Guys, I would like to apologise. I'm not really good at drama at all, so I am sorry if this chapter is a bit cringey. But nonetheless, I hope you enjoy the chapter.


-Draconic Deus-

ORC room. Two days after Rating Game.

Jaune was in the room with Rias and her Peerage and Serafall. Today was the day that Jaune was going to tell Rias and the others that he plans to leave for a while. Jaune was a bit hesitant about telling them, but if he just left without any explanation, that would have been worst.

"So Jaune? What did you want to talk about?" Rias asked. But she already has an inkling of what Jaune was thinking of saying.

"All of you already know that I'm not from here…except for Serafall. It's time for me to leave," Jaune said. He was hurt when he saw the look on Koneko's face.

For the past few days, Jaune has been looking for a way to inform Koneko of his departure, but no matter what he thought of, none of them would have worked.

"Are you leaving me…?" Koneko said with a teary eye.

"I have to go back…" Jaune explained. Koneko though seemed determined to stick with Jaune.

"No! If you're leaving then take me with you!" Koneko shouted.

"I can't and you know that. With the evil piece inside you, you need to be near Rias to keep its power in check," Jaune said.

Jaune was willing to bring Koneko with him, but there is nothing he can do if Koneko was to stay in Rias' Peerage. The only way that she can come with him was to remove the Evil Piece inside of her since its power needs to be kept in check and the only one that can do that is the owner of the Evil Piece.

Koneko knew that what Jaune said was true, she has hunted down stray devils long enough to know what happens when the Evil Piece was not maintained. So, she just run out of the room, it hurts when she found out that Jaune was leaving, she felt like she was being abandoned again, just like when her sister abandoned her.

"Koneko wait!" Jaune shouted. He wanted to explain to her that he would come back in the future, but he didn't have the chance since Koneko run out of the room and he knew that she needed to have some space after what she just heard.

"When are you leaving?" Rias asked.

"Tomorrow evening," Jaune replied.

Later that night, Jaune was thinking of talking to Koneko but he knew that it was not a good time, so he let it be and decided to talk to her in the morning before he leaves.

Koneko on the other hand was on the rooftop of the ORC building. She was crying, she didn't want Jaune to leave, but she knew that he needed to return to where he came from eventually, but she didn't expect him to leave this soon.

Not far from Koneko was Rias. She wanted to talk to Koneko to check if she was okay. But when she saw how much Koneko was feeling hurt, she knew that there was only one thing she can do for Koneko.

"Koneko-chan," Rias said in a worried voice.

"B-Buchou…" Koneko said still crying.

"How are you doing?" Rias asked, although she already knew that Koneko wasn't okay.

"It hurts. When he said that he was leaving, I thought that I was being left alone again, I couldn't help but think of the day that my sister left me," Koneko said. She was wiping off the tears in her eyes.

"You know that he isn't like your sister. We all knew that he was going back to his world in the future," Rias said.

"I know, but I didn't think it was this soon. I thought that I still had some time before that day," Koneko said.

"Tell me honestly…If you weren't in my Peerage, are you willing to follow Jaune?" Rias asked.

"Buchou…I…Yes," Koneko wanted to say something else, but she knew it would be pointless.

"This…This is probably one of the hardest decisions that I'm going to make. Koneko, I think you should go with him," Rias said.

"But I'm already part of your Peerage. And just like Jaune said, I need to be near you to keep the Evil Piece in check, I can be gone from you for too long," Koneko said.

"Trust me I know, but after knowing Jaune for a while, I have a feeling that there is a way for him to help you deal with the Evil Piece just like how Jaune separated the Sacred Gear from Issei. Ever since I met Jaune, I had this unnatural feeling of him being able to create miracles…We are devils, yet we believe in miracles," Rias said.

"But Buchou, what about you?" Koneko asked.

"I told you a long time ago that you are family…What kind of a family am I if I prevent you from being happy. Over the years you've been in my family, I've never seen you smile as much as when you're with Jaune," Rias said. She was sad that Koneko was leaving, but there was no way that she would deny Koneko of her happiness.

"Are you sure about this?" Koneko asked.

"I am…I might be sad for a while, but knowing that you're happy would make me happy," Rias said.

"Thank you Buchou," Koneko said before she hugged Rias.

The next evening, Jaune was waiting for Koneko and the others. He wanted to give his farewell before he left. And he also wanted to talk to Koneko and clear up the misunderstanding.

When they arrived, Jaune saw that Koneko seemed to be okay, she didn't seem to hate him, that was a good thing in his book, but he still needed to explain to her that he will come back in the future.

