While Jaune and Blake were heading to the Belladonna house, Blake was shocked at all the changes of Kuo Kuana or what she ȧssumes is Kuo Kuana, at first, she was thinking that Jaune brought her somewhere else but the fact that she can see Faunus everywhere is proof enough that she is in fact on Menagerie, which just caused her a lot of confusion at the massive changes. While walking Blake heard some kids running towards them while shouting the name of Jaune.

"Jaune, you're back, I thought that you were going to be busy at Beacon since-". Carmine said but was stopped by Jaune. Jaune kneeled to Carmine and Skye to whisper something to them.

"Shush, Blake is a student at Beacon and she doesn't know that I'm a teacher, and I want it to be a surprise tomorrow." Jaune whispered to them which he received a nod from them.

"So, what are you girls up to." Jaune asked them.

"Well, since we moved here, Ms. Scarlet asked as to look around the city and see where we can buy all the necessity that we need, then we saw you." Skye said.

"Well sorry girls, since I won't be able to accompany since I'm heading to the chieftains house with Blake." Jaune told them which was a huge disappointment to the two girls but they understood since Jaune was the reason why Menagerie is the way it is now.

"It's okay, as long as you promise to visit as later." Carmine said and left with Skye to continue the task that their carer asked of them.

Jaune and Blake spend ten minutes walking around before they arrived at their destination, which is a massive house which looks like the original but with a bit of change. Jaune knocked on the door using the door knocker which made a loud bang, which Kali opened the door not even a minute later.

"Blake." Kali said.

"Hey, Mom." Blake says to Kali who is so happy to see her daughter that she was nearly in tears.

"My baby girl." Kali said while hugging her daughter. And then they heard a voice inside the house.

"Kali, who is it?" Ghira shouted.

"It's our baby girl Ghira, its Blake and Jaune." Kali replied to Ghira who has headed to their direction.

The next hour Jaune left Kali, Blake and Ghira so they can have a family reunion since they have not seen each other of a very long time, five years at least.

"How have you been, Blake." Kali asked with Ghira sitting beside her.

"I've been doing good, I left the Fang and decided to become a huntress to help the people." Blake said.

"Well, I'm just glad that you are doing okay and that you finally left that Adam person since Jaune showed me some of the things that he did to villages outside the kingdom." Ghira said, this caught Blake off guard and caused her exposed ears to dropdown. Kali saw that her daughter was feeling down so she reassured her that they still love her even if she did some bad things.

"I should have listened to you guys, I should never have followed Adam that day, I thought that I was fighting for equality with him but, it turns out that he only wanted to see the Humans burned and to show them that Faunus is far superior, it was not later when I realise that he was insane for trying to start a war with the Humans and that was just a losing battle." Blake said.

"It's okay Blake at least now you are atoning for the things you did by trying to be a huntress to help the people and enough depressing topic since it has been a while since we have seen each other and we want to know how you are doing in Beacon." Kali asked wanting to know about the team she made since the initiation for Beacon has already ended.

"Well, I was partnered with a girl named Yang Xiao Long and her sister Ruby Rose is our team leader and Weiss Schnee her partner. But for some reason today they told us that team RWBY and team JNPR will not stay at Beacon dorm but at a place that Jaune apparently have set up for his team and a team he has picked to train, which confused me because according to the headmaster, Jaune will be responsible for training both teams." Blake tells her parents, which got a chuckle by both the parents. Kali and Ghira realise that Blake did not know that Jaune is not a student in Beacon but a professor so that got a laugh from them since they can already see the shocked face of Blake when she later realises that fact.

"Well, you will be surprised when you later find out why." Ghira said.

"Can I ask, how did you guys meet Jaune." Blake asked.

"We met Jaune about two weeks ago, he came to Menagerie to help with some of the problems and we accepted. It was the first time we met someone genuinely who wanted to help and not really asking for anything in return." Ghira said.

"If you realise, the people was not surprised with the presence of Jaune, that's because they accepted him, and knows how much he has helped us. From donating food and necessity to the orphanage to other bigger things like helping out with exterminating Grimm and dangerous wildlife." Kali said.

"And lastly he was the reason why we have this big beautiful city which was named after him 'Arc En Ciel' and also to symbolise a new beginning for Faunus kind and the white fang here in Menagerie with the white fang acting as a Military to deter other kingdom." Ghira said.

