
The next day, Jaune and company were ready to head to the dungeon, but first, they need to register at the guild as a group that is not affiliated with any Familia.

According to Rose, adventurers can enter the Dungeon without being affiliated with any Familia, but they are required to pay a yearly fee of 10,000 valis, which is why most adventurers look for a Familia since it would be exempted.

When Jaune and the others arrived at the guild, they became the centre of attention since the group consisted of mostly women, and they were all beautiful to boot.

The males were jealous of Jaune, Fox and Yatsu. When Ren saw this, he was frustrated, even in another world, people are seeing him as a female, and he can tell as the males were looking at him with ŀust.

This made Ren want to make his body a bit more bulk to show them that he was, in fact, a man, but then he thought about it a bit more and decided to forgo the idea since it would hinder his current fighting style.

Jaune and the group had to wait their turn in Rose's booth since Jaune like the presence of Rose, she was calm and professional and was great at her job, so, Jaune wanted her to be the advisor for the entire group. The wait wasn't long, when it was their turn, Rose was as professional as ever.

"Jaune, it's good to see you again. Are you here to register these people to the guild?" Rose asked.

"That's right. I also wanted to have you as an Advisor since you are quite capable and professional, of course only if you are willing," Jaune said.

"That's no problem. Would they need to be briefed about the Dungeon or have you already explained everything to them?" Rose asked.

"I've already explained everything to them," Jaune said.

"That's good, here…These are application forms for the guild registration," Rose said while handing a form to everyone except for Jaune since he's already registered.

"By the way, you need to pay 10,000 valis per person every year since you said that you''' be unaffiliated with any of the Familia," Rose added.

"That's no problem at all, it's just a small sum of money," Jaune said.

"You, Jaune, are weird. 10,000 Valis a year for 16 people is not a small amount, that totals to 160,000 valis a year, some Familia can't ever produce that much in a year," Rose said getting more curious about Jaune as she gets to know him better.

"You don't have to worry about that. When it comes to making money, it is quite easy for me, heck I was able to make millions in a single day," Jaune said. This shocked Rose, making millions in a day? That's got to be a joke, not even the no.1 Familia can make that much in a day except for the Hephaestus Familia as they are an exemption since they get their money from forging. Other than them, not even potion makers make that much.

Rose decided to ignore what Jaune just said, she thought he might have just been over exaggerating, but there was a part of her that believes that he wasn't, she doesn't understand why she believes in Jaune's words so easily.

After a few minutes, everyone handed their form back to Rose and she started to process it. A few more minutes later and they are all finished. Rose told them that if they have any questions, they shouldn't hesitate and just ask, she was willing to help them as much as she could. With all the paperwork done, Jaune and the others are finally ready to head into the dungeon.

The others with Jaune were curious about something though, they knew that the language used in Orario was not the same as that of Remnant, but yet, they were easily about to speak, understand and write in this world's language.

They decided to just drop the thought though since the ability to travel to other worlds was given to Jaune by someone Jaune calls the One True God, hence it was out of their understanding to begin with.

"So, are you guys ready to head into the Dungeon?" Jaune asked.

"Hell Yeah!" RWBY, NPR, NP and CFVY shouted.

"I am," Glynda said.

Koneko on the other hand just nodded her head. According to Jaune, the dungeon won't be helpful for her since the monster found in the dungeon are weak and nowhere near the level of a Super Devil. That's why she would just be a watcher like Jaune, watching over everyone to make sure that nothing will go wrong.

When they arrived at the dungeon entrance, Jaune told them to prepare their weapons. They did and then they entered the Dungeon

Jaune warned them that monsters in the Dungeon may be similar to Grimm since they disappear upon death, but he also told them that the monster tends to work together to kill everything that's not related to the Dungeon.

After a few minutes of walking in the Dungeon, they met their first monsters, Kobold, Goblin and Dungeon Lizards. The Kobold and Goblins were easy to kill but the Dungeon Lizards were a bit more challenging to their current state since its skin was strong against slashing and piercing attacks, but for Nora's hammer it was not a problem at all, she would just bash them in the head to quickly eliminate them.

With the help of the bracelet that Jaune gave them, all the energy that monsters give after death aren't being wasted and are completely absorbed by the one that kills it making that person stronger

After a few minutes more of fighting they decided to descend to the second floor then the third, fourth, fifth then sixth. From the first floor to the fifth, they fought mostly the same monsters with one addition, the Jack Bird which Nora killed and got a golden egg drop. Jaune then explained to her that the egg can be sold off for one million valis, which is around nine thousand lien, this of course got Nora excited and wanted to find a place that sells ingredients for making pancakes as she wanted to buy as much as she could and make Ren feed her pancakes for days.

The moment the group arrived on the sixth floor, they were attacked by a Frog Shooter and War Shadows. The War Shadow was easily dealt with by everyone, but the Frog Shooter was an issue since it was able to use its long flexible tongue as a projectile. This frog was the first challenge that they have faced since arriving inside the dungeon.

At the start Jaune wanted them to stay over at the dungeon for a few days, but after analysing the dungeon, the upper floors didn't have any good location that they could use to rest at, the areas are too narrow to make a campsite, therefore Jaune told them that at the end of the day, they had to head back to the surface.

With this information, RWBY, CFVY, NPR, NP and Glynda continued to kill as many monsters as they can before the end of the day to maximise their stat gain.. Even though they can't tell the amount of stats they are gaining, they can feel their strength increase.

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