Arc Of Embodiment

Chapter 6 - 6 (New)

Jaune, Yang and Ruby, right now are on board a Bullhead heading to Beacon. The three teens are seen talking with Jaune watching Yang and Ruby interact with each other enthusiastically. Well, Yang is enthusiastically hugging her sister since she was able to get in Beacon two years earlier, and that they will be able to spend more time together, while Ruby is trying to get away from her sisters' hug.

"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" Yang shouted. In the background, Jaune is chilling in a seat near the sisters.

"Please stop," Ruby said while gasping for air since Yang was hugging her very tightly.

"I'm very proud of you," Yang said while she released her sister from her hug but kept both her hands on Ruby's shoulders.

"Yang, really, it was nothing," Ruby told Yang, relieved that she can now breathe normally.

"What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees." Yang told Ruby.

"I don't want to be the "bee's knees", okay? I don't want to be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees." Ruby told Yang, 'I already have trouble making friends. If I become the bee's knees, I'll have an even harder time since they might avoid me for being 'special' since I got in two years early.' Ruby thought.

"What's with you? Aren't you excited?" Yang said, confused since Ruby was very excited yesterday. 'Hmm, is something wrong? She was very excited yesterday to go to Beacon with Jaune and me.' Yang thought.

Jaune saw that Ruby was acting exactly like the show. He remembered that she was very anxious in the show because she thought that she might not make any friends, and the fact that she had to leave all her friends behind in Signal, then Jaune looked at Yang's confused face due to the situation of her sister. Jaune sigh, and he decided to approach them to try and ease Yang of her confusion and Ruby of her anxiety.

"Ruby, calm down, and tell me what is wrong since you were very excited to go to Beacon last night," Jaune said and asked Ruby, in which she complied.

"It's just that, I'm entering Beacon two years early and had to leave my friends behind in Signal. I already have trouble making friends, and if people think that I'm the bee's knees, it will be even harder since I'm two years younger than them," Ruby said, which Yang realise her mistake that what she said earlier was just making Ruby even more anxious.

"I'm so sorry, Ruby. I forgot that you have trouble with making friends," Yang said to Ruby very apologetically, and Ruby accepted her apology.

"It's okay, Yang, so can we just talk about something else," Ruby said, and Yang agreed. The scene on the screen that was playing changed to breaking news. This caught the attention of Jaune, Yang and Ruby.

"The robbery was led by nefarious criminal Roman Torchwick, who continues to evade authorities. If you have any information on his whereabouts, please contact the Vale Police Department. Back to you, Lisa," Said the person on the screen.

"Thank you, Cyril. In other news, this Saturday, we heard that most White Fang is heading back to Menagerie, while some of the members who don't want to go back are saying that they are no longer White Fang. They are making their own group called 'The Bloody Fang', which some people have witnessed to be far more aggressive than the current white fang. There were also rumours in Atlas stating that most of its Faunus citizens are also heading to Menagerie. It caused a major hit to the SDC since we also heard that they had found a better opportunity in Menagerie, causing miners to quit their current jobs," Lisa said this got the attention of a raven-haired girl with amber eyes named Blake.

Blake was confused about what was going on. Why was the White Fang called back to Menagerie? And if the rumours are true, then what opportunities are they talking about? She knew that Menagerie is currently struggling since they lack resources and only rely on farming. But regardless of her confusion, she was happy that her people were finding opportunities where they can be treated better. Jaune saw Blake and remembered the picture Kali wanted him to give Blake when he met her, but he decided to do it later when there were fewer people, or everyone was sleeping.

In the next moment, the news feed cut off as a hologram of Glynda was showed.

"Hello, and welcome to Beacon!" Holo Glynda said.

"Who's that," Asked Yang.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch," Holo Glynda said.

"Oh," Yang said

"You are among a privileged few who have received the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world," Holo Glynda said before disappearing, and the outside view catches Ruby's and every students interest.

"Oh, wow! Look, you can see Signal from up here! ... I guess home isn't too far after all!" Said Ruby. Yang hugs Ruby before saying.

