Arc Of Embodiment

Chapter 4 - 4 (New)

When Jaune and Qrow arrived back in the Rose/Xiao Long household, Jaune asked Qrow to call Tai, Yang and Ruby, while he headed to his base to pick up the stuff that he wants to give them. It took Jaune about five minutes to return, but when he arrived, he saw that everyone was already waiting for him, and they saw him holding different boxes, and they were curious, but the first to ask was Yang.

"So, Uncle Qrow told us that you wanted to give us something. Is it inside those boxes you are holding?" Yang asked Jaune curiously but still sporting her usual smile.

"Yes, this is the stuff that I wanted to give all of you, as thanks for letting me stay here," Jaune replied to the question of Yang while he was admiring her smile. 'Don't worry, Yang, I will do whatever I can to make sure that you keep on smiling. I will protect you no matter what.' Jaune thought, with the resolve to do whatever he can to protect those he cares about.

Jaune opened the first box, which contains each of their symbols as a pin or necklace.

"These emblems are armours that I designed for you guys. When activated, they cover your entire body, and it is made from two of the metals you saw in my base. It is made from Proto-Adamantium and Vibranium. It is nigh-indestructible and can absorb, store, and release the kinetic energy just like the round shield that I showed you the other day." Jaune told them. Yang thought how it was even possible for an emblem to be armour, while Ruby was just excited to see something new that no one else has or created, and Qrow was no longer surprised after all the things that Jaune has shown them.

"That…is…AWESOME!!!" Ruby shouted.

"How about you try it on, Ruby," Jaune told Ruby while she was holding on to the rose emblem. When she heard that Jaune wanted her to try it on, she could no longer contain her excitement and started talking quickly.

"canireallytryiton.canicani,howdoyouevenuseit." Ruby said very fast. Everyone in the room could not even understand what she was saying except for Jaune.

"Are you ready, Ruby?" Jaune asked Ruby. Ruby just nodded, and Jaune signalled her to go ahead and double-tap the centre of the emblem.

The moment Ruby double-tapped the emblem, the Nano-machine started to cover her body, and her clothes were changing to her v7 combat suit. Even though Ruby did not have her ȧsset like in v7, she still looked beautiful in it.

"This is so cool! How did it do that? Where did it come from." Ruby asked

"It came from the emblem; it is not just an accessory. It is the housing for the Nano-machines." Jaune told her, he was happy to see that Ruby liked it.

"What is Nano-machines?" Ruby asked

"Well, Ruby, Nano-machines are exactly what they sound like. It is a microscopic machine that is about one nanometre. They are tiny; therefore, they can be made into different things when you put them together. For example." Jaune said while showing them the ability of the Nano-machine by copying the form of Crescent Rose.

"As you can see, I can easily copy the form of Crescent Rose, but the ones I will be giving to you will not have the ability to copy, but it can protect you from danger," Jaune told them.

When Ruby saw that the Nano-machine copied her Crescent Rose, she was very excited. 'OHMYGOSH, I can make like a lot of Crescent Rose, I can make an army of Crescent Rose.' She thought, but when she heard that the one she was receiving is only just armour, she was less excited but still happy to have something new.

"So, why don't you guys try yours on," Jaune told them. Qrow and Yang put on their emblem and activated it. Yang looks like her v7 suit but does not have a prosthetic arm, while Qrow looks like his v7. As for Taiyang, he still looks the same except that he can see some sort of HUD.

"Well, I look rocking in this," Yang said.

"Not bad design, kid," Qrow said.

"Hey, how come I'm the only one that looks the same," Tai complained. Yang and Qrow look great, but he looks the same.

"Well, I thought, why not stay the same since you already looked great in it, so why change it?" Jaune said, trying to buŧŧer up Tai for the future if he ever gets together with Yang and Ruby, which seemed to make him happy.

