Arc Of Embodiment

Chapter 3 - 3 (New)

As soon as they went in, they were in awe as the inside seems bigger on the inside than the outside. Qrow included since the training ground that he had in Argus was nothing like this.

The training ground in Argus was just an ample open space with a couple of rooms to live on. Still, this one is so much bigger. It has a kitchen, four bathrooms, eight bedrooms, two guestrooms, a dining room, a living room, advanced VR gaming room, advanced simulation training room, a library, a swimming pool, a laundry room, garage, a warehouse, armoury, a workshop and finally a Lab room.

"What the hell? You went all out on this, didn't you?" Qrow asked while being shocked at the new and improve training ground.

"Hell yeah, I did! I wanted to have a mobile base, and this was what I came up with. At first, I wanted to build a base that can move but decided that I would just make a base that I can take with me anywhere I went, and this was the result of that." Jaune told Qrow, proud of the base he created using magic and the technology available to him.

"Oh my gosh, this place is awesome! How did you make it? Can you tell me please please please?" Ruby asked while being excited to see something remarkable.

While Ruby was trying to convince Jaune to tell her how he made it, Yang pulled her.

"Okay, Ruby, that's enough. But you're right. This place is amazing," Yang said.

"So, do you guys want a tour of the place?" Jaune asked the four people with him.

"Yes, yes, yes! Show us around the place," Ruby said to Jaune, very excited to see the whole place.

"Well, okay. Follow me," Jaune said while he started to walk around the place, and the four just followed him.

Jaune showed them the place, starting with the big kitchen. It had a massive walk-in fridge, a stove, an oven, microwave, mixer, two sinks, a toaster, coffee maker and other kitchen essentials. Then he showed them the dining room, which can easily house more than twelve people in it.

Next, they went to the bathroom, and it was big. It had a bath, a shower and a changing space.

Then Jaune showed them the bedroom and the guestroom. When they saw the room, they were amazed by the design it had on the walls. It was not some generic solid colour. No, it had a very sophisticated and intricate design. But the room of Jaune was so evident since it was painted with his family colour in mind, gold, white and blue with the Arc symbol on one of the walls.

Next was the living/lounge room. The area was very spacious, and it had four two people couches, a centre table, a tv, a pool table, and a gaming console. The room looks very welcoming and relaxing.

Next on the list of the tour was the advanced VR gaming room. This room was something they have never seen, and they did not even know what Virtual Reality was, so Jaune explained it to them. They were excited to test out some games and fight some dragons and other mystical creatures.

When they arrived in the next room, they all got scared since many Grimm, including dozens of Alpha Beowolf, Ursa Major, Manticore, Elder Deathstalker, Griffon, and a Sphinx. When they saw this, they went to battle mode and was ready to fight but was stopped by Jaune.

"Stop! You guys don't have to worry. They won't attack," Jaune told them. They were sceptical since Grimm attacks people on sight.

When Jaune saw that they wouldn't believe him, he showed them by going towards the Grimm, and they did not move.

"See," Jaune said. They were all shocked that the Grimm did not even move. Seeing how they all looked shocked, Jaune decided to take a picture of the four, which snapped them out of shock.

"Why aren't they moving?" Yang and Ruby asked at the same time, with Qrow and Tai thinking the same.

"Well, that's because they aren't real," Jaune told them while Yang and Ruby asked what he meant.

"Not real? But they're right here," Yang said, confused, while Jaune just laughed at her confusion.

"If you guys didn't suddenly distract me, I would have told you what this room was," Jaune told them, still laughing.

In the next five minutes, Jaune explained to them what the room they were in and why many Grimm were in the room. They were amazed at the level of Jaune's technology. The space happens to be the advanced simulation training room where they can set up a challenge where they can fight Grimm and people recorded in the data and simulate their fighting style.

After that, they headed to the library. This room is enormous, and it was filled with many books ranging from storybooks, fiction and non-fiction to quantum computing, all the books in this room have all been read by Jaune. If you look closely, you can see some comic books that still have a seal on them meaning it has not been read. This was the second copy that he keeps as a collection alongside other literary masterpieces that he has read. When Ruby saw all the comic books and storybooks, she was excited and asked Jaune to borrow some of the books, which he was okay with.