"Beacon's our home, now," Yang says.

"Your right about that Yang, for the next four Years, Beacon will be our home, well four years for both of you but maybe longer for me, so let's make the best of it and enjoy our stay," Jaune tells them.

"I wonder what type of people we will meet. Oh, I hope they have some awesome weapons." Ruby said. Both Jaune and Yang both sighed at Ruby's obsession with weapons.

In the next thirty minutes, Jaune, Yang, and Ruby just sat down in the bullhead playing go fish to pass some time. After that, they finally arrived in Beacon with the bullhead docking and starting to let the passengers out. Jaune, Yang, and Ruby followed suit, but they heard the PA calling for Jaune when they got out.

"Would Mr Arc please head to the headmaster's office, please," Glynda said through the PA. Jaune sighed and turned to both Ruby and Yang and spoke.

"Well, I'll see you guys later," Jaune said.

"See you later, Jaune," Both Ruby and Yang said.

When Jaune heard that, he followed the instructions and headed to the headmaster's office. Meanwhile, with Yang and Ruby, they are seen talking in front of Beacon.

"Ohmygosh, sis! That kid got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!" Ruby said excitedly a started running towards the person with said weapon but was stopped by her sister.

"Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons!" Yang tells her sister.

"Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool!" Ruby replied to Yang.

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it, especially after Jaune upgraded for you? I know I am since Ember Celica is so much better now." Yang says and asks her sister.

"Of course, I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, but better." Ruby says to Yang, reassuring her that she loves the new and upgraded Crescent Rose.

"Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own? I know that you are anxious to make a new friend, so why don't I help you out." Yang says, but Ruby seemed not to be paying attention to what she was saying and was drifting towards a weapon that she saw, but she did not see the luggage in front of her, and she tripped. When Yang saw this, she shouted.

"RUBY, Are you okay?!" Yang asks Ruby. But before Ruby could answer, they heard a loud shriek.

"What are you doing?!" a white themed girl shouted.

"Uh, sorry!" Ruby tried to apologise and help her pick up the bags, but the white themed girl would not easily accept it.

"Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?" the girl said.

Ruby was about to answer, but the white themed girl just snatches the bags, opened them and started to wave them around while saying.

"Give me that. This is Dust, mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!" she said why waving the bottle that she took out of the case. Ruby and Yang were about to warn her that the contents were spilling, but she would not shut up, and all they were saying was, uh.

"What are you, brain-dead? Dust! Fire, water, lightning, energy!" the girl said.

"I know that, but what I'm trying to say is-." Ruby said again, trying to warn her that the Dust was coming out before getting cut off.

"Are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself?" The girl said, still waving the Dust around.

Ruby and Yang, who was very close to the girl while she was ranting about Dust and waving it around, had been receiving more and more Dust to their face. Finally, they both sneeze, which erupts into a full-blown explosion of flame, snowflakes, and electricity right onto the white theme girl, completely covering her in smoke and ash. The bottle she had been waving around flies over the courtyard and lands at the feet of Blake Belladonna, who picks it up and notices the Schnee Dust Company logo on the side as she reads from her book and looks over at the scene, she sees a girl three girls and one of them is covered in smoke dust.

"Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I was talking about!" the girl said.

"I'm really, really sorry!" Ruby once again tried to apologise but was cut off once again.

"Ugh, you complete dolt! What are you even doing here? Aren't you a little young to be attending Beacon? This isn't your ordinary combat school. It's not just sparring and practice, you know! We're here to fight monsters, so... watch where you're going!" the girl shouted to Ruby.

"Hey, my sister already said sorry to you multiple times, princess," Yang shouted, angry that this short bitch that was shouting at her sister for an accident that she caused by waving the bottle of Dust.

"It's heiress, actually. Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world." Blake tells Yang. When Weiss saw that she was finally recognised, she says.

"Finally! Some recognition!" Weiss says while smiling but once again frowned when Blake continued talking.

"The same company infamous for its controversial labour forces and questionable business partners," Blake says.

