Arcane Lord

Chapter 3347: Expecting a Miracle, Battle at the Bottom of the Lake

Xia Duo believed that one or two minutes was by no means an overly stressful time for the group of researchers who were at least elite mages, and within these one or two minutes, the other side of the Teardrop Lake could explore more details of the ritual.

Unfortunately, neither time acceleration nor thought acceleration can proceed indefinitely. One or two minutes of normal outside time may correspond to a researcher's perception time of only a few days at most.

This is still not enough to understand a complex and changeable ritual.

So, what is Xia Duo looking forward to?

Of course, we are expecting miracles. There is no shortage of miracles in this world. There are always people who can create miracles in critical moments or even ordinary situations.

Unfortunately, the reason why a miracle is called a miracle is because it is not inevitable. Even if it is expected by countless people, it will not happen inevitably.

Just like at this moment, Xia Duo failed to get a miracle in the end, but only gave the frontline personnel on the other side of Teardrop Lake a little more confidence in their survival.

Teardrop Lake.

Next to the golden altar in the center of the lake bottom square, a figure slowly emerged from the void, pushing away the surrounding water, as if it really didn't exist just now.

Seeing this scene through the spiritual link of the frontline personnel, Xia Duonai still didn't know that his tactics of delaying the test had been discovered, but this completely unfamiliar elf didn't seem to care at all, and even said nonsense:

"Come on, stop me! I can't wait to see your desperate expressions!"

The arrogant and conceited voice quickly spread in the square. Since it was underwater, it felt even more chaotic and eerie. Xia Duo was presiding over many actions at the same time and did not want to communicate with this guy at all.

And judging from what the other party said, the other party didn't seem like a person who could communicate normally.

"Attention, follow my instructions and execute the following casting sequence-"

In the spiritual link, Sha Duo's orders were given one after another, specific to each individual caster, and without any delay. In the outside world, it showed that the reinforcement mages on the shore began to quickly enter a state of coordinated spell casting.

And the spellcasting sequences of three main threads are enabled at the same time, which means that it is assisted by the brain. Otherwise, Xia Duo would really not dare to play like this, and he might accidentally shoot himself in the foot.

But under the planning of the Intelligent Brain, which was essentially multiple copies of Sha Duo's own consciousness, the spellcasting instructions were laid out flawlessly.

At the bottom of the lake, the arrogant ceremony leader quickly felt the pressure. First, he ignored the ceremony and directly tried to control his strange spells. After a slight distraction, interference to the ceremony followed one after another.

"Damn it, how many senior mages have the alliance sent to target me? OK, OK, they're all going to target me, right! Let's see who can't hold on first!"

As a high mage, he also has his own pride. At the same time, he also knows very well that as long as he firmly holds the leadership of the ceremony, it will be useless for the alliance to bring more mages.

As for after the ceremony is completed, as long as he wants to escape, no one can stop him.

At the alliance headquarters, Xia Duo was well aware of the changes in the Teardrop Lake. He was already prepared for the worst. Even if he sacrificed all the front-line personnel there, including the senior mage who later reinforced him, he would definitely be in trouble. It is necessary to expose enough details of that ritual, because there are a large number of such rituals waiting for him in other places!

If it was simply destroyed simply and rudely, it would indeed leave a certain amount of time and space fog, but that was Yeerlan, and it was also the border, so how could Shado really care?

Even if we consider that the alliance will truly become one in the future, that will only happen in the future. Maybe the fog of time and space will no longer be a problem in the future. Moreover, without the present, there is no future.

Moreover, he had already seen scenes in prophecy scenes where the main plane was covered by a large amount of fog of time and space. This could be regarded as a kind of advance desensitization training.

On the contrary, Xia Duocai truly felt pity and sorry for those mages who were still in Teardrop Lake, because he always had the philosophy of "save people and lose land, and both people and land will survive; save land and lose people, and both people and land will be lost."

But sometimes in such a position, one very helpless thing is that he has to make a decision to sacrifice some people. If possible, he hopes that there will be no sacrifices, but the enemy will not think so.

The Illuminati has made it clear that it wants to destroy the world. He had already met the prophet Daphne, who was suspected to be a wise man, in Tevi Mansa before. The other party's attitude was firm and it was completely impossible to change.

And all he can do is to minimize the sacrifices as much as possible, whether they are human sacrifices or earthly sacrifices.

Teardrops at the bottom of the lake.

The original square had become dilapidated in the confrontation between the Alliance mages and the Illuminati ceremony masters, but the central altar was not affected much, except that the water element field barrier that originally covered it disappeared.

The 2nd spellcasting team has all evacuated. Although they still maintain the elemental synchronization spell on them and can move freely underwater, this spell may fail at any time in the turbulent magic network environment.

The most important thing is that all the members of the 2nd Spell Casting Team are only mid-level mages. Even if they can achieve the effect of an Archmage through coordinated spell casting, the absolute shortcomings in "hardware" doomed them to not be as powerful as a real Archmage. Long instant casting distance.

That is, the ability to create a spellcasting source point in the distance, or in other words, the ability to control the strings of the magic network in the distance.

Leaving them at the bottom of the lake is just a unnecessary sacrifice. Although Xia Duo is ready to sacrifice all the mages there, unnecessary sacrifices must be avoided if possible. It is better to let them evacuate.

If the 2nd Casting Team could evacuate because they were too dishonest, then the reinforcement mages who arrived later had to fight to the end because they were too strong. At this moment, they were already fighting the Illuminati high mages under the command of Sha Duo to a stalemate.

It's funny to say that several of those mages had clearly revealed their thoughts of escaping in the spiritual link, but because of the stalemate of the battle, once they lost Xia Duo's command, they were likely to be defeated directly.

So they didn't dare to evacuate, let alone run away.

If it was time to escape, it is estimated that except for the senior mage who led the team, none of the remaining fifteen elite mages would be able to escape.

"Don't be distracted, Andre. You've already made two mistakes in a row. I'm not sure I can help you make up for the third time."

Xia Duo reminded carefully, trying not to irritate the sensitive nerves of these first-line mages, but inevitably, he still received an inquiry from the senior mage who led the team, not through a public broadcast on the spiritual network, but by contacting Xia Duo individually. ask--

"What exactly does Advisor Shado want? When can we evacuate?"

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