Arc Of Embodiment

Chapter 5 - 5 (New)

When Jaune arrived in Menagerie, he landed Sleipnir, stored it in his ring, and changed his outfit back to his regular combat outfit, the Variant scythe suit that looks luxurious. Jaune started to look around, and he noticed that many of the natives are staring at him but not in contempt but with intrigue since they saw him land a motorcycle.

Jaune approached one of the Faunus and asked where he can find the Chieftain of Kuo Kuana, and they just pointed at the biggest house. Jaune compared the house he saw now and the house he saw in the show, and it was enormous compared to the other houses beside it.

Jaune did not head over to the house right away. Instead, he was looking around the place, and he even went ahead and when to a restaurant to have lunch. The people in the restaurant were a bit wary around him since he is Human, but he did not mind it because he knows just how bad they were treated by all the other kingdoms, especially Atlas.

While eating, Jaune saw two little girls outside looking malnourished, so he signalled the kid to come and sit at his table. At first, they were scared that he might do something to them, but they saw that many people could help them if something happens.

"Where are your parents?" Jaune asked the kids.

"We don't have any. We're an orphan," one of the girls said.

"Can you tell me the condition of the orphanage you are staying in?" Jaune asked.

"There are a lot of kids, but we don't have enough supplies since no one has any things to donate because everyone else in the city is struggling." The other girls said.

"I see. Can you girls tell me your name? Mine is Jaune Arc," Jaune said.

"My name is Skye, no last name," Skye said.

"I'm Carmine," Carmine said.

"Well, why don't you girls order some food? Then we can go to your orphanage and see if there is anything I can do to help you." Jaune told them.

The girls ordered food, and they stayed in the restaurant for about thirty minutes before they left. Carmine led Jaune to the orphanage, and when they got there, he saw how bad the orphanage was. It did not even have a roof.

"This is bad. How are you all able to sleep if you don't even have a roof? Isn't it freezing at night?" Jaune asked

"Yes, it is freezing, but we don't have anywhere else to go besides here," Skye said.

"But not only that, but it gets worse when it starts to rain," Carmine said.

"Come on, let's head in so that I can talk to the in charge of your care," Jaune told the little girls.

When they went in, Jaune now realised when the girls said a lot of kids, and it means a lot. From the looks of it, Jaune can see that there are no less than fifty kids in the orphanage. While looking around, Jaune saw many different Faunus kids ranging from a monkey to cat Faunus. There are some that he has not seen in the show as one of the kids looks like a mermaid since she has a webbed hand.

Jaune was sad seeing all these children here, either abandoned or had parents killed due to the Grimm. He saw a Faunus lady taking care of the children, so he went towards her to ask if she was the one in charge or if he can talk to the person in charge.

"Excuse me, Miss. My name is Jaune Arc. Can I ask if you are the one in charge of this orphanage?" Jaune asked.

"Hi Mr Arc, my name is Viola, and no, I am not the one in charge. That would be Ms Scarlet," Viola said wearily around Jaune since he is Human.

"Do you mind telling me where I could find her?" Jaune asked as friendly as possible.

"Why do you want to talk to her," Viola asked, being very cautiously since she thought that he was a rich person looking to probably negotiate to buy a Faunus child. Jaune saw how she was looking at him as if he is some scum bag who wants to abuse the children.

"You don't have to be that on guard with me. I'm not here to harm you," Jaune tried to reassure her, but it failed, and she just became more cautious and started to get angry.

"That's what your people always say! And then you would treat us as if we are some slave that you can just boss around and abuse!" Viola shouted angrily. It caused every kid in the vicinity to look at her and Jaune.

"Please, you have to calm down. I'm here to offer some help to these children when I heard from Skye and Carmine that you were having some issues with your supplies of food and other necessities." Jaune told Viola, which got her to calm down slightly, but she was still very cautious around him. In her perspective, the way Jaune looked was a rich person from Atlas since his combat outfit looks very luxurious, as if it was made using the most expensive material in the world.

"Fine, I'll bring you to Ms Scarlet, but I'm keeping an eye on you," Viola said, with Jaune just nodding his head since he was here to help them not to have a confrontation.

Viola leads Jaune to one of the rooms in the building where Ms Scarlet was staying, and when he saw the caretaker in charge, he saw that she was old and seemed to be very tired, which he could not blame her for since they were having lots of problems. Viola went and approached the old lady and started talking.

