Arcane Lord

Chapter 3348 Promise Reward and Punishment

"It's not what I want, but what the Alliance needs now! The Sheshi Magic Research Laboratory needs more details of the ritual spell to get rid of the continuous disadvantage of similar rituals found in other places."

"So--" The senior mage quickly understood the importance of his mission and fell silent. Shaduo did not urge him. It was not the last moment yet and there was still time to wait for the other party to make a decision.

But he did not wait too long. In less than five seconds, he received the other party's promise: "I will fight to the last moment. I hope the Alliance will not forget our sacrifice."

Even if the senior mage is placed in the entire North, he is a figure at the top of the pyramid. Such a person is undoubtedly cherishing his life, but there are still things higher than life in this world.

At least it still exists in the elf world, and in the traditional concept of the elves, death is not the end, so there is such a senior mage willing to sacrifice himself.

If it were a senior arcane master from Netheril, I am afraid that he would not have such awareness just by catching one.

Of course, it does not mean that all Netherese mages are selfish, but Netheril is now in an era of fading classics. Some of the superiors still have the classical heroic ideas or lord qualities, while some have already fallen.

In this case, if there is no new trend of righteousness to occupy the minds of the mages, selfishness will expand infinitely until the entire country collapses and rots completely.

If there is no appearance of Shado, this may be an inevitable trend, but the appearance of Shado has brought too many variables, with the Northern Alliance outside and the New Covenant inside.

Order, and the collective interests brought by order, will become the main theme of the new era, and in order to maintain such collective interests, countless mages willing to sacrifice for this will emerge.

The elf world has both factors, retaining more classical romantic heroic ideas, and forming the order concept of the upper family republic earlier.

The so-called republic is actually public affairs, and what it represents is naturally public interests. There will also be superiors and ordinary elves willing to sacrifice for this.

And now, Shado has seen the hero among the elves.

Afterwards, he no longer concealed it and told the Alliance in the mind link that they needed to find out as many details of the ritual as possible, with the subtext that they might sacrifice.

In just this moment, the three spellcasting sequences all showed varying degrees of chaos. Fortunately, the Alliance mages were on the offensive at this time, so they did not collapse immediately.

But even so, the Illuminati ritual host stabilized the situation and even made room for a counterattack.

"Pay attention to stay focused and don't be distracted."

Such a request was somewhat difficult under such circumstances, but the situation forced these Alliance mages to retreat or die if they did not advance. After about half a minute, they stabilized the spellcasting.

But in this way, the Illuminati ritual host completely gained the upper hand. Now it was not a question of whether these Alliance mages wanted to retreat, but whether the enemy was willing to let them go!

Although this group of elf mages, who were at least elite mages, had many doubts about the spellcasting instructions provided by Shado, they still had basic situation judgment ability. They knew that they had wasted the only possible retreat opportunity with their own hands.

For a moment, the mind link was filled with resoluteness and resentment. Even the senior wizard who was willing to sacrifice himself to complete the alliance had a lot of negative emotions.

Some of these negative emotions were directed at the alliance, some were directed at Xia Duo, but more were directed at the Illuminati, the Illuminati wizard at the bottom of the Teardrop Lake!

In a sense, it can be regarded as a state of "sharing the same hatred and the same enemy".

"Everyone, please unite to fight the enemy. Here I promise you that no matter what the result of this action is, your family will be taken care of by the alliance and me personally, and the alliance will not let down any hero."

This is actually a rare opportunity to shape the consciousness of the alliance. Xia Duo will certainly not miss it. His words are not just to appease the emotions of these elf wizards, but he will really do so.

Even if his personal power is limited and it is difficult to push the alliance to make compensation, he will fully compensate in place.

At his position, he is not only considering his personal interests, but also the public interests of the territory, the alliance, and even the future main plane, that is, the republic.

For a long time, Shado has been well-known for his personal reputation, thanks to the widespread dissemination of the Great Xia Code. Even if it is not the specific content of the code, just the fact of creating the code is enough to establish his reputation as pure gold.

Although there are still many elves in the elf world who think that he is too simple and rough in his dealings - most of these elves are Yeerlan elves, or think that he is too weak - most of these elves are Ilfarran or Evereska elves.

Or think that he is too arrogant - these elves are mainly Cormanso elves, due to his performance during his visit to Cormanso, but no matter which country the elves are from, they still recognize Shado's personal reputation.

The reason why the Void Warehouse Chamber of Commerce of the Tower of Time can enter the Yeerlan market so smoothly is not just because he saved Metriel.

His strong personal reputation also played a very important role.

After all, even the dumbest elves would not welcome a foreign chamber of commerce with no guarantee of credibility just to thank the other party for saving themselves.

Therefore, Xia Duo's current promise is no less effective than the guarantee of the official alliance or the crown king of their country for the sixteen elven mages on the shore of the Teardrop Lake.

In fact, Xia Duo is already representing the official alliance with his current status as an alliance consultant.

As for Xia Duo's promise, the dozen elven mages did not ask for the specific content. On the one hand, they really couldn't spare any extra energy to entangle this under the current circumstances, and on the other hand, Xia Duo's personal reputation was still at work.

"Advisor Xia Duo, do you think the alliance can really defeat the Illuminati? I heard that--"

The senior mage did not convey the following words from his surface consciousness, but in the deep spiritual connection, Xia Duo could still sense what the other party wanted to say--

It's nothing more than that Yeerlan's current situation is almost half paralyzed. Even Yeerlan, a regional power, has been messed up by the Illuminati. What kind of ending will other countries in the alliance face?

"The alliance will win!"

Xia Duo did not promise anything this time, because he was indeed not 100% sure of defeating the Illuminati. So he just used one slogan to express his current determination. This is the benefit of mind connection, it can make people communicate with each other.

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