Next came the Swimming pool, and it was massive. It was bigger than even Olympic pools. It was a hundred-metre-long, fifty metres wide and five metres deep. Since hunters have Aura, they can swim faster than any Olympic swimmer. Therefore, they need a big enough pool that they won't over one end to another in less than five seconds. Jaune also told them that the pool is used to learn to fight in the water against aquatic Grimm.

Next was not important, so Jaune just told them what the room was and left the laundry room.

The next room was something that Yang loved. It was a garage. In it was a collection of cars ranging from cars and bikes from Earth and Anime. Yang was impressed with the collection of the vehicle. Jaune then explained how fast each car is, and he also told them that they don't use dust and run on electricity. Each of them is modified by Jaune to ran on the Arc Reactor that he made using his magic, and he also told them that they could run non-stop for fifty years.

"Wait, not only does it not run on dust, but you also don't have to charge it for fifty years," Yang asked, still baffled that something like that was possible.

"Yup, I made a reactor core that generates a lot of energy, making each of the cars and bike go as fast as three hundred and fifty miles per hour. If you like, since you already asked me to help you upgrade your bike, I can integrate the Arc Reactor in it," Jaune explained.

"Really," Yang asked, and she received a nod from Jaune. "Sweet," Yang replied

"By the way, Yang, this is Sleipnir," Jaune said while pointing at the silver and blue motorcycle.

"Woah, it looks amazing," Yang said while approaching Sleipnir, but as soon as she was close to touching Sleipnir, Jaune stopped her.

"Don't ever touch Sleipnir; it doesn't like being touch by just anyone. If you touched it, it would have electrocuted you," Jaune warned Yang.

"Okay, thanks for the warning. So, how fast is it if you are saying you have never seen any bike faster than it before?" Yang asked Jaune.

"Well, Sleipnir has sixteen million seven hundred seventy thousand horsepower capable of easily breaking the speed of sound, which is about seven hundred seventy miles per hour. She is also capable of flight." Jaune said to Yang.

Next, they went to the next area, which was the warehouse and besides that was a workshop. The warehouse is filled with many different metals ranging from Gold to Tungsten, Vibranium to Uru. This room made Ruby ecstatic since she saw so many different metals that she's never heard of and asked Jaune what the property of the metal was.

"Jaune, can I ask what these metals are? I've never heard of them before," Ruby asked Jaune while pointing at the Vibranium and Proto-Adamantium.

"Well, the dark shiny grey is Adamantium which is a type of alloy which is virtually indestructible, while the bluish one is Vibranium which is capable of absorbing kinetic energy and storing it," Jaune answered Ruby's question. Ruby was going crazy after knowing the properties of the metals.

"That's a load of bull kid. There is no way metal can store kinetic energy," Qrow said, sceptical of the notion that metal is capable of something like that. He may believe in magic but absorbing and storing kinetic energy is just not scientific in any way.

"Oh, is that a challenge, Qrow," Jaune asked Qrow with a smirk.

"Sure, if you can show me something that you made with that metal and is capable of absorbing kinetic energy, I will run around Beacon during the initiation in a skirt." Qrow said, which he regretted a lot since he saw the smirk in Jaune's face, so he went towards Jaune and whispered: "But it can't be a magic weapon." Even after saying that, he still saw Jaune smirking.

Jaune might have used magic to recreate the Vibranium, but he did not use magic to recreate the shield of Captain America.

"Okay, wait here while I get the shield that I made using the Vibranium," Jaune said while he headed to the armoury next door to pick up the shield.

It only took Jaune a minute before he came back with a silver round shield.

"Okay then, who wants to hit it," Jaune asked.

"Okay, kid, since I'm the one that made the challenge let me hit it with everything I got," Qrow told Jaune while he went in a striking stance while Jaune held a shield up.

