The following day, Jaune got started on bringing the group back together. The first thing he did was head to Menagerie to pick up Blake. It wasn't a pleasant experience. Ghira chased Jaune for hours. The Panther Faunus wouldn't relent. In the end, Jaune was able to outlast him since he has better stamina.

"You! Why didn't you tell me that you started dating my daughter?!" Ghira shouted.

"That's because Blake wasn't ready to tell you yet. I was respecting her choice. If she didn't want to tell you yet, then who am I to inform you?" Jaune said.

"That's…true. Fine! But promise me that you'll take care of my little girl. Don't treat her the way that bastard Adam treated her," Ghira said.

"That's something I can promise you. I genuinely care about Blake. I won't do anything that she wouldn't like, and I'll do what I can to protect her, even if she doesn't need it since she is strong enough to protect herself," Jaune said.

"Oh…That's so sweet. By the way, Jaune. How are your other girlfriends?" Kali asked. Jaune was confused about how Kali knew that he was dating multiple people. Then he looked at Blake and realized that Kali was able to make Blake spill the beans.

"Other girlfriends? You bastard!" Ghira shouted angrily.

With that, Jaune ran away. He could beat Ghira, but he didn't want to do that. So, he just left, for now. He headed to the mountain behind the Belladonna household. Why? To meet with Ahri, of course. Ever since Ahri grew to be an enormous nine-tailed fox, she's been living in the mountain. Jaune would visit her as much as he can, but now that he has a way to help her return to a more manageable size, he would like it if she would tag along with him just like Vivian.

"Ahri! Are you there?!" Jaune shouted out. After shouting, Jaune felt the ground start to shake. That's because Ahri was running towards him.

"It's good to see you too, Ahri. I have good news. I found a way to help you return to a smaller form," Jaune said.

Ahri got excited when Jaune told her that. She has been longing to stay by Jaune's side. That's why when Jaune said to her that she would be able to go with him again, she was excited and happy. She even started to lick him.

"Whoa! Calm down, Ahri. I was able to learn something that can help you, but you'll have to learn it just like how I had to learn it," Jaune said. Ahri nodded at Jaune and was ready to learn whatever it was that can help her follow Jaune.

Jaune then started to teach Ahri how to use transformation magic. The progress of Ahri surprised Jaune as she was able to partially transform in an hour. She was able to lessen her size to half her current size. Jaune had to leave for the night to speak with Ghira about his relationship with Blake and the other girls. He wanted to explain the situation. Ahri, on the other hand, continued to practice her transformation magic. Shrinking her size wasn't good enough, she wanted something else.

The following day, Jaune went to visit Ahri once more before he left for Vale. He shouted for her, but he didn't feel the shaking he usually feels when he calls for her. But instead, he was hit in his abdomen by something. Looking down, he saw a little girl with white hair and blue eyes. On her cheeks was three red markings signifying a whisker. Jaune was confused. He didn't know who this little girl was, and he didn't even know how she got in Ahri's abode in the first place as he placed a protective barrier around to prevent people from entering as Ahri's form would have scared the people. It took Jaune a moment, but he felt a familiar signature on the little girl. It belonged to Ahri.

"Ahri! Is that you?" Jaune asked.

"Papa! I finally did it! I was able to complete the transformation magic!" Ahri shouted.

"Ahhhh…Did you just call me Papa?" Jaune asked.

"Un! You are my Papa!" Ahri said.

"You completed the transformation magic? I'm so proud of you!" Jaune said. He was surprised that she was able to complete it so quickly. Even the Xenos in the Garden City of Hanging Babylon took some time to learn it.

"Uh-huh! I wanted to be with you. That's why I worked hard to complete it overnight…." Ahri said with a yawn. She didn't get enough sleep as she didn't want to waste any time.

"Are you sleepy?" Jaune asked.

"Uh-huh…I didn't sleep long because I wanted to surprise you," Ahri said.

"Well, go on and sleep. I'll carry you," Jaune said. He then carried Ahri in his arm. She then fell asleep on Jaune's shoulder.

Jaune then headed back to the Belladonna household. Blake, Kali and Ghira were confused when they saw that Jaune had a little girl in his hands.

"Jaune? Who's that?" Blake asked.

"This is Ahri. She is my daughter," Jaune said.

"Since when did you have a daughter? I thought you only had a son?" Blake said.

"Anyway. Jaune, are we heading back to Beacon?" Blake asked.

"Yeah. Classes start in two days. I have to also bring everyone back. I have to head over to Draconic Deus to pick up Koneko, then head to Atlas for Weiss, Penny and Winter, then Patch for Yang and Ruby, although they might just take the bullhead to Beacon as they aren't that far away. Then I have to head to Argus for Ren, Pyrrha and Nora. Apparently, Ren and Nora have an announcement to make. As for Neo, she told me that she was already at Beacon," Jaune said.

"By the way. What are you going to do with Ahri?" Blake asked Jaune.

"Well, I was thinking of telling Glynda and Ozpin if she can stay at Beacon," Jaune said.

"If she is anything like you told my parents and me, then it would be best if she was around you. Plus, you are the best person to teach her about the world," Blake said.

"Also, Ahri would probably bite other people if they tried to get close to her," Jaune said.

"Why would she do that?" Blake asked.

"Well, you see, when Ahri gets nervous, she tends to bite. It's a lot better now, but she still tends to bite, especially when meeting new people," Jaune said.

With that, Jaune, Blake and Ahri headed to Beacon. Ahri didn't want to use Yamato's portal as she wanted to see everything she can, as she missed out on it for a long time. That's why Jaune had to take out his Quinjet. The travel was a lot longer, but it was worth it to look at the smiling face of Ahri whenever she sees something new.

(Ahri Human Form)

I bet I got a lot of you people thinking that Ahri was going to be in the Harem.. Too bad.

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