Arcane Lord

Chapter 3365 Daphne Appears

Under such circumstances, it was certainly impossible for Xia Duo to begrudge a little bit of energy, especially since he could quickly restore his energy by relying on the world through his body, even less so.

With the "where to draw the line" instructions provided by Sha Duo, and the guidance "ruler" held by Candela on the front line, Sha Duo's body on Yongle City launched several precise strikes of ultra-miniature light of annihilation almost instantly.

After the blow, Kandela also took action, and soon Sha Duo "saw" the scene inside the stone chamber simultaneously through the spiritual link——

There are no high-ranking mages waiting as expected, and there are not even a few spellcasters. At this moment, under the suppression of Candela and other alliance mages on the front line, all of them have become dumb firecrackers, while the rest are still childish. Young elf.

"Consultant Xia Duo, what should we do now?"

"Do you still need to ask? Take control first, and then search this stronghold carefully."

Although most of the magic protection of the stronghold was destroyed by Candela's summons of the light of annihilation, some survived, especially the last stone chamber, which was almost undamaged inside and was perfect for tracking.

As for the underage elves, it was certainly impossible for Shado to let them go just because they were underage. In fact, according to human standards, these elves were already adults.

But he didn't expect that the Moon Shadow family would be left with only an empty shell. This was different from what he had seen in Taivimansa before. It was conceivable that the main force of the Moon Shadow family must have been used by the Illuminati for what they thought More important place.

The more this happens, the less likely Sha Duo will let go of the next generation of the Yueying family who were placed here to avoid the war.

Whether you want to win or lose, there is no such good thing in this world. And based on the current attitude of Ye Erlan's senior management towards the Illuminati, Sha Duo estimates that none of the underage elves of the Yueying family will survive the incident.

This is actually what he hopes for. As a human who aspires to lead the cause of the North and even the main plane, he can be cruel to his enemies and friendly to his own people, but he is a little sensitive to the underage descendants of hostile elves.

After all, he is not an elf, but a human being. If he is too cruel, he will inevitably cause other elves to harm his own kind, even if these underage elves are the descendants of the enemy.

If he were an elf, he wouldn't have such worries.

But it’s impossible not to deal with these underage elves. Although Sha Duo has now conducted detailed interrogations on these elves, it can be seen from the hateful looks returned from the scene that these elves have been too influenced by the Moon Shadow family and the Illuminati. Deep.

If they were just the descendants of criminals, they would not be treated so harshly. However, as the spread of Illuminati ideas cannot be completely eradicated, the poisonous thinking may cause endless troubles.

Therefore, the first time he saw these underage elves, Xia Duo had already planned a place for them. After he had copied the copy of his consciousness and the alliance had interrogated them in detail, he would hand them over directly to Ye Erlan.

Let them deal with it.

In the current situation where the civil strife in Erlan has caused huge losses, even if these underage elves have not participated in the evil deeds of the Illuminati, they are very likely to be directly executed to vent their anger.

Inside the secret stronghold.

With Xia Duo's clear instructions, although Kandra could not bear it, he also understood that these underage elves had only one identity at this time, and that was the enemy. If they were enemies, there was no need to show mercy.

He and his companions quickly completed the control of the remaining members of the Moon Shadow Family. However, before he could provide Sha Duo with the summoning coordinates, a tall moon elf female figure suddenly broke into the group of people still under their control. in stone interior.

Since the spiritual link always maintains the link and maintains basic information synchronization, Sha Duo immediately discovered the situation on Candela's side. When he saw the figure he had just seen a few days ago, his heart suddenly mentioned In the throat.


To be honest, Daphne's appearance was not what he expected. In Sha Duo's impression, especially during his interactions with Daphne a few days ago, he was very sure that Daphne was an elf who would not give up until she achieved her goal.

Members of the Shadow family will never ignore the current plans just because they have been there for a few months. In Shado's imagination, perhaps Candela's actions may encounter the other high-ranking mages of the Moon Shadow family.

In fact, it was not. It should have been transferred away by the Illuminati. However, the person who came this time was not the high mage of the Moon Shadow family, but Daphne who came in person.

While Shado conveyed urgent instructions to Candela in the Lingsi Network, he also used the avatar that was still in Evereska to go to Tanzania Peak in person.

The reason why the incarnation did not move before was because he was worried that once he moved, he might be exhausted from saving the scene. In fact, such a rescue did not play a decisive role, but consumed his own energy.

In a situation where the decisive battle could start at any time, Xia Duo must of course preserve his strength.

But now the situation is different. Daphne, the leader of the Illuminati, is personally dispatched, and her value is enough to attract Sha Duo to do it personally. Once Daphne is successfully captured, not only will the Illuminati be eliminated immediately, but at least it will be able to win more for the alliance. Big advantage.

You must know that the current alliance is in a state of distress because of the time-related signals created by the Illuminati, and is in a passive position!

If Daphne could be captured, the balance of victory and defeat would undoubtedly shift significantly towards the alliance, so at this moment, Shado could no longer sit still.

At the same time, on the Tanzan Peak.

Although Shado did not reveal that the elven woman in front of him whose specific appearance could not be seen was the leader of the Illuminati that the Alliance had been looking for, Candela could also know from the state of the other party when she appeared that the other party was definitely not an ordinary high-level wizard.

And what he had to do now was not to defeat or stop the other party, but to save himself and delay time as much as possible. As his mind was turning, Candela immediately understood the situation of the matter.

So he suppressed his inner tension and fear as much as possible, and shouted loudly: "The Alliance enforces the law, and irrelevant people retreat immediately!"

"Boy, do you know who I am? Even your father dare not talk to me like this!" Daphne looked at Candela with interest.

Fate immediately told her the identity of the other party-the youngest son of Devin, the supreme elder of Everiska, who was currently gilding the alliance. If there is no change in the future, the other party may become the leader of the alliance.

But the moment Daphne learned this information, the future changed. In her eyes, Candela was bleeding all over, as if she would fall down and die in the next moment. But at the same time, in another vision, Candela was wearing a dress and waiting for a peculiarly shaped magic ship to land at the airport.

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