Now we have Blake and Jaune in Vale since Blake wanted to investigate the Bloody Fang and Jaune did not want to disturb the others so he just came with Blake, of course, he told Ozpin about, telling him that she was going to do it alone if he doesn't help anyway and that it is safer for him to go with her and protect her and Ozpin agreed, which surprised him but he did not question it since Ozpin was busy dealing with the council right now.

"Blake, what is your plan in finding the whereabouts of the Bloody Fang." Jaune asked Blake.

"I, I don't know, I was just planning to walk around Vale and listen to people talking and maybe I might hear something about them." Blake said a bit embarrassed since she did not have a proper plan on tackling the investigation.

"Hey, if you guys are trying to investigate the bloody fang why not try the docks since I heard that there is a huge Schnee dust shipment today and I also heard that the bloody fang have been steal dust." A blonde-haired monkey Faunus said.

"Aren't you that Faunus who stowed away in a boat yesterday." Blake asked.

"That's me, names Sun Wukong." Sun said.

"Well then, thank you for confessing to your crime mister Wukong, now I can call someone to arrest you." Jaune said jokingly while trying to pretend to take his scroll and call the authorities but in the next second Sun was gone. Jaune looked at Blake and he saw that even she was confused when Sun left.

"Well, what do you think of his suggestion Blake." Jaune asked Blake.

"Were you really going to call the police on Sun, and also it is worth a shot." Blake said.

"Then let's do that, and also no I was not planning to call on the cops I was just joking around, I didn't think he would actually run away." Jaune said.

With that Jaune and Blake went to the docks to stake out the place, it took them hours, they started around noon and now it is around eight in the evening. Blake was laying down on her stomach, while Jaune was just sitting beside her.

"Do you really think that they will come here." Blake asked Jaune.

"Yep, since they are already here." Jaune said while pointing at some people that are wear outfit that looks like the white fang but was red and black instead.

"Isn't that Torchwick, what are the bloody fang doing working for someone like him if they hate Humans so much. I understand the steal of huge amount of dust since it causes problems for the SDC but not working with Torchwick." Blake said.

"I don't know but, I want you to go towards the members of the bloody fang and stop them when I give you the signal, while I'll go and apprehend Torchwick." Jaune said to Blake which she tried to complain that she wanted to fight Torchwick but she knows the reason why Jaune asked her to fight the Bloody fang members instead since Jaune was much stronger than she is.

They waited for a few minutes taking pictures of Torchwick trying to steal the SDC dust shipment alongside the Bloody Fang, he did this to show proof that they were not a part of the theft. Jaune gave the signal and she ran towards the Bloody Fang while he went towards Torchwick.

"Roman Torchwick you are Under arrest surrender now and I won't have to hurt you." Jaune shouted to Roman.

"Well hello and who might you be." Roman said.

"Names Jaune Arc, licensed huntsman." Jaune told Torchwick.

"Ha-ha, now that's funny, a kid pretending to be a huntsman. From your age you're probably just a huntsman-in-training, kid" Roman told Jaune, which is understandable since Jaune is just seventeen.

"Even if I was just a huntsman-in-training, it is still my duty to stop your criminal activity, and besides, I have already called the authority to report you." Jaune told him which annoyed Torchwick since now he is rapidly running out of time.

Torchwick tried to shoot Jaune with Melodic Cudgel but Jaune just easily dodged his hits without even trying, which pissed him off. Roman saw a crate on top of Jaune, so he aims for it, within that split second that he took his sight away from Jaune, he was now in front of Roman, Jaune kicked him in the stomach which caused him to drop his cane. Roman now without a weapon is slightly panicking so he called for the fang members to attack him, but nothing happened, he looked towards them and saw that they were busy fending off a raven-haired girl. Jaune saw that Roman was distracted so he took this chance to punch him in the face hard enough that it shattered his aura, then he proceeded to hit him again to knock him out.

Meanwhile, Blake was doing very well fighting over a dozen members of the Bloody Fang, she was able to fight them easily since she was able to produce three clones of herself rather than just one, and this is amazing considering that Jaune has not given anyone else the pills and only Yang and Ruby has taken it which is why they are so much stronger than the others, which caused Pyrrha to be happy since she now has people that is stronger than her that she can challenge and try to surpass but her Pyrrha's goal is to be as strong if not stronger than Jaune, but she knows she has a long way.

Back to Blake, she was easily dominating the fight and it only took her a few minutes to beat all of them which got a smile from Jaune since they are stronger than canon and he doesn't have to worry about them too much since he knows they can now take care of themselves better.

"That was well done Blake, you even put your train to practice and avoided damaging your surroundings, I'm impressed." Jaune told Blake. Blake, in turn, blushed at this since Jaune just complimented her and Jaune doesn't easily compliment them especially in there training, he will only do so when they deserved it.

