It's been a week since Jaune started his planning for Mt Glenn. He spoke to Ozpin about acquiring the rights to Mt Glenn, and Ozpin agreed to his idea, but he was also informed that he would have to find a way to convince the Vale Council to agree and how it would be a challenge since Mt Glenn was one of their biggest failures.

Jaune already knew all that, which is why he was prepared. He knew that the Vale Council would be unwilling to hand over Mt Glenn since if his plans of making a city were successful, the Council would be seen as incompetent for not being able to protect the new city that they created.

Right now, Jaune's heading to Ozpin's office as that's where he would be speaking with the Council. Jaune wasn't happy about this as they couldn't even be bothered to speak with him in person. It was an indicator that they aren't willing to have an open negotiation with him. The Council speaking with Jaune is only a courtesy since he is quite popular with the people due to being the youngest Huntsman, youngest Beacon Professor, and the Arc Industries owner.

As soon as Jaune arrived at his destination, he was in serious mode. He didn't want to give any leeway to the Vale council. Doing so would provide them with the idea that they are in control of the situation. Jaune may have a use of Mt Glenn, but that's not his only option. After all, there is still the desert of Vacuo. He was sure that the Vacuo Council would easily permit him to create a new city there.

When Jaune entered Ozpin's office, he saw the Vale Council on the holoprojector. They were waiting for him to arrive, which he was on time. They didn't look interested in the proposal that Jaune sent to them. A few of the Council members are even missing. They didn't bother showing up.

"Ah. Mr Arc. You're just in time for the meeting of the Council Members of Vale," Ozpin said.

"So, this is Vale's youngest Huntsman. He doesn't look that anything special," C1 said.

"And you don't look anything special yourself," Jaune said. He was not courteous at all. He already knew that they would be an ȧss the moment they met him as he was a young man.

"I may be the one that needs something of you, but this isn't a favour, but a business deal. I plan to buy the rights of Mt Glenn, not ask for it. Now, name your price," Jaune said. He didn't care about the Council members at all.

"We aren't going to sell the rights to you! The project of creating a city in Mt Glenn already failed. What makes you think that you will succeed in something that we the Council of Vale failed?" C2 said.

"Because I'm not you," Jaune said in a mocking tone.

"Why you?! We came to this meeting as a courtesy since you are the most recognised Huntsman in Vale, along with Qrow Branwen and Glynda Goodwitch. We don't care about the proposal that you sent us," C3 said.

"I already knew that was the case. That's why I prepared this…." Jaune said while sending them some files.

The moment the council members present saw what was in the files, they started sweating. Their words began to stutter. The files were the illegal activities of each of the council members. Some were about them working with organised criminals within Vale. Some were about the ȧssassination of a previous council candidate that was about to replace them. And lastly, the files of the real reason that Mt Glenn failed.

"How did you get your hands on these files?! We made sure that we got rid of all evidence!" C2 shouted.

"Just because you deleted the file doesn't mean that they are completely gone, Councilman," Jaune said.

"You hacked into our system!" Council 3 shouted.

"What do you want?!" C1 said.

"You already know what I want," Jaune said.

"Fine! We'll hand over Mt Glenn's rights to you," C2 said.

Just like that, Jaune was able to gain the rights to Mt Glenn. It wasn't the best move, but he did it anyway since he was disgusted with the things they've done over the years. And one of the things he hated the most was the fact that they control the hospitals of Vale. They would put restrictions on who was allowed to be treated and who wasn't. It angered Jaune. That's why, after signing the contract, he would send the evidence to the Vale Police. Apparently, the Council doesn't have control over all the Vale police force. One of them is controlled by Beacon, the only Police Force that is competent, as the Council wasn't paying them. It was the same police force that Ozpin brought Ruby into when he spoke to her about joining Beacon.

"Hah? That was the fastest meeting that I've ever had with the Vale Council. What was it that you sent them?" Ozpin said.

"I sent them their illegal activities. They are people that are willing to do anything to stay in power and showing them their dark side. That's enough to scare them," Jaune said. He then showed Ozpin what the files contain.

"Are you going to let them keep their power? I may not have known you for long, Jaune. But I know that you're a good person. I know that you won't let someone this vile stay in power," Ozpin said.

"Oh. They won't stay in power for long. I plan to send the evidence to the Beacon police force in Vale," Jaune said.

"I see that you've already researched which Police force isn't on the Council's payroll," Ozpin said.

Later that night. Jaune went to speak with the OTG, which he would do every week. Today though, the visit isn't about just sharing stories with OTG. Jaune wasn't feeling good about himself, and he was feeling guilty of blackmailing the Council Members and the fact that this wasn't the first time he blackmailed someone. He feels that he is becoming like one of them. And he didn't like that feeling.

"It's good to see you, Jaune. I see that you're not in the best of moods," OTG said.

"I know that you already know why I feel this way," Jaune said.

"That I do. But it would be best if you didn't beat yourself over it. Yes, you indeed did the same thing they did, but you also didn't do the same thing they did," OTG said.

"I don't follow," Jaune said.

"Tell me, Jaune. Why did the Council Members do what they did?" OTG said.

"They did it to stay in power. To cling to something that they didn't want to lose," Jaune said.

"That's right. Although what you did can be said to be the same as them, it is, in fact, not the same. They did what they did for themselves. And the fact that they caused harm to innocent people. You, on the other hand, didn't do it for yourself. You did it to give the people of Remnant a better place to live, a place for Humanity and Faunus-kind to expand and prosper. Your motivation is different from theirs," OTG said.

"I know that, but I can't help but feel that I'm becoming one of them. I chose the blackmail path just because it would be the fastest way," Jaune said.

"It still doesn't change that I feel shit about myself for getting on their level," Jaune said.

"Of course, you'll feel bad. You're not like them. You're a good man, Jaune. And I don't see you changing anytime soon," OTG said.

'In fact, I don't see you changing at all. I've looked through multiple futures of yours, and none of them is any different from the person standing in front of me,' OTG thought.

"Thanks, OTG. I think I just needed to speak to someone," Jaune said.

Although Jaune said that he was still contemplating if what he did was right. Though he couldn't contemplate much since even OTG didn't say much about it, but that doesn't mean he would do it a lot.. Maybe he would only do it when things were dire.

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