When Jaune got back from the Hostess of Fertility, everyone was already awake. He set up their breakfast and told them to eat since they will need all the energy they can get to go through the day, this included Bell.

After a few minutes of eating, Ais arrived, she wanted to witness the training session, but unfortunately, Jaune and the others aren't going to be doing any physical training at the moment, that would be after their magic lesson from Rossweisse.

The magic lesson was in a classroom-like area where there are tables and seats and in front where the teacher's stand and a holographic computer that can increase its size for everyone to see.

The first thing Rossweisse told them about magic is that they need to never apply the laws of physics when performing magic unless they know how to combine Magic and Science like Ajuka Beelzebub and his Kankara Formula.

Just like Jaune told Rossweisse, everyone had a lot of magic-related questions, whether it be simple such as, 'What is the purpose of Magic Circle?' or 'Is chanting a requirement to use magic?', of course, Rossweisse answered then all. Rossweisse told them that chanting is only recommended for those who have never used magic before as it is used as a focus.

This was challenged by Ais as she said that chanting can increase the power of the magic ability, but Rossweisse told her that by doing so, it is making the magician vulnerable to attacks, therefore, magicians who are proficient in magic can perform magic without the need of chanting while being able to strengthen their magic power accordingly.

Rossweisse then proceeded to show Ais how she can create over a few dozen magic circles with the same amount of power or varying power according to her dėsɨrė. This amazed everyone in the room, but to Ais, this was shocking.

Riveria to Ais is the most amazing magic user, she was capable of using nine magic at the same time and that hailed her as a prodigy in magic and was given the title Nine Hell, but here, she was seeing someone produce dozens upon dozens of magic circles in an instant without any issue or delay, each with varying power without a chant. This broke Ais perspective of what magicians are capable of.

The lesson of Rossweisse lasted for a few hours, everyone was given a break of an hour to get a hold of their bearing before they are to proceed to physical training. This got Bell excited, but when he looked at everyone else, they were pale, so, Bell decided to ask what was wrong.

"Excuse me…Uhm is everything okay?" Bell asked.

"N-No problem at all…except it's time for Jaune's physical training. Since you're new, I suggest you get yourself ready because you are about to see hell on this world," Coco said. Bell was confused and asked someone if she was okay.

"Don't worry about it, but you should do what she says because the training of Jaune isn't the same as everyone else's. His training is brutal and traumatizing if you aren't ready for it," Yang said.

Bell wasn't sure what was happening, but he decided to take their advice to prepare himself, although he wasn't sure how to. Unfortunately for him, the break was already over and they were finally going to start their training.

Jaune came to the room with all the usual equipment such as the gravity suit, gym equipment with manipulated gravity, etc… Jaune asked them all to wear the gravity suit before the training begins, he also knew that Ais wanted to participate in the training, so, he got her a gravity suit as well and asked one of the girls to help her put it on.

"Alright. Now, most of you know that to train the body to its limit and break over and over again is no simple feat, so, we will start low. For now, I'll set the gravity suit at 3 times," Jaune said and he set it.

Bell and the others fell to the ground from the pressure of being pressed three times Remnant's Gravity. Ruby and the others were being pressed down by something that they usually can shrug off, but due to their sealed state, they were struggling. As for Ais, she was feeling pressured but not enough to push her down, so, Jaune turned it up to five times. This time she was struggling to keep standing but still not enough to push her down.

Jaune left it as is and he would just increase it again later, but for now, he made everyone do a set of push-ups, sit-ups, squats and other various basic training.

Now, Bell knew what the others meant, it was very taxing, but he thought that it wasn't that bad. Too bad Bell didn't know it was just the warm-up.

Three hours into the training and everyone was sprawled into the ground unmoving due to the increase in gravity and they were given an hour break. Bell was now contemplating if he was still in Orario or he died some time ago and was now in hell where people are punished.

Ais on the other hand was trying to move a finger but couldn't, so, she decided to think about everything she saw today, first she found someone that can surpass Riveria in magic, now she has seen other people's training from hell. She finally knew why Jaune was so strong, to break one's limit over and over again isn't something anyone can just do nor is it something a person's talent can help with.

During the training, Ais felt like her body was breaking over and over again, if she slowed down even a bit, Jaune will force her to move faster. She was pushed past her limit again and again, but in the end, she was smiling, because she can tell from a single training session that she got stronger, and at a much faster rate than at the dungeon.

Now you may think, 'If Jaune's training can increase their strength faster, then what is the point of going to the dungeon?'. The answer to that question is that the Excelia that they absorb in the dungeon is helping them break their limit faster, as the Excelia is strengthening them from the inside while Jaune's training is strengthening them from the outside.

After an hour, they were once again told to stand up and continue with the training. This time Jaune increased their gravity to five while Ais was set to eight. Even though they were exhausted, Jaune forced them to continue training, but no one complained. This training kept going until nine in the evening.

After training, Bell asked Jaune if he could stay for the night and Jaune agreed to it. Ais on the other hand decided to return to the Twilight Manor even if she could bȧrėly stand. When she arrived in the Twilight Manor, Loki was worried about her since she saw how exhausted Ais was. This wasn't only noticed by Loki, but by the entire executive group along with Lefiya.

"Ais are you alright?" Riveria asked.

"Fine…Just exhausted from training," Ais replied.

"What kind of training could cause you to be this exhausted? Finn and Gareth's training wasn't even able to cause this kind of exhaustion from you," Loki said.

"I participated in Jaune's training. It wasn't pleasant in the least, but I could feel my strength increase very quickly," Ais said.

"Oho…can you tell us more about this training?" Loki said.

Ais then told them everything that she went through. This included the lesson for magic that she participated in Rossweisse's class. This shocked everyone, over a dozen magic circles without any chant with varying power, that was unheard of.

But to them, that wasn't the most shocking, the training that Jaune made Ais go through was something they shuddered at.

"That can't be possible! That kind of training would kill someone!" Riveria shouted.

"Yet, it is something they do every day. I confirmed this with all the people training there," Ais said.

"To break past your limit over and over again isn't simple, with a single wrong push and you could end up killing the person you are training. For them to do this every day is baffling," Loki said.

"I know, but I plan to continue training with them," Ais said and Loki looked at her before sighing.

"There's nothing I could do to dissuade you, is there?" Loki asked.

"No…" Ais replied.

"Fine! But promise me that you'll be careful not to push yourself too much. What they're doing isn't simple and easy as it may seem, but it is highly dangerous," Loki said.

"I understand, but this is my chance to get stronger to be able to achieve my goal," Ais said.

Loki and the others had to reluctantly agree to let her continue with such insane training, they knew that there was no persuading Ais when she was determined to do something. This was going to be a headache for everyone in the Twilight Manor, at least that was what they thought until Ais spoke.

"By the way. I plan to stay within Jaune's base until the end of the bet…" Ais said.

"Eh?!!!" Everyone shouted.

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