"So Jaune helped built this city." Blake asked.

"No dear, Jaune did not help build this city." Ghira said.

"If he did not help build this city then why name it after him and why did you say that he was the reason for why we have this city." Blake asked confused since if Jaune did not help build it then way name it after and then she thought. 'Maybe, he asked someone to help make this city, and that was why dad said it was because of him why we have the city but that does not explain why it was named after him.' Blake thought.

"What your dad means about Jaune not helping build the city is because he built the entire city himself and even we don't know how he did since we just woke the next morning and BAM it was already there." Kali explained. 'What' was all that Blake can think of right now, how can a single person build an entire city in a day.

"WHAT." Blake shouted.

"We know dear, we had the same reaction to you when we found out about it as well." Kali said.

In the next thirty minutes Kali and Ghira both told Blake all the help that Jaune gave them and everything that he has done including why the White Fang was pulled out of the other kingdom to return to Menagerie, they even showed a video of Jaune fighting a massive horde of Grimm on his own without a sweat and eliminating it in a few minutes. Blake was amazed at Jaune's strength and thought that maybe that was why Ozpin put him in charge.

When they finished talking they looked for Jaune and found him outside playing some kids and having a good time, when Jaune saw them he told the kids that he had to go and went towards Blake and her family. When he reached them, Blake hugged and said her thanks to Jaune for all the things he did for Menagerie and Ghira and Kali also hugged him as a thank you for letting them reunite with their daughter and later said their goodbyes since Jaune and Blake had to return to Beacon, and have a good night's sleep.

The next morning Jaune made breakfast and woke everyone up to have breakfast and remind them that they are going to have classes at nine. After breakfast, they all headed to their class except for Jaune because he had to head to Glynda since he must help teach other first years in her combat class while NPR and RWBY have Grimm studies.

"Hey guys, have you seen Jaune, he was the one who told as about the classes but we can't find him." Pyrrha asked.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about Jaune, since he won't get in trouble for not coming to class and you will probably fine out later as to why." Yang replied to Pyrrha.

"Well, if you say so, but I'm still worried about him, what if he went to the emerald forest and needs our help." Pyrrha said, Blake just chuckled at the thought of Jaune needing help with the Grimms in the emerald forest when she saw a video of Jaune fighting Grimms way worse in Menagerie.

"Why are you laughing, Blake. This is serious, we need to help him if that was really the case." Pyrrha said still worried about Jaune but a little bit irritated at Blake for laughing at what she said about Jaune needing help.

"Sorry, I just find it funny, after watching a video of Jaune fighting Grimms, I don't think he will need help fighting Grimms in the emerald forest when I watched a video of Jaune fighting a horde of Grimms on his own, which consist of Goliath, Saber, Manticore, Sphinx and other Grimms." Blake told them.

"Wait you saw a video of Jaune fighting a horde of Grimms, do you have the video and can we watch it." Nora asked.

"Yes, I did watch a video about Jaune fighting and I do have a copy of the video and yes I'll let you watch it after class." Blake told them, being a little bit more open after meeting with her parents but still has her guard up.

"The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honourable! A true Huntsman must be dependable! A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise! So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Port asks the class, with Weiss raising her hand.

"I do sir!" Weiss shouted.

"Well, then, let's find out! Step forward, and face your opponent!" Port said to Weiss while pointing at the cage.

Weiss heads to the lockers to get changed to her combat skirt and returns in few minutes. When she returns, she sees her team cheering for her.

"GO, Weiss!" Yang shouted.

"Fight well!" Blake says while waving a flag with RWBY etched on it.

"Yeah, represent Team RWBY!" Ruby shouted which just got a nod from Weiss. Weiss and Ruby may have had issues in the beginning but she understood why Ozpin made her leader after Ruby showed her what she was capable of when she killed the Elder death Stalker on her own, and that she showed a keen interest in Ports lesson when even she was starting to doze off.

"Alright, let the match Begin." Port said while smashing the lock of the Grimm in the cage, which was revealed to be a Boarbatusk, who immediately charges at Weiss.

Weiss used her rapier Myrtenaster to deflect the attack of the Boarbatusk and roll to the side, readying herself for its next move, the Boarbatusk stands far away from Weiss observing her.

"Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you" Port says to Weiss.