"Wha- How dare- The nerve of... Ugh!" Weiss says before storming off to who knows where.

Ruby and Yang wanted to thank Blake, but she was gone just like Weiss, so they just both headed to the meeting point of all the students, the Auditorium.

Back with Jaune, we see him in the headmaster's office talking to Ozpin.

"So, Headmaster Ozpin, why did you call me here," Jaune asks.

"Ah, yes, I wanted to inform you that you won't have to participate in the initiation and would just be watching it alongside the other teachers, but the person without a partner will be your partner and would be announced later," Ozpin tells Jaune. Jaune was hoping that the team stays canon and that he gets partnered with Pyrrha.

"Why could I not just do the initiation with everyone else," Jaune asks Ozpin.

"Because if you were to participate then, whoever your partner is, will not be able to prove themself that they deserve to be here," Ozpin replies. While Jaune nods in understanding, hoping that Pyrrha does not get a partner.

"Besides, when the students find out you are a professor here at Beacon, they might complain that your partner only got through initiation due to you." Ozpin further explains.

"I understand." Jaune tells Ozpin.

"And lastly, that will be your teaching schedule," Ozpin says while sending a message to Jaune's scroll.

"Is that all, Professor," Jaune asks Ozpin.

"Just call me Ozpin, Jaune. Since you are one of the professors here in Beacon, and you might want to talk to Glynda later to discuss what you would be teaching during your combat class," Ozpin suggests to Jaune.

"I might just do that since it is better to coordinate with her to make a good teaching material," Says Jaune before he and Ozpin head to the Auditorium for Ozpin's speech.

It took them about ten minutes to arrive at the Auditorium because the elevator ride was so long since Ozpin's office is at the top of the tower. When they arrive, Jaune spotted both Ruby and Yang, so he decided to head over to them and said his goodbye to Ozpin.

"Hey, Yang, Ruby, so how was your stay here in Beacon so far," Jaune asks both Yang and Ruby.

"I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage, and then she yelled at me, and then Yang and I sneezed, and then we exploded, and then she yelled at me again, and I felt really, really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!" Ruby said. After hearing what Ruby had to say, Jaune laughed since he expected that Ruby might explode but to think that even Yang exploded with Ruby was hilarious since he would never have expected that.

Ruby, with a pout, was about to tell Jaune that it was not funny, but she did not see Weiss behind her, and Weiss shouted.

"You!" Weiss shouted. Ruby got startled at the shout of Weiss that she jumped into the arms of Jaune, while Yang was just laughing at Ruby but frowned a little bit since she was jealous because Ruby was very close to Jaune and she was being carried bridal style, which she also wanted to be carried by him.

"Oh, God. It's happening again." Ruby said in a panic.

"You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!" Weiss said Jaune saw that Ruby was very uncomfortable with Weiss shouting at her, so he decided to intervene.

"ENOUGH!" Jaune shouted.

"Heard that she already apologised to you multiple times, and yet you still won't let it go. It was an accident." Jaune told Weiss.

"Excuse me! Do you know who you are talking to?!" Weiss said, trying to use her Schnee name to get her way. Jaune was getting irritated at the way Weiss was acting, and then he remembers that in the show Weiss, in the beginning, acts like a spoiled, entitled child when she was not getting her way.

"I know exactly who you are. But your name here in Beacon means nothing, you want to act like a privileged child, then you should have stayed in Atlas, because here in Beacon, you are just like everybody else a huntress or a huntsman in training, so act like it," Jaune said berating her.

Weiss, after hearing everything Jaune said, just stormed off. She was intimidated and scared when she saw the irritation in Jaune's eyes, and she has never met someone her age so domineering towards her. She started feeling tingly below the belt, so she left before she embarrasses herself more. The next moment, the speech of Ozpin started, he got up on stage and started speaking.

"I'll... keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to protecting the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You ȧssume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin says before getting off the stage.

"You will gather in the Ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." Glynda informs the people in the Auditorium.

Jaune looked at both Yang and Ruby before saying.