"Thank you Jaune, I guess your training is really paying off for me, especially for my semblance, I have a lot more control over it unlike before when I can only make it do small commands." Blake said.

While they were talking the police came and asked them to raise their hands, and Jaune told them that he was a huntsman but they were sceptical that is until he should them his licence using his scroll, the police asked them what happened and he told them that he heard someone say that they saw Torchwick steal some shipments of dust so he went and checked it out and Torchwick was indeed stealing some creates, he even showed them the scroll video of Roman ordering the Bloody fang to hurry up and loading the crates to the bullhead. The police thanked him for the information and took the fang members and Torchwick in the car to take them to the station to interrogate them, Jaune asked them if he can talk to Torchwick in the station since he has some questions for him, and they told him that it will be fine since he was the one who apprehended him in the first place. So Jaune told Blake to return to Beacon and she complied, while he went to the station to talk to Roman.

It took them about thirty minutes to arrive in the station, and they prepared a room for Jaune to interrogate Roman, which he is thankful for since they were able to prepare it quickly.

"Well damn kid, your hits felt like I was hit straight on by a bullhead." Roman told Jaune when he saw him go inside the room.

Jaune took out a box that can tell when someone is lying, it was the same one that he used when he spoke with Sienna Khan. One thing that Jaune did to the room when he came in was using his magic to loop the camera feed to make it look like they were only talking normally and even the one-way mirror is being affected by the magic that he used.

"So, what's the small box for, is it a tool for you to make me talk." Roman said trying to seem nonchalant but is nervous inside because he got himself caught and if Cinder finds out about it he will be in so much trouble.

"No, it's just a lie detector, and you don't have to worry about anything as long as you answer my questions truthfully." Jaune told him.

"Ohh, I'm so scared, why don't I just tell you everything I know, oh and maybe I might even tell you why I tried to steal a huge amount of dust." Roman said sarcastically while try to smirk at Jaune, which Jaune was having none of that since Roman has some information about Cinder so right now he is very serious since he is trying to prevent the fall of Beacon and this piece of shit thinks he is playing games. Jaune knew that as long as Cinder is out there, the possibility of the fall of Beacon is still high, even if Ozpin and his people know who was responsible for the attack on Amber, they might just find another way to hack into the CCTS, that's why he wanted to upgrade and shot down the current CCTS so that they won't be able to hack it, that way without even knowing it if was release a huge amount of aura that was pushing Roman down hard and he was even having a hard time breathing but what scared him was the fact that the look in Jaune's eyes was that of someone who will instantly kill him if he tried to be funny again, even his fear of Cinder is nothing to the fear that he is feeling right now as if he was face to face with a giant beast.

"I'm not playing games with you Roman, try being funny again and I will show you true fear." Jaune said with a voice that is very terrifying and indifferent, this got a nod from Roman.

"Good, now, tell me do you know who this people are." Jaune said while showing a Picture of Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury in his scroll.

"Yes." Roman said quickly, terrified that Jaune might harm him if he did not answer fast enough.

"Tell me, are you working for them." Jaune asked him.

"Yes." Roman again answered very quickly.

"Tell me Roman, why are you stealing all the dust in the kingdom." Jaune asked.

"The black-haired woman in the photo threatened me to steal all the dust for her, she said that if I don't comply with her demands, that she will kill the only person that I cared about, so, I started doing what she asked." Roman told Jaune, which turns out to be true since the box flashed green.

"Tell me, do you know of their plans." Jaune asked.

"I don't know, but I was supposed to meet with them." Roman said.

"Hello Jaune, how can I help you." Ozpin said.

"Hello Ozpin, I just caught Roman Torchwick, and I asked him some questions since his actions were very suspicious since Roman doesn't really steal dust, so I asked him if he was working for someone and he said yes and when I should him the picture of the people that attacked Amber and he confirmed that he is in fact working for her albeit against his will." Jaune told Ozpin.

"Hmm, if he is in fact forced to work for her, then maybe he might be able to help us apprehend them, and stop whatever they are planning. Jaune, can you tell me where you are right now, I'll try to get there as soon as possible." Ozpin said to Jaune.

"I am currently in the Vale police department, I am watching over Roman since, I have heard of not so good rumours about this place." Jaune told Ozpin.

"That's good, watch over Roman and make sure that he doesn't go anywhere and make sure to tell them not to inform the media of the capture of Roman Torchwick, so that he might be able to help us catch his employer off guard." Ozpin said to Jaune. He complied with Ozpin and told the police to hold the information about Torchwick and that he will be guarding him until the headmaster of Beacon arrives.

It took Ozpin an hour to arrive and he came with Glynda. He started talking to the chief of police trying to take Roman into his custody which the chief was trying to deny since he wanted the credit of catching Roman for his precinct and get a bonus since Roman has eluded the four kingdoms for a long time, though that was thought was shut down when Ozpin showed him a file that has the approval of the council to be handed to Beacon. When all that was settled they headed back to Beacon with Roman in tow. While on the bullhead to Beacon the three professors were talking about the attacker of Amber.