Weiss is now running towards the oncoming Boarbatusk, sticking Myrtenaster straight at its skull until they meet and Myrtenaster is trapped in the Grimms' tusks. Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt and is tossed around as she struggles to get the rapier back.

"Bold, new approach. I like it!" Port says.

"Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!" Ruby said to Weiss, but as Weiss turns to nod at Ruby, the Boarbatusk turn its head and rip the sword from her grip. Myrtenaster lands far away from her, who is knocked back by the creature's tusks.

"Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?" Port says.

Weiss looks up just in time to see the Boarbatusk charge again, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid getting trampled and makes it crash into a desk. Weiss rushes at her sword and slides to get it back in her hand.

"Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armour underneath it's the Grimms' weakness" Ruby shouted to Weiss which Weiss accepted her suggestion.

The Boarbatusk leaps into the air and rolls into a ball, spinning rapidly in the air and landing on the ground, consistently gaining speed until it launches itself at Weiss. It comes closer and closer, but Weiss activates one of her glyphs and blocks the roll, leaping up into the now-black snowflake symbol and turning it blue again so she can drive the blade into the Boarbatusk's stomach. It squeals and falls silent while Weiss gasps in relief.

"Bravo! Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training! But I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the ȧssigned readings, and stay vigilant! Class dismissed" Port announces to the class.

As soon as they left the class Nora went towards Blake and said.

"So are you going to show us that video of Jaune-Jaune fighting a massive horde of Grimm." Nora said to Blake.

Blake takes out her scroll and showed the group the video that her parents showed her, and what they saw amazed them since they know that even they cannot do even half of the things that Jaune did in the video like stopping a goliath with his bȧrė hands.

"HOLY CRAP, now I know why the head master wanted Jaune to be in charge of us." Nora shouted.

"This can't be real, how can someone fight that much Grimm on his own without even a drop of sweat, this must be fake." Weiss said.

"Unfortunately, it's not since my parents were there when they witnessed everything and they were the ones who recorded it, they were even planning to make a statue of Jaune." Blake tells them.

"You know, me and Ruby knew that Jaune was strong but we didn't think that he was that strong." Yang said shocked at Jaune's display of strength.

"Yeah, I mean he can defeat our uncle Qrow but, I did not know that he was still holding back." Ruby said.


"Nora, calm down. Jaune already told us that he will be train us so, you can ask him later since we will probably see him later." Ren told Nora to get her to calm down.

"What do we even have for our next class." Nora asked.

"We have Combat class with Professor Goodwitch." Ruby said.

"WELL, WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR, I LOVE COMBAT CLASS, LET'S GO." Nora shouted while everyone followed suit.

When they arrived, they saw a large room with an arena and saw all the other students already there, but Goodwitch was not and no Jaune either, but a few minutes later they saw Jaune and Goodwitch walk in the class together, When Nora saw him, she

Shouted towards him.

"Jaune-Jaune, over here, we saved you some spot." Nora shouted but Jaune just waved at them and stood beside Good witch, which got her and everyone else in the room confused as to why he was standing with their professor.

"Hey Ren, do you think Jaune is in trouble for not coming to class and got reprimanded by Goodwitch and is being punished right now." Nora asked Ren.

"I don't know, but from the looks of it he is not in trouble since he looks fine but if you look at Ruby and Yang they don't seem to be worried about him maybe if you ask them they might know." Ren told Nora in which she did ask but was just told that they will find out in a few minutes.

"Hello and welcome everyone to Combat class here, you will be thought to fight different scenario such as unarmed combat, handicapped combat, when you are surrounded and such other scenarios. I'm Professor Glynda Goodwitch and I'm sure you already know that, and the person standing beside me is my ȧssistant professor Jaune Arc leader of both JNPR and RWBY." Glynda said.

Everyone in the room was shocked to find out that Jaune was not a student but a professor, Blake, Weiss, Ren, Pyrrha, and Nora most of all since they have been eating and talking with him like he was a student like them, and now all made sense why he was not a part of the initiation, and to team RWBY and NPR this made even more sense as to the way he was in charge of training them, then they heard a scroll taking a bunch of pictures of them with their wide eyes and mouth agape, and saw that it was Jaune taking pictures.

"OHMYGOSH, no wonder why he was not in class." Nora said.

"I can't believe that I was acting very rudely with a professor here at Beacon on my first day." Weiss said.