"Moving on, I have to tell you the capability of the armours. First, you should be able to see a HUD the moment it finished setting up. This will monitor your Aura and warn you if you are running low, it will also inform you of any damage you sustained physically. Secondly, you can sync the armour with your weapons. It will be able to tell how many bullets you have and if you want, you can also set the armour's Nano-machine to repair the damages in your weapon so that you won't have to have to repair it constantly." Jaune told them while smiling at the looks of shock he saw from Ruby, Yang and Tai before he continued speaking.

"Thirdly, it has a simple A.I. that can make calls, read and send messages or search the web for information you need without having to remove your attention from the fight. It is accurate, so you won't have to worry about the wrong voice commands. Fourth, it can block mental attacks such as illusionary semblance if the illusion is not physical. Fifth is high-speed protection, and if you are interested in taking a ride with me on Sleipnir, this is important since the Human or Faunus body is not capable of withstanding that amount of speed without an enclosure. Next is electric, heat, and cold resistance. If you are ever in a scorching location, the suit will make sure to adjust your temperature to the optimal temperature. And lastly is storage. All you must do is think about the things you are holding to be stored in the storage. Also, it is not going to accept anything alive except for plants, and if you try to steal using the storage system, it won't accept anything you don't own." Jaune told them.

"Wow," Was all they said after hearing what the armour can do. Jaune approached Qrow and whispered. "It is also able to control the ring that I gave you that stops your semblance."

"Wait, if that box has all the armour that you gave us, what is in the other boxes," Yang asked.

"Do you guys remember that I told you that I was busy?" Jaune asked them, and they nodded.

"Well, that was because I was able to make a breakthrough," Jaune said while taking out the other boxes and opening them. What they saw was a red pill, a blue pill, and a golden pill. The pills confused them, especially since they look like the ones that Jaune gave to Amber.

"First is the Red Pills. This pill will increase anything to do with your Aura, which includes Aura capacity, Aura density, your semblance and healing." Jaune told them, which confused them. So Jaune decided to explain it to them.

"Okay, let me explain what it all means. Aura capacity is simple to understand. For example, if you had, let's say you have one hundred units of Aura, when you take the pills, depending on your talent, it may double your capacity or triple it, it depends on the person who takes it, and it is permanent. Next is the Aura density. This one is simple as well. For example, if you take a hit that causes you to lose about 2 per cent of your Aura, if you increase its density, your Aura will be able to take harder hits with less amount of Aura. Next is your Aura Healing. The pills will make your Aura healing more potent, meaning, less Aura used for better healing. And lastly is your semblance. If you have a disadvantage with your semblance, it will be able to remove it so that you won't have to worry about its backlash." Jaune explained to them, and they understood that the pills they are looking at are precious that any huntsman or huntress will pay any amount to help them in the field.

"Next, the Blue Pills, this one is for more for your physical body. It will enhance your bodies strength and potential, which includes your talent for combat, making you easily learn anything regarding combat, whether it is learning hand-to-hand or learning new techniques or learning to wield different weapons." Jaune told them.

'If I take this pill, I will be able to be better at fighting, and I will finally not suck at hand-to-hand combat since dad and Yang have been trying to tell me I need to learn hand-to-hand combat.' Ruby thought.

'Damn, if I take this, I will be twice as deadly as I am now, plus I will be able to learn other styles to be more diverse.' Yang thought.

Meanwhile, Qrow and Tai were happy because if Ruby and Yang take the pills, they will be safer out in the field.

"And finally, the Golden Pill, this pill will remove any impurities in your body, making your skin smoother and making you more beautiful or handsome depending on your gender. It also makes your body potential skyrocket." Jaune said.

"Jaune, are you sure you want to give us those pills? If you sold them, then you will be able to make a lot of money." Qrow asked Jaune.

"It's fine, Qrow, and I'm not really in need of money. Besides, if I wanted more money, I will just release a new volume for my book, which by the way, is selling like hotcakes, so it's fine if I gave it to you guys since I will be able to make more later and I don't want to sell it to someone I don't know." Jaune reassured Qrow that it was better to use them than some random person who could use them for some nefarious scheme.

"Well, thanks, kid," Qrow said.