"Ms Scarlet, this is Jaune Arc, and he said that he wanted to help the orphanage and wanted to talk to you," Viola informed the old lady. In contrast, the old lady just looked at Jaune to see if he had any ulterior motive since she has experienced them before. Still, when she looked at Jaune, she saw nothing that would indicate that he was such a person, but most of all, unlike Viola, when she saw Jaune's clothes, she knew that it was not for show but was a combat suit.

"From what I can see, you, Mr Arc, are a huntsman-in-training, your combat suit may look very luxurious, but it is very much armour," Scarlet said while looking at Jaune, while Viola was shocked that he was, in fact, a huntsman-in-training and not some elitist from Atlas.

"Actually, since a few days ago, I am a fully licenced Huntsman," Jaune said while taking out his scroll to show his licence. It got Scarlet's attention since Jaune could not be older than sixteen to nineteen years old.

"Aren't you a little too young to be a fully licenced huntsman? From the looks of it, you are maybe sixteen to nineteen years old, old enough to head to one of the most prestigious huntsmen academies," Scarlet said

"That's right, but Ozpin saw that I was way too qualified to be a student and that there was nothing else they can teach me, so he made me take a theory test for Huntsman, passed it with flying colours and had me fight one of their staff. More specifically, the headmistress, and I was able to beat her, so I was recommended by him, another huntsman, and a huntress to be fully licenced, which was accepted by the council of Vale," Jaune explained to her.

"I see. Well, what can I do for you, Mr Arc?" Scarlet asked.

"Jaune is fine. No need to be formal. As for why I am here? It is because I met Skye and Carmine while I was eating in a restaurant and saw that they were a bit malnourished, so I asked them the condition of the orphanage that they are staying in and told me that you require some help," Jaune told her his intention of why he was here.

"I see. Well, we accept any help you can offer us." Scarlet said with a thankful voice.

"For now, can you tell me a location of a land that is empty that I can use that is not being inhabited by anyone or owned by anyone," Jaune asked.

"The land beside the orphanage is not owned or used by anyone since we are close to the desert and nobody wants to go near it." Scarlet mentioned.

"Well, for now, I will provide you guys a proper place to stay since it gets cold at night," Jaune told them, which got them confused since, from the looks of it, Jaune is not from Kuo Kuana, so they were wondering how he was going to provide them with a place to stay.

"Oh, and how would you do that, Jaune," Scarlet asked.

"Well, if you show me the location that you mentioned, I can show you," Jaune replied.

Ms Scarlet and Viola showed him the location. It has quite an ample space which is big enough for one of the bigger houses that he made which can house to more than thirty ȧduŀts which are good enough for now. He could just make a bigger one later and replace the current one when it is needed.

When Jaune took out a box, they were confused since he was not carrying anything with him, and that was not all they saw him take out a capsule-like object, and they saw Jaune toss it, and then it produced a lot of smoke, but that was not the weirdest part since when the smoke clear they saw a building in front of them.

"Come on, let's heading in so I can show you around," Jaune said to Viola and Scarlet. He explained everything about the building, like how it was bigger inside than outside. He also showed them everything inside like how many rooms, bathroom, kitchen, storage…etc.

"This...where did you get this kind of technology?" Scarlet asked, which Jaune just looked at her and smiled before answering.

"I built it. In the beginning, I wanted a moving base and made many different things, but this was my final product, a building that I can just bring with me anywhere," Jaune told Scarlet, which confused her.

'If he has technology like this, then why be a huntsman? Why not just sell his technology or make a company that makes his technology in masse.' Scarlet thought. She was curious, so she looked at Jaune and asked him.

"The reason why I wanted to be a huntsman was because I wanted to live up to my family legacy. And because I know that I can make a difference in the world even if It is not that significant, I will still try to do everything I can to help," Jaune said.

'In the beginning, I just wanted to be a huntsman to meet the members of Team RWBY and TEAM JNPR, but over time after hearing some of the Arc legacies, it inspired me to be the best Huntsman I can be and to try and help all the people that I can. I mean, it was the reason I wanted to be here in Remnant in the first place, to make a difference and protect those I can.' Jaune thought.

"You should go ahead and tell the kids that they will now have a place to stay warm and comfortable. And I will be gone for a few hours to try and get food for you and the kids to eat." Jaune told both Scarlet and Viola.