"Hey guys, I have to go and talk to Glynda about a class," Jaune informs them.

"Why would you want to talk to her now," Ruby asks.

"Have you already forgotten, Ruby, that I'm actually not a student here but a teacher. I plan to talk to her about the class since I'm an ȧssistant Combat teacher while also having my own class," Jaune tells Ruby. With that reminder remembers that he did tell her about it before he left, then she realises something else, if Jaune was a professor, then does that mean that he could not be in her team, but then she calms down since she could still be a team with her sister.

"Oh, Right. I forgot." Ruby said while laughing.

Jaune headed for Glynda's office. When he arrived, he knocked on the door and heard her tell him to come in.

"Hello, Ms Goodwitch, how have you been," Jaune asks Glynda.

"I'm fine, thank you, Mr Arc, and you can just call me Glynda since we are now colleagues, but how can I help you," Glynda says.

"Well then, you should just call me Jaune. I came here due to the suggestion of Ozpin that I should discuss with you what we would be teaching during combat class since I'm your ȧssistant in combat class." Jaune tells her.

"I see, so what do you have in mind," Glynda asks Jaune.

In the next few hours, they discussed the things they would be teaching, and they came up with things such as handicapped combat, unarmed combat, dodging techniques, aura control, and other things that will help the students progress further bring out their potential.

Jaune and Glynda were enjoying their conversation that they did not realise it was already late, so Jaune said his farewell to Glynda and headed to the Ballroom to meet with Yang and Ruby, but with how late it was, he knew that they were probably already asleep. And when he did arrive, he was right, and they were already asleep, so he just took out a mattress and placed it beside Yang and Ruby, and he went to bed.

The next morning Jaune was awoken by a very loud and cheerful person shouting, 'it's morning'. So, he got up, had a shower, and he went to the kitchen and decided to ask them if he could use the kitchen. Since he was a professor, he hopes that they allow him.

When Jaune got there, he talked to the people that were preparing the food, and they let him use the kitchen if he cleans up after himself, and he agreed. In the next hour and a half of cooking, both Yang and Ruby woke up, looked if Jaune was around, but did not find him, so they thought that he might be taking a shower, so they did the same, take a shower, then get changed to their combat suit and have breakfast. When they arrived in the cafeteria, they smelled a familiar scent, so they both hurried, hoping that Jaune also made them breakfast, and indeed he made them some. For the next thirty minutes, they had breakfast and talked about the initiation. Then they headed to the locker room to get their weapons.

While they were in the locker rooms, Jaune saw Ren and Nora being well Ren and Nora. He chuckled at them since when he was watching the show, he was a fan of Renora. Ruby and Yang also spotted them and said.

"Wonder what those two are so worked up about?" Ruby said.

"Oh, who knows? So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!" Yang replied to Ruby

"Probably, it's because she's happy that she won't have to do the getting to know your stuff, and she is eager to show everyone what she and Crescent Rose is capable of," Jaune said to Yang.

"Yep! Jaune is right! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I get to let my sweetheart do the talking," Ruby says while hugging Crescent Rose.

"Well, remember, Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together." Yang told Ruby, which got Ruby irritated a bit.

Jaune spots both Pyrrha and Weiss talking, and he decided to go over to them and have a conversation with them.

"Hello, ladies," Jaune says to them.

When Weiss heard Jaune's voice, she started to feel hot, but she tried to control herself and ignore him before speaking to Pyrrha again.

"So, Pyrrha, have you given any thought to whose team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself!" Weiss tells Pyrrha.

"Hmm, I'm not quite sure. I was planning on letting the chips fall where they may." Pyrrha tells Weiss, rejecting her without being impolite.

"Well, I thought maybe we could be on a team together." Weiss Suggested.

"Well, that sounds grand!" Pyrrha says while hiding the fact that she feels uncomfortable.

"Great!" Weiss said.

'This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class combined with the strongest girl in class! Together we will be unstoppable! I can see it now! We'll be popular! We'll be celebrities! We'll get perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!' Weiss thought to herself.

