Wow! We are at Chapter 50 again!

Before we start the chapter I would just like to explain how the money is calculated.

1 Valis = 1 Yen - 1 Lien = 1 Dollar US

Therefore 1 gram of Vibranium is equal to $10,000 which is around 1.1 million Yen and the refined Vibranium is equal to 1.8 million Yen which is around $16,000.

Enjoy the Chapter!



Jaune and company have arrived in Orario. They all had to go through the entrance of Orario to get registered. The guard was confused to see Jaune outside of Orario since he didn't see him leave, but he just shrugged his shoulder since adventurers are people with incredible abilities.

"Jaune Arc, it's good to see you again. I heard rumours the other day that you had become quite close to Goddess Hephaestus, that's quite a feat since she bȧrėly gets comfortable with people unless she's known them for quite some time," The guard said.

"Pfft! That's just rumours, you can't always believe those, anyway, these people are with me, they are here to be adventurers as well," Jaune denied the rumours.

"Alright, I'll register their entry," the guard said. He took all of their names and took the payment of ten valis for each of them except for Jaune since it was no longer his first time.

"All done, I hope you have a nice stay here in Orario," the Guard said.

When everyone entered, they saw many different species just as Jaune said they would see, they saw Cat people, Pallum, Dwarf, Elves, Half-Elves and many others. This was the first time that Blake and the others have seen different races be in the same place without one being ridiculed.

"So, Jaune. Where will we be staying?" Ruby asked.

"I already bought land here that I used to set up base, that's where we'll be staying. However, we'll be spending more time inside the dungeon than anything, that's why cooked food made by me is a reward," Jaune said.

"Where is this Dungeon anyway?" Weiss asked.

"Over there…" Jaune said while pointing at a tower. Everyone looked at the place that Jaune was pointing at and they were amazed at how tall the tower was, it was even touching the sky.

"Whoa! That's so cool looking…and quite intimidating to be honest," Nora said.

"Can we go to the dungeon now?!" Ruby asked with excitement.

"Not yet. I'd like everyone to unpack their things first in the base, then we can get something to eat, then rest for the day, then we can go to the dungeon…tomorrow," Jaune said.

"Ohh. That's too bad, I can't wait to test out this hammer that you gave me, it may not be Magnhild, but I can sense a strong will to smash something with it," Nora said.

"I know that you all want to get into the dungeon as soon as possible, but I want you all well rested before we enter, that's why I want to spend the day unpacking and relaxing because once we enter the dungeon, there will be no time to relax until we exit after a few days of stay," Jaune said.

They walked with Jaune to the base, they also realise that the base was a lot closer to the dungeon than they thought, this got people thinking, 'How did Jaune afford to buy land near the Dungeon? Won't that cost a lot of money, where did he get the money?', Jaune looked at everyone and just shrugged his shoulders.

As soon as they arrived, they spent an hour unpacking all their belongings. Jaune then told them that they'll be heading out to eat at Hostess of Fertility. When everyone heard the name of the restaurant, they were reluctant to go since the name would suggest that it was some kind of strip club. Jaune had to explain that their worlds common sense is different here. After that explanation, they all headed to the restaurant.

The front entrance has a set of double doors with wood carvings decorating the frame, it can also be seen in various places on the front of the pub. The Hostess of Fertility sign can be seen on the left side of the entrance, as well as on an overhanging sign with a crossed fork and knife.

"Wow, this place looks wonderful!" Penny said. She's never been to a restaurant before, therefore, she was excited to see one.

"It is isn't it. I also heard that this place isn't bad at all. According to some of the adventurers, the food is so good that people just want to keep coming back, that's why the prices of the food are different depending on the time," Jaune said.

When they entered, they were greeted by a catgirl with a green outfit and a white apron. She had black hair and green eyes. She warmly greeted Jaune and company.

"Hello and welcome to Hostess of Fertility. My name is Chloe Rollo. Are you new here?" Chloe asked.

"It's our first time here," Jaune said.

"How many of you are there?" Chloe asked.

"16 people," Jaune said.

"T-That's a big group. Is it okay if we just placed the table together to make you all fit?" Chloe asked.

"That's not a problem, as long as we can all eat together," Jaune said.

"Then follow me," Chloe said and she led them to an area that can fit all sixteen of them.