Viola and Scarlet went and got the kids and transferred everything they deemed essential to the new location of the orphanages, while Jaune went a fair bit of distance away from the orphanage and used Yamato to slice through the air and open a portal to Vale's most prominent food suppliers to buy a massive amount of food that won't spoil easily for the people in the orphanage to eat.

It took Jaune an hour to gather all the food that he bought. The amount of food he bought should last the orphanage about a year before they will have to restock.

After helping the orphanage, Jaune headed to the Belladonna house since he is the Chieftain. Jaune wants to help them with their request to help with the dangerous wildlife in the desert of Menagerie, but no other Huntsman wants to do it because it is dangerous with very little pay since Menagerie did not have a lot of money to offer and they are already struggling.

It took Jaune ten minutes to get to the Belladonnas house since he was not in a hurry. While walking there, Jaune was thinking of how to stop the attack in Vale. The first thing is to make sure that the White Fang doesn't get involved. And that is why he plans to ask Ghira if he can meet Sienna Khan and make a deal to pull the white fang out of the other kingdom, and in exchange, he will not only deal with the wildlife in the desert but also make it more habitable for their people.

When he arrived, he used the door knocker, and a loud banging was heard. He waited a few seconds before a female opened the door.

"Hello, can I help you?" The woman who opened the door asked. Jaune looked at her and knew who she was, Kali Belladonna, mother of Blake Belladonna and Wife of Ghira Belladonna.

"Hello, my name is Jaune Arc, and I'm here for your request of a Huntsman that can help with the dangerous wildlife of the Menagerie desert," Jaune said to answer her question and to inform her why he was here.

"Aren't you a bit too young to be a huntsman?" She asked.

"I am young, but I'm a fully licenced huntsman," Jaune said while showing his scroll that has his licence. When Kali saw the licence, she was shocked since he was young. With his age, he should just be attending the four academies, not be a licenced huntsman.

"Where are my manners? My name is Kali Belladonna. Please come in while I go and call my husband since he was the one that made the request, and he is the one who understands the situation more." Kali said while telling Jaune to come in and have a sit in the living room.

While waiting, Jaune looked around the living room, and it was very homey. It did not take long before Kali returned and asked Jaune to follow her to her husband's office. When he got there, he saw Ghira, and he was very tall, standing at maybe around seven feet tall.

"My wife told me that you are here to accept the request of helping us with the wildlife so that we can expand our settlement," Ghira told Jaune.

"Yes, but before I accept the request, I wanted to make a deal with you. I heard that you were the former Leader of the white fang." Jaune asked

"Yes, I was the founder and Leader of the white fang before I stepped down and named Sienna Khan the new high Leader. Why do you ask." Ghira said suspiciously of Jaune's intent.

"Rather than have money as payment, I want a meeting with the Sienna Khan, and I can promise you that I don't have any intent to harm her or anyone for that matter as long as they don't attack me first," Jaune told Ghira.

"Tell me, why do you want to meet with her," Ghira asked.

"To stop what the white fang has been doing in the other kingdoms when I was in Argus last year, I saw a white fang attack a village settlement outside the kingdom just because Human and Faunus were living together in peace, calling them traitors to their kind for living peacefully with humans," Jaune told Ghira while taking out his scroll and showing him the first time, he met Adam Taurus attack a settlement that he went to, to train against the Grimm, but Jaune did not only show one village but multiple villages that Adam Taurus attacked that are not in any way racist to Faunus.

"Is this real? Is this what the white fang has been doing outside of Menagerie?" Ghira asked while feeling that he should never have given control of the white fang to Sienna.

"Yes, these are some of the things they have been doing, including attacking Dust shops that have no problem with Faunus and stealing their Dust. But I believe that Sienna is not the one responsible for the attack since the group in Vale seems to be following the orders of the bull Faunus that I showed you in the picture. That is why I want to meet with Sienna in the first place," Jaune informed Ghira of why he wanted to meet Sienna, and Ghira accepted his explanation.

"Okay, I will try to get you a meeting with her, but it may take a day or two since she is quite cautious," Ghira said to Jaune, and he received a nod.

"That's fine since it may take a while to get rid of the dangerous creatures in the desert," Jaune said, agreeing with Ghira to wait a few days to meet with Sienna.

"A few days, kid, it might take you a few weeks to a few months to help with our issue. It was the reason that no other huntsman wants to take on this job," Ghira told Jaune.

"Maybe to another Huntsman, it may take that long but not to me, and you don't have to worry about me bailing on the job since I planned to help out even if you do not give me anything in return," Jaune said.