Qrow started hitting the shield as hard as he can multiple times, and the shield in Jaune's hand began to have a pale violet colour all around it. Qrow was starting to get irritated that he could not even put a single scratch on it. The next moment the shield now has a rich purple colour signifying that it has absorbed a lot of energy, so the next instant, Jaune released all the energy stored in the shield and sent Qrow across the warehouse.

"Now, do you believe me?" Jaune said while looking at a very disoriented Qrow.

"Okay, okay. I believe you, but what the hell was that." Qrow asked while he was having a hard time standing up since he is still disoriented.

"That was me releasing all the kinetic energy that is absorbed and directed it at you," Jaune replied to the question of Qrow.

After Qrow recomposed himself, they headed to the next area. The armoury that Jaune went to earlier. Jaune explained that they could use any weapons in the armoury except those in glass casing since they are extremely dangerous. He also made sure to make Ruby and Yang promise never to use it without permission. Ruby was very excited about all the weapons stored in the armoury. Jaune knew that Ruby would ask him about all the weapons she can see, so he told her to tell her all about it later. With that, they headed to the next area.

The next area was the workshop, and it was filled with so many different machines such as a CNC machine, Standing drills, Lathe, Laser cutter, 3d Metal printer, other heavy-duty machines and a furnace. The room was big, which is needed since the room was filled with so many top of the line machinery used for creating many different things ranging from just furniture to extremely powerful mechashifting weapons.

The last area they headed to was the Lab. All Jaune did was show them the place but told them that the Lab was off-limits to everyone since everything can be dangerous if handled correctly. So, it only took them two minutes to look around before they headed back to the simulation room where Yang and Jaune were getting ready to have their spar.

After preparing, both Jaune and Yang headed to the Simulation room. Jaune set up a ring for them to fight on. It took him a minute to set up, and after, he headed to the ring.

Yang was already ready to have a spar, and she was wearing her usual combat outfit with Ember Celica already deployed.

"I will be the referee in this spar," Qrow said to both Jaune and Yang. While both just nodded. Both did not know that Qrow is recording this fight and planned to send it to Ozpin since Qrow knows that Beacon will not teach Jaune anything.

"Three," Qrow said.

Yang and Jaune went on a fighting stance, with Yang having a more aggressive stance while Jaune had a more relaxed stance to anticipate Yang's next move.

"Two," Qrow announced.

Yang loaded Ember Celica, while Jaune kept observing Yang with Shirogane on his right hand starting to glow since he was transferring his Aura to the blade.

"One," Qrow said.

Yang started to fire shots at Jaune while Jaune moves slightly to dodge each bullet. Yang continued her ȧssault on Jaune, but after a minute of firing shots from Ember Celica, she decided to boost herself towards Jaune to enter Close Quarters Combat.

After seeing Yang ran towards him, Jaune stopped analysing Yang's movements and prepared to counter her hits. He can tell that Yang's techniques are very aggressive and do not care about her opening.

'I see. Since Yang's semblance let her absorbs the hit she received, she stopped caring for her opening and takes the hit and let her semblance store the energy, which she can later use for an extra boost. That is not a good way of fighting and could get her killed since she stopped caring about defence.' Jaune thought he should help Yang stop the bad habit of not closing her openings, so he told her what he thinks.

"Yang, from what I can see, you have a bad habit of not closing your opening and just let your Aura take the hit. That is not a good thing. What happens if you were to receive a hit that your Aura can't handle? What then? You have to remember that your Aura can't protect you from everything. Aura may regenerate. However, it can still shatter and leave you defenceless, so I suggest you start learning to stop trying to tank every hit and close your openings." Jaune told Yang everything he observed from the way she fought so far.

When she heard the criticism of her way of fighting, she got irritated, her eyes turned red, and she got even more aggressive and was on the brink of using her semblance but stopped herself. She started to get even more serious. She did precisely what Jaune told her and started to close her opening, and instead of tanking the attacks coming from Jaune, she began to dodge them.