"Your welcome, Qrow, and take all the pills at once so that you will receive its maximum benefit. You don't have to worry about having to swallow such a big pill since it will melt in your mouths. And lastly, take it before you go to bed since once you take it, you will faint." Jaune told them since they might pass out in the living room like his sister and sister-in-law.

After Jaune gave them his gifts, he went ahead and cooked dinner for the family, and after that, they went to bed, but not before taking the pills Jaune gave them.

When they woke up, they were able to see that everything that Jaune told them last night was true, they can feel that their Aura is stronger and more bountiful than before, but that was not what shocked them the most. The most shocking was the fact that they looked so much more beautiful/handsome than before.

Qrow looked a lot younger, and that he no longer looked like a drunk. His skin is much smoother than before, and his hair is softer and silkier.

Tai is like Qrow; he looked so much younger than before. If you did not know who Tai was, you would not believe that he was a father to two girls.

Yang looked incredibly beautiful, extremely smooth skin, shining bright lilac eyes, beautiful silky blonde hair and no evidence that she was a huntress-in-training.

The most significant change was Ruby. She was like Yang, she has beautiful smooth skin, bright shining silver eyes, beautiful silky black and red hair, but the biggest thing is that she looks more mȧturė than yesterday. Her body seemed to age slightly, making her look like her v7 counterpart.

'Is that me.' Ruby thought while admiring her new physique.

'Woah, my hair looks amazing, and my skin looks like a newborn's skin.' Yang thought while admiring her skin and hair.

'Holy crap, I look just like when I went to Beacon, but better.' Both Tai and Qrow thought

"Seems like you guys are enjoying yourselves," Jaune said teasingly to the family in front of him.

"Anyways, I will go on ahead and make everyone breakfast. And something that I did not mention last night was the fact that you guys won't ever get fat." Jaune told them. Yang and Ruby were happy that she wouldn't have to worry about being fat and eating as much as they want.

While having breakfast, Jaune talked to the Rose/Xiao Long family, talking about where Jaune was from, why he wanted to be a huntsman, what his family was like, and if he has any plans after Beacon. But while they were talking, Jaune's scroll rang due to a notification. He looked at it and smiled at what the information was.

"What's with the smiling kid," Qrow asked Jaune, and Jaune just showed his scroll to Qrow, and he just nodded while Tai, Ruby and Yang were shocked since what Jaune received was his Professional Huntsman Licence.

"What the hell. How do you have a huntsman licence? I thought you said that you were applied to Beacon like me." Yang asked, shocked that Jaune had a professional licence, Jaune was going to answer her, but Qrow beat him to it.

"Well, firecracker, it happened yesterday when Jaune and I went to Beacon to talk to Ozpin. Oz saw the video recording of your spar with Jaune's. And saw that Jaune was qualified to be a fully licenced huntsman, so he made Jaune take the hunter test and passed with flying colours and the fact that he was able to best Glynda, the deputy headmistress of Beacon, in a spar. So, Oz, Glynda and I recommended that he be fully licenced and asked the council for permission, and they accepted, and now he is also a teacher in Beacon. However, he will still be a part of a team, but he won't be allowed to participate during the Vytal Festival." Qrow explained to Yang and Ruby.

"Damn, I knew that you were strong because of our spar but to beat the deputy headmistress of Beacon is impressive," Yang said while nodding her head in approval of Jaune getting a licence.

"OH MY GOSH, I can't believe that I know the youngest licenced huntsman ever," Ruby said with excitement.

For the next week, Jaune would go to Beacon and check up on Amber to make sure that she was doing fine, and from the looks of it, her recovery seems to be going faster than he thought, and when he checked on her with the scanner, it seems that the weapon he gave is boosting her recovery.

Whenever Jaune finishes his check up on Amber, he would spar with Yang and Ruby to help them get better, and in the past week, they got so much better. Yang stopped her habit of letting her Aura take the hits, and she has started to learn some new fighting styles which Jaune help her with, such as Muay Thai, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Karate and finally Krav Maga. Yang enjoyed learning all of them, she is no means a master in them, but she is getting there.