"I don't know how you will be able to finish the job quickly, but I will put my trust in you for now until you show otherwise," Ghira said to Jaune.

In the next few days, Jaune went and eliminated the dangerous creatures, but that was not all that he did. He also created a temporary barrier that he set up for when he uses the source ball to accelerate the evolution of the plants in the desert, making it more habitable. The purpose of the barrier is to make sure that the gases released from the source do not escape outside of Menagerie. But that is not all. By trapping the gases in the selected area, it will be more concentrated, meaning faster evolution, therefore less time to wait for the desert to be more habitable. The evolution process won't affect animals since that would not be a good thing since they might get more dangerous.

During the few days that Jaune stayed in Menagerie, he remained at the orphanage, helping the children study and cooking healthy meals. They were grateful. They started to warm up to Jaune since they were quite afraid of him due to the stories about Humans.

After a few days, people living near the desert start to notice that there are fewer Grimm creatures and dangerous wildlife. Ghira was shocked at the news that he heard. The guards have informed him that they saw Jaune dispatch both the Grimm and dangerous wildlife easily. With this information, Ghira now knows why Jaune was recommended to be a professional huntsman even though he is pretty young.

During the few days, Ghira has been trying to contact Sienna, but it took him more than two days, it took him three days before he got in touch with Sienna and another day before she plans to meet Ghira in his residence.

Jaune wants to find out if Sienna was the one who gave the order to attack villages outside the kingdom or it was just Adam Taurus. Ghira wanted to know if Sienna was willing to put innocent people with no problem with Faunus in harm's way to make her point. Or maybe she no longer fights for equality but for supremacy since there is no point in attacking the innocent Human that lives with Faunus equally.

Ghira hoped that Sienna was not fighting for supremacy against the Humans because that is a losing battle since there are so many more Humans than Faunus. They have far more superior technology than them, and they have more resources.

Jaune is now on Sleipnir, heading to Vale with Ahri after meeting with Terra and Saphron when he left Menagerie. As for Ahri, she is a white fennec fox that Jaune met in the desert of Menagerie while he was setting up the barriers for the acceleration of the Source Ball. Jaune spotted Ahri and saw that the white fox was injured, so he decided to approach it and help it. Still, the fox was a bit defensive in the beginning since she was not used to meeting Humans or Faunus since they don't come anywhere near the desert since it was a dangerous place to go, So when Jaune approached her, she scratched him so hard, but Jaune did not even bleed since he had his Aura active.

It took Jaune ten minutes before Ahri decided to let him help since he had many chances to harm her but did not, so when she let her guard down to let Jaune help, he did just that, and he healed her injury. Ahri, after her encounter with Jaune, was very curious, so whenever Jaune was in the desert, she would follow him.

At first, Jaune thought that maybe the area he was on was the territory of the white fox, but no matter where he goes, she follows him as long as he is in the desert, the only problem is that whenever he tries to approach her, she would just run away. It was not until later that she sees Jaune fight a dozen of Grimm that she decided to go to Jaune and started jumping up and down. From this, Jaune realised that the fox was more intelligent than he thought, and he remembered Zwei, the dog that can survive being hit by Antiquity's Roast and smashing a Paladin, maybe just maybe he can teach the fox to fight and be a pet companion with Aura, thus the start of Ahri's evolution to something more than just a regular fennec fox.

In the last week and a half, Jaune was busy preparing the desert for evolution, then talking to Sienna Khan. When Sienna was finally available to meet with Ghira, he prepared to ask some questions, such as whether she was the one ordering Adam to attack these villages outside the kingdom or if she is fighting for equality or supremacy. Jaune already knew that Adam was acting on his own, but he wanted to make sure he even had a cube in his hand that tells him whether she was lying or now, but it goes both ways, he asked her questions, and she asked him questions, which she accepts that he was not lying and that he is planning to help them.

Jaune told them that the first act of friendship he will do for them is make the other two-thirds of Menagerie inhabitable and turn it into a city where the current resident of Menagerie to migrate there and the rest of the land of Menagerie can be turned into a farming land, in the beginning Sienna just laughed and said that if he is capable of doing that then she would not mind even giving herself to him since such an opportunity will bring Menagerie closer to being seen as its own kingdom, Jaune of course said that she does not need to do that and would willingly do it if she agree to pull the white fang out of the other kingdom which Sienna was angry at first but Jaune explained that she will need all the white fang since they will have to act like a military or a while or permanently since when the people hear about the changes in Menagerie they might attack them and the white fang will act as a military to deter them and if they are actually attack then he was prepared to help them repel the other kingdom.

