Arcane Lord

Chapter 3368 The meaning of Go Daphne's abnormality

Since many forming spells have a final effect, a skilled mage will often only be able to prevent the opponent from completing any forming spell during a duel.

Of course, correspondingly, he himself must try his best to complete the final spell with enough interference, blocking, and countermeasures from the opponent.

This is an element-level spell duel.

Similar to playing Go, a single magic element is like a single chess piece and is not enough to surround and kill the opponent. At the same time, even the master cannot completely and accurately control the position of the opponent, so layout and tactics are needed.

Each siege position is equivalent to completing a complete spell, and such a complete spell can sometimes determine the outcome with one hit, but many times it will lead to repeated killings like Go.

Therefore, when Xia Duo showed up Go in the Golden Dragon District of the Holy City of the Kingdom of Glory, it immediately became popular and was welcomed by the