"You know, the way you look right now is a look of someone who is trying to scheme something right," Jaune tells Weiss, which cause her to snap out of her thought since the voice of Jaune seems to do stuff to her.

"You again?" Weiss said while pretending that she is irritated to Jaune to hide the fact that whenever he speaks to her, she feels aroused.

Jaune faces Pyrrha while introducing himself.

"Names, Jaune Arc, and who might you be," Jaune says. Jaune extends his arms for a handshake while Pyrrha does the same. When Pyrrha was about to introduce herself, she was cut off by Weiss.

"Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you're talking to?" Weiss says to Jaune. Jaune pretended to look at Pyrrha intensely, trying to remember if he saw her before, but he did remember that he met her before but just for a second when he was trying to apply for the Mistral Tournament.

"No, but I remembered that I caught a glance at her or someone like her when I tried to apply for the Mistral Tournament," Jaune tells Weiss.

"Well then, let me tell you who she is. She is Pyrrha Nikos, four times regional Mistral Champion." Weiss said. Jaune looked at Weiss, and Weiss looked straight at Jaune's eyes. If she didn't do that, she would have seen the irritation in Pyrrha's eyes.

'Calm down, Pyrrha. She was just trying to introduce you to Jaune, even if she ruins your chances of being friends with someone that doesn't know you,' Pyrrha thought to herself.

"Okay, so, what does being a champion got to do with me talking to her? Just like I said yesterday, Weiss. If you wanted to use your name, then you should have stayed in your hometown or country because right now you are in Beacon, and your name means nothing here, and from the looks of it, Pyrrha was trying not to use her influence as a champion to make friends," Jaune told Weiss in a very stern voice. This got Weiss to leave since she could no longer take it since she was so hot and wet due to Jaune's domineering pressure when he is talking to her.

"I'm sorry about that," Jaune said to Pyrrha, apologising for how he acted towards Weiss.

"It's alright; you were right when you said that I wanted to make friends without using my title as a champion. But can I ask, if you applied to the Mistral tournament, why did I not see you there?" Pyrrha says to Jaune.

"Ah, well, funny story. Apparently, you are not allowed to participate when you don't have your Aura unlocked. At that time, I didn't have my Aura unlocked since I wanted to train my body and perfect my technique without relying on Aura. I did not want to be too reliant on it since Grimm won't wait for your Aura to return and will attack you at any moment, so I trained to be able to fight Grimm even without it," Jaune explained to Pyrrha.

In the next few minutes, Yang and Ruby approached Jaune and Pyrrha, and the four of them had a great time conversing before they heard the PA asking all students to head to Beacon Cliff for the initiation. When they arrived at the cliff, they saw Glynda and Ozpin.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest," Ozpin says to all the students.

"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumours about the ȧssignment of 'teams'. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates today." Glynda says get a 'what' and 'oh' from Ruby.

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So, it is in your best interest to be paired with someone you can work well with. With that being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years. After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path, or you will die. You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" Ozpin says, getting a groan of irritation from Ruby and a loud and long 'what'. When Ozpin saw that no one has any questions, he asked all of them to take their position.

The initiation is like canon except for a few things. First is obvious, Jaune was not a part of it. Second, when Pyrrha was searching for Jaune, she did not find him but still ended up awakening the Elder Death Stalker and bringing it to the ruins. Third when Ruby and Weiss encountered the bunch of Beowolves, Ruby could instantly kill them all before Weiss even had a chance to attack once. Fourth, when they were in the ruin picking the artefact, rather than Ruby having gotten knocked down by the Elder Death Stalker, she was about to kill it easily. Fifth, when Yang jumped on the mouth of the nevermore instead of the nevermore tanking the hits that Yang was doing, it was knocked to the ground with a single punch before Yang punched it again to kill it for good. Then the group headed back to the Auditorium.

Now we see everyone in the Auditorium, with Ozpin ȧssigning the teams and their leaders.

"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL (CARDINAL), led by Cardin Winchester!" Ozpin announced.