"Now I know, when I told my parents I was confused as to why Jaune was in charge of training us, they just laughed, now I know that they knew he was in fact a professor." Blake said.

"Why didn't he just tell us that he was a professor." Pyrrha asked.

"Well maybe you guys still have not realise since you bȧrėly met Jaune and that you did not realise that he just took a picture of you guys with a shocked look. He did not tell you because he wanted it to be a surprise and take a picture of your silly faces." Yang said.

"Wait, how do you and Ruby even know that he is a professor here." Weiss asked Yang.

"Simple, when Jaune was given a licence for being a huntsman has staying in our place, and also since our uncle Qrow told us, since he and Jaune have known each other for about two years now." Yang replied.

During the combat class they did different things, first, is the fact that some of the students would not believe that Jaune is a professor and they protested but was shot down when Glynda showed a video of her and Jaune fighting and with Jaune winning, mind you Glynda is a Deputy Headmistress at Beacon so they know that she is indeed strong. Second, they had unarmed combat with Goodwitch saying that it is important to know how to fight without a weapon in case they get disarmed since a huntsman doesn't just fight Grimm but also are tasked with apprehending criminals such as Torchwick. Third, was handicapped combat so that they know how to fight in case they are injured and will still be able to escape their pursuers. And lastly, they did situational combat such as a criminal or Grimm heads to a crowded area which they will have to make sure that they do everything to minimise damage.

After combat class, they only have an elective class which they can attend if they want, the class is available for anyone interested in it which includes every year from first to the fourth year if they don't have a class during that time. Only a few people went such as RWBY, NPR, CFVY and a few others from different years. When they entered they saw a person roughly the same age as them.

"Well class some of you already know who I am but let me introduce myself, I am Professor Jaune Arc and I will be teaching Mechanics without the usage of dust. As you all already know we as people, have being using dust for a very long time but we also know that dust prices are rising due to the fact that they are used for everything and they are being used faster than they are mined and we also know that just are not infinite, sooner or later they will run out so, here, in this class you will be thought about how to achieve engineering without the usage of dust, for example, this is a creation of mine, an Arc reactor capable of running a whole city for a long time." Jaune said while giving examples of what engineering without the usage of dust is capable of.

The lesson ran for three hours, the students in the class were all intrigued at the things that Jaune has invented, and have never since them before. Ruby was the most excited since she knows that she will be able to make a few more upgrades to Crescent Rose with Jaune's lessons, Yang was thinking maybe she might be able to make a product that protects her hair even though she already has the nanite suit that protected her and her hair during combat but she wanted to make something that does so outside combat, Nora was excited to make a new grenade that will not be using dust since they are very expensive and maybe she can upgrade her Magnhild to do other things. Weiss at first was angry since the product that Jaune has shown will bring her families company down but she when she heard what Jaune said about the dust being a finite resource she reluctantly agrees and thought maybe she will be able to learn a few things here about technology and she did not even realise that she sometimes gets very distracted whenever Jaune release a domineering aura whenever he was talking about something and she would start fidgeting but still kept listening to the lesson since she was very intrigued. Blake, listening to Jaune was finally able to accept how he was able to make an entire city on his own very quickly with the technology that he has and is even willing to share said technology with the people that needs it. Pyrrha was just mesmerized by Jaune teaching and she was thinking how handsome he was standing in the podium and speaking enthusiastically about the subject he was teaching, while Ren was being Ren he was sleeping. The other students like team CFVY were also thinking of upgrading their weapon, especially Velvet and Coco since their weapon has a huge amount of limitation such as Velvet's Anesidora being capable of only projecting copied weapons once before she needs to copy it again, while Coco is limited to the amount of ammo that she can carry since her weapon uses a lot.

After classes, everyone on the student went to the cafeteria to have some dinner and head back to their dorms except for RWBY and NPR, since they headed straight to their place of residence.

Jaune started to make dinner while everyone else is resting since they had an exhausting day of surprises, after an hour Jaune called them to dinner and they eat dinner while conversing but after dinner, Jaune told them that he needs to talk to them about their training regime.