'Good, she looks irritated, but she started to change the way she fights. I know for the fact that the way she is now changing her style will be temporary. Still, if I can keep sparring with her for the whole month that I will be staying here, maybe, just maybe, she can be accustomed to blocking and dodging incoming attacks instead of tanking it and help her stop the habit of not caring about her opening.' Jaune thought with a smile since now he has a plan to help Yang prevent her from losing an arm since he can't be multiple places at once, and he might not be around her when Adam attacks.

'But maybe, I can prevent the fall of Beacon in the first place.' Jaune thought.

Jaune was snap out of his thought when one of Yang's punches nearly hit him. Jaune decided to concentrate on the fight and think of his next move to protect Vale from Cinder's attack.

Yang has gotten better since the beginning of the fights, so Jaune decided to get serious and go for the attack rather than defence. Every time Yang throws a punch, Jaune blocks it and counter back with a swing of his scythe, and every time he attacks, it hits Yang. This went on for a minute before Yang could no longer contain her anger, and she used her semblance. Jaune saw this as a chance to end the fight since Yang was no longer thinking straight because of her anger. Yang approached Jaune with immense speed, but she blacked out before she even arrived close to Jaune.

When Jaune saw Yang use Ember Celica to boost herself towards him, he knew she was no longer thinking straight. He switched his weapon to the gun mode and shot her, knocking her out. Due to Yang's anger, she could not realise that Jaune changed his weapon mode, and before she knew it, she was knocked out, both Aura and out of the ring.

When Yang woke up, she was in her bed.

'Ha, how did I get here.' Yang thought. 'The last thing I remember was I was speeding towards Jaune, and nothing, I think I was knocked out.' Yang thought while trying to remember what happened during the spar. Yang got out of bed and went downstairs, where she heard people talking.

When Yang arrived downstairs, she saw her dad, her uncle and sister but not Jaune.

'Where's Jaune.' She thought, so she went towards her sister and asked: "Hey sis, where's Jaune.".

Ruby looked at her sister before she said.

"Jaune is in his base. He said that he had work to do and not to disturb him since he said that it was crucial," Ruby told Yang.

"Ha, okay, so what's for dinner since it is already dark outside," Yang asked Ruby.

"We saved you some of the food that Jaune cooked, and there are some Risotto, Paella, Hanger Steak, and some Galette. He cooked them before he went to his Lab." Ruby told Yang, while Yang was excited to have another dish made by Jaune since breakfast was terrific. Ruby was slightly backing away from Yang since she was drooling a bit. Yang went to the kitchen to have some dinner.

Meanwhile, Jaune was in his base trying to make some combat suits for Yang and Ruby. The suit he was made was something similar to Black Panthers armour, and they will have a necklace that they can tap, and they will be covered in armour. This was the first step to try and protect Yang just in case his training does not yield much result. The armour will be made of Proto-Adamantium, which will be nigh-indestructible and will protect them better than the combat outfit they currently have. The armour will be similar to the V7 suit that they have, and any exposed part of the body of the armour will have an invisible layer that still protects it. It also has other functions that would later be explained. He also made one for himself and Qrow.

But that was not all that Jaune was working on. He also made some pills that would strengthen Aura, some pills that would increase their reserve, and lastly, a pill that would enhance their body and talent for combat. He also made the Impurity Remover which would in turn also increase their potential.

The pills for Amber have already been prepared. Still, if he tells Qrow that he finished it already could cause some suspicion, so he planned to wait for a few more days, but he did not want Amber to suffer more than she already has, so he changes his plan and will tell Qrow that he finished it in the morning.

And the last thing that Jaune did was make a ring for Qrow to help him control his semblance, to be able to turn it off and turn it on any time he wants. So, he will be able to stay with the people he loves rather than having to constantly leave them for long periods due to worrying that he might accidentally trigger his semblance and hurt them. After knowing Qrow for two years, he can tell that Qrow is depressed and that he uses drinking and going on many missions to try and distract himself from the reality that he can't stay with the people he calls family for long periods because of his semblance. After finishing all the things that he wanted to make, Jaune went to bed.