One of the things that Jaune discussed with Sienna was his plan to create a company in Menagerie that will import and export appliances that won't need Dust. Thus making a massive hit to the SDC since the only ones that will need Dust will be Huntsman and the military for weaponry.

Of course, that will not be all that the company will sell, the other things it will be selling are prosthetics for people who are not Huntsman, but some will be designed for a huntsman. Jaune's prosthetics are the prosthetics that Lin Fan from Valiant life made as his twenty-third knowledge. This prosthetic is impressive because it is seamless and waterproof, but that is not the remarkable part. It is capable of changing its size depending on the wearer. If a child were using it, they wouldn't have to change it since it will grow alongside them and would act as if they did not even have prosthetics.

Jaune was able to do everything he discussed with Sienna and Ghira in the last week he stayed in Menagerie. While Jaune was doing all the things that he wanted to do to help Menagerie, he sometimes stays in the house of the Belladonnas' and would talk to them about ways to make Menagerie get even more recognition as a Kingdom. But one day, when he went to the Belladonnas' house, he saw Kali quite sad while holding a picture of her, Ghira and Blake. So, Jaune decided to talk to her about what's wrong, but he knew that Kali misses her daughter.

"Kali, are you alright?" Jaune asked. Over the few days that he has been in Menagerie and meeting with the Belladonna's, he was able to befriend them both with Kali and Ghira asking him to call them by their names since he has done so much for their country. Kali wipes her eyes before answer Jaune.

"It's nothing really," Kali said, but Jaune would not relent with just that since he has come to see them as friends and did not want to see her sad.

"Kali, you know you can tell me, even if it is only a small thing," Jaune told her, which she was grateful for, and she told him the reason she was crying. She showed Jaune the picture before saying.

"This is my family photo. The little girl in the picture is my daughter Blake. When Ghira and I left the white fang, she got angry, and we had a falling out. She said some awful words about us leaving the white fang and left. We have not seen her since," Kali said sadly. She hasn't heard anything about her daughter, not even sure if she was still alive, but she can feel it in her bones that Blake was still alive and fighting. Kali looked at Jaune before saying.

"Jaune, I know that we have not known each other for a long time, but please, if you ever meet Blake or even heard of how she's doing, please inform me, or if you can, please give her this picture," Kali said to Jaune while handing a picture of a young Blake with some writing in the back, a message to be exact.

Now we see Jaune landing in Patch and heading to the Rose/Xiao Long household. He knocked in the house, and Tai answered, and he saw that it was Jaune and let him in.

"How have you been this last two weeks, Jaune?" Tai asked Jaune.

"Good, really good since I was able to finish what I wanted to do and was successful," Jaune replied.

"Well, alright. Let me call Ruby and Yang since they have been waiting for you to come back, especially Ruby since she is excited to tell you some good news," Tai told Jaune. At the same time, he headed up the stairs to call Ruby and Yang, which is about a second later. He saw Ruby dash towards him in a sea of roses and hugged him.

"Jaune, you won't believe what happened while you were gone for the past two weeks, I was in Vale in a dust shop that sells weapon magazine, and I was reading it, and there were these guys who tried to mug me, but I totally kick their buŧŧ, then there was this guy who had orange hair and was wearing more makeup than me. He shot me with exploding Dust round, he then tried to escape, but I was able to catch up. He decided to toss a Dust crystal on me then shot it, which caused an explosion that I easily dodge. I shot him and shattered his Aura, then this lady shot me with some fire, and a huntress blocked it. I knew that I could have easily dodged it. Then the huntress and the girl in red started fighting, but they escaped. The huntress brought me to the police station, and I met Ozpin. Then he asked if I wanted to join Beacon and accepted it," Ruby said very fast. While also not telling Jaune about how she was intimidated by Glynda when she was in the interrogation room or the time she was geeking out and tried to ask for Glynda's autograph.

"Woah, Woah. Slow down, Ruby and catch your breathe, then you can continue," Jaune to Ruby, which she did. She caught her breath and continue what she was going to say.

"Can you believe it, Jaune? I'm heading to Beacon with you and Yang tomorrow!" Ruby said excitedly since she was going to Beacon with Jaune and Yang.

"Well, I'm happy for you, but I have to remind you that I won't be a student at Beacon but a professor," Jaune told Ruby.