As for Ruby, Jaune helped her upgrade her Crescent Rose and Yang's Ember Celica. Jaune helped Ruby reforge Crescent Rose using Adamantium but made sure that it won't slice through Aura easily, but when she needs it, a secondary blade will replace the main blade, which can cut through Aura Jaune made sure to warn Ruby about it.

For Ember Celica, they used Vibranium so that every time Yang hits her opponent, it would store some residual kinetic energy, and she can use it to push back her enemy. Lastly was an upgrade to both Ember Celica and Crescent Rose. Instead of manually reloading the weapons, they upgraded the cartridge into an energy pack that acts similarly to dust bullets that they can change using the armour that Jaune gave them. For example, when Ruby uses her gravity bullets to increase her speed, she could activate the repulsors to boost her instead of gravity dust.

Jaune, of course, did not just help Ruby with weapons but also with her problem with hand-to-hand combat by teaching her Aikido, Jiu-Jitsu of all kinds, including Brazilian and lastly Tai Chi. Ruby, at first, did not want to learn it, but on the second day, when she realised that she was getting better at hand-to-hand, she got motivated and was learning it even faster than the previous day. Tai was also happy that Ruby was making progress with her unarmed combat since he knew that it would be dangerous to be out on a mission, and she loses her weapon, she would be vulnerable.

With Yang during the week, he helped her upgrade her Bumblebee. They put an Arc reactor on her and tuned it out a bit. It is now capable of going to speeds of two hundred fifty miles per hour up to four hundred miles per hour, and due to the armour that Jaune gave her, she has no problem withstanding that much force.

Jaune told them that he wanted to talk to them about what he was doing in the next two weeks before heading to Beacon during dinner. So, after dinner, they went over to the living room and sat down to listen to what Jaune wanted to say.

"Okay, I just wanted to tell you guys that I will be leaving tomorrow," Jaune told them.

"What, but you still have two weeks before Beacon starts," Ruby said, saddened that Jaune was leaving earlier than she thought, so Jaune went towards her and patted her head before speaking.

"Don't worry, Ruby. I promise that I will see you before I head to Beacon in two weeks." Jaune said to Ruby, reassuring her that he won't forget about her.

"Okay." She said while enjoying Jaune's hand on her head. When Yang saw this, she got Jealous, so she said.

"Okay, that's enough touching my sister's head," Yang said jealously. During Jaune's stay in their house, Yang started to have some romantic interest in Jaune since he cared for Ruby, he never used Ruby to get close to her, and he never got repulsed by Ruby's obsession with weapons, but Yang still does not know that she is starting to feel something for Jaune.

"So, where are you heading to anyways, since you only have two weeks before you have to head to Beacon," Qrow asked. It got both Ruby and Yang curious since he hasn't said why he was leaving.

"I will be taking Sleipnir and heading to Menagerie, and I can't tell you yet what I will be doing there, but when I am done, you will probably know what I did, so, I won't tell you for now," Jaune told them.

"Oh, come on, please, just a little bit of information on what you would be doing," Ruby asked, trying to get Jaune to tell them what he was going to do with her puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry, Ruby, but I am already immune to those eyes. I have seven sisters remember." Jaune said, and he got a pout from Ruby.

After that, they all just spent the rest of the night together playing games, watching Spruce Willis's movies, and talking about random things that they all found funny. When everyone headed to bed, Qrow approached Jaune once more about what he would do in Menagerie.

"So, kid, what are you going to do in Menagerie," Qrow asked Jaune.

"Well, you know already that I already have my huntsman licence, so I plan to take a job in Menagerie to help them with their wildlife problem and try to show them not all of us Humans are racist shit and that we care about them as well," Jaune told Qrow.

"You are a good kid, Jaune. But I want to warn you that they are not friendly with Humans there, so be careful and stay safe." Qrow informed Jaune.

"Qrow, when I leave tomorrow, please keep me updated on how Amber is doing, especially if something bad is happening," Jaune said.