"Now I would like to talk to you guys about your training regime that I made, but first I will remind you that every day after class you will first be given an hour to complete your homework then you will be training with me, Ren and Weiss will be concentrating on Stamina and endurance training, Ruby and Pyrrha will be concentrating on their semblance, Yang and Nora will be concentrating on technique but mostly Nora since she is only relying on brute force, Blake will be concentrating with strength training since she is fast but her strikes are not that strong. This will be going for about a month after that I will ȧssess your improvement and then change your regime when I see that you have improved, the ȧssessment will happen every month, and after your individual training you will be training with some realistic scenario in the simulation room, whether the scenario is about Grimm or if it is about criminals we will be covering every scenario that I can think of and after the training you will be allowed to do anything you want." Jaune said and they nod in agreement.

After that, they all went to bed, while Jaune was preparing his lesson material for the next day, hoping that he gets more students in his class.

It has now been a few weeks since Jaune have started to train RWBY and NPR. Right now, he is headed to the headmaster's office since he made an appointment with him to talk about an upgrade to the CCTS, he is hoping that Ozpin will agree to it, but he knows that even Ozpin will need the approval of the Council, that was why it took him a while since he is making a pitch to show the benefits of upgrading the CCTS to a satellite.

"Good morning, Ozpin." Jaune greeted Ozpin.

"Jaune, how can I help you?" Ozpin asked.

"I'm here to make proposal to you regarding upgrading the CCTS." Jaune said. This got Ozpin's attention since nobody has had a breakthrough to upgrade the CCTS since dust does not work outside of Remnants atmosphere.

"Well Jaune, you got my interest. What do you have in mind." Ozpin said.

"A satellite Ozpin, I will launch multiple satellite that will be able to cover all of Remnant, so that even the people outside the Kingdom will be able to easily contact huntsman and huntresses for evac and other things." Jaune told Ozpin, but Ozpin just sighs since this was already once proposed but failed due to the limitations of dust.

"Jaune, unfortunately, that has already been tried but it failed due to the fact that dust does not work outside the atmosphere, so I'm sorry to say that I can't approve of that." Ozpin said.

"I know for a fact that dust doesn't work outside of Remnant that is why I created this." Jaune said while showing him the Arc Reactor, Ozpin has never since anything like it so he got curious.

"Oh, and what would that be Jaune." Ozpin asked.

"This is a power source that I created without the usage of dust. It is capable of power a city for more than a hundred years since this is an upgraded version of my original, it is capable of producing up to fifteen gigajoules per second, I plan to use it to launch the satellite, and before you ask, I have already tested it and it works outside of Remnant, here a live feed of a test flight of a drone that I sent a few days ago." Jaune said to Ozpin showing a video feed of what Remnant looks like in space using his scroll, and he was mesmerized by the view since as long as he has lived he has not seen anything like it.

"Is this a live feed Jaune." Ozpin asked.

"Yes, it is, here you can even enable manual control." Jaune said while showing Ozpin how to control the drones.

"This is why I am here today to make this proposal, since if we launch a satellite to space not only will we have insane amount of reception but it will be near impossible to compromise it since they have to go to space to access the main system." Jaune said to Ozpin.

'He's right, if we upgrade the CCTS then more people outside the kingdom will be able to communicate with them and they can even send a warning that a horde of Grimms is coming making it faster to dispatch a team for Evac and rescue, if we had this back then, maybe then Summer would still be with us since she would have been able to call for help.' Ozpin thought determined to try and get the councils' approval.

"Alright Jaune, how long will it take you to make the satellite and launch it and what would you need to get this done as fast as you can." Ozpin said.

"It will take a week max, and you don't have to worry, I already have everything I need to make it, all I have to do is create an A.I that will maintain it path in space." Jaune said.

"Alright, I will try to get the council's approval by then, but since this will be able to help a lot of people, it should not be too hard to get their approval since they have been trying for a long time to find a way to improve it. But can I ask you one thing, why do you need such a high amount of energy." Ozpin said then asked.

"The purpose of it is to make sure that the satellite is also capable of reaching underground just in case or if some is stuck in a cave, it is to make sure that there is as little area with no signal." Jaune said to Ozpin.

"Right, one more thing Ozpin, I wanted to ask you if you are willing to allow me to train team CFVY, since I believe I can bring out their full potential." Jaune asked Ozpin.

"I will allow it only if they agree. So, if you want to train them then you will have to ask them." Ozpin said.

"Okay, I will do just that." Jaune said.

