Arcane Lord

Chapter 3336 Parliamentary attacks and frequent false alarms

But none of the possibilities that Sha Duo thought of could suddenly break out without warning. What Daphne was referring to should be an unexpected event, and it was still a major event that was enough to change the current balance of power between the Alliance and the Illuminati.

Such speculation made him even more worried. Thinking of this, he once again summoned Ambassador Tirion and the subordinates of the Alliance Linsi Network Research Center.

But before he could wait for the reply from those people, Chateau received a message from Fimaai, which made the ominous premonition in his heart even heavier. Unencrypting the communication encryption, Fimaai's urgent and shocked voice reached Chateau. In the ear:

"Lord Xia Duo, what exactly did you do? Just now, a public attack and killing occurred at the Gaoshu Council of Elders. The elders who were attacked were temporarily unharmed, but the nature of this matter is very serious!

"If this matter has nothing to do with you, please be sure to return to the embassy as soon as possible or leave Yeerlan to avoid being involved."

The content of Feimae's subpoena really shocked Shado. You must know that the elders of the Yeerlan Gaoshu Council of Elders are already considered heads of state, and the heads of the Northland countries have been assassinated. The last time it was the supreme elder Evereska who was assassinated.

Pushing forward further, we may have to push it all the way to the Drow War more than a thousand years ago. In that war where the Drow took the lead in launching a surprise attack, the leaders of many countries in the Listal Forest were either killed in battle or assassinated.

It was also because of that tragic war that led to the union of the countries in the Listal Forest and the birth of Cormanthor.

But this is a matter for other countries. For Ye Erlan, the last time an elder was assassinated or died abnormally was during the war with Sluvend more than a thousand years ago, when Cormanthor had not yet been established!

Think about it, after more than a thousand years of peace, an elder was suddenly attacked and killed in the council. Although he was not actually killed, the series of impacts it caused were by no means less than the death of the elder.

In addition, Ye Erlan is currently in a state of emergency, and now the incident of an elder being attacked and killed in public suddenly broke out. Sha Duo can fully imagine further chaos in Ye Erlan.

Thinking of this, he immediately summoned Fimaai and asked him for more details about the attack on Elder Yeerlan. At the same time, he also tried to confirm the situation in person with the person next to him who most likely planned the incident:

"Did you arrange Elder Ye Erlan's attack in the parliament?"

Sha Duo did not ask the other party why he did this, because it was unnecessary. If it was Daphne who did it, it meant that she was determined to go against the alliance. There would be no room for relaxation, and she must carry out the time-related ceremony to the end!

This is no longer an accidental attack like in the past, but an act of war without any restrictions on means.

"Just wait!"

Although she did not directly reply to Sha Duo's inquiry, the meaning of Daphne's words could not be more obvious. If she waits, she will receive more "bad news" related to the alliance.

As Daphne said, almost exactly at the minute she mentioned earlier, Shado received a large number of messages from the Alliance headquarters, some from Doom, some from Tirion, and some from subordinates at the Lingsi Network Research Center.

But more of it is a routine information synchronization from the alliance headquarters. The content is not the attack on Elder Yeerlan as Xia Duo thought. Although this incident is of serious nature and has far-reaching consequences, because it just happened, it did not reach the alliance headquarters immediately. .

After all, Ye Erlan has closed its territory now, and the only official external communication channel is probably Osmantus, the former plenipotentiary. The alliance will not believe any gossip.

But at this moment, Osmantus is probably very confused. If something like this happens suddenly, there is no telling what will happen next! This matter should not be reported to the alliance in a short time.

Tirion, Doom and others summoned Shado and told him that the matter actually had nothing to do with Erlan. They were all talking about the same thing, which was that the headquarters monitoring center had discovered a large number of dense time-related signals.

Doom's previous summons to Shado that "has been read and cannot be answered" was dealing with a large number of time-related signals discovered by the headquarters. It was necessary to exclude field personnel to investigate and confirm. If it was found to be the Illuminati, it would be necessary to call for support and organize it. .

If there were only one or two time-related signals, Doom should not be so busy that he would not even have time to reply to the message. In fact, it was many times, and each time he had to arrange for preliminary investigation and confirmation by manpower.

Doom, as director of Alliance intelligence, must focus on these situations.

And now, the alliance headquarters has the results——

Most of the time-related signals that were monitored were misjudgments, but some were investigated and found to be deliberately forged, and a very small part were at Illuminati ritual sites.

Doom contacted Sha Duo at this moment, also wanting Sha Duo to serve as the Lingsi Network coordinator of the alliance's rapid response support force, and to centrally direct the actions of the volunteer mages.

Although only a small part may be the site of Illuminati rituals, it is impossible for the alliance to accurately locate that small part of the situation, and it still needs to investigate signal by signal.

So why is the Illuminati suddenly so active?

Is it because of the orders of wise men? Or is it out of control internally?

Of course, Shado prefers the former, and what Daphne just said further proves her identity. If not the wise man herself, at least she is a key figure who can influence the internal decision-making of the Illuminati.

It's just that Daphne's decisive action has really caused a lot of trouble for the alliance. The investigation of time-related signals is just a matter of manpower deployment. The changes in Yeerlan are really fatal.

"What's the point of doing this? Apart from adding a little trouble to the alliance, nothing will change. The alliance has enough confidence to deal with all these changes."

Facing Daphne, Xia Duo did not want to lose his momentum. At the same time, he was doing a final test, or giving Daphne a last chance. If the other party was willing to turn back, there was still a chance to achieve a win-win outcome.

But unfortunately, Daphne remained unmoved and just replied in a calm tone: "Are you going to take action?"

Xia Duo did not answer, but he had expressed his truest thoughts through actions - [Wide Area Restriction] once again covered the past without warning.

At the same time, he himself stretched out his right hand as fast as lightning and grabbed Daphne who was aside. Daphne's previous method of reconstructing history was indeed strange and clever, but if Sha Duo came into contact with her body, based on Sha Duo's guess that she was special Sex, Daphne might not be able to get out of trouble as easily as before.

"Consultant Xia Duo, you underestimate me!"

I saw Daphne's eyes overflowing with starlight again, and then she disappeared on the bench at the edge of the garden again. As weird as before, Xia Duo directly skipped the ineffective link and chose to directly use the perception of the space with her to lock on the opponent. .

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