"No problem, kid, and safe travels tomorrow," Qrow said.

Jaune, during the night, was thinking of the things he can do for Menagerie, like helping them with their CCTS problem that the kingdom would not allow them with and the fact that two-thirds of the land is not habitable since it contains dangerous wildlife. So that night, Jaune used his magic to try and make the Source from Doctor Who, A ball of bubble of gases, a ċȯċktail of stuff for accelerated evolution. The one Jaune made would only function to make the desert habitable rather than causing the wildlife to evolve. With this, he will be one step to stopping the hatred of the white fang and force Sienna Khan to change her ways. Still, he would also help her stop Atlas from leaving a blind eye to their horrible treatment of the Faunus due to the high-class mind by showing all the corrupt individuals in the council and the rich people how they treat their Faunus labour.

It took Jaune almost two hours before he was able to recreate the Source the way he wanted. After he finished, he decided to make a satellite that he can launch when he is in Menagerie so that the people of Menagerie will have an easier time connecting with the other kingdoms. And lastly, he made some DynoCaps for the people of Menagerie when the terraforming is finished, which would only take about a day. He would set it up and bring some people from outside the kingdom to live there, but he would make sure that the people he brought will have no problems with Faunus, so to show that there is, in fact, a lot of other Humans who sees them as equal not lesser than Human.

After finishing, Jaune decided that he would think of other things that he would do when he got in Menagerie, and he would also ask their Chieftain if they have any other issues that they need help with. After that, Jaune headed to bed since he will be travelling for a bit tomorrow.

The following day, Jaune did his usual routine, do some light running, cook breakfast for everyone, eat breakfast with everyone, and usually, he would spar help Yang and Ruby train, but this time he was packing his things to head out.

"So, you are leaving," Ruby said, crying since Jaune was her first friend that Yang did not help befriend and the fact that when Beacon starts, she would not be able to see him a lot since he will be busy training with his team and being a professor.

"Ruby, it's okay. Even when Beacon starts, I will still visit you whenever I can, and that is a promise, and you know we Arcs' never break or go back on our words." Jaune told Ruby.

"I know that. You told me that already before. It's just that I would miss you and the time we spend talking and making some awesome weapons." Ruby said, still saddened that join is leaving.

"It'll be fine, Ruby, and who knows, maybe you will get a chance to head to Beacon two years early. Just don't be sad, okay." Jaune said while smiling at Ruby to try and stop her from being sad. Ruby hugged him and spoke.

"Okay, just be careful out there and don't do anything Yang wouldn't do, because if she doesn't do it, it means it's horrible," Ruby said.

"I'll try," Jaune replied, and Ruby hugged Jaune a bit longer before she let him go.

"Also, I'll leave my base here and pick it up when I head to Beacon so that you know I will return here. And you can use it anytime you want. Just make sure that you don't touch anything in the armoury that is enclosed with glass, they are dangerous, and I am looking especially at you, Yang." Jaune warned them again.

"Okay, jeez. You don't have to worry, with all the things you have made, I won't go anywhere near it since, who knows, maybe it might blow up the whole of Patch, so yeah, I won't go near it." Yang said

After talking, Jaune took Sleipnir out of the garage and started it up. When he did, Sleipnir releases a lot of lightning which scared everyone.

"Okay, it was a good thing you stopped me from approaching that bike when you were giving us a tour of your base," Yang said. Grateful that she was stopped in time when she approached Sleipnir when she was introduced to it.

"Well, now you know, but the amount of electricity that it released was just about one per cent of what she is capable of," Jaune told Yang. She was shocked because, from the looks of it, the amount of lightning that was released would be able to shatter her Aura easily if she did not take the pills.

While Yang was shocked, Jaune tapped on his emblem twice, and he was getting covered in Nano-machine. His suit looks like the God Eater 3 CodeVein Revenant Costume, but rather than black and red, and it is white, gold and blue, mostly white with some gold in the outer trimming and blue in the inner trimming. Yang was mesmerised by how the suit looks on Jaune, so she blushed and tried to look anywhere but him.

