Arcane Lord

Chapter 3360: The fight of trapped beasts

So, while providing information support, Xia Duo also ordered Candela to speed up the search and capture, and to catch the tail of the Moon Shadow Family. Of course, he also reminded the other party to act cautiously and avoid traps, and to call for long-range strikes at any time if necessary.

"Yes, Candela will definitely live up to the mission!"

After receiving the order, Candela immediately gave up calming the magic network shock. The magic network environment would only have a certain impact on spellcasting, but it would never make them unable to cast spells.

The previous decision to calm the magic network shock was more for better searching for the target's traces. Now, after receiving the information from the rear that the Moon Shadow Family was still there and was preparing to escape, the target's traces were no longer a problem, and he had to speed up.

As for Xia Duo's call for long-range strikes at any time, Candela never thought of deliberately not using it to show himself. He knew very well what it meant to show himself. It was not to use the resources when there were resources, but to complete the above tasks with quality and quantity. Resources and other things should be used when they should be used.

Therefore, Candela made up his mind and decided to use the light of annihilation to clear the way. However, the light of annihilation was so powerful that it was not easy to accurately control the strike position. He had to keep in touch with Shado at all times and carefully calculate the strike position.

"Advisor Shado, please strike the marked field range with the light of annihilation."

Then he synchronized another accurately calculated field coordinate to Shado. Field calculations are often involved in teleportation spells. If you just simply indicate the coordinates, then the universal six-dimensional coordinate system will do.

But if you want to carry out precise strikes to the extent of a line or a plane, you need to use field calculations with six-dimensional coordinates.

Although Shado had hinted at this point, he did not expect Candela to accept and apply it so quickly, but this was in line with his wishes. He originally hoped that Candela could summon war spells as much as possible to solve the troubles on the front line by himself.

Instead of requiring him to command in real time as he did in various countries, he only needed to let the intelligent brain take over the coordinate feedback of Candela and adjust the various elements of the war spell in the maze, and he only needed to confirm it in the end, saving time and effort.

Of course, this was also based on the fact that Candela did not mess around before, so Shado gave him such trust.

At present, Candela continuously sent back accurate strike coordinates from the front line, and it was impossible for Shado to verify every coordinate and every strike range.

Theoretically, Candela could completely target Everiska, and Shado would not verify it, but directly launch an attack.

This also made Shado think that the current war spell was not perfect enough, or he was not perfect enough in developing and utilizing the war spell.

At present, he only managed the whitelist for the territory of Netheril, that is, when the target involved the territory of Netheril, he would confirm it multiple times.

It was not necessary for other places.

In the future, the operation rights of war spells can be controlled at more levels, such as limiting the strikes on the territories of the countries in the main plane, which must be further authorized.

In addition, for each specific task, it is best to indicate the expected affected area, and strikes outside the area also need to be further authorized.

The current situation of unclear authority and unclear strike range cannot occur again.

If Candela really gets excited and sets the strike coordinates to the capital of Yeerlan, then Shaduo can almost be said to have cut off the possibility of leading the alliance in the future.

Even if the other party is held responsible afterwards, what has happened has already happened and it is impossible to recover.

"Candela, don't let me down!"

It's like a county magistrate receiving the emperor for inspection. He does have the opportunity, possibility, or even the idea to kill the emperor, but it is almost impossible to happen in this case because he is not without worries.

The same is true for Candela. There is Elder Devin behind him and the entire Everiska to guarantee him. Shaduo will certainly trust him. If it were another senior wizard with no background, he would never give such trust.


Tanza Peak front line

With the light of annihilation leading the way, Candela and his team's breakthrough can be described as unstoppable. In just a moment, they found the hiding place of the Moon Shadow Family under the guidance of wide-area exploration.

A secret base located inside the mountain, there is not even a physical entrance, but when the target has been determined, whether there is a physical entrance is not so important.

Candela summoned the light of annihilation all the way and directly dug a tunnel along the mountain to the hiding place of the Moon Shadow Family.

Because the light of annihilation with a lower power was used, the elemental energy of material disintegration could not be completely annihilated, causing the inside of the tunnel to be infected by a large amount of elemental energy that could not enter the magic network cycle, turning it into a real gem channel.

Seeing this scene, Candela thought of a legend that said that Shado had destroyed a main city in the south of Zhamdas before, but also left a considerable area of ​​gem ruins.

And now he saw the legendary scene with his own eyes, which made him connect more. What if this spell is not for war purposes, but only for making gems? Will it be more efficient?

However, Candela thought that Netheril already had a better source of energy gems, so there was no need to do such a less efficient thing. Arcane crystals were much more useful than these elemental gems that were infecting different elements!

"There is another barrier ahead, which should be the last layer of defense for the target. Speed ​​up!"

The mountain space reported by [Wide Area Detection] is not far from the current location of Candela and other operators. As the frontline commander, Candela could not help but be alert.

While ordering to speed up, he and his team members cast spells to conduct a close and detailed detection of the barrier ahead, and synchronized the results to the alliance command network.

On the other side, Xia Duo also adjusted the feedback information synchronized to Candela by [Wide Area Detection] according to the detection feedback sent back by Candela, which was probably a further supplement to the detection results of the frontline personnel.

At the same time, he also confirmed Candela's request for [Light of Annihilation] strike at the first time. Of course, his confirmation here is only the final confirmation before the intelligent brain is ready to strike, omitting the process of verifying relevant information in the middle.

This is of course Xia Duo's trust in Candela, but the high frequency of information synchronization between the two sides is also a very important reason. In addition to maintaining a mental connection at all times, the two sides also have synchronization of detection spell feedback.

In this situation, there was not much difference between Xia Duo and being at the front line. At most, he was standing half a step behind Candela. That was all.

"We found a member of the Moon Shadow family and request their arrest!"

"We agree to arrest them!"

After receiving Xia Duo's confirmation, Candela immediately took action. He first tried to ask Xia Duo for support for forbidden spells in the command network, but this first step was denied by Xia Duo.

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