"Koneko…I wanted…" Jaune was going to explain something but he was cut off.

"I'm coming with you…" Koneko said.

"Eh? What? But I already explained that…" Jaune was once again cut off by Koneko.

"Rias allowed me to leave her Peerage and she believes that you have a way to remove or deal with the Evil Piece," Koneko said. She was having a good time cut Jaune off, she was just having a bit of payback for making her cry the other day. Jaune on the other hand looked at Rias and spoke.

"Rias are you sure about this?" Jaune asked while facing Rias.

"I am. I can see how happy she is with you. I've never seen her that happy before, that's why I decided to allow her to follow you," Rias said.

"What about you, Koneko? Are you sure about this?" Jaune asked.

"I am," Koneko said with a determined look.

Jaune looked at Koneko and knew that she was not going to change her mind, he took out Rule Breaker and stabbed it in Koneko's ċhėst. This scared Rias and the others before they saw the Evil Piece exit Koneko. Serafall who was with the others became wide-eyed, she never thought that there was a tool that can remove the Evil Piece from a reincarnated devil.

You might be wondering why Jaune used Rule Breaker instead of Yamato? That's because the Evil Piece is like a Magic Contract when it reincarnates someone. Therefore, Yamato might remove the Evil Piece within Koneko, but it would not sever the contract. Unlike the Sacred Gear, Evil Pieces are more complicated since they alter a person, while Sacred Gear just attaches itself to a host as a vessel.

"Wow…That's…I knew that you'll be able to do something about the Evil Piece, but I didn't think it would be that simple," Rias said shocked at what she saw. Initially, she was ready to have the Evil Piece destroy.

Koneko picked up the Evil Piece and handed it to Rias.

"Thank you, Buchou. For everything you've done for me over the Years," Koneko said. Rias just took the Evil Piece and hugged Koneko.

It wasn't only Rias that hugged Koneko. Akeno, Asia, Issei and Kiba hugged her and bade their farewell. But before Jaune and Koneko left, Jaune wanted to give Serafall something as a farewell gift.

"Sera…I know that I haven't known you for a long time, but the time we had together was great. We bonded over something that we both enjoyed, so, I just wanted to give you a farewell gift," Jaune said. He then handed her a pink box.

Serafall looked inside and she was overjoyed. It was a wand. It had a pink handle, a red sphere that is attached to the circular head that had a snowflake in the centre and one black demon wing on each side of the circular head.

"This is a real functional Magical Girl wand, it capable of strengthening your magic. You can set up the way it activates to your dėsɨrė," Jaune said. This made Serafall jumped again and again with joy.

"This is a wonderful gift. Thank you!" Serafall said. She even kissed Jaune on his cheeks.

"Ahem! That's not all the wand is capable of," Jaune said.

"There's more?" Serafall asked.

"Yes, there are. The wand itself is intelligent, it will ȧssist you in combat when you need it. The wand has over Thirty Magic Formula installed on it, from water magic to lightning magic. Lastly, it has the ability of the Boosted Gear," Jaune said.

"Huh? Jaune, I thought you needed the Boosted Gear for something?" Issei asked. He was confused as to why Jaune would give the Boosted Gear to Serafall.

"The wand doesn't have the Boosted Gear. What it has is a copy of the Boosted Gears ability. That also means it has the Transfer and Penetrate ability," Jaune then proceed to explain what these abilities are.

"The Boosted Gear can do that?!" Issei shouted.

"Yes, but you need to unlock them first," Jaune said.

"Are you really giving this to me?" Serafall asked. The wand was something amazing, but to add the abilities of the Boosted Gear on it was just…going overboard.

"It's a gift, so, yes it's yours now," Jaune said.

Jaune knew that giving this wand to Serafall will be hilarious. He can't wait to return to this world and see what kind of chaos she would cause, but he knew that Serafall wouldn't use it for anything nefarious since she was an avid Magical Girl Fan and all magical girls are good guys.

"It's time for as to go," Jaune said.

Rias and the others looked at Jaune and saw a portal opened. On the other side of the portal looked to be like it was a forest and looking a bit further into the portal they saw a castle, of course, this castle was Beacon Academy.

"Goodbye everyone," Jaune said. He waved at Rias and her Peerage and Serafall.

"Buchou, Akeno-san, Issei-senpai, Asia-san, Kiba-san…Goodbye," Koneko said while waving at them and they waved back.

Rias and the others looked at Jaune and Koneko enter the portal. Once they entered, the portal closed.. One thing Jaune didn't know was that the moment he brought Koneko with him, Draconic Deus time synchronised with his Remnant's time ratio making it a 1:1.

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