"Next, we have Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY (RUBY). Led by Ruby Rose!" Ozpin announces once more. Due to the performance of Ruby during the initiation, Weiss did not have any problem with Ruby being the leader, but she was a bit irritated that she did not get the position.

"Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The three of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR (JUNIPER)." Ozpin said. This got everyone's attention since they are only three in a team, so Ren decided to ask Ozpin about it.

"Headmaster Ozpin, we only have three members, and also, who would be the leader?" Ren asked.

"I was getting to that, Mr Lie. Team JNPR will be led by Jaune Arc. Jaune, please step forward." Ozpin says.

Jaune steps forward.

"So, Jaune, have you decided on the team," Ozpin asks.

"Yes, and I pick team RWBY," Jaune tells Ozpin.

"Alright then. Everyone is dismissed besides for team JNPR and team RWBY." Ozpin tells the people in the Auditorium.

After everyone has left, Ozpin asked both team JNPR and team RWBY to follow him to his office.

"Now, you are here because JNPR and RWBY will be working alongside one another. The main leader will be Jaune, and the co-leader is Ruby, but Ruby is only in charge when Jaune is not around. Both teams will also not be staying in Beacon dorms since I believe Jaune already have a place for both teams to stay." Ozpin says and gets a confirmation from Jaune that he indeed have a place for them to stay.

"Now, you may leave, and I'll have Jaune explain the rest," Ozpin says.

Teams RWBY and JNPR followed Jaune. And when they arrived at their destination, they were confused since they saw a small shed.

"Well, guys, we will be staying here," Jaune told them with a very small smirk that only Ren was able to catch since he is used to very small changes to facial movements.

"This is the place that you will have us stay in? How in the world are we all even going to fit there? That could not even fit two people, let alone eight," Weiss says, complaining since she saw that they are staying in a shed.

Yang and Ruby tried to hold their laughter since they knew that it is bigger on the inside than outside. This got the group to look at them, confused as to why they were laughing. So, when they both saw that they were being stared at, they both stopped laughing and apologised.

"Sorry, Sorry. It's just that we had the same look you guys are showing when he first showed it to us," Yang said.

"Yeah, what my sister said," Ruby said.

"Moving on, come on, let's head inside," Jaune said, which got a grunt from Weiss.

But when everyone went inside, they were all shocked since it was so much better than they imagined. Jaune gave them the tour, and they were amazed at the place; they all were even getting their own rooms.

"So, what do you guys think of the place you guys will be staying in for the next four years," Jaune asked them.

"Where did you get technology like this? Even Atlas does not have anything like it, and it is bigger on the inside than the outside." Weiss said, stunned at the level of technology it must have taken to make something like this.

"I didn't get it from anywhere since I built it," Jaune explained to Weiss. This, in turn, shocked Weiss even further, a single person with a technology that is far more superior than that of her birthplace.

"This place is AWESOME!" Nora exclaimed.

"So, Jaune, can you tell us why Ozpin said that you are practically in charge of us," Pyrrha asked as politely as possible, but she, like everyone else except for Yang and Ruby, is extremely shocked at this place.

"Oh, that's right. I'll be overseeing your training, with you Pyrrha, Ren and Nora being my teammate is a given and team RWBY being a team I picked since all you guys showed incredible potential. And you will find out tomorrow on why I could be given charge of you guys, the only ones that know is Ruby and Yang since I met them before I got to Beacon." Jaune explained to them. Then Jaune scroll rang, and he saw who it was. He excused himself and moved away from the JNPR and RWBY but not far enough so that Blake will be able to hear him and play with her a bit.

"Hello, Jaune. I remembered that today is the day of the initiation in Beacon," Kali said.

"Yes, it is. And I also wanted to inform you that I found Blake," Jaune said, making sure Blake hears him.

Blake jolted when she heard Jaune say something about finding her. This got her very suspicious of Jaune since he might be a very well-hidden Faunus feature and is working for Adam to track her down.

"Thank you for telling Jaune. Can you make sure that she is okay and tell her that no matter what happened the day we had a falling out that we still love her and give her the picture to her." Kali told Jaune.

