to locate Jaune.

"So, what can I do to help one of Atlas greatest mind." Jaune asked Pietro.

"I'm here because I have seen some of the villages that you have helped, you have technology that even Atlas does not, I'm here to ask you for your help regarding Penny." Pietro said.

"Oh, and what's wrong with Penny." Jaune said.

"It's now what is wrong with Penny, but what she is not." Pietro said.

"You know, you can tell me that she is a synthetic person." Jaune said.

"How, how did you know that Penny is not Human." Pietro asked Jaune.

"It is not actually that hard if you are very observant, I mean she does not even breathe, when you touch her she is cold, and when you look closely at her eyes you will realise that her eyes are not real, but I know for a fact that she is indeed alive and has aura." Jaune said.

"I was hired by Atlas because of the technique I created to use my own aura to make a new aura and place it in an inanimate object, when Atlas hired me, I saw this as a chance to have my own daughter since I could not have any of my own, when I completed the project Penny was born, but Atlas or more specifically general Ironwood see Penny a property of Atlas, not as a living person but as a weapon." Pietro told Jaune.

"I understand your problem but you should have known that, once you finish the project that it was going to be treated as a weapon since they are military, and I know for a fact that Ironwood care nothing more than a massing power for Atlas, he will do anything to protect his rise in power, even if he has to do the most morally questionable thing, it is exactly why he got himself appointed as both a general and headmaster of Atlas academy, he treats huntsman and huntress in training as if they are soldiers, his soldiers. But, that still does not explain what you want with me." Jaune said.

"I wanted your help, in trying to help Penny be more human, it is the one thing Penny dėsɨrė the most, but it is also something that I don't have the capability of achieving but I was hoping that you may have a way to do it." Pietro said.

"I see, but you are wrong, I don't have anything that will make Penny anymore human like, as she is now." Jaune said.

"If that is the case, I want to apologise for wa-." Pietro was saying about to say but Jaune interrupted him.

"I have not finished speaking, but first I want you to promise me that what I'm about to say won't be getting to Ironwood, if you agree with that them we can continue talking." Jaune said to Pietro.

"You have my word, I don't ever plan to tell anything to Ironwood in the first place, especially now, after I know that he only sees Penny as a weapon." Pietro said.

"Then I will say this, like I said, I have no way of making Penny any more human than she already is, but, I have a way to make a human body for Penny that we can transfer her soul, aura and memory to and lastly with your DNA we can make a body that is actually blood related to you." Jaune said to Pietro.

"What do you want in exchange for your services." Pietro asked.

"Nothing, if Penny asked me to help her become Human, then I would have help her, since I see her as a friend, and the fact that my friends would have hated me if I did not help her." Jaune told him.

"How long will it take for you to be able to make Penny human." Pietro asked.

"Not long, if you leave me with a DNA sample from you, then I will be able to make a human body for her in about a day, then we can transfer her soul and memory to the new body." Jaune told Pietro.

"Then take my DNA, and tomorrow I will try and get Ironwood to let me have a personal day with Penny, then we will come here." Pietro said.

"That is fine, just make sure that Penny is okay with this, and that it's her choice to become human." Jaune said.

"That I will do, but the last problem is the fact that once we remove her soul for the synthetic body, it would no longer have aura, and that might cause some suspicion from Ironwood." Pietro said.

"You don't have to worry about that, I already have a device that can emulate aura, and it extremely hard to tell the difference between real aura and the artificial aura." Jaune said to Pietro."

"Thank you very much for helping MR. Arc." Pietro said to Jaune thankfully.

"Don't thank me yet until we actually complete the procedure, and lastly I want to give you this." Jaune said while handing the same pill that he gave to Amber.

"What is it." Pietro asked.

"It is a soul repairing pill, I can tell that whatever you did to use your aura as a source to make Penny is affecting you badly, with this it will help you heal the damages done to your aura." Jaune said. Pietro took the pills and immediately started to notice that when he flared his aura the dark patches in his aura was disappearing at a visible rate. Pietro thanked Jaune for his help and decided to leave to head over to Penny and ask her for her decision on the matter.