"Thank you Jaune, with your capture of Roman Torchwick we might be able to find the perpetrator that attack Amber, I am also calling in Qrow since he has been looking for them for a long time now without any leads." Ozpin said.

"And now we might be able to learn more about them. And find out what they wanted to do with the Maidens powers." Glynda said

"Well if you want to question Torchwick, here take this, it will be very useful for you." Jaune said to both Glynda and Ozpin while handing them a white box.

"Jaune, what does this thing do." Glynda asked.

"It's a simple lie detector, you can try it right now if you want, red meaning they are lying while green means that they are telling the truth. You can try it on me, if you want." Jaune told them, this caused a mischievous side of Ozpin to come out.

"Okay then, tell me Jaune, what do you think about Glynda." Ozpin asked.

"She is a great educator, albeit a bit too strict if you asked me, but overall she is a great person and very dedicated to her work." Jaune said which caused the box to light green. But Ozpin did not stop there, he wanted to have some fun occasionally.

"What do you think is the best thing about Glynda." Ozpin asked this question caught him off guard since he didn't think Ozpin is this kind of person now if he lied they will know and if he tells the truth they will know of his preference.

"Well, I think everything about her is great." Jaune said without lying but also not answer Ozpin's question directly, Ozpin a very old and wise person decided to make his question to a straight forward question.

"I see, well then which part of Glynda do you thing is the best." Ozpin asked, of course, Jaune right now was cursing Ozpin, to the fact that Glynda was sitting beside him, but when he looked at Glynda she seemed eager for him to answer her question.

'God damn it, Ozpin.' Jaune thought.

"Come on Jaune, it is a very simple question." Ozpin said.

"Fine! the best part about her are her thɨġh and buŧŧ, I mean have you seen her in her clothes, she looks amazing." Jaune said, which caused the blonde female professor to blush a bit, and the box to light green.

'Oh my, I mean we are colleagues and not a student and teacher, well not that it would matter since student-teacher relationship is not against the rules of Beacon or the law of Vale since huntsman and huntresses-in-training are already fully considered ȧduŀt when they enter Beacon. And Jaune does have an amazing buŧŧ as well.' Glynda thought.

'Maybe, just maybe, if this two got together, Glynda will stop bothering me about my paperwork for a while and I might be able to increase the coffee budget without her knowing.' Ozpin thought.

"Well, we are arriving in Beacon in a few minutes, and Jaune thank you for the lie detector this will help immensely with the investigation." Ozpin told Jaune.

When they arrived, Ozpin told Jaune that he will inform him if they find anything new from Roman, and left to bring Roman to a holding facility which happens to be the Fort Port in the Elevator. Jaune returned to his base and decided to sleep for all the trouble that he had to go through the day.

The next day JNPR and RWBY went about their school day, they first had Math and History with Dr Oobleck, next they had Grimm studies with Professor Port, then they had Survival, Botany, and Dust studies with Professor Peach, then they had Combat Class with Glynda and Jaune, and lastly, they attended their elective class with Jaune for three hours for Mechanics and Weapon Crafting. So now, both teams are headed back to their residence to have their training with Jaune, this is their schedule every week to make sure that they stay in their best performance while not neglecting their common knowledge and that they are ready in case they must stay in the wilderness for a long time, they will know to survive and find a proper food in the wild until rescue arrives. Right now, they are all changing to their combat suit since Jaune said that they will have a spar to see how much they have improved in the few months that he has been training them with team CFVY just watch them from a seat nearby. After a few minutes, they went out and was heading to the sparring room and they were talking about their improvements and other things.

"So, guys are you ready to show Jaune just how much we have improved." Yang said to them confident that she improved a lot since she has been perfecting her martial arts to the best of her abilities and with help from Jaune.

"Yeah, I'm excited to show him my improvement with my semblance." Ruby said.

"I do too, I want to show him that I am not only able to use my summon, but the fact that I can summon multiple different ones at the same time and the improvements to my swordsmanship, I was a bit angry when he said that the way I fight was stupid and inefficient since I was wasting my stamina and showing my back to my opponent when I spin needlessly, but now I can last longer in my fights and the rapier techniques he should me are not only efficient but also graceful." Weiss said.

"Same with me, I have made a huge progress with my semblance, I no longer lose control over it when I get startled or when my emotion in not stable, and I no longer struggle to control bigger objects as well, and he even helped me improve my sword and shield techniques and my spears technique as well." Pyrrha said.

"For me, I'm happy to learn how to more efficiently break legs with the techniques that he taught me. I mean he should me more than ten different techniques to break legs rather than just smash them when their down, but now I can even break their legs when they are standing or if they are in the air." Nora said. This got a nod from Ren since he saw that she no longer just goes head-on, but instead she plans her attack.