Ruby slightly deflated since she won't be in a team with him, but she stopped and decided not to let that get her down and asked Jaune a question.

"So, Jaune. What will you be teaching in Beacon since you have not told us what it is?" Ruby asked Jaune.

"Hmm, I don't know what Ozpin have in mind but, I was planning to head over to Beacon now to ask Ozpin since I also need to take my teaching schedule. I only went here because I wanted to see you guys and check how you were doing before heading to Beacon," Jaune replied to Ruby.

Yang arrived and started to talk with Jaune, and she tried to ask.

"So, Jaune, since you are back, will you be able to tell us what it was you did and also who is this cute little thing," Yang asked.

"Well, you will just have to wait a little bit longer to find out what I did, and this little girl is Ahri. I met her when I was doing the thing that I won't tell you yet. Ahri is similar to Zwei in that she has her Aura unlocked." Jaune told Yang without telling her what it was he was up to for the past two weeks.

"Oh, come on, can't you give us a little hint" Yang kept nagging him about his activity for the last two weeks.

"Sorry, Yang, but it's a secret until it is announced later," Jaune said.

"So, how about a spar Yang, Ruby. I want to see how you girls have improved in the last two weeks and see if you guys are training properly." Jaune said, which Yang and Ruby accepted. They headed towards the base that Jaune left and started sparring with both Yang and Ruby. Jaune can see that they have both gotten stronger than their canon parts, which he was happy since he knows Yang can probably go toe to toe with Adam one on one.

The spar lasted for an hour. Jaune saw that it was still a bit early do he told Tai, Ruby and Yang that he wants to head to Beacon to talk to Ozpin, which they told him to be careful since it was starting to get dark. Jaune left the Rose/Xiao Long house and headed to his base, in which he took out Yamato and sliced a portal heading to Beacon.

When Jaune arrived in Beacon, he headed straight to Ozpins' office. When he got there, he saw Ozpin sitting in his chair, seeping some coffee while doing some work on his desk. Ozpin looks up and sees Jaune.

"Mr Arc, how can I help you?" Ozpin asked.

"Hello Ozpin, I just wanted to ask, since I will be teaching here at Beacon, what will I be teaching," Jaune asked Ozpin.

"Ah, yes. I knew I forgot to tell you something. Well, Mr Arc, since you are incredible at combat, I have decided to place you as an ȧssistant combat professor and work alongside Glynda teaching the freshman. Anything other than that, you will be free to do what you want," Ozpin informed Jaune on his position in Beacon.

"I was wondering if I could add my own Class to teach since I won't have too much work," Jaune asked Ozpin since he wanted to start a mechanic and weapons class.

"Hmm, what do you have in mind," Ozpin asked Jaune.

Jaune proceeded to explain what kind of class he wanted to make. He told Ozpin about how he wanted to teach some students who are interested in studying mechanics and people like Ruby who wants to learn more about weapon crafting, this got the approval of Ozpin, but Ozpin reminded Jaune that they don't have any available classroom for him to use, in which Jaune told Ozpin he did not have to worry about a space for his class and told Ozpin that he just needed some open space, in which Ozpin said he could use the area in the side of the dorm room which Jaune accepted since Jaune only had to use one of his Dyno-Caps.

"Oh, and one more thing Ozpin, how is Amber doing in the past two weeks," Jaune asked Ozpin.

"Well, why don't you see for yourself since she is no longer in the Vault and is now in the infirmary," Ozpin told Jaune, to which he just thanks him and started heading to the infirmary.

When Jaune arrives at the infirmary, he sees Amber sitting up in her bed watching something on the TV.

"Hey Amber, how have you been doing," Jaune asked Amber, while Amber was happy to see Jaune since she only saw him for a bit when she woke up and later, Qrow tells her that Jaune was headed to Menagerie.

"Jaune! You finally came. And, I am doing fine. So, tell me, what did you do in Menagerie? When I asked Qrow about where you were, he told me that you took a job in Menagerie, and congrats on getting your huntsman licence," Amber said and asked Jaune.

"Well, for now, what I did in Menagerie will be a secret that I will tell you guys sooner or later but maybe sooner," Jaune told Amber.

For the next couple of hours, Jaune talked to Amber before she started to feel sleepy.. He also decided to head back to the Rose/Xiao Long household to make some dinner and have a goodnight sleep before heading back to Beacon with Yang and Ruby.

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