Hey guys. I would like to apologise that I wasn't able to make a chapter yesterday. I had to go to the hospital to get my arm checked since the cast was causing irritation on my right arm.

I was told by my doctor to relax more. Therefore I might not be able to make daily Chapters anymore, but I'll try to make some from time to time.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.


-Draconic Deus-

Day of the Rating Game.

After class, Koneko and the others went to the ORC just like they do every day, but for the past few days they've been having two extra visitors, that being Jaune and Serafall. When they arrived in the ORC, Koneko immediately went to sit on Jaune's ŀȧp, while the others sat on their usual sit.

Jaune has been waiting for this moment, it was finally time for the Rating Game. Rias and the others have been preparing for this in the past few days. They've all become strong with Jaune's training, but they haven't fought anyone other than Jaune, they didn't know how they would fare against someone like Riser Phenex.

If Jaune heard what they were thinking, he would laugh so hard that he might just faint. Though, right now, Jaune was nervous about telling Koneko the news that he needed to leave for a while. While Rias was preparing for the Rating Game, Jaune was preparing his heart to see a dejected Koneko.

After a few minutes, Sirzechs and Grayfia arrived in the ORC, they are to bring Rias and her Peerage to a section of the Dimensional Gap that is protected by a barrier along with Jaune, Serafall and Sona and her Peerage. This field was created by Ajuka and the technicians who work under him. The field itself provides a simulation of any environment or scenery for a game to take place in.

When they arrived, Jaune was amazed at the place, it was capable of creating any environmental simulation or a simulation of a location that they want. At the moment it seems to be creating a simulation of Kuoh Academy.

"This place is fascinating. I can tell that we are no longer on Earth, instead, we seem to be in an area between worlds, that means that this is located in the Dimensional Gap," Jaune said while looking at Serafall who was beside him smiling.

"Yup! This place is where all Rating Game takes place. The ones participating are teleported here, where they can duke it out without causing any damages," Serafall said with a smile on her face.

While talking with Serafall, Sona and her Peerage headed to the Student Council Room since they are responsible for broadcasting the Rating Game. Sirzechs had Rias and her Peerage go to their starting area, as for Grayfia, she was doing the same thing as Sirzechs but with Riser's Peerage instead. When all that was done, the Rating Game was ready to commence.

"Everyone. I am Grayfia, servant of the Gremory family, appointed judge between the Gremory and Phenex families," Grayfia announced.

"Taking Rias-sama and Riser-sama's opinions into consideration, we prepared a replica of Kuoh Academy, the school Rias-sama attends in the Human World, as the battlefield," Grayfia added.

Issei and Asia who were new to being a devil didn't understand what Grayfia meant, so, Rias told them to open the window and look outside, when they did it looks just like Kuoh, but the sky was a swirling green energy.

"Both parties have been teleported to their main base. Rias-sama's main base is the Occult Research Club room in the old schoolhouse. Raiser-sama's main base is the principal's office in the new schoolhouse. Thus, pawns can be promoted when they manage to invade the enemy's schoolhouse," Grayfia continued.

"The Game…Begins now!" Grayfia announced.

The rating game was a one-sided game in Riser's mind, he believed that the game itself was pointless and was just played to break Rias' pride. Riser was right, the rating game was in fact one-sided, however, the game's favour was never on his side, it has on Rias' side.

From the beginning to the end, Riser could not believe what was happening. His Peerage was being demolished, not one of them could stand up to one of the newer devils such as Issei. His Queen Yubelluna could not even bring out her Phenex tears before she was eliminated by Akeno's lightning along with Marion, Bulent and Shuriya. Karlamine and Siris were both eliminated by Kiba's usage of his balance breaker. Did Kiba have to use his balance breaker? The answer is no, but he did it anyway to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Xuelan, Isabella and Mihae were beaten by Koneko, she didn't even have to use any of the Martial Arts that Jaune taught her, all she did was deck them in the face hard enough to knock them out. She didn't show any restraint at all, she went hard on their faces.

Ile, Nel, Ni, Li, and Ravel were beaten by Issei, he didn't have any issue with beating them. Whether it was their speed or strength, none of them could even rival one percent of Issei's power, he hasn't even activated the X-Glove.

When Issei arrived on the rooftop, Riser was still very condescending, he believed that everything was just a fluke, that he, Riser Phenex can beat Issei easily. This was a mistake on Riser's part. Issei activated the X-Glove to show Riser that just because he was a member of the Phenex house, doesn't give him the right to belittle newly reincarnated devils.

Riser got angry at this and started flying in the air to get an advantage against Issei since he knew that newly reincarnated devils aren't capable of flight. That would have been the case if Issei was a newly reincarnated devil, but unfortunately for Riser, Issei has been a devil for a year and the fact that he can use the X-Glove for flight, which he did.

When Riser saw that Issei was capable of flight, he started charging at Issei and hurl fire, but Issei was a lot faster than he was. Eventually, Riser got enough of Issei and spoke.

"Is that all you can do? Runaway! Well, it is fitting for a useless reincarnated devil such as yourself. You don't know anything but run away," Riser shouted while charging an attack behind his back. He was hoping that Issei would take the bait.

"Is that what you think? Then let me show you what I'm capable of," Issei said. He then charged in Riser's direction.

Seeing this, Riser thought that his plan worked. When Issei was close enough, he fired the attack that he prepared to take Issei out. After seeing that his attack hit Issei, he started laughing and mocking Issei, but after a few seconds, Riser saw that Issei was not hurt, instead, Issei was absorbing his Hell-Fire. After absorbing the fire, Issei felt the power of the Hell-Fire. Issei then continued his charge towards Riser who panicking and continue to hurl Hell Fire at Issei but was easily dodged.

When Jaune saw Issei charging at Riser, he knew what Issei was planning, he smirked at Riser's misfortune.

"I've been waiting for this moment ever since the Rating Game started," Jaune said with a chuckle.

"Hmm? Do you know what he's planning?" Serafall asked. Sirzechs and Grayfia were also curious.

"But of course! I was the one that thought him the technique," Jaune said with a teasing smile.

"Mou! Stop smirking and tell us what Issei is going to do…" Serafall said.

"Just watch. Riser may be a so-called immortal, but there are things worse than death," Jaune said.

This surprised Serafall and Sirzechs, but Grayfia had an idea of what Jaune meant. If you can kill something, then seal it away. That was what Grayfia was thinking. Moments before Issei got to Riser he spoke a few words that would haunt Riser for a long time.

"Zero Point Breakthrough!" Issei shouted.

The next moment, the area where Issei's gloves were hovering got frozen, it then spread across Riser's whole body. The ice was clear, inside was a Riser whose flaming wing was frozen and has a fear-stricken face. Everyone who saw this was surprised since they never thought that the element to beat a Phenex was ice.

"That…I never thought that I'll see the day the Hell Fire gets frozen," Serafall stated.

Sirzechs, Grayfia and Sona and her Peerage had no words to say. The Hell Fire of the Phenex clan was one of the hottest flames in the Underworld and to see it frozen was an astonishing sight to behold.

A few hours later, Rias and the others are seen to be celebrating inside the real ORC.. Meanwhile, Riser was being transported back to the underworld, still frozen in ice along with his Peerage.

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