"For me, I am finally able to fight a lot longer and all the other martial arts that he taught me such as Tai chi is a good complement with my aura control." Ren said.

"Well, for me, he already complimented my fighting when we caught some Bloody Fang members and Torchwick, so I will just do my best in this training to show him that he has not seen all my improvements." Blake said. Just the other day her friends berated her for not asking them for help instead she decided to go on her own if Jaune did not catch her.

"Well then, let's hurry up and head into the training room so that we can show him how awesome we are." Yang said.

"HELL YEAH." Nora said. And they all started to walk faster.

When they got there, they saw Jaune and team CFVY waiting for them, they know that team CFVY will be watching them since Jaune has not made a training Regime for them yet, since he still needed to ȧssess them.

"Alright, the first one to spar will be Ren and Blake. I want to see how you guys improve in the last month." Jaune said which got a nod from Ren and Blake while everyone else just went and had a seat while waiting for their turn.

Ren and Blake take their position and was waiting for Jaune signal to start.

"Okay, we will be doing tournament style spar, the first to go red with their aura loses." Jaune said before signalling for them to start.

Ren dashed towards Blake since he knew she was faster than him, he got in front of Blake and tried to strike her but she used her clones to push her out of the way, while another clone tried to attack Ren at two places at once but he was able to dodge one of them while blocking the other. Whenever Ren thinks that he will land a hit on Blake he would strengthen his strikes with an aura so that he would be able to do substantial damage, but Blake keeps on changing her movement pattern. Blake tries to use her clones as a distraction for Ren to leave some opening but his defence was incredible and she was having a hard time, and she did not have as fine aura control as Ren so whenever she uses her semblance she uses quite a bit while Ren was using so much less with his aura powered strikes. The fight lasts for about ten minutes before Ren started to lose stamina since he has way less stamina than Blake which she took advantage of. Eventually due to fatigue Ren became sloppy and Blake was able to strike an opening in Ren's defence and that single strike was enough to catch him on guard and she kept on attacking until his aura was on the red and Jaune called the fight to an end.

When team CFVY saw the fight they were amazed, the precision of Ren's strike, Blake's perfect dodging, Ren's aura control and Blake's planning and patience to wear her opponent down was amazing, she was glad that Jaune was training her and her team because of what she saw, she was sure that if they fought in the Vytal tournament then team CFVY is sure to lose.

The sparring continued with Nora and Weiss fighting with Nora dominating the fight but Jaune saw the improvement of Weiss endurance and Nora's ability to now plan her attacks, then Pyrrha and Yang fought this was a straight-up win for Yang since she was much stronger and faster than Pyrrha while Pyrrha did improve her semblance control and her sword and spear technique she still has a long way to go to beat Yang since Yang already used the pills that Jaune gave her that brought out her full potential.

The last Fight was between Ruby and Yang, and this fight was different since Jaune permitted them to use their nanite suit and not to hold anything back which they complied. The fight lasted for more than thirty minutes, Ruby using her speed to get around Yang, while Yang used her techniques to dodge and counter Ruby's attack even on weird angles, eventually, Yang was able to disarm Ruby and win the fight. Ruby was no means a weak fighter when it comes to hand-to-hand it is just that Yang is a hand-to-hand specialist and had years more experience than Ruby.

The Fight between Ruby and Yang was mind-boggling for the rest of the people in the sparring room, they knew that Ruby and Yang was holding back, but they did not think they were holding out by a lot. When the training was over Jaune asked Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, Weiss, and Blake to meet him in his office since he has something to give them. The rest just went back to their room planning to rest for a long day's work. When they arrived in Jaune's office they saw him holding some boxes that they have never seen before.

"I would like you guys to take a seat while I explain what I am about to give you and I'm going to warn you now not to let any know about it since people will kill to have what I'm going to give you." Jaune told them and they just nodded even if they were confused.

Jaune opened the boxes and showed them what was inside it was the same as the things that he gave to Ruby and Yang. He told them what the pills do, Red to enhance everything about aura, blue enhances anything body and combat-related things such as strength and a person's talent for combat and lastly the gold pill that will remove impurity within their body that will enhance their overall potential. The last boxes were the nanite suit that he made for them, Lotus for Ren, Schnee symbol for Weiss, a shield with a spear for Pyrrha, a hammer with lightning for Nora, and a Belladonna flower for Blake. The group did not know what the emblems was for since they already have one of their own, but Jaune tells them that they are nanite suits just like the suits that Ruby and Yang wore during their spar, he explains some of its features just like to Yang and Ruby and told them to find out the others on their own. He also told them just like Yang and Ruby that they are only to wear them during missions and they are not to use them during training unless he tells them too. Jaune also tells them to take all three pills before bed and not anytime earlier since they will pass out if they take it now and he was not caring them to their rooms, they did what they said and the next morning they were shocked at their changes, but none more than Weiss since her brėȧst have finally grown by a lot, the only real problem was how Nora was freaking out and tell Ren that he should not show his self in public in case he gets kidnapped but thots, which got laughs from everyone since they admit Ren does look amazing.