Jaune after talking with Pietro had taken out a box that he has been holding on since he was talking to Pietro, the box that he was holding was a lie detector just like the one he gave to Ozpin, and he was happy that everything that Pietro told him was true. Jaune then when on with his day just like usual, while waiting for the next day when he will finally be able to help Penny.

The next day, after classes, Pietro brought Penny to him as soon as he can since Ironwood is keeping a close eye on Penny. Jaune did everything he told Pietro, the previous day after getting Pietro's DNA he used it to make a human body for Penny, he made it just like a real human body using Pietro's DNA, she will be able to do everything a human can, even reproduce like a normal person. When Pietro so, that he was able to make a body for Penny he asked Jaune how are they going to transfer her aura and memory to the new body, and Jaune informed him that, there was no normal way of transferring it, and he took out a sword and showed it to Pietro, and told him that, the sword has the power to separate Penny's soul and memory with it and he took out a second sword saying with that second sword he can combine the new body with the soul and memory that was separated from the synthetic body.

The whole procedure did not even take a few hours, but when Penny woke up it took her a few hours before she was able to properly move around and talk, but other than that she did not have any issue. The next thing Jaune did was install an aura emulator to the synthetic body and a controller so that Penny can control the synthetic body from afar after everything was over, Pietro asked Jaune if he could take care of her, and Jaune agreed, now Penny will be staying with Jaune while Penny controls her old body pretending as if nothing happened so that Ironwood would not notice, then when they have a chance they would fake 'Penny's' death during a mission.

It has now been a few days, Jaune had to teach Penny some common sense such as the need to eat and go to the toilet, he also started training her with team RWBY and NPR, which he explained to them the situation and they were understanding but did not question it since Jaune was always doing the impossible anyway, so, what is the problem with a synthetic person becoming human.

Now, Jaune is preparing for his date with Glynda, he plans to bring her to Menagerie, and use one of the restaurants there to set up their dinner away from Vale so that he can have a good time with Glynda without anybody disturbing them. He planned to cook her dinner, have a stroll, then just talk to get to know more about each other.

While preparing for his date with Glynda, Jaune called team RWBY, NPR and Penny since he wanted to give them some gifts that he prepared for them. It did not take long for all of them to arrive, the first was Penny since she was already in the base while RWBY and NPR just finished their class with Jaune having to cancel his class since he wanted to make a great first date with Glynda when they all arrived Jaune asked them to meet him at the training room.

"Hey, Jaune. Why did you call us here, our training is still an hour later?" Ruby said with everyone else nodding.

"I called you here since I wanted to give you guys some gifts." Jaune said.

"Oh, a gift is it a pancake Jaune-Jaune, oh maybe it's a super-secret technique that you made." Nora said excitedly to be getting a gift.

"No, Nora. It's not a pancake or a super-secret technique, but weapons that I made for you guys, now you can treat it as a main weapon or a secondary, it will be up to you." Jaune said. With the word weapon, Ruby got excited and started to run towards Jaune using her semblance, but Jaune saw so he was not knocked down, unlike the last time Ruby tackled him with her semblance, this time Jaune had to brace himself since Ruby has gotten so much stronger.

"Yay, what kinds of weapon are you going to give us Jaune." Ruby said very excited knowing that she was getting a gift from Jaune, but a weapon as a gift she was over the moon excited.

"Calm down first Ruby or else I will give yours last." Jaune said to Ruby which got her to calm down by a lot, now she was just standing with the rest trying to contain her excitement which Jaune thought was adorably cute.

Jaune took out a lot of boxes with different sizes, some were small but some were large, the group of friends were curious what kinds of weapon Jaune was going to give them, but no other than Ruby was the most excited, that was when Jaune she was trying very hard to contain her excitement, Jaune decided to let her be the first to receive hers, but unlike the rest, Jaune has two weapons for Ruby but she is only going to receive one, whichever she chooses from the two.

