
Jaune was once again in a white expanse, but unlike the other two times, he was here on purpose. He was looking for the One True God, he wanted to ask a few questions about the gift he was given.

Looking around, Jaune was able to perceive changes to the place, the last time he was here it was just darkness, but now it has turned white, and by concentrating more, he can see what seems to be a table in a middle of a room, but before Jaune could try and focus more into the room, he was greeted by the resident of the white expanse.

"Hmm. It's been a while, Jaune. How have you been? How was your journey? And how are your girlfriends and your baby boy?" OTG asked.

"Well, everything is amazing. I would like to thank you once more for this wonderful opportunity," Jaune said. He then proceeded to talk about everything that has happened from the beginning till the present.

OTG seems to be delighted to hear his adventures and his relationship progress with the other girls. Jaune noticed that OTG seems to be smiling quite a bit every time he comes for a visit. He wanted to ask a question to the OTG, but he was afraid that he would be offended, but he decided to ask anyway.

"Can I ask? Are there others that visit this place?" Jaune asked curiously since he's never met any in this place before. OTG shook his head to Jaune's question.

"No, I don't. There has never been anyone that was able to achieve what you did; therefore, no one ever had a chance to meet me. I have waited for an eternity, and when I was finally about to give up, you came along, a single Human soul that was able to meet the requirements for meeting me," OTG said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'll try to visit more in the future, I know what it feels like to be alone for a long time, at least back in my first life I had the people that I helped, they would occasionally visit, but you don't have that, that's why from now on if I have time…no, I'll make time to visit you, I promise. It's the least I can do for you," Jaune said. This made OTG smile but he didn't say anything as he knew Jaune will never break his promise.

Jaune and OTG continued talking until it was time for Jaune to leave. But before Jaune left, OTG answered the question that he wanted to ask but completely forgot since he was enjoying his conversation with OTG.

"The answer to your question is simple," OTG said.

"Question?" Jaune said confused, he didn't ask a question.

"The question that you wanted to ask me, the reason why you came here in the first place," OTG said and he saw Jaune trying to think what the question was, then it hit him.

"Oh…that question. Is it possible to disable Arc of Embodiment? And if Yes…How?" Jaune said.

"That's the one. To answer your question…Yes, you can disable the Arc of Embodiment, to disable it, you just have to tap into your soul and look for it and it is quite noticeable since your soul is Gold surrounded in White due to the infinite Formless energy, while the power of Arc of Embodiment is Blue. From there, you just have to touch it and command it to be disabled," OTG said.

"Thank you! I forgot about asking that question," Jaune said.

"You knew, a lot of people wouldn't do what you're doing," OTG said.

"That's them…I am me. I want to disable it so that I can learn magic alongside my friends, and besides, Arc of Embodiment has its limitation that is critical in a fight where a single second is important," Jaune said.

Jaune knew that Arc of Embodiment isn't capable of affecting Established Reality, meaning that he is incapable of making portals, affecting time, affecting the body and many other things that are related to established reality. That's why Jaune always had to make a weapon that can make a portal like Yamato, alter the body to bring out its full potential through pills and other things.

Another limitation is the fact that Jaune is incapable of creating living creatures, but then again, Jaune doesn't want to play God by creating a living being of his design, that's why he just used Ddraig's soul rather than making his own.

"I know. You want to use this chance to bond with them further, by learning alongside them, you are strengthening your bonds through something you all have an interest in. You want to create a bond that would last a lifetime," OTG said and Jaune doesn't answer because he already knew that OTG knows his answer.

Moments later, Jaune disappeared from the white expanse. OTG was looking at the place where Jaune disappeared from and smiled.

"You have no idea just how important that bond you are creating, for it will be what keeps you from falling to the depths of hell, but then again…no matter how I try to see your future…there is only one. A future with those who you hold dear in happiness, together for all eternity," OTG said.


Jaune woke up from his sleep and was ready for the day, but first, he wanted to disable the usage of Arc of Embodiment.

Jaune meditated and tried to tap into his soul, at first, he thought that it would be hard, but it wasn't. He looked for the blue colour around his soul, according to OTG this was the power of the Arc of Embodiment. It took Jaune a few minutes looking around since his soul seems to be bigger than he thought.

"Found it! That took longer than I thought," Jaune said. He then proceeded to touch it and command it to sleep. The blue shine then dimmed indicating that it was indeed disabled.

When Jaune exited his meditative state, he tested Arc of Embodiment, and he smiled, it was in fact, no longer active. Jaune then tried to open the Gate of Babylon, it then opened, meaning that powers that he created through the Arc of Embodiment aren't affected by its inactive state.

Jaune then tested his Psychokinesis, a power that he uses through Arc of Embodiment, the result surprised him, it was still active. How it was possible he didn't know since he confirmed that Arc of Embodiment is inactive. The only viable explanation was the fact that after using Psychokinesis through Arc of Embodiment, he was now able to use it on his own without help or it might have been his semblance before he converted his Aura into a pill that everyone took.

That's right, the pills that the group took contained Jaune's Aura to boost their Mana reserve when their Aura has been fully converted. Jaune didn't have any more use for his Aura since his body was stronger than the protection that Aura offered. This way, Jaune's Aura would not have been wasted since it was used by the others rather him who already has infinite magic.

After a long time of thinking, Jaune continued with testing, this time he wanted to see if he was still able to wield Mjolnir and Stormbreaker, and he was able to. He then tested Yamato and Rebellion, the two Devil swords seems to still comply with him. Jaune then wanted to see how much magical energy he can withstand if he wasn't using Arc of Embodiment.

This confused Jaune a lot, no matter how much he taps into his Magical Reserve, it wasn't harming him in the least, and he tried accessing an immense amount of energy that would have been considered Godly, but it wasn't harming him at all, unlike when he wields Arc of Embodiment.

"What? Hah? What?! How is…What?!" Jaune said to himself. He didn't know what was going on.

Jaune then proceeded to reactivate the Arc of Embodiment and test it out once more. And just like it has always been, Jaune's body was starting to break down after using a certain amount of Magic through Arc of Embodiment. After confirming this, he proceeded to deactivate the Arc of Embodiment.

"I see. I get it. The automatic absorption of magic through Arc of Embodiment is being seen as theft and the pain I feel is the warning telling me that my Magic is being siphoned. Does that mean that Arc of Embodiment isn't seen as a part of me? This would require more tests in the future, for now, I can start learning magic alongside everyone," Jaune said.

Jaune then proceeded to head to Hostess of Fertility to buy food for everyone, since they would need it, for the training and magic lessons would be incredibly taxing and food would be their only comfort.

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