Arcane Lord

Chapter 3338 Interstellar Voyage Emergency

Daphne was imprisoned as expected at first, but then an accident happened. The starlight overflowing from her eyes enveloped her again, and then her body disappeared, leaving only a projection composed purely of that mysterious starlight.

The next moment, the projection spoke: "Don't think you won. From the moment I was born, it was destined that no one could defeat me. Start over again, Consultant Shado, I will wait for you in Elan!"

After saying that, the projection disappeared, and Shado frowned deeply. He waited for a full half hour, and even used his personal space to completely overlap the Linnaeus city area, searching it inch by inch, but even Daphne's No shadow was found.

"It's troublesome!" Xia Duo sighed inwardly.

The other party disappeared again in a way that he couldn't understand, and it disappeared completely, and he couldn't even sense the space inside him. But what Xia Duo was sure of was that it was impossible for the other party to commit suicide, so he could only escape.

"But how did she escape? Where did she escape to?"

These two questions have always been lingering in Sha Duo's mind. As for Daphne's final projection of waiting for him in Elan, Sha Duo did not believe it.

In other words, even if Daphne really went to Elland at this moment, he would not be able to search inch by inch through overlapping space like he searched the Linnaeus city area of ​​Taivimansa, the capital of Elland.

It's not that he is unwilling, but that his portable space is not that big at the moment. Arcane energy can indeed be used to expand the portable space, but it is impossible for all arcane energy to be used to expand the portable space.

Not to mention, he has used his portable space to manifest many things from the projection plane before, among which the most expensive one is the robe of longing. There are many other things that also consume large amounts of space.

For example, two treasures from the Eastern world, various magic weapons including war magic weapons, and a complete set of Nese scrolls.

Therefore, although his current portable space is countless times larger than when he first awakened, it still cannot include the entire Elam region.

Even if the shape of the space boundary at any time is adjusted to form a pointer-like shape, if you want to scan the entire Elam region, you still need a large enough scanning width to complete the scan in a short time (if the time is too long, the meaning will be lost) not too big), it ultimately comes down to the volume of space.

However, after this incident, Shado decided that after the Illuminati is solved, he must build a few more Mythras. In addition to using them for other purposes when necessary, the most important thing is to provide a steady stream of arcane energy for the expansion of the portable space. .

He didn't want to be in such an embarrassing situation like today again.

In fact, if the portable space can be transformed into a normal material plane, then there is no need for him to be so afraid of the Illuminati now.

He would directly equip the people, and at the extreme end, he would bring along all the people from the main plane who were willing to leave with him, and then search a few nearby material planes, and then he could directly start the interstellar voyage.

If that happens, he may choose to go to the Holy Golden Dragon Empire, or continue to sail to more distant territories.

From then on, his personal space was the main plane. Taking the main plane on a long voyage, is there anything more comfortable than this?

But to start this plan, there are still two hard prerequisites. One is how to transform the portable space into the material plane, or a livable space.

The other is the etheric layer navigation technology. Otherwise, you can only try your luck through random transmission. Only sailing in the etheric layer is the real "interstellar voyage"!

Xia Duo already has a clue about the latter, which is nothing more than an artificial plane barrier to resist the nothingness of the etheric layer. Then there is the movement of plane vehicles, which can use large planes as anchors and poles to continue their voyages.

This method of movement can only move within the influence of a large plane, or it can only support movement within a domain, but cannot support cross-domain voyages. This aspect requires further research.

On the contrary, it is the portable space transformation that Sha Duo is most familiar with, and he still has no clue. Since he advanced to the arcanist level, he has chosen the plane field as his main research direction in the future, and he has indeed achieved a lot of results in the future.

But none of them can play a decisive role in the transformation of the portable space. After all, the portable space is too special, so special that Xia Duo himself cannot start.

Without the ability to transform habitable space, and without real interstellar voyage technology, the idea of ​​​​voyaging to the main plane can only be an unrealistic fantasy for the time being.

Therefore, the problem of the Illuminati cannot be avoided. They must be completely buried in the garbage heap of history to be worthy of this group of world enemies who are good at time magic.

After repeated searches of Linnaeus City failed, and Evereska was pressing hard, Shado had no choice but to give up and continue the search. From the moment he gave up the search, it was basically possible to declare that Daphne had successfully escaped. .

After dealing with the traces he left behind, Shado said goodbye to Ambassador Fermae, left Tevimansa, and then teleported directly back to Everesca.

As soon as he returned to the alliance headquarters, he went straight to the intelligence department where Doom worked, and after searching around, he saw him in a temporary command hall. What surprised him was——

At this time, Osmantus, who was still in Yeerlan, actually appeared here.

"Consultant Xia Duo, you are finally back. Now I have to ask you. Please take a look at this document first. If there is no problem, please leave a mark for confirmation."

Before Shado could speak, Tirion, who was also present, threw over a document. Shado took it in his hand and quickly flipped through it. The document did not contain much content. It was just the authorization document for each country to confirm that the alliance would enter a state of emergency.

However, according to the current rules of the alliance, in addition to the consent of the representatives of each country, the agreement of the alliance advisors is also required. At present, except for Xia Duo, several other alliance advisors have all signed their approval.

Everyone agreed, and there was no need for Shado to rebel. He happily left his personal mark on the document, then returned it to Tirion, and then turned his eyes to Doom who was hesitant to speak:

"What's the situation now? Are there still time-related signals being discovered?"

"Yes, even now there are still time-related signals being continuously monitored. Currently, the alliance's field personnel are in very short supply. Countries authorizing the alliance to enter a state of emergency are just to facilitate the alliance's recruitment of personnel from all parties."

Doom, who finally waited for himself to speak, said a lot in one breath, but Xia Duo knew all these contents from the previous alliance summons, and what Doum said now was nothing more than an update with a few more details.

What really shocked Shado was when Doom mentioned——

"Just now, multiple time-related signals were detected in the direction of Yeerlan. The preliminary judgment is that the location is near Tevi Mansa. We have sent people to investigate. Ambassador Osmantus has provided a lot of help in this regard."

The time-dependent signal in the direction of Erlan was initially judged to be in Tevimansa. After hearing these two key pieces of information, Shado's first reaction was - could it be that Daphne had just created it in the Linnaeus city area? Bar?

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