"Well, good luck with whatever you are doing, kid," Qrow said.

"Goodbye Jaune, I'll miss you and don't forget your promise to meet me when you start in Beacon," Ruby said while she received a nod from Jaune.

"Goodbye, Ladykiller, and good luck, and I await the time I find out what you did in Menagerie," Yang said. She went towards Jaune and hugged him, and she enjoyed it a lot that she did not want to let go, but she was able to move away from him.

"I know that I have only known you for a while but, my girls seem to like you, and you seem like a good person." Tai said before leaning forward and whispering, "I know that my daughter seems to have developed some romantic feelings for you, and if I found out you hurt them, I will hunt you down in the ends of Remnant." Jaune knew that Tai is very protective of his daughters, so he just nods his head.

Jaune went and rode on Sleipnir, but before leaving, he told them.

"I would like to thank you all again for your hospitality, and I wish you all good luck and may we meet again in two weeks," Jaune said.

When Jaune left, they all went back inside. While Jaune was riding on Sleipnir, he waited until he was far enough before he took out a sword and sliced the air and opened a portal to Argus.

Jaune wanted to visit his sister and sister-in-law to check up on how they were doing, and he plans to stay for about two days before he goes to Menagerie. He wanted to tell them the good news: he was now a fully licenced professional huntsman and got a good job working in Beacon as one of the youngest professors.

When he arrived, he quickly made it to his sister's house and talked to them. When he went in, he saw both sitting in the living room, sitting down relaxing.

"You two seem to be enjoying yourselves," Jaune said, surprising them.

"Jaune, what are you doing here, isn't Beacon starting in two weeks," Terra asked.

"Well, the th-" Jaune was about to tell them, but Saphron interrupted him.

"What happened? Did Ozpin not accept your application because if you wanted, I could beat him up for you." Saphron said, worried that Jaune could not get in since he did not attend a formal preparatory school for Huntsman.

"Sis, it's fine. I'm here for good news." Jaune said while taking out his scroll and showing it to both Terra and Saphron. They were both shocked since the licence says Huntsman and not a student.

"The thing is that Ozpin saw that I was too qualified to be a student, so he, another huntsman, and a huntress recommended me to receive a licence," Jaune told them.

"Wow." That was all Terra and Saphron was able to say in his news.

"But I have another thing to tell you guys," Jaune said.

"What else are you going tell us that is as shocking as you already fulfilling your dream Jaune," Saphron asked.

"Well, I know that I won't be here a lot during Terra's pregnancy, although I will try to be here as much as I can. Even though I already have a licence, I will still be going to Beacon." Jaune said.

"Jaune, if you already have your licence, why would you still need to attend Beacon," Terra asked.

"Well, that's because Ozpin asked me if I am willing to be one of the professors in Beacon. I accepted." Jaune said.

"Holy shit. Well, wow, who would have thought that you Jaune did not have what it takes to be a huntsman is now a professor at one of the most prestigious academies in all of Vale." Saphron said, shocked that he was now a professor.

"That's why, if Terra is struggling to cope with her pregnancy and needs to take an early maternal leave, and her company won't pay for it. I will provide for you girls since the baby is also mine," Jaune said, determined to help both the women in front of him with the best of his ability.

"Thank you, Jaune, for everything," Terra said while she kissed him with Saphron, not minding.

For the two days that Jaune stayed with them, he helped them around the house with cleaning, cooking, and laundry. After the two days of his stay, he said his goodbye to them and headed out. Thankfully Argus is closer to Menagerie than Vale, but he again took out a sword and sliced the air to open a portal. This time his destination was Shion Village since, from his memory, his family has been there before when he was younger and his Family use to camp and hike in that location.

When he arrived, he did not stay long and left, he changed the mode of Sleipnir to flight, and he headed to Menagerie as fast as he can since he has less than two weeks before the start of Beacon.. It took him no more than an hour of supersonic flight before he reached Menagerie.

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