The following day, Jaune went to Qrow's room. He knocked and waited for him to answer. It took a long time and a lot of knocking before Qrow opened the door, and from what Jaune can see, Qrow was passed out drunk since he was drinking regular alcohol instead of the alcohol that Jaune made.

"Qrow, I finished making the pill that will help Amber recover." Jaune told Qrow, this, in turn, got Qrow's undivided attention.

"Wait, you already finished it, it hasn't even been a few days, and you already finished," Qrow told Jaune.

"That is because I have been researching Aura and the Soul for a while now. I wanted to see if there was a way to increase Aura capacity, and I succeeded and used that as a foundation to make a pill that would help Amber stabilise her Soul, strengthen it and increase its capacity. I was able to make that breakthrough last night." Jaune told Qrow.

"Now I know why you woke me up. After all, it is our priority to help Amber and figure out who attacked her and took half her powers." Qrow told Jaune.

"That's right, so I was planning to head to Beacon after breakfast," Jaune told Qrow, and Qrow just nodded in agreement. They both headed downstairs towards the kitchen to discuss what to eat for breakfast.

While Jaune and Qrow were deciding what to eat, Tai arrived in the kitchen, and he saw both Jaune and Qrow talking.

"What got both of you up early this morning," Tai asked since he knows that whenever Qrow is around, he never wakes up early.

"Well, the kid and I have some important things to talk to Oz about involving the Fall Maiden," Qrow replied to Tai.

"Wait, Qrow, are you telling me he is in the loop about the magic of the Maiden," Tai asked Qrow while pointing at Jaune.

"Yeah, he is. He has known about the Maidens in the last two years when he saw me training the Fall Maiden to use her powers, and right now, he is helping me find a way to save her life, which was the important thing he was doing last night. When we asked for his help, I knew that he would find a way to save her but didn't think that it would be this fast since it was only two days ago that we asked him for help." Qrow answered Tai.

Tai was shocked that Jaune knows about the Maidens, but from what he can tell from how Qrow talks to Jaune, Qrow trusts him, so he just let it go.

After cooking breakfast, Jaune asked Tai if he should wake up both Ruby and Yang. Tai said he would go and wake his two daughters for breakfast. It took him a while since Yang would not wake up, but Ruby was easy. After breakfast, both Jaune and Qrow headed to the port to catch a Bullhead to Beacon.

While on the bullhead, Jaune wanted to talk to Qrow about his semblance so that he could give him a ring he made the previous night.

"Qrow, do you remember, seven months ago when I asked you about your semblance," Jaune asked.

"Yeah, and I told you that it was a passive semblance that I could not control, and it causes bad luck to those around me," Qrow told Jaune.

"What if I told you there is a way to control your semblance," Jaune said while showing Qrow a ring with a crow on it with its red eye being a gem.

"Kid, if there is a way to control my semblance, I will give do anything to have it," Qrow said.

"Here, take this. It should help you with your semblance," Jaune said while handing the ring to Qrow.

"Last night, when I made a breakthrough that helps make the pill to save Amber, I was also able to make other things like that ring that should help you turn off and on your semblance at will. There are others as well, but we can talk about it later when we return to Patch." Jaune said.

Qrow was grateful for the day he met Jaune and that he took a chance the day they met. Over the two years that he has known Jaune, he has been able to make a lot of impossible things, but making a ring that helps him control his semblance is another thing entirely.

'But then again, the kid has some magic weapons. Maybe it's not that outrageous.' Qrow thought.

After arriving in Beacon, Ozpin and Glynda were waiting for them at the landing site. Just like before, Ozpin and Glynda brought Qrow and Jaune to Amber. When they arrived, Jaune once again scanned Amber, and she was still the same, so with no hesitation, he put the pill in Amber's mouth and waited.

"Hey Kid, do you think it would work," Qrow asked, but all he can see is that Jaune was smiling.

The others don't notice anything happening, but Jaune can feel the Soul of Amber repairing itself slowly. After thirty minutes of waiting, Jaune saw that the repairing of Amber's Soul was finished, so he scanned her again. The scanner told him that her Soul was now whole but not the power of the Maiden. It was not even a minute since he scanned Amber that she started to stir awake.

