Arcane Lord

Chapter 3340 The relationship between Carano and Daphne

After having a relatively intuitive and comprehensive understanding of the current situation, Xia Duo quickly got into work. As the Lingsi Network Coordinator, he did not actually need to participate in the command. He only needed to be responsible for maintaining the subconscious interaction at the bottom of the network.

However, as an alliance consultant, he naturally has the right to speak in alliance affairs, which can be transformed into actual command power at a certain time. Coupled with the experience of hosting the Lingsi Network several times before, the alliance also handed over the command power to him this time. he.

It's just that there are many deputies arranged, and his orders need to pass through those deputies to reach the field personnel at the end of this specially built command network.

It is understandable for Xia Duo to do this. If the supreme commander can directly contact every soldier, then he is not far from being dictatorial. It is just a few checks and balances, but he does not take it to heart.

As long as the alliance is still using the Lingsi network, he who can analyze subconscious information will always have the advantage. For example, now, although he does not have the highest authority in this specially built command network, it is not difficult to obtain the highest authority. .

This is similar to the advantage of the psychic mage in the psychic network, and he also has an even greater advantage, that is, he controls the Alliance Lingsi Network Research Center and uses the profits from the computing power pool to support full production or even full-time work in this area. It is research that does not pursue profit.

In this case, other researchers or organizations are simply not able to compete with him in this regard. As long as there is success on Lingsi Network, Xia Duo will know about it, grasp it as soon as possible, and apply it as soon as possible. .

This allows him to always be at the forefront of Lingsi Network technology.

Of course, with the continuous development of technology and the focus of research at Lingsi Network Research Center, the overt protection methods will eventually far exceed the intrusion methods.

In other words, by then, even Xia Duo will have a hard time being as free as he is now.

However, he is not a person who does whatever he wants. Just like now, even if he has the absolute advantage of Lingsi Network, he has not abused this advantage. Instead, he is helping the alliance to continue to develop in this field.

In his foreseeable future, he will not abuse any advantage or power, and everything he does will be in line with his current wishes.

As for whether it will change in the future, Xia Duo cannot absolutely guarantee this. After all, even the universe cannot be eternal. Why should we believe that one person's thoughts can be eternal?

Besides, movement and change are one of the truths of the universe. Even his current ideas did not suddenly come out of thin air. They were formed with the continuous development and change of personal experience.

Therefore, although he cannot guarantee that his thoughts will never change, he can be sure that no matter what happens in the future, he will not regret it.

There must be changes that seem good now, but there may also be changes that seem bad or even bad now, but all of these are gradual changes starting from who he is now, and he will not be the same at every moment. regret.

When the moment of qualitative change comes, it is naturally impossible to regret it.

However, the current Xia Duo is actually very wary of changes that may occur in the future that he thinks are not good.

In Xia Duo's hometown, many adults often say something called "become the most annoying person you used to be".

It's just that when they said this, it was actually an afterthought. Those adults said they regretted it, but in fact, if they were asked to choose again, they would most likely make the same choice.

Xia Duo always thinks that he is just an ordinary person, so he is also worried that his future self will become what he hates now. In addition to studying magic, he will also delve into the field of consciousness.

For example, for the meditation training that must be done every day, he hopes that he can reach the state of "the soul never retreats", so that he does not have to worry about his future self being hated by his current self, and this state is likely to be the threshold of eternal life.

After all, there is a legend in my hometown that only Bodhisattva can achieve "the soul will never turn back".

In other words, this is eternal youth at the spiritual level.

The "original intention remains unchanged" that Chateau mentioned within the Institute actually has this meaning. The difference is that the original intention remains unchanged and anchors the current state with a goal that is almost difficult to achieve.

Use this original intention to remind yourself not to fade.

But if the mind never retreats, it does not involve specific goals. If you do it, you have done it. If you can't do it, you can't do it.

Of course, it can also be said that the goal is infinite, the infinite future, which is a more personal test than the original intention. Xia Duo feels that if you just keep the original intention unchanged, you will never be able to reach the state of never retreating.

At least now he has been able to keep his original intention unchanged, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Xia Duo abides by the order of the alliance, but he does not stick to small details. For example, if his private actions in Tevi Mansa not long ago were to be put online, this is obviously against the order of the alliance, but he also has his own set of principles. .

In the event of conflict between his principles and the order of the Alliance, he shall prevail.

Of course, doing so will bear greater risks of spiritual changes. After all, most depravity begins with excess, but Xia Duo still chooses this.

He admits that there is more or less an element of pride in this, but more importantly, he truly "examines himself three times a day" and the meditation training he must do every day is not something mysterious.

To a large extent, it is to review what happened in the past day, as well as the gains and losses of what he did, and then make corrections to his mind, and finally save the mental state at this moment, or "personality archive".

Considering that there may be a "silent influence", the changes in one day may not be seen, Xia Duo will also regularly review for a long time. If there is any influence that can exist imperceptibly for several years or decades, he will accept it.

In fact, the education he received since childhood is actually this kind of influence. After he started meditation training, he basically chose to accept it instead of giving up.

And this almost shaped him from the root.

All these are his efforts to prevent his future self from becoming the person he hates now. With such efforts, how can he cause major changes in his mind or major deviations in his personality because of carelessness?

After quickly taking over all the field teams in the command network, Xia Duo did not deliberately adjust the tasks, but issued various instructions according to the instructions of his deputy, who was actually a staff officer.

Unless there is a battle on the front line, "select all by default" and it's done. There's no need to worry too much.

And Xia Duo soon encountered the battle on the front line.

It was in an undeveloped forest on the western border of Yeerlan. It was Yeerlan again. Xia Duo has basically confirmed that the core members of the Illuminati and even the main activity center are in Yeerlan and its surrounding areas.

After all, no country has ever been entangled with the Illuminati like Yeerlan.

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