Arcane Lord

Chapter 3341 I have to regroup my troops

Teardrop Forest.

It is named after the teardrop-shaped lake in the center. Now, with the help of the visual perception information shared by the Alliance field staff to the Lingsi network, Xia Duo "saw" the verdant lake with a layer of mist on the lake surface.

There are a few traces of humanoid activities by the lake. After confirmation by Yeerlan, it should be left by a wild elf tribe that has not yet been naturalized.

Teardrop Lake is the only active water source nearby. The wild elf tribe nearby has not yet mastered fish farming technology, but they will come to the lake regularly to fish. There are even two half-new canoes left on the shore.

Later, Xia Duo simultaneously received the perspective of the field staff who went to the wild elf tribe to investigate. This was the first time he saw such a backward elf settlement, which was comparable to primitive people.

Not only did they not have modern magic, but they also did not master many ordinary crafts. For example, arrowheads were made of animal teeth or sharp polished stone flakes. The entire tribe might not be able to find hundreds of pounds of metal.

Before the Alliance field staff came to this tribe to investigate, they were specifically told by the Yeerlan side not to disturb the normal life of this tribe.

In other words, it is actually not to expose the situation to the outside world. It seems that the Yeerlan side seems to have regarded the primitive elf tribe here as an object of observation and research.

No wonder this teardrop forest is still undeveloped.

No wonder the Illuminati wants to put the real time-related ceremony here. Of course, the ceremony here is not necessarily the time-related ceremony of the Elan Rebirth Plan, but it is likely to be related to it.

Most of the other time-related signals monitored were deliberately fabricated, not that there were no real ceremonies going on in those places.

But this is not the case. There is really a time-related ceremony going on here. The specific location of the Alliance field staff has been roughly locked, in the teardrop lake in the center of this forest.

"Advisor Xia Duo, do you need to send more mages to deal with it?"

Just when Xia Duo was reviewing the investigation results of the field staff, the deputy's inquiry came from the Lingsi network. Xia Duo thought about it and did not agree.

There are two reasons. First, there are many similar situations here. If the mages on the quick response list are dispatched every time, then no matter how long the list is, it will not be enough.

The quick response list is actually used to deal with the real decisive battle. Every mage on the list is at least an elite mage, and there are even high-level mages on standby.

If they are used for such a small matter, how to deal with it once the core ceremony site of the Illuminati is discovered?

Xia Duo thinks that the Illuminati makes these real and fake time-related signals in order to disperse and consume the mobile force of the alliance. Therefore, in this case, the more active the Illuminati is, the more the alliance must stabilize.

Another reason for not calling the mages on the quick response list is that those who can serve in the field of the alliance basically have a certain ability to cast spells. As long as they are properly coordinated, they can fully exert their strength far beyond their own.

And coordination, isn’t that what Xia Duo is doing now?

"Notify the field staff near the Teardrop Forest to gather there. If possible, apply to Eerlan for domestic transmission rights. I need them to complete the assembly as soon as possible!"

Shado gave an order to one of his deputies, and at the same time instructed another deputie, "Urge the countries again and ask them when the recruits will be in place."

"Advisor Shado, some of the recruits have arrived in Everiska, but they haven't had time to distribute the Lingsi network connectors to them. After all, the command network is also built urgently, and there are not so many exclusive connectors prepared."

"Just use the universal connector. If it's not enough, I--"Shado was about to ask the Tower of Time to help with the processing, but suddenly remembered that the Tower of Time was already in the other plane, and it was impossible to call it back to help the alliance make connectors.

At this time, he thought of the several magic weapon manufacturing factories that were attacked in Eerlan. The first batch of orders for those factories were all Lingsi network connectors. If they hadn't been attacked by the Illuminati, I'm afraid they would have been able to produce a lot.

"If it's not enough, I will find a way to urgently recruit from the computing power pool suppliers of various countries."

At this critical moment, if those suppliers still have to make conditions, then not only will their suppliers be disqualified, but they will also be held accountable for missing the opportunity.

Xia Duo made a very sure promise, and the deputy responded and went to contact and discuss with representatives of various countries, and Xia Duo also began to send messages to various suppliers of the computing power pool.

Soon, news came from all parties. First of all, from the various countries, the first batch of personnel who responded to the call exceeded 3,000 in a short period of time. Of course, it is impossible that all of them are real mages.

Many were sent to do chores, such as helping the field team. Among them, the better ones or those with relevant experience will be organized into new field teams.

The better ones will be included in the new rapid response list and be on standby at any time. This part is basically all mages, used to cooperate with the main mages.

As for the computing power pool suppliers, facing Xia Duo's order to recruit universal connectors, almost no supplier refused, at most they had some complaints.

After all, no one is stupid enough to conclude that the Northern Alliance is bound to lose before the final battle even begins. Even if they believe that the Northern Alliance is bound to lose, Xia Duo doesn't think anyone will refuse the order to requisition magical weapons.

After all, the goal of the Illuminati is the complete destruction of the entire world for most people, and there is no place for those suppliers in the new world.

On the contrary, supporting the alliance is the only way to survive.

As for those complaints, this is human nature, and Xia Duo just pretended that he heard nothing.

In the Teardrop Forest on the western border of Yeerlan, many field teams have completed their assembly under Xia Duo's order, and some are still on the way. Even if Yeerlan opens up the teleportation rights to them, it actually does not pursue their teleportation within the country, and it is impossible to provide a teleportation service at the level of a maze lock.

Even if the Yeerlan maze lock has such a function, it is still another matter!

Xia Duo estimated that they could not catch up with this operation, so he simply did not wait and immediately issued an order: "All spellcasters regroup."

Those who do not have the ability to cast spells are basically useless in the next operation, but fortunately, most of these field staff are elves, and only a few do not have the ability to cast spells, which Xia Duo envied very much.

Among his current subjects, only a few of them have crossed the threshold of spellcasting due to blood awakening or other reasons, such as touching a powerful magic weapon. Most people need a long period of training to cross the threshold of spellcasting.

The same is true for elves, but the elves who can appear outside are basically one or two hundred years old. At this age, unless they have been completely rotten since childhood, they have basically crossed the threshold of spellcasting, but they have not been exposed to real magic, so they can only look for work everywhere. Becoming an adventurer is just one of the ways out, and it is still a poor one.

Being recruited by the Alliance is considered to be truly on the right path.

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