-Draconic Deus-

Two days after the return of Rias and her Peerage.

It's already been four days since the disappearance of a Longinus within God's System. Michael and the other Seraphs were racking their brains to figure out how any could remove a Sacred Gear from the system, but they couldn't figure anything out, they were getting desperate, hence they asked Azazel for help. Michael contacted Azazel to get his opinion since he knows a lot about Sacred Gear and its system, but even he was puzzled by it since only God could add and remove something in the system, no one else has access to it.

"So, you're telling me that after so long, someone finally stole something from that old man, ha-ha-ha! That's funny, and they stole a Longinus no less, ha-ha-ha!" Azazel laughed hard.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Azazel. If they can do it once, then they can do it again. Gaining access to a Sacred Gear that's no longer in the system is bad, they will have unregulated access to its power. Need I remind you; the Boosted Gear was the one that was stolen, who knows, maybe the next target of this individual or organisation is the Divine Dividing," Michael said.

Azazel and Michael talked for a long time to figure out what was happening. Azazel was confused, if the Boosted Gear was removed from the System now, does that mean they took it out of the current wielder? But that was impossible since he summoned the current person that he knows is the wielder the day before.

While that was going on, Jaune was with Serafall and the others were just in class, oblivious to the chaos that he unknowingly made, though if Jaune was there in the meeting between Michael and Azazel, he would laugh since he knew that they won't be able to trace any energy from Yamato when he severed the connection.

After having a great time with Serafall, he told her that he had to go, he has some stuff to do. Jaune may not be able to understand how the ability to travel between worlds works, but he knew that every time he leaves a world that he's been to, it would slow down. This puzzled him, but he just let it be since this ability was given to him by the One True God, there is no logic how any ability made by him works. Jaune just accepted it.

After separating from Serafall, Jaune went back to Kuoh Academy, he needed to tell Rias and the others that he was leaving for a little bit. Jaune knew that the others would understand, but the problem was Koneko, after all, when she was young, she was abandoned by her sister, even if it was to protect her. Jaune was preparing for Koneko to hate him for a while or he thought why not bring her with him, after all, Rias and her Peerage knew that Jaune wasn't from this world.

'This is going to suck…If Koneko cries, that's going to hurt, I don't think I can handle it if she cries,' Jaune thought.

'What am I going to do?! Then again Ruby and Glynda said to bring home…She's not even a new member! …yet,' Jaune thought. For so many things to worry about, Jaune was worrying about something trivial, well trivial for other people, but for Jaune, when he makes a connection with people, he cherishes it.

'Alright. First, I need to calm down. Second, I promised to bring some food to Koneko during lunch which is in ten minutes. Third, I'm not leaving until the end of the Rating Game, I should be able to find a way to tell Koneko without her crying,' Jaune thought, but the idea of making Koneko cry was weighing on Jaune. Seeing a girl that he cares about cry is excruciating for Jaune, as it is something he strives to prevent.

After calming down, Jaune headed to Kuoh, when he entered, he wanted to ask them where Koneko's class was, but whenever he tried to as a male student, they just look at him with hostility, on the other hand, when he tries to ask a female student, they seem to be in a daze when they look at him, then they run away.

"What the hell is wrong with the students here?!" Jaune shouted in frustration.

Issei who was in his classroom heard Jaune shout in frustration. Jaune was just a few feet away from Issei's class, hence why Issei heard him. Issei took a look outside the classroom and saw Jaune frustrated, so, he decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Jaune? Are you okay?" Issei asked.

"Issei! Thank God! I can finally speak to someone sane. Are all the students in this school weird?" Jaune said.

"Eh? Why do you say that?" Issei asked confused why Jaune will call everyone in the school weird.

"I tried talking to some male student to ask where I can find Koneko's classroom, but they just look at me with disdain. Then I tried asking the female students, they just stare at me with a dazed look, then they would squeal and then run away," Jaune explained to Issei.

"Yeah…That's probably because most of the guys here in Kuoh are either perverts or aren't that good looking meaning girls aren't into them. So, when they saw you, quite frankly a handsome person, they get pissed thinking you are going to steal the girls. As for the girls, they aren't used to meeting a foreigner, making them dazed and squeal at your looks," Issei explained.

"Aha? Are most females sheltered here in Japan?" Jaune asked.

"Not really. There are some, but they aren't the majority," Issei said.

"Anyway, do you mind showing me the way to Koneko's class? I promised to bring her lunch that I cooked for her," Jaune said.

"No problem! Come, follow me, it's not that far from here," Issei said, gesturing for Jaune to follow him.

When they were gone, people from Issei's class were gossiping when they saw Jaune. Murayama, Katase and Kiryuu were talking with Asia when they saw Jaune, they started talking about him. Everything was great until Asia told them that she knew Jaune.

"You know that foreigner!" Katase asked.

"Un. His name is Jaune Arc, we met him a while back," Asia said. When she said a while back, she meant a while back in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but she knew that in the real world, it's been only a few days.

"What's he like?" Murayama asked.

Asia told them about Jaune she didn't mention anything about the supernatural world. She only talked about how he was good at cooking, cleaning, dancing and singing. The three girls with her were fantasizing about Jaune until they remembered that they saw him with Issei, they sort of concluded that Jaune was a pervert just like Issei, but they thought a bit more and they looked back at Jaune's mannerism, none indicated that he was like Issei. So, they just shrugged their shoulder and thought that they should get to meet him first before they judge him.

Meanwhile, Jaune and Issei arrived in Koneko's classroom, Issei left after. Jaune went in and people talking stopped, they all looked at Jaune, Koneko though, she ran to Jaune and pulled him into her seat and sat down on his ŀȧp.

"Did you miss me?" Jaune asked.

"Un. I did," Koneko replied.

"But didn't I just see you yesterday?" Jaune asked.

"Un. But I still missed you," Koneko said.

Everyone in the room was staring at them, not in their wildest dream did they think that Koneko will be intimate with someone, she was even sitting on someone's ŀȧp. Most guys who saw this were jealous of Jaune, while the girls were jealous of Koneko for being so close to someone as handsome as Jaune and he was a foreigner no less.

"Here…I made this just for you as I promised," Jaune said while handing over the lunch box that he was holding. He then opened the lunch box and everyone in the room was bombarded with its amazing aroma. Everyone gulped at the sight of the food plus the fragrance they were smelling from it.

"Ahh…" Koneko opened her mouth for Jaune to feed her. This wasn't the first time this happened, the first time was on the sixth month they were in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Jaune then proceeded to feed her. When the food entered Koneko's mouth, she was in heaven even though she was a devil.

"Is it good?" Jaune asked.

"Un. More…Ahh," Koneko asked to be fed more.

Everyone in the class never spoke a single word. They were just watching the interaction between Jaune and Koneko in jealousy.. They were all dying inside, they wanted to be in Jaune and Koneko's position.

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