"It will be taken care of. I'll make sure that she gets the message," Jaune tells Kali.

Now Blake is worried that Jaune might kill everyone here to send her a message that she should never have left Adam, and she decided to confront him later when they are alone so that the others won't be in the crossfire.

Jaune goes back to the team and smiles and tells them to unpack their stuff and that he will cook dinner and call them when it is ready. Everyone started unpacking their things in the rooms that they picked, except for Blake since she thinks now is the chance to confront Jaune since they are all busy in their rooms.

She heads to the kitchen and sees Jaune cooking, she was about to attack him, but he started to talk to her.

"Hello, Blake. Why don't you take a seat?" Jaune tells her. Blake remains standing with Gambol Shroud in hand and unsheathe.

"Who really are you? I heard you speak to someone on the phone that you will make sure that I will receive the message. Are you working for Adam? Are you planning to kill everyone here?" Blake said, extremely angry.

"Woah, calm down Blake, I know that you could hear my conversation with the person in my scroll since I know that you are a Faunus in the first place and when I said that it will be taken care of and that I will make sure that you get the message I meant it literally," Jaune tells her while he took out the picture that Kali gave him and he gave it to Blake.

"I made a promise to your mom. That if I ever met you, I would give that picture to you. She just called me a few minutes ago and told me that she remembered that today was Beacon initiation, and I told her that I found you. She told me to tell you that no matter what happened the day you and your family had a falling out that they still love you and to give you the picture," Jaune told her, which got Blake to tears; she was happy to hear that even after everything she said to her family the day she felt that they still love her, so she run back to her ȧssigned room. Jaune did not follow her since he knows that she was crying because she found out that her family still cared for her.

Two hours later, Jaune called everyone to come to the dining room since he made dinner for everyone. Everyone came to the kitchen besides Blake, so Jaune decided to knock in her room to check on her. He heard her say to come in.

"Hey, Blake, I finished cooking dinner, and I made your favourite fish," Jaune told her.

"Is everything you told me real? That even after what I said to them that they really still love me?" Blake asked Jaune.

"Yes, everything I told you was real. I even remember the day that I saw your mother crying while holding that same picture and asked her what's wrong, and she explained to me that she and Ghira had a falling out with you after he decided to leave the white fang." Jaune tells Blake.

"How did you even know my mom? I know that she never leaves Menagerie." Blake asks.

"Well, I went to Menagerie to see if there is anything I can do to help. And I met her when I headed to the house of the chieftain." Jaune tells Blake.

"I want to meet my parents, but right now, I want to concentrate on becoming a huntress to really help those in need. I would like to thank you for giving me the message, but I can't return home yet since it will be a long journey, and I don't want to miss any classes and risk getting kicked out." Blake tells Jaune.

"You don't have to miss any classes, you know, if you like, after dinner we could meet with your parents," Jaune said to Blake.

"You do know that Menagerie is in a different continent and the fact that there is bȧrėly any bullhead going there, so we will need to go by sea, and that can take weeks depending on the route the ship takes due to the Grimm," Blake informs Jaune, which he just laughs at.

"You don't have to worry about that. If you really want to meet with your parents, then meet me in the training simulation room after dinner," Jaune tells her.

They both head to the dining room and eat dinner with everyone. They all enjoyed dinner and complimented Jaune on his cooking. Jaune headed to the Simulation room and waited for Blake if she was planning to meet her parents. Jaune did now have to wait long before Blake arrived.

"So, you decided to go and meet your parents," Jaune asked Blake.

"I don't know exactly how you are going to let me meet my parents but, if you really can them please, I want to see them and apologise for everything that I did over the years, especially about the words that I said when I left," Blake said.

With that, Jaune took out Yamato and slice the air, opening a portal to the new city of Kuo Kuana or what they decided to name the new city. When Blake saw Jaune make a portal, she just thinks that it's his semblance. So, Jaune and Blake enter the portal, and what Blake saw amazed her since it looks nothing like the time she left.. Jaune told her to follow him to the new place of the chieftain.

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