"Here is the menu, please call me when you're ready to place an order," Chloe said.

Not far from them was the Loki Familia celebrating their return after a long exploration. While everyone was having fun, Ais was thinking about Jaune. She doesn't know why, but she's been thinking about him. The aura she felt from him was special, as if it was calling to her. But that's not all, when she looked at Jaune, it was like looking at an immovable wall.


Ais and her party were returning to the surface, they climbed up the dungeon while eliminating monsters on their way, but they missed a single minotaur that continued to climb to the fifth floor.

Ais gave chase to the monster, she saw the minotaur attack a boy with white hair, she followed them to eliminate the monster, but before she could, the monster blew up into a bloody mist which covered her entire body, even after trying so hard to get away from the blood, she couldn't avoid it even with her immense speed. A few moments later she heard a hearty laugh.

Once all the blood fell to the ground she saw him, the man that killed the monster and was laughing a storm. It was then that she felt a reaction deep within her as if it was calling to her, but she fought the urge, instead, she opted to leave the area with her party member that followed her.

What Ais didn't know was that because of her heritage on her mother's side, she was being drawn to the nature energy that Jaune's body was producing thanks to Avalon.

It was also thanks to this heritage that she would change in the future for the better. However, at the moment, Ais was more drawn to Jaune as she can sense that he was powerful, more powerful than anyone she's ever met. She has the urge to challenge him to a duel.

Ever since that moment, Ais has had her mind on Jaune. Everyone was worried about her since they've never seen her like this before.

-Flashback end-

"Ais. Hello, Ais!" Loki said.

"Hmm?" Ais said while looking at Loki.

"What is going on with you? Ever since you returned from the dungeon, you've been acting weird," Loki asked.

"Nothing's wrong, I was just thinking about the person that killed the minotaur," Ais told Loki.

"Tsk! I don't get what's so good about that guy! He caused you to be covered in blood, I bet if you attacked him seriously, he wouldn't even be able to do anything!" Bete showed his dislike for Jaune since Ais is thinking of him while he was nothing in Ais eye.

"That's where you're wrong," Ais stated.

"Eh?" Everyone at her party said.

"That guy can easily kill me if he wanted to. Do you think that it's easy to do what he did? I couldn't even dodge the blood, and I tried, He isn't as simple as he seemed," Ais said.

Jaune called for Chloe and she came as soon as she could. When she took their order, she was surprised, most of the people on the table are female beside four of them and yet the amount of food a single person made was huge especially the blondie with Lilac eyes.

"Uhm? Are you sure you're all going to be able to finish all this order? I should tell you that our employer doesn't like people wasting food," Chloe said.

"That's no problem at all. Oh, and can you all so give us three bottles of the Fruit Liquor, I've heard words of it being amazing, I would like to give it a try," Jaune said.

"Alright," Chloe said before she left to inform the cook of their order.

"Jaune? Will we be able to pay for all the dishes that we ordered?" Glynda asked.

"Don't worry. When I came here ahead of all of you, I made many preparations such as gaining info, buying land and making some money," Jaune said.

"How much exactly did you make?" Weiss asked.

"1.8 billion valis, if you convert it to lien, it would be around 16 million lien," Jaune said.

"How in Oum's name did you make that much money?!" Weiss said shocked at Jaune's info.

"It was quite easy actually. Do you remember the metal that I made called Vibranium? It was the same metal that I used for Pyrrha's shield," Jaune asked.

"Yes, I do," Weiss said.

"Well, the thing is, that metal is special. It has biological properties, meaning in the right hands, they can do many wonderful things, hence the value of the metal was sky high, especially since it doesn't exist in this world," Jaune explained.

"You would make a good businessman," Weiss said.

"Uhm, Weiss? Jaune is a good businessman, doesn't he own a company that easily surpassed the SDC?" Ruby said.

"Right. I forgot about that," Weiss said embarrassed.

A few minutes later their food arrived. Just like Jaune informed them before they ordered their food, the portion of each order was massive, but no matter how massive the portion was, it was devoured by them.

Everyone in the pub was staring at them eating all the food that was sent their way. It would have been less shocking if everyone at the table were male but most of them were female, and some of those females weren't even that tall or big.

Most of the people staring were amazed at how much they could eat and they got competitive and tried to match the eating speed of Jaune's group with utter failure.

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