Arcane Lord

Chapter 3346: Delay and test, full bloom

After Chateau sent the message, it took Bondi nearly ten seconds to reply:

"Well, I'll synchronize it, but the progress - I'm sorry, we really don't have a very secure way to deal with that ritual. We can only risk destroying it, or find a way to seize the dominance of the ritual, and then calm it down little by little."

Bondi's answer almost made Xia Duo scold him on the spot. He was disappointed that he only got this result after giving enough computing power pool resources.

However, Sha Duo's anger calmed down a little after seeing the research progress of the time-related magic laboratory that Bondi had synchronized with.

It turns out that the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory is not just studying the ritual elements of Teardrop Lake, but is trying to restore all the details of this Illuminati variant of the time-relevant ritual by combining detection feedback from other sources of real time-relevant signals.

This is undoubtedly the best for the overall situation, but it is not a good thing for the specific sources of local time-related signals and the field personnel responsible for handling those events.

Xia Duo hopes that both sides can be taken care of and done well, but unfortunately, this question seems to be a single-choice question.

"Let's synchronize information first!" Xia Duo said after two seconds of silence.

Bundy didn't say anything about this. Everyone knew what the situation was at the moment, but some words didn't need to be said so clearly. Soon, Bundy had reported all the research progress of the Time-Related Magic Research Laboratory.

While Xia Duo used his brain to digest quickly, he also combined it with his own thinking to try to find a better way out for the field personnel on the other side of the Teardrop Lake instead of having to risk his life to stop the enemy's ritual. .

It's a pity that the time-related magic research laboratory has not been able to find a reliable solution. Of course, Xia Duo can't complete it immediately by standing here alone.

He could only try to find as many ways as possible for those field personnel to survive, but the strategic goal would not change, which was to capture, kill or force to death the hidden ceremony leader.

Teardrop Lake, shore.

The mages who arrived later took out the psychic detector that Sha Duo had previously summoned with the help of a spellcasting team to summon the void warehouse. While maintaining the detection spell, they suddenly activated the psychic detector.

This is a psychic detector that focuses on the field of life detection. For life, or more accurately, all intelligent creatures with thinking activities, it has a detection effect that far exceeds that of most arcane magic.

In just a moment, Xia Duo received feedback from the detector from the spiritual link. In addition to the 2nd Casting Team who were still testing, there was also an intelligent creature at the bottom of the lake. The location was——

Beside the golden altar!

Almost at the same time, the Spellcasting Team 2 began to interfere with the ongoing ritual. Although it was not possible to safely cancel the ritual for the time being, there was still no problem in interfering with it.

The Spell Casting Team 2 is composed of a group of mid-level mages. Even with Xia Duo's command, it can only support two or three great mages at most. However, the spell casting threads that can be opened at the same time, that is, the spell casting sequences that can be performed at the same time, can exceed three. indivual.

There are almost as many threads as there are members. However, the more threads are divided, the less effective the effect of coordinated spell casting. It is equivalent to the dozen or so mid-level mages playing soy sauce here.

Of course, Xia Duo would not spread the threads too thinly. He would at least maintain a spellcasting intensity above level 8, otherwise he would not be able to threaten this ritual at all.

Of course, the process of interfering with the ritual does not require the casting of a complete 8th-level spell, or even elements above 8th level. Instead, the most appropriate judgment needs to be made based on the actual situation of the ritual.

It is almost impossible for a ritual to be destroyed by just one spell or even one element, even if the mysterious lady comes in person, because most rituals are designed with redundant structures.

On the one hand, it is to facilitate coordinated spell casting, and on the other hand, it is to avoid the consequences of the failure of the entire ceremony caused by spell casting errors.

If a certain element or even a certain link of the ritual is damaged, there is usually a way to remedy it. It is not like a magician's personal spell, where mistakes can easily lead to various accidents.

Spells cast by individuals can actually be designed with redundant structures, but this will further increase the difficulty of spell casting and the most important casting time, while ritual spells do not have this requirement.

Because most ritual spells are designed for coordinated spellcasting, there is no rush in terms of time. It is not uncommon for some very large rituals to last for a whole day.

For example, when Shado built the floating city, because the mystery lock needed to be created at once, he chose to let the Tower of Time mage share the spell casting task, but this would take several hours!

At the moment, in the square under the lake, the Spellcasting Team 2 is only equivalent to a few parallel-imported masters. It's just that the minds of these parallel-imported masters are controlled by Xia Duo, but the shortcomings of the spellcasting itself can be completely made up for by thinking.

Fortunately, Xia Duo did not expect the actions of the 2nd Spellcasting Team to achieve any significant results, as long as they could slightly restrain the ceremony leader who had been discovered by the psychic detector.

Due to the interference received by the ceremony, and the process of each interference is very clever, this has undoubtedly created a threat to the ceremony host who regards the completion of the ceremony as the goal.

But this guy seems to be very proud of his hiding ability. Even though the 2nd spellcasting team has clearly demonstrated beyond its own spellcasting ability (mainly thinking), he still did not choose to run away, but thought about continuing to complete the ritual.

And if you want to complete the ritual, you need to eliminate interference, so the two sides started an alternative magic duel.

At the same time, Xia Duo, who was at the Alliance headquarters, kept urging Bondi, "The new changes in the ritual have been passed on to you. Hurry up and study it. I can only buy you one or two minutes at most. If you give me more, that guy will react."

One or two minutes of research time is undoubtedly not enough for a complex and changeable ritual spell, but as Xia Duo said, he really can't give more time.

Moreover, the Sheshi Magic Research Laboratory has obtained the full-scale computing power of the computing pool, and there are also many high-level mages among the researchers there.

Although affected by the civil strife in Yeerlan and the rumors of the drow, plus the recall of various countries, the number of those high-level mages is nearly half less than in the heyday, but it is still the strongest research team in the main plane.

Those researchers are definitely not short of thought acceleration spells, which can be used to accelerate research, and even time acceleration spells are not impossible. After all, Xia Duo's time acceleration spell originally came from Everiska in the projection plane.

Originally, it was a spell that could slow down the flow of time, used in the research of the Arcane Rabbit. Later, it was brought to the main plane by Shado, who then researched and enriched the spells that could speed up the flow of time, used to borrow time from the future.

Of course, these two spells only affect the flow of time in an area, slowing it down or speeding it up, but they can never reverse it.

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