Arcane Lord

Chapter 3339 Augmented reality technology based on the mind network

If the final investigation shows that the time-related signal is in the Linnaeus district of Tevimansa, and there is no need for a more precise location, then Shado can almost conclude that it was Daphne who did it.

At the same time, it can also be determined what type of spell Daphne used before.

Thinking of this, Shado immediately asked Dum: "How long have you sent people there? Is there any news there now?"

"It was not long before you came, of course there is no news now." Dum shook his head, then handed Shado a Lingsi network connector, and explained:

"In order to cope with more challenges in the future, we have established a new command network, and the investigators sent to Tevimansa are also included. As soon as they have news, they will synchronize it."

"Is that so!"

Shado took the ear clip-style Lingsi network connector and put it on his ear. The next moment, a complete map of the Northland immediately appeared in this originally ordinary command hall.

But this is not a common magic influence, but a mental illusion, of course, it may be called [augmented reality technology based on mental network] here.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Xia Duo was somewhat surprised, because this was not designed by him, but by other mages.

But it was not shocking. He played a lot of augmented reality electronic products in his hometown, but the equipment he used at that time was called portable, but it was not portable at all, and it was not very convenient to operate.

And now, he just experienced the smoothness and realism that he had never experienced in his hometown through an ear clip-type Lingsi network connector.

When Xia Duo provided the Lingsi network to the alliance, he only used its purely virtual side, which was only reflected in consciousness. Now, other mages spontaneously designed the interaction between the Lingsi network and reality.

This has to be said to be an epoch-making progress.

However, it is regrettable that the current Lingsi network is more based on specific connectors to link part of the consciousness of a specific group together, which is equivalent to a local area network with specific functions.

For example, this command network at present.

The largest spiritual network in the entire Northland is the computing power pool. This huge network has more than 200,000 access users, which is more than half of the total number of spellcasters in the Northland. (Apprentices are not counted)

But even so, when new needs arise, a new local area network is still built instead of dividing the lower-level sub-networks on the basis of the computing power pool.

In other words, these local area networks with different functions can actually be integrated into a large-scale, complex and hierarchical spiritual network.

Or use the term "metaverse" on Earth!

In Xia Duo's vision, the ultimate form of the spiritual network is such a network, which expands more new functions on the basis of the computing power pool, and this network and the communication puzzle can complement each other.

Even further integrate them all together to form a super network that spans the mind and matter, virtuality and reality.

Such a super network can not only connect every individual in the civilization, but also transmit energy and information among these civilized individuals. Once it grows to a certain extent, it may even replace the magic network.

Or use it as an external component of the magic network, and use the magic network to expand to the heavens and the worlds.

Of course, it is still a little early to say this now, but the prototype has appeared. What Xia Duo needs to do is to nurture it and provide a suitable environment for its growth.

All kinds of thoughts quickly passed through his mind, and Xia Duo's attention was already on the map of the North provided by the command network augmented reality.

The red dots of different sizes flashing with strange light represent the strength of the time-related signals in the center of the corresponding area. Of course, this center is only a preliminary judgment, and more specific ones still need to be investigated and confirmed by on-site personnel.

In fact, any of these red dots can completely cover a city. For example, the source of the time-related signals in the direction of Tevimansa mentioned by Dum just now, the red dot representing it completely covers the entire Tevimansa area.

At this time, the red dots on the map kept flashing, new red dots kept appearing, and some red dots kept disappearing, but overall, the new ones were much more than the ones that disappeared!

This means that the Illuminati is creating new time-related signals almost every moment, or this is one of the manifestations of the time-related rituals in the Elan Rebirth Plan at a critical moment.

Either way, it is not good news for the Northern Alliance. No wonder Dum, the head of intelligence, said that he was short of manpower and needed to start an emergency state to recruit from various countries.

Xia Duo could clearly "see" the current personnel gap from the command network, which was quite large! Almost all the Alliance field staff were sent out, and they could barely cover less than one-third of the time-related signals.

In other words, more than half of the time-related signals monitored by the Alliance now cannot be investigated by field staff.

But what if the real time-related rituals are hidden in that half?

The Alliance's current practice is to investigate the time-related signals detected first, and the ones with higher signal strength are investigated first, but at the same time, a part of the time-related signals with lower priority are randomly selected for surprise investigation.

There are of course hidden dangers in doing this, but even Xia Duo has to admit that this is the best result the Alliance can achieve, taking into account urgency, importance, and even randomness.

Of course, after the state of emergency is opened, the alliance can use a simpler procedure to recruit relevant personnel from various countries. At the same time, various countries also give the alliance a certain degree of enforcement power to ensure that the crisis can be safely overcome in the end.

After Shado signed the document agreeing to open the state of emergency, he soon received news from the Seventon Parliament. The Seven Towers requested an emergency remote meeting to discuss supporting the alliance's actions.

In order to avoid other members of the parliament singing a different tune, the Seven Towers even came up with a more mature plan at the beginning, and it was a plan that they themselves suffered more, that is,

The Seven Towers will provide personnel, and other members of the parliament and the lords will pay, but it does not exclude the right of other members of the parliament or the lords to provide personnel, and all subsidies will refer to the alliance standards.

If it were normal times, being sent to the alliance to serve would be a completely easy and lucrative job. Even if you do nothing and just come here to go through the motions, you will have a considerable amount of travel expenses.

But now it is considered a state of war, and the job is not to sort out documents or other easy work, but to investigate the source of the time-related signals. If you are lucky, you can get money easily like in the past.

If you are unlucky, it is not impossible to run into the main field of the Illuminati and be wiped out directly.

In this case, sending people is obviously more disadvantageous, but there is not much calculation about who loses and who benefits in this matter. If the Illuminati is left alone, everyone will be unlucky in the end.

So now, as soon as the Seven Towers called for it, many councilors immediately expressed their willingness to send people. Of course, no one sent Xia Duo. All his people have gone to the other plane to take shelter temporarily, but he himself is on the front line, and no one said anything about him.

Of course, he will still share the expenses that he should share normally, and the parliament will not lose a single copper coin.

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