"Now, since I can see you struggling Ruby, and the fact that you actually tried your hardest to calm yourself, why don't you go first, I have two here for you but you can only chose one, the first is Blue Rose, she is a hand cannon that can shoot two bullets at the same time with one going a bit faster than the other, the bottom bullet will first break the armour while the second penetrates and kill its target. The second weapon is Nevan a guitar that can transform in to a scythe that emits lightning while attacking." Jaune told Ruby making her think about her choice.

'Woah, they are both awesome, Nevan can emit lightning while attack making it easier to defeat Grimm since it could stun them in place while I attack with a finishing blow, and then there is Blue Rose, a cool gun that can fire two bullets at once I mean who what kind of a person comes out with that kind of idea… Ah, who am I kidding, I love it.' Ruby thought.

"I choose Blue Rose, I mean Nevan is cool and all but I already have a scythe and I love Crescent Rose, and beside Blue Rose is already a part of the Rose family since we have the same last name." Ruby said to Jaune, which he just chuckled at and handed Blue Rose to Ruby.

"Here, Ruby. Do you want to test it out?" Jaune said to Ruby while activating a test dummy for Ruby to shoot.

"Ohh, I definitely want to test it out now." Ruby said to Jaune excited to test out her new gun.

"Ruby this dummy is made from reinforced titanium armour, even with your Crescent Rose sniper form will have a hard time to break its armour." Jaune said.

After the dummy was set up, Ruby takes aim at it and fires a shot, when the bullets came into contact with the dummy the first bullet destroyed the armour while the second penetrated through and the dummy blow up due to the force of the bullet from Blue Rose. Everyone who saw this was shocked at the power of the bullets from Blue Rose, all their jaws dropped even Nora since the gun was only slightly larger than Ren's Storm Flower but the power coming from Blue Rose was insane.

"Wow, that was INCREDIBLE, how did you get a gun with this size to be able to do that." Ruby asked Jaune, in which Jaune just laughed a bit.

"I'm sure Ruby, but I will tell you in the future but not now okay." Jaune told Ruby.

"Fine, but you got to tell me in the future." Ruby said to Jaune which he just nods at.

"Next, Weiss, this is one that I made for you, the name of this Rapier is Lambent Light." Jaune said. Lambent light was the sword of Asuna from SAO, it was a green rapier but the one that Jaune made for Weiss was light blue to match her, it has four magic stones that look like dust but isn't, it has lightning, ice, fire and wind they are embedded into the guard of the sword.

"This sword looks so beautiful, Lambent Light, what a fitting name." Weiss said mesmerized by the design of the rapier, her Myrtenaster has nothing on Lambent light.

"This sword is designed for you in mind, the crystals in the guard is not just for style, it can be used with your summon changing not only their style but also their elements, Red for Fire, Blue for Lightning, Light Blue for Ice and Green for Wind. When you use an element with your summon they will take on the element changing their power, Fire for lingering attacks, Ice for more support type, Lightning for more Power, and Wind for Increase Speed." Jaune told Weiss.

Just like for Ruby, Jaune set up a dummy for her to test out her weapons. When she activated the fire crystal her slashes produced a wave of fire in the direction that she slashed, she tested the other crystals as well and she noticed that they are so much stronger than when she does the same for Myrtenaster, the last she tried was her summon she summoned her Arma Gigas with different crystals and what Jaune said was true, her summon took on the element that she used to summon them which she was not able to do with Myrtenaster, she was happy for the gift that Jaune gave her, and now the words of Jaune ringing in her ears, 'Designed for you in mind' meaning Jaune made it specifically for her, which caused her to blush but fixed her self before anyone noticed anything wrong with her.

"This, is incredible, I have never heard of anything that can change the summon of our family glyph, thank you Jaune for this fantastic gift, I'll treasure it." Weiss told Jaune which he was smiling at her, his smile when she saw it caused her heart to skip a beat.

"Next, Blake this one I made for you and the guard is also designed with your emblem, this sword is a lot different than your usual weapon, one it has no gun, two it does not transform, and lastly it is capable of compressing the aura that you feed it and then when you release the stored energy it will create an attack could Getsuga Tensho, an AOE attack that is very powerful." Jaune said.

