Arcane Lord

Chapter 3343: Suspected traces of sea elves, the abandonment of ancient technology

Judging from a hole as big as Teardrop Lake, the meteors that fell back then must have been extraordinary. Regardless of whether they were plane crystals or not, they were a huge amount of wealth.

However, Xia Duo also knew that the Teardrop Lake was unknown in the main plane. No one had even heard of the origin of this lake, which showed that it had been formed for a long time.

No wonder Ye Erlan's information only said "speculation" and "possibility" instead of "certainty".

I just don’t know if the treasures that fell from the sky have been consumed. If not, where are they now?

Xia Duo sighed a little in his heart. The two teams in front had already arrived near the barrier. This distance was within the detection range of the first team. It could even be used to improve the detection accuracy. At the same time, the detection results could also provide a basis for the actions of the second team. .

Under the command of Sha Duo, the two teams acted efficiently. Team 1 conducted immediate detection, and Team 2 conducted real-time detection based on the detection results. Of course, they were only executing Sha Duo's instructions.

Without the specific instructions provided by Xia Duo, even a few more such teams would be in vain.

At the same time, Xia Duo is also using the computing power pool to conduct real-time analysis of the situation detected by Team 1 and the feedback from Team 2. Fortunately, the construction of the computing power pool has been completed long ago and has more than 200,000 users. .

Otherwise, the temporary Lingsi network for computing may not achieve the current effect at all——

It didn't even take several rounds of testing. In just an instant, Xia Duo got enough clues from the existing information and even analyzed the specific components of the barrier.

It's just a cleverly designed water element field barrier that can provide similar elemental synchronization effects to the creatures within the barrier. It should be left behind by the Illuminati mages who couldn't easily cast spells.

In Xia Duo's impression, this kind of enchantment is generally something only found in ocean elves. The elves have the so-called five races of equality and co-prosperity. These five races include the wing elves in the sky, the sea elves in the ocean, and the sun elves on the earth. That is, golden elves, moon elves, and wood elves.

Of course, there are more than just these five types of elves, such as drow, but drow were not initially defined by race, but by culture, region, or hatred.

Before drow became drow, most of them were Sree elves, an elf that resembled the current moon elves. Their skin was fair and even whiter than that of moon elves, like white jade.

A small number of them are the wood elves, moon elves, and an even smaller number of golden elves who followed Ilysri (an elf country dominated by Seri elves, which competed with Arivanda for the dominance of the elf world and failed).

After staying in the Underdark for a long time, you will naturally become a drow. Of course, magic may also play a role in this. It is not the curse magic imposed by Arivanda, the winner, but more of the drow adapting to the radiation environment of the Underdark. The magic of transforming oneself.

In this way, the new race of drow was born.

It is generally believed that golden elves and moon elves are foreign elves, while wood elves, Sri elves and other more types of elves are native elves.

Of course, many are now mixed blood, especially between gold elves and moon elves, and in ancient times, it was not uncommon for moon elves and wood elves to be mixed.

It can be said that, except for the wing elves who have long since disappeared and the sea elves who have barely heard much news, the elves living on the earth can basically be regarded as the same bloodline and the same race.

There is not much difference in their upper limit of lifespan. The reason why wood elves can only live half as long as golden elves is largely due to oppression.

For example, medical resources are far inferior to those of Golden Elves, and are often the biggest factor affecting the upper limit of life span.

In Xia Duo's hometown, the average life expectancy of people in ancient times was only about forty or fifty years old. In times of turmoil, it could even be only twenty or thirty years old. But in modern times, it can easily reach more than 70 years.

But in ancient times, it was "seventy years rare". This shows the impact of the development of medical technology on average life expectancy.

In the elf world, it is almost impossible for a golden elf to die from illness. After all, there are so many magics and divine arts, and there is always one that can cure them.

Only the lowest level of wood elves are likely to die of illness. Therefore, among the lowest level elves, herbs are also the most popular. Correspondingly, in the eyes of the upper level elves, herbs are the most undesirable things.

There is a similar situation in Netheril. It is generally believed that only barbarians eat those bitter and astringent herbal soups. Ordinary people with a little wealth will find ways to cure diseases through divine magic. At the worst, they will go to the temple to get it for free. of holy water or blessing.

Because the current Daxia Territory has fully accepted the two Langas tribes, one of which is a large tribe, they have brought a relatively complete inheritance of primitive wizards, which of course also includes the art of herbal medicine, or the art of witch doctors.

But with the overwhelming advantage of modern magic, there are fewer and fewer young people willing to learn witchcraft, let alone the art of herbal medicine, which is overwhelmed by the temple's greater advantage.

If it weren't for Xia Duo's special funding support and even organizing new mages to study the original wizard heritage, it is estimated that when all wizards of this generation pass away, those heritages may be cut off.

After all, a considerable part of the original wizard inheritance was passed down through oral tradition without writing. Without the wizards of the previous generation, there would basically be no next generation of wizards.

Of course, Shado didn't have to promote something backward, but hoped to learn something useful from the heritage of the Langas wizards. Primitive witchcraft was not completely undesirable.

He knew this as early as when he first read the Nether scroll. The most recorded in the Nether scroll was the ancient magic system, and a considerable part of it was primitive witchcraft, far from the level of arcane magic.

But many of these primitive witchcrafts are evolving towards more modern arcane magic. Some of them have succeeded, some have failed, and some have deviated from the arcane route. In short, these are very valuable for reference.

The reason why the current magic system of Netheril can be created is largely based on those prehistoric magic systems. (Strictly speaking, elven magic is also prehistoric. It has stopped developing since the moment of the destruction of Erivandar. The development of the elven countries later basically depends on archaeology. This is also the fundamental reason why the elven big countries and small countries cannot open up an absolute gap in technology.)

So Shado will not look down on those primitive witchcraft heritages that have just started. The existence of those primitive witchcrafts themselves provides a unique entry point for arcane magic to a large extent.

If there are some special spells, it will be a huge treasure.

The same is true for the art of plants and trees. This skill is also a research field of arcane magic, but it does not use the primitive and backward methods of wizards, but uses more advanced modern methods and instruments.

If the art of plants and trees cannot be modernized, then their value is not high. Just like the wood elves in the elf world, even if they have the art of plants and trees, their peaceful age is not as good as the gold elves who use magic and divine arts to cure diseases and prolong their lives.

The same is true for Xiaduo’s hometown. If ancient medical skills can really be compared with modern medicine, then why is the average life expectancy of ancient people not even half of that of modern people?

If the lower class cannot afford to see a doctor or use medicine, then the average life expectancy of ancient emperors is only 30 or 40 years old. Doesn’t the emperor have medical resources?

Obviously, it is still due to the medical level itself.

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