Before he left, Jaune gave the files that he made for his presentation to Ozpin so that he might be able to get the approval of the council sooner rather than later. Now Jaune is heading towards the dorm of team CFVY hoping that they are there since it is the weekend, so there is a chance that they might be in Vale just like RWBY and NPR. It took him a while to ask someone where the dorm of team CFVY is, and now he is about to knock at their door but someone opened it, that someone happens to be Velvet and she did not see Jaune and she bumped him on his ċhėst.

"Oomph, sorry I did not see you there." Velvet said before she saw who it was.

"It's okay, is all your team with you, since I wanted to ask you guys something." Jaune said while Velvet now realising that she is talking to Jaune a professor albeit the youngest but over the past few weeks she saw that every teacher and even Goodwitch respect Jaune as a teacher even if he is a bit young.

"Y-yes, my entire team is in, is there any problem as to why you wanted to talk to us." Velvet said while stuttering since she was talking to a professor.

"Oh, there is no problem at all. I just wanted to ask you guys something." Jaune said.

"Ah, if that was the case then please come in." Velvet said.

Jaune went inside and he saw them all in their beds relaxing, with Coco reading a fashion magazine, Yatsuhashi meditating and Fox doing nothing.

"Guys, we have a visitor." Velvet said and they all looked up and saw Jaune.

"Is there anything we can help you with Professor Arc." Yatsuhashi said.

"You can call me Jaune outside of classes Yatsuhashi." Jaune said.

"I ȧssume that you four know that I am currently training both JNPR and RWBY right." Jaune asked them and he received a nod from them.

"I was talking to Ozpin earlier and I asked him if he is willing to let me train your team and he said I can as long as you guys agree to it, that is why I am here right now, is to ask if you are willing to let me train you guys." Jaune said.

"Oh, and what is in it for us." Coco asked jokingly, the rest of her team looked at her like she was crazy since they know how strong team RWBY and NPR are and is due to Jaune training them and here they have an opportunity to be trained by Jaune and she was trying to get something else alongside Jaune's training, for some reason they did not realise that Coco was just joking since what she said was just out of the blue.

"Oh, is that how you want to play, alright then, I'll just leave since you are not the type of people I thought you were if you are willing to try and extort me for more benefit when I am already willing to train you guys, Goodbye." Jaune said slowly leaving waiting for something then he heard it.

"WAIT, I was just joking please don't leave." Coco said in a panic since she thought that she just lost a great opportunity due to her joke, while she was panicking she heard Jaune laugh.

"Oh, I know you were just joking, I could not help but tease you a bit, you should have seen your face when you thought that you lost an opportunity for your team to get stronger." Jaune said still laughing. If Coco was not wearing her shades then they would have seen her eyebrows twitch.

"Wait, so you are still willing to train us." Velvet said just to make sure.

"Yes, Velvet, the offer still stands." Jaune said. With that said they agreed immediately before Coco says something else that might stop Jaune from training them.

"Well since you agreed then, pack your things since the teams I'm training does not stay in the dorms we have our own place." Jaune said.

"Wait, really, how is that fair. We stay in this cramped dorm but you get to have your own place." Coco said, a bit frustrated that they have such a small room for four grown ȧduŀts.

"The place we will be staying at is not provided by Beacon, it was my own accommodation that I made. Anyway, how only do you think it will take you guys to pack." Jaune asked them.

"We don't really have much stuff so it will only take us about an hour to do so since only Coco has too much dresses." Yatsuhashi said.

True to Yatsuhashi's words they finished packing within the hour and Jaune asked them to follow him to the new place that they will be staying at. When they arrived just like the rest they thought he might be joking but he just told them to follow him, when they went in they were amazed at how big the place is before they snapped out of their thought due to some shouting.

"I don't understand why this is causing such a problem!" Weiss shouted angrily.

"That is the problem!" Blake says to Weiss

"You realize you are defending an organization that hates Humanity, don't you? The Faunus of the White Fang are pure evil!" Weiss retorted back.

"There's no such thing as pure evil! Why do you think they hate Humanity so much? It's because of people like Cardin, people like you, that force the White Fang to take such drastic measures! And for your information the White Fang no longer operates outside of Menagerie." Blake says with sour in her voice.

"People like me?" Weiss asked irritated.

"You're discriminatory!" Blake says.