Blake so the Blade, it looked just like Tensa Zangetsu with a bit of change, the red of Tensa Zangetsu was changed to amber just like Blakes's eyes, the guard has a Belladonna rather than its usual guard, the chain on the end of the handle is capable of stretching as far as its wielder wants and rather than spiritual energy it uses aura to power Getsuga Tensho.

Jaune again set up the dummy for Blake to test out the sword, she gathers the aura into the blade then when she felt that she put enough aura she swung her blade and she made an arc of energy that blasted through the dummy, then hit the wall in the back creating a shock wave due to the residual energy. She was shocked by the attack that she did was not even supposed to be that strong since she put only a bit of her aura because it was only a test but, it was still so powerful. When Blake saw it, the first thing that came to mind was, 'Moon slice have nothing on Getsuga Tensho' and she put away her sword.

"Thanks, Jaune. I will put it to great use, but you have not told me the name of the sword." Blake said.

"The name of the sword is Heaven Chain Slaying Moon or Tensa Zangetsu, since you saw the power of the slash it produced, but if you don't like that name you can rename it yourself if you like." Jaune said.

"No, Tensa Zangetsu is fine, it is a wonderful name." Blake said admiring the sword. She was happy for the sword that Jaune gave her.

"Now, Yang. This is Ifrit, a dragon headed Gauntlet, it is capable of producing fire that is hotter than any fire you can think of, it is perfect for you since your name is Yang Xiao Long or Sunny Little Dragon and the fact that your semblance is produces fire. Ifrit is capable of shooting fire every time you punch, it also increases the strength of its wielder, the original design was supposed to be brown but I decided to change it to yellowish gold and some lilac for the eyes of the Gauntlet." Jaune told Yang.

Yang loved the design, so she took it and wanted to test it out right away, and Jaune so the anticipation from Yang and he set up the dummy right away, Yang ran towards the dummy using Ifrit's flame to boost her and when she got to the dummy she threw a punch at it and Ifrit fired a massive fireball at the dummy which Yang was covered in it as well, everyone in the training room shouted her name and running to her but Jaune stopped them and told them that Yang will be okay and after the fire and smoke dispersed they saw Yang smiling at them, which caused them to sigh in relief and Yang did some combo moves that was very hard to follow using Ifrit's fire as a cover.

"Thanks, Jaune. The boost I got from the flames was faster than Ember Celica, and it was exhilarating." Yang said with a smirk in her face, she enjoyed it since she was a thrill-seeker at heart.

"Nora next is you but I am really reluctant to give you Artemis since I know just how much you like explosive and Artemis is capable of locking on to a target and multi shooting them at once that is why before I give you Artemis I want you to promise me that you won't play around with it and you will use it responsibly." Jaune told Nora.

"I promise Jaune-Jaune, after seeing all the weapons that you have made right now, I will promise you that I won't play around with it and use it responsibly since I know that they are very powerful and I might hurt someone." Nora said being sincere about using it responsibly and not playing with it.

Jaune just nodded at Nora and set up multiple dummies at once to test out Artemis, Nora took aim and locked on and then fired, multiple blasts were sent out and hit the target simultaneously, causing a similar shock wave to Blake's Tensa Zangetsu, which Nora just smiles at and puts away her new weapon like a responsible person, and Jaune just smiles at Nora for being responsible since she most of the time won't listen to anyone.

"Pyrrha yours is a nit different from everyone else's, what I made for you is this, Adamantium goo, I coloured it with your colour scheme to match you better. The goo is made of liquid adamantium metal, with your semblance you should be able utilise it in many ways, for example you can use your semblance to shape it in to an arrow head and sending it hurling towards your enemy since it hardens when you send it flying at a certain speed, or you can create a shield as a support for the team and use your semblance to vibrate the metal fast enough that it will harden, it will be up to you on what you can make from the Adamantium goo." Jaune said to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha tested it out with the dummy that Jaune prepared, she transformed the goo into a spear and send it flying and it easily pierced it and then Jaune activated a Gatling gun that shot at her and on instinct, she used the goo to make a shield in front of her and vibrated it so fast that it hardened and stopped the bullets. She was shocked at the goo's ability to stop the bullets that were heading her way if she did not use the goo to make a shield she knew for a fact that it would have shattered her aura easily, well that is what Pyrrha taught but in reality, it would have taken a lot more then that to shatter her aura since she used the pills that Jaune gave her and she forgot about it.