"Where am I?" Amber asked, and she saw Jaune standing beside her.

Jaune helped Amber sit up, while Qrow, Glynda, and Ozpin were shocked that the medicine that I gave Amber could take effect immediately. Qrow was happy that I could help Amber very quickly, while Glynda was surprised that I could do something that not even an Atlas scientist was able to do. At the same time, Ozpin was glad that someone like Jaune was not after the Maidens power, and he thought about the video of the fight between Yang and Jaune.

Ozpin wondered if Jaune's talent was being wasted as a student since he saw that Jaune was stronger than some of the professional huntsmen he knows, and according to Qrow, he was beaten by Jaune multiple times. So, he thought of another way to help Jaune but not as a student.

After talking to Amber, Ozpin asked her if she remembers the people that attacked her.

"I don't know who they are but, I still know what they look like. If you can get someone good at sketching, I can tell you how they look like," Amber said while Jaune said that he could draw for her. It took a few minutes before Jaune could draw the pictures of Emerald, Mercury and Cinder.

After telling them what her ȧssailant looked like, Amber was tired and went back to sleep, her Soul might have been repaired, but her body had to use a lot of energy to do so. When Amber fell asleep, Qrow, Jaune, Ozpin and Glynda went to the top of the Beacon tower to head to Ozpin's office.

"Mr Arc, Qrow showed me a video of you fighting with his niece, and I can see that you are holding back a lot during your spar. I believe that there is nothing Beacon can teach you, so I have a proposal." Ozpin said.

When Jaune heard what Ozpin said, he was afraid that he would not be able to attend Beacon, but hearing what Ozpin said, in the end, got him curious.

"What do you have in mind," Jaune asked.

"If you can beat Glynda in a fight, then Qrow, Glynda, and I could recommend you to be given a professional huntsman licence and invite you to Beacon as a teacher," Ozpin said. When Glynda heard this, she was angry at Ozpin for what he wanted but decided to accept it since she saw that Jaune was brilliant, so if he could beat her, she would be glad to have him as a staff even if he was a lot younger than them.

"Okay, I will accept, but on one condition. I still want to be on a team and go to initiation." Jaune said.

"Hmm, you would be a teacher here in Beacon. Why would you want to be a part of the initiation?" Ozpin asked.

"The reason I wanted to join Beacon was not just to complete my huntsman training. But to also socialise and meet new people that I can relate to. Back home, I didn't have any friends, and when I went to Argus, the only people I would talk to was Qrow and Amber, but as you can see, they are both older than me, and I want to be able to talk to people my age." Jaune told Ozpin. At the same time, Ozpin was contemplating if he should agree.

"Besides, I can't always be on the battlefield. If I did not have any friends my age, I probably would always be on missions." Jaune said.

"Alright, I'll agree with your condition but, I have a condition of my own. You will train your team and another team. Whichever team you want to train is fine with me," Ozpin said.

"I agree," Jaune replied.

After a few hours, Jaune and Qrow were on a bullhead going to Patch.

"Ha, who know that when we went to Beacon today that you would be a teacher," Qrow said.

"Qrow, you were the one that sent the video to Ozpin," Jaune said with a deadpan face.

"I sent him the video expecting Oz to give you a teaching ȧssistant placement, not a full-time teacher, and not a recommendation to be a full-fledge huntsman that the council agreed on. Oh, and congratulation on being a professional huntsman." Qrow said and congratulated Jaune.

"Well, Thank you. Anyway, when we get back in Patch, I want to give you and your niece some of the things that I created last night." Jaune told Qrow.

"And what exactly are these things." Qrow asked.

"Well, one of them is armour. From what I can see from yesterday, especially Yang, her combat suit is not properly protecting her, and Aura can only do so much. I made some for you and Ruby as well and Tai, if he ever goes on a mission again, while the other things that I want to give you and them are a surprise." Jaune told Qrow.

"Okay, I trust that you won't hurt my nieces," Qrow said.

With that, they had a quiet trip back to Patch.

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