"I'm a victim! You want to know why I despise the White Fang? Why I don't particularly trust the Faunus? It's because they've been at war with my family for years. War, as in actual bloodshed. My grandfather's company has had a target painted across its back for as long as I can remember. And ever since I was a child, I've watched family friends disappear; board members executed; an entire train car full of Dust, stolen. And every day, my father would come home, furious. And that made for a very difficult childhood." Weiss said angrily.

Ruby tries to stop Weiss and Blake fighting but they ignore her.

"You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!"

"Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!" Blake said now terrified since she accidentally revealed to them that she was a White Fang member.

At this moment Jaune walked in the room.

"What the hell is going on here, and why are you all shouting." Jaune asked.

"You want to know what is going on here, we just found out that Blake is white fang." Weiss tells Jaune. Blake in panic tried to run away from them but was grabbed by Jaune.

"Blake you are not going anywhere." Jaune said, Blake, thinking that Jaune was going to report her forgetting that Jaune already knew about her history, tried to escape again.

"Blake calm down. If it is about you being in the white fang I already knew about that remember." Jaune tells Blake, which caused her to calm down. Jaune calls Ruby.

"Ruby, do you mind bringing team CFVY to the available rooms." Jaune asks Ruby.

"No Problem, come with me, I'll bring you guys to your rooms." Ruby says.

"And the rest of you, go and do whatever you want, but you two are coming with me." Jaune said first looking at Yang, Pyrrha, Ren and Nora, then turning to Weiss and Blake.

Jaune, Weiss and Blake walked into a room, which happens to be Jaune's office and he asked them both to sit down.

"Now both of you will talk one by one, you will not talk over the other do you understand." Jaune said firmly.

"Now first, you Weiss, what is the issue here." Jaune said.

"What is the Issue! We are living with a terrorist! A White Fang member! Who knows what she might do to us." Weiss said angrily.

"Weiss, I don't think you understand. If Blake was a danger to us then, she would not be here, since Ozpin does background checks on all his students to make sure that they are in no danger." Jaune said, Weiss tried to retort but no words were coming out since what Jaune said was true.

"But that still does not mean anything, she is a White Fang member." Weiss said.

"Really, well then, Blake are you a white fang member." Jaune says asking Blake even though he already knew that she left.

"I was a member, but not anymore since I found out some of the things that they did and what they were doing was not what I wanted, I wanted to fight for equality but I found out later that they were no longer trying to fight for equality but for supremacy so and that they are willing to attack innocent people so I left and later found out that only the Vale branch of the white fang was fighting for supremacy when they broke of tie with the white fang in Menagerie and made their own group they called the Bloody Fang." Blake explains to them.

"Now Weiss, what do you have to say for yourself." Jaune asked her.

"I'm sorry, when I heard you defending them and identifying yourself as one of them I just got angry, I was remembering some of the family friends that was killed by them, and I took it out of you. And I'm sorry that I judge you and other Faunus as a bad person just because of being Faunus." Weiss said apologetically after hearing what Blake had to say.

"I'm also sorry that I sometimes was treating you like the plague just because you are a Schnee but to be fair you did not really give me a great first impression when you were shouting at Ruby when we first arrived here." Blake said.

"Okay, I admit that I sometimes do in fact act like a spoiled child but I am trying to change especially after Jaune reprimanded me that one time." Weiss said but got almost inaudible at the end.

"Okay, now that everything has been settle, I am going and cook us some dinner. What would you girls want to eat." Jaune asked them. But they just replied that anything he cooks is fine.

With that Jaune made dinner and he called everyone to have a nice meal and have a pleasant chat.

"So, what did you guys do today anyways." Jaune asked them.

"Weiss wanted to greet some of the students arriving today so that she can spy on them." Nora said.

"I did not want to spy on them and you can prove anything, I just wanted to greet them since we are representing Beacon and I wanted to see the people set up their decorations for the Vytal festival." Weiss said kind of embarrassed that Nora said that in front of Jaune.

"What else happened then." Jaune asked.

"Oh, we met this weird girl and when Ruby called her a friend she got super happy, I think her name was Penny." Yang said.

'Ha, I guess I missed out on meeting Penny with the group, oh well, there is always a next time.' Jaune thought.

They all had a great time talking about what they did in the morning, they had a great dinner and then they headed to bed.

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