The teams when and headed to class after they were able to calm down Nora and Ren had to promise not to leave her for a thot in which he agreed since Ren was in fact in love with Nora and Nora just as in love with Ren, they went about their day normally until they headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

Jaune meanwhile was with Ozpin, Qrow, Glynda and Amber to discuss what to do with Roman, Qrow said he was able to get more information from Roman such as the fact that he was told to eliminate a former fang member named Tukson since he was there when Cinder recruited Adam Taurus to work for her. So, Qrow said he would bring Tukson back to Beacon in case he has some information, next they talked about how they can make Roman go back to Cinder and do what she says while he informs them of what they are doing and what they are planning, but Ozpin said they do not have anything they can to keep track of Roman and letting him leave on his own was not such a good idea, so Jaune proposed to Ozpin that he can make a tracking device for Roman so they know where to find him and Ozpin agreed only if he can make it in the next three days since it might be suspicious if Roman does not report back to Cinder and Jaune just nods, Roman though did not want to do it since he was afraid of Cinder, it took time for Roman to accept it but they had to promise to protect his niece Neopolitan, and that she would not get any jail time, that was very easy for Ozpin since Neo did not have a criminal record in the first place.

So, for the next three days, Jaune has been designing a tracker that is impossible to detect, but he was having a hard time since someone might be able to find the tracker with a metal detector or a device that detects signals, then it hit him, why not design a tracker with a new type of signal that only he knows about, a signal that is not even supposed to be possible in the first place, and so he did but for this, he had to use Arc of Embodiment instead of making it on his own. He then informed Ozpin that he finished the tracker and handed him a custom scroll and that only that scroll will be able to track Roman and nothing else.

Meanwhile, Qrow came back to Beacon with Tukson in hand, Qrow even said that he fake Tukson's death to make the cover for Roman missing for a few days more believable. Tukson was thankful for the opportunity for him to hide from the former white fang turned bloody fang. Qrow interrogated Tukson and found out that a bunch of bloody fangs are moving to Mt. Glenn for some 'work' for them to do, which caught the attention of Ozpin and everyone else since Grimm activity was increase there for a while now and no matter how many huntsmans they send, it is always not enough and it will be full of Grimm again after a few days as if something is drawing them there, so Ozpin added a recon mission in the area, to find out what was going on, but so far no one is taking it and Qrow, and Glynda was busy enough with Qrow looking for clues on Cinder and her cohorts, and Glynda due to running the school and fixing any damages the students do.

The next day, Roman was released to do what they asked him to do, and that is to gather information on the plan of Cinder. The only thing that they got from him was that Cinder asked him to steal the latest Atlas Paladin that was being transported to Vale from Atlas for a demonstration and he was told to showcase it to the bloody fang meeting. Ozpin told him to continue spying on them and do what he must as long as he does not put anyone in danger. Meanwhile, Glynda and Jaune were teaching combat class for the other first-year then they were called in due to a disturbance in the cafeteria, so they had to dismiss the class early and headed to the cafeteria were team RWBY and NPR was having 'lunch'.

When they got there the cafeteria was destroyed and Glynda was annoyed and she started to fix everything that was damaged and she saw team RWB and NPR before she said.

"Children, please. Do not play with your food!" Glynda said with Jaune behind her and Ozpin behind Jaune heading to the front with Glynda, he was here because he was also called in due to the disturbance. Not far behind the three teachers were Sun and Neptune who was just looking at the angry teacher and 'student' that just came in, with Neptune annoyed since he was covered in soda.

The next moment Yang falls from the roof, the only reason why Nora was able to send her flying was that they were just playing around and was not serious anyway.

"Let it go, Glynda." Ozpin says.

"They're supposed to be the defenders of the world." Glynda said with a sigh.

And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part? After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever, and besides, it is best to see them smile while they can." Ozpin said, while Jaune just watched them, waiting for Glynda to calm down.

Glynda and Ozpin left while he stayed, to talk to team RWBY and NPR and punish them for the destruction of property since he taught them to make sure that do not cause any property damage and avoid it as much as they can. He was walking towards them but instead, he saw Sun and decided to play with him a little.

"It's you, the stow away that Blake told me about!" Jaune shouted. this got the attention of Sun and Neptune, with Sun sweating since he heard of the voice that tried to 'report' him to the authorities a few days ago.

"Hey dude, keep it down please, I don't want to get expelled from Haven for being a stow away." Sun tried to make Jaune lower his voice.

