Hey, guys. Sorry that the chapter is a bit shorter than the norm. I was busy in the morning. And I'll be busy in the next few days. So, I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to make more chapters in the next few days.


The following day, Jaune, Blake, and Ahri headed to Atlas to pick up Winter, Weiss, and Penny. Jaune wasn't planning to bring Ahri initially, but he had to since she didn't want to leave his side as she finally got the chance to be around him for an extended period of time. Therefore, Jaune asked Blake if she wanted to come to Atlas as she didn't have any company at Beacon.

Like the other day when Jaune brought Blake back to Beacon, they used the Quinjet rather than Yamato and just opening a portal. That's because Jaune wanted to show Ahri the floating city that is Atlas. Although not as beautiful as the Garden City of Hanging Babylon, it is still quite a sight to see.

When they arrived in Atlas, Blake and Ahri were amazed at the sight of Atlas. It was a massive floating island. The architectural design was beautiful, but they didn't like that Atlas was overshadowing Mantle, the city below Atlas.

"Well, we're here. What do you think of Atlas?" Jaune asked.

"It's as beautiful as they described it, at least on the surface. And did Atlas have to float above Mantle? Why didn't they move it away? It's like they're saying that they are better than the people below them," Blake said.

When Jaune's Quinjet was close to Atlas, it was hailed by Atlas Military. Jaune told them their purpose and how long he plans to stay. After all that, Jaune was permitted to land in one of the Military landing pads as Ironwood told the officer that Jaune was his guest. As Jaune landed, Ironwood greeted him.

"Jaune Arc. It's good to see you. Yet at the same time, I'm afraid that you'd do something crazy," Ironwood said.

"Ha-ha-ha! I do plan to do something crazy, but that would only happen if you permitted it," Jaune said.

"Didn't you read the proposal that I sent you? Because if you did, then you'll know that it's crazy, but it will help bring the four kingdoms together…Well, five kingdoms if Menagerie is to be recognised as one of the kingdoms by at least three of the four kingdoms," Jaune said.

"What? I don't remember receiving anything of the sort. Give me a second," Ironwood said. He then contacted the other Council Members of Atlas.

Ironwood was livid after he was told that the proposal was thrown out as it was made by a young man such as Jaune. They didn't even read the content. That's not all. Ironwood was angry that he wasn't told of a meeting that occurred when they were reading proposals for the city of Atlas. He held two seats in the council, which means that his vote holds weight on decisions that have been made.

"Sorry, Jaune. But something came up. As for the proposal you sent to the Atlas Council, do you mind sending it to me? I want to give it a read. If there is anything that I've learned of you for nearly a year, it is that you do incredible things…though you're still an ȧss of blackmailing me for Penny," Ironwood said while mumbling the last part. He wasn't as paranoid as he was in the show.

"Well, I'll leave you be now. I know that you're here for the Schnee family and the Polendina down at Mantle," Ironwood said before leaving.

"He seemed a bit weird. Jaune? Did you do something to him?" Blake asked.

"I may have blackmailed him once before," Jaune said.

"Why?" Blake asked.

"It was to release Penny from Atlas military service," Jaune explained. Blake just nodded in understanding.

"This place seems different from before," Blake said.

"Yeah. It feels more like a home now," Jaune said.

Jaune then proceeded to ring the bell of the house to notify them of their presence. It did not take long before someone opens the door. Jaune was surprised to see Whitley opening the door, and he was expecting a maid or a butler like Klein to open it.

"Can I help you?" Whitley asked. His eyes went wide when he saw who it was at the door.

"Hi. I'm here to meet Weiss," Jaune said.

"Oh, My Oum! Oh, My Oum! You're Jaune Arc!" Whitley said while acting like a fanboy.

"That I am. And you are?" Jaune asked. He knew who Whitley was, but it was better to ask for his name.

"Whitley. Whitley Schnee. The younger brother of Weiss and Winter," Whitley said while bringing out his hand for a shake.

"It's nice to meet you, Whitley," Jaune said while taking his hand for a shake.

"That we are. But we don't mind getting to know a family member of Weiss and Winter," Jaune said.

Whitley was containing his excitement. He was in front of the man who could make other Huntsman look like amateurs when they fight Grimm. Ever since he saw that video of Jaune in Menagerie fighting a horde of Grimm, he started to research online more about him. What he found was shocking. It turns out the company that was able to surpass his family's company was, in fact, Jaune's own, the Arc Industries, and he should have seen that coming since they have the same name, Arc.

Whitley, after researching about Jaune, became a fan. He has wanted to meet him ever since. That's why he was trying to keep his cool as he didn't want Jaune to see him as one of those crazy fans, like the ones that the 'Invincible Girl' had or the creeps that try to court his sisters.

"Well, then. Follow me. They're in the garden having tea," Whitley said.

When they arrived in the garden, Weiss immediately run towards him, but when she realised that she was quite unladylike when she ran towards him, she stopped and fixed herself before walking towards Jaune. But when she saw Ahri, she didn't care about being ladylike. She dashed towards her and picked the poor girl up, and started embracing her. This wasn't a good idea.. Ahri tried to escape, but she couldn't as Weiss was holding on to her, she only had one course of action, and that was to bite Wiess in her hand.

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