"This goo is so much stronger than I imagined, what material is it made from.' Pyrrha asked Jaune.

"Oh right, I never showed you what Adamantium is, here this is adamantium." Jaune said to Pyrrha while taking out an adamantium ingot from his storage. After she saw it she nodded at Jaune and he smiled at her.

"Next is Ren, Kanshou and Bakuya. It can transform into a gun with a bayonet, and back to being a sword. The sword itself can easily kill Grimm, and when you throw one of the swords and one sword in your hand the thrown sword will return back to you since the sword are attracted to one another." Jaune said to Ren.

Just like everyone, Jaune set up a dummy, and Ren transformed Kanshou and Bakuya into its gun mode and shot at the dummy, the fire rate was more than three times Storm Flower and the power of each shot is capable of shooting through titanium-reinforced armour. Next, he made Kanshou and Bakuya into its sword mode once more and throw one of them at the dummy and after hitting the dummy it flew back to him as if he had a polarity semblance. Ren was amazed at the swords ability to fly back to him as long as he was holding one of them. After testing it out Ren just nodded at Jaune and Jaune did the same.

"And lastly, Penny. I made you a new floating array without the strings as a symbol for you becoming a person of your own and no longer be controlled by anyone but yourself." Jaune told Penny while handing her the new floating array.

"Thank you, Jaune. But if it no longer have strings, how do I control it." Penny thanked Jaune while asking a question.

"The new floating array is self-levitating and is controlled by a neurolink which is the small green device with the weapon and it is put on your temple which will send a signal to your floating array depending on what you want it to do. And lastly Penny, I wanted to give you this as well, it is Lucifer, a backpack that can produce multiple blades that you can use like a normal sword or throw it at your enemy and detonate it, it is capable of producing fifteen swords at once." Jaune told Penny while handing Lucifer to her.

For the last time, Jaune set up a dummy for Penny so that she can test out her new weapons. Penny first tested the Floating array but so far she could only control four blades at once and she told it to pierce the dummy, then she used it like her usual floating array where is made it spin then shot a blast from it, the blast was much stronger than her previous floating array which shocked her since she can tell that each sword has its energy source, meaning that the blast that she did was not the best it can do since she had twenty-five swords.

"This, is, wow, and that is not even its maximum power since I could not control the others yet." Penny told the group which caused them to drop their jaw again since they heard her say that it was not the maximum power and she still has a lot of sword with the array.

"Yeah, I went a bit over board when I designed it, giving each sword an Arc reactor as a power source." Jaune informed Penny. Now that Jaune was finished giving them his gifts, Jaune told them that they can train with it or rest for today since he was heading out. The rest of the time before Jaune was going to leave for his date he helped them with their new weapons.

This lasted until Jaune had to leave for his date and when they saw Jaune looking good, they decided to ask him.

"Hey, Jaune. Your looking good tonight, you going anywhere." Yang asked.

"Yeah, Jaune. Oh, are you going on a date." Nora said. The word date got the girls to look at Nora and glare at her but she just shrugged at it.

"Got that right Nora, I'm heading out for a date with Glynda." Jaune said.

Now the girls that are interested in Jaune was seething with jealousy since he was going to go on a date with Glynda while they are going to continue training. Jaune saw just how jealous the girls were but he wanted them to realise their feelings for him since they don't have a firm grasp of their feelings for him. He told them that he might come back very late and that he already cook dinner for everyone and they are in the fridge, they must heat it up.. Jaune was hoping that they start figuring out their feelings for him whether they want to be more than friends or just remain friends, and he left heading towards Glynda's room.

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