"So, you're a Haven academy student, I should report you to our Headmaster for being a criminal!" Jaune shouted to Sun who is now sweating bullets since the rest on of the people in the cafeteria are now looking at him. Team RWBY and NPR are now looking at him with amusement since they know that Jaune was just making fun of him since they were once the victim of it especially Blake when they first met.

Sun tried to run from Jaune but was easily caught by him.

"Come on dude, be cool. It was just a small thing. I mean I saw you and that black-haired girl attack someone in the docks a few days ago." Sun told Jaune why pointing at Blake.

"A part from being a stow away, now you are even a stalker." Jaune said, while Blake was a bit creeped out since Sun winked at her when they first met, then later he pops out of nowhere when she and Jaune were talking about the bloody fang, and now she finds out that Sun was following them when they were on a stakeout for the bloody fang for who knows how long since they were there for a while.

"Jaune is really playing with him isn't he." Yang said to the group.

"Yup." They all replied.

"Hey look, maybe we just started on the wrong foot, my partner is not a criminal, he paid for a ticket for the ship, he just wanted to know how it feels like to be a stow away so he pretended to not have a ticket." Neptune said to Jaune since he was afraid that his partner was going to get expelled since he stowed away on a boat from one kingdom to the other, meaning he could also be charged with illegal entry to Vale, so he was sweating bullets.

When Jaune and his group saw how shaken up Neptune was with the situation they just started laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing." Sun asked.

"That's because Jaune always do stuff like this whenever he can, and he's done it to everyone here." Ruby said, Sun and Neptune now know that they are not really in trouble started to relax. The ones who are in trouble now was not Sun and Neptune, but RWBY and NPR.

"Now, what did I teach you guys about damaging property." Jaune asked the group, ow they are the ones sweating since they know that Jaune will punish them when he must.

"You told as to do whatever we can to minimize or avoid damaging property when we can." They all said in Unison.

"Good, it seems that you were paying attention when I'm training you guys, so what made you decided to destroy the entire cafeteria." Jaune asked.

"I swear it just happened, first we were just talking about what we would to end the semester then the next thing we know, Weiss was hit with a pie, then it just escalated from there." Ruby said apologetic and sad when she saw the disappointment in Jaune's face since they destroyed the cafeteria.

"Now, as punishment all of you will be cleaning the entire cafeteria, I want to see all of you working together and I will be watching you do so. I will head into a janitor closet to get you some cleaning equipment, when I come back I want to see you cleaning or else I will increase your punishment." Jaune said, and they all just nodded and Jaune left to get the cleaning supplies and equipment. While messaging Glynda that he is now punishing team RWBY and NPR. When he was gone Sun went to team RWBY and NPR.

"Sup, guys." Sun said.

"Aren't you that person that we saw stow away last week end." Weiss said.

"Yeah that was me." Sun said. Neptune saw Weiss and he took a liking to her and he decided to approach her.

"Wow, your teammate is a hard ȧss am I right, Snow Angel." Neptune said while trying to be suave. Which just annoyed Weiss since he just called Jaune a hard ȧss when she knows he was just punishing them for something stupid they did.

"First of all, never call me Snow Angel, second don't ever call Jaune a hard ȧss, or else we are having a problem." Weiss told Neptune, which he just saw as her playing hard to get.

"Oh, come on, you got to admit that he was a hard ȧss, I mean he is literally making you guys clean the entire cafeteria." Neptune said, with Weiss getting more irritated and eventually she just kicked him, and kicked him hard in his balls. Now Neptune was on the floor writhing in pain, Sun was just looking at him since he knows Neptune was going to get attacked since he did not take Weiss warning seriously.

When Jaune got back he just saw Neptune in the floor but did not care since he thought Neptune probably did or say something to annoy RWBY and NPR, but he was happy when he saw that even they are friends RWBY and NPR are taking their punishment seriously.

Meanwhile back with Roman a couple of hours ago.

"Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!" Roman said the moment Mercury and Emerald were in his view.

"Spare us the thought of you procreating" Emerald said in disgust thinking about Roman doing the deed.

"That was a joke. And this, just might tell me where you two have been all day." Roman told both Emerald and Mercury.

"What!? Augh" Emerald said since Roman was able to pickpocket her

"I'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something. Why do you have this address?" Roman asked them.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Emerald said.

"Yeah, I would. Now where have you been all day?" Roman asked.

"We were out checking if you did your job." Mercury said.

"And I guess, we had nothing to worry about." Emerald said.

"Like I said, I'm a professional." Roman said and Cinder walked up to them and emerald Shouted her name in excitement.

"Cinder!" Emerald shouted.

"Quiet Emerald. Did I not specifically instruct you and Mercury to keep your hands clean while in Vale?" She told them.

"I just thought-" Emerald was going to tell her something but was cut off.

"Don't think... obey." Cinder said sternly.

"Yes ma'am. It won't happen again." Emerald said apologetically.

"So, now that I have stolen nearly all the dust in the kingdom, what am I supposed to do now." Roman asked trying to get her to tell him of his plan.

"Oh, Roman. Have a little faith. You'll know what you need when you need to know it. But since you have done such a good job, I'll let you in on it a little bit early, Atlas General Ironwood is heading to Vale in a few days, he is bringing with him a new robot prototype they all the Atlesian Paladin, now I want you to steal it, then attend a bloody fang meeting demonstrating to them that even the Atlas military is not all that great." Cinder told Roman, then she left with Emerald and Mercury in tow.

After waiting for a while, Roman sent a message to Ozpin about what Cinder told him to do, which in a few minutes he received a message telling him to do what he must do if it does not bring any danger to anyone, and to continue reporting to him what Cinder asks him to do.

Back at Beacon, Glynda and Ozpin are looking outside the window atop of Beacon which happens to Ozpin's Office.

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels." Glynda tells Ozpin while she was looking at the Atlesian bullheads

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man. But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore. Come in." Ozpin told Glynda then looked at his desk since he heard a chirp indicating that someone was requesting access to his office.

"Ozpin!" Ironwood said in a very cheery manner.

"Hello, General." Ozpin replied to Ironwood.

"Please, drop the formalities. It's been a while. And Glynda! It has certainly been a while since we last met." Ironwood said.

"Oh, James!" Glynda tells him sarcastically while informing Ozpin that she will be waiting outside.

"Well, she hasn't changed a bit." Ironwood said.

"So, what in the world has brought you all the way down from Atlas? Headmasters don't typically travel with their students, for the Vytal Festival." Ozpin said to Ironwood while enquiring him of his presence in Beacon.

"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year. Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up." Ironwood said to Ozpin but Ozpin knew that isn't true.

"I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned." Ozpin said.

"Well, concern is what brought them here." Ironwood said.

"I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult." Ozpin said pretending to be ignorant as to why Ironwood brought a small fleet to Vale.

"Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men." Ironwood said changing his voice to a more serious tone.

"We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression." Ozpin said.

"But if what Qrow said is true-" Ironwood tried to explain his self but was cut off by Ozpin.

"If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully. It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So, I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent. That just causes peoples anxiety to increase therefore it would easily cause a Grimm invasion if they do not calm down." Ozpin told Ironwood with a friendly voice but became stern when he mentions Ironwood's soldiers.

"I'm just being cautious." Ironwood said.

"As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can." Ozpin said.

"Believe me, I am. But ask yourself this, do you honestly believe your children can win a war?" Ironwood asked Ozpin.

"Why let them win a war, when we can prevent it in the first place. And lastly I hope that they will never have to." Ozpin said to Ironwood while Ironwood was heading out of his office.

The next few hours Ozpin was sitting in his office waiting for the Council to decide on whether they will allow the satellite to be launched or not. It was not until around ten in the evening that he received a call from them.

"Good evening, Council members." Ozpin said.

"Ozpin, if we approved of this, how long before you can get it running." Councilmember 1 said.

"According to the person himself, it will only take him about a week to do so, and he has already started on it a few days ago. So, if you do approve then we should be able to get it up and running in no time." Ozpin said

"Okay Ozpin, you have one chance, one chance only to show us results. If this fails then, our trust in you will be null, and the security of the Vytal festival will be handed to someone else." Councilmember 2 said.

"I understand." Ozpin said.

"Good, because you won't get another chance." Councilmember 3 said.

With that Ozpin closed the call with the council members and called Jaune to see how fast he can get it up and running.

"Hello Jaune." Ozpin said talking to Jaune in the scroll.

"Ozpin, how can I help you." Jaune asked.

"I am here to inform you that the council have approved of your proposal but they said that you only got one shot to do so and you won't get another. How fast do you think you can finish the satellite?" Ozpin asked.

"Okay, so we only have one chance, that's fine. And regarding the satellite, I have already finished it and is already ready to be launch at any time." Jaune told Ozpin.

"Good then, do you think you can do the launch right now." Ozpin asked.

"That's no problem at all, where can I launch it from." Jaune asked Ozpin.

"Meet me, Qrow and Glynda at the Beacon cliff." Ozpin said.

With that Jaune took the DynoCaps that has the satellite on them and headed to the Beacon cliffs. It took him about a few minutes to get changed and arrive in the cliff when he got there he saw Qrow and Glynda but Ozpin was nowhere to be seen, so he asked them.

"Hey, Qrow, Glynda, where is Ozpin." Jaune asked.

"He is setting the catapult to bring us to a secluded area in the Emerald forest." Glynda said.

"So, kid. Oz told me that you designed a satellite that works in space, I was a bit sceptical about it, but since it's you, I thought to myself 'yeah that's about right' since you have already done so many impossible things, what is another, right." Qrow said while chuckling to himself.

"Ha-ha. Well it was not that hard since I was already using a similar power source for my base, the only difference is I am using a more powerful one for the satellite that will give it enough energy to launch itself in to space and power itself for a long time I even went and design a solar panel on it so that when it can, it would charge itself, since it would need a lot of power if we want it to be able to cover the whole of Remnant with as little blind spot as possible." Jaune said.

"You truly have one of the most brilliant minds, Jaune." Glynda said to Jaune which he gave her a heartful smile.

While they were talking Ozpin finished setting the catapult to bring them in a secluded area in the Emerald forest, and he headed to the place where Glynda, Jaune and Qrow are. When he got there he saw them talking, so he approached them and asked them if they were ready, which got a nod from the three, they walked to the catapult and they were flung a fair bit away from the initiation area. When they landed, Ozpin told them to follow him, and they did.

"Okay we're here, Jaune, do you have the satellite with you." Ozpin asked. Jaune nods and takes out a DynoCaps, five of them to be exact.

"I got them right here." Jaune said which they all so was extremely small, Qrow was not even surprise anymore, but Ozpin and Glynda were since they have never since him use a DynoCaps before.

"That's the satellite, wow, it's smaller than I thought." Glynda said.

"This is not the Satellite. The thing inside it is." Jaune told them. Then he proceeded to throw them to the ground and a puff of smoke later there was a fifty-metre tall satellite where he tossed the capsule.

"Okay, now that looks more like a satellite." Ozpin said.

"How many of them did you make." Glynda said.

"I made five of them, all five will simultaneously be orbiting Remnant, I even made A.I for it, so that it will optimise itself to get the best orbit and the best signal it can make. Now all I must do is set it to launch in a few seconds so that we have time to get away from it, I will also enable its cloaking device so that no one will be able to see us launch it." Jaune said while handing them special eyewear that will allow them to see the satellite even if it was cloaked.

With that Jaune set the Satellite to launch in sixty seconds so that they have enough time to get away from it since its initial thrust is very powerful. They waited for the sixty seconds and thanks to the eyewear that Jaune gave them they were able to see the satellite reach the top of the atmosphere and then to space, in the next five minutes they were watching a live feed of a camera on the satellite to see what it was doing, and they saw that it was adjusting itself into position and after that, the scroll on Jaune's hand lighted green indicating that it was a success, and with Ozpin's approval he set up the other four satellite and they were all a success as well.

"It seems that the launch was a success." Ozpin said.

"The launch me be a success, but now it's time to find out if it is working correctly after we shot down the CCTS." Jaune said and Ozpin agreed, so they headed back to Beacon to head to the CCTS to shut it down.

When they arrived, Ozpin was holding the switch to turn off the CCTS, he looks at the group of people with him and they gave him a nod and he pulled down the switch and the CCTS signal was turned off, they looked at their Scrolls and they saw that they lost signal, but a few seconds later they had a clear signal, indicating that it was a success. With that success in mind they went back to Beacon and went their separate ways with Glynda heading to her room, Qrow headed with Ozpin to his office while Jaune went back to his area of residence to have a good night sleep.

In the next morning, Jaune woke up and did his morning routine, have a run, make breakfast for everyone and then take a shower to freshen up and get ready to head to his class. When he got there, he saw Glynda sitting in her seat so he went up towards her.

"So, Glynda, I wanted to ask, if you are already going with someone to the dance." Jaune asked.

"No Jaune, I don't have anyone to go to the dance with, why do you ask." Glynda said.

"Well, I was just wondering." Jaune said.

"Could it be, Jaune, that you are trying to ask me to the dance." Glynda said.

"Well, not just to the dance but on an actual date." Jaune said to Glynda a bit nervous since he has never asked anyone out before, this will be the first.

"Are sure you want to go on a date with me, I mean we do have a bit of an age gap, with you being seventeen and me twenty-seven." Glynda said.

"I don't really mind if you are a bit older than me, Glynda. I find you a wonderful person to be around, you are smart, dedicated and stern when you have to be, you are willing to help them improve themselves further even in your own time, I really do believe you to be a great person." Jaune said. Glynda blushed a bit with everything Jaune told her, she may be a bit older than Jaune but she has never really had time to pursue a relationship since she was always busy, and she did find Jaune appealing.

'I mean, he is a great person, even though he is quite young he showed dedication to teaching people, whether it is in combat class or his own elective class of Mechanics and Weapon Crafting, he showed a willingness to help people, and he is really good looking, I mean really good looking especially that buŧŧ.' Glynda thought.

"Okay, I will go out on a date with you this Sunday, since it is my only available time." Glynda said.

"Great, this Sunday I will pick you up at seven." Jaune said to Glynda happy that he got a date with her.

In the next few minutes, they conversed about the lesson that they will be doing this morning and, in the afternoon when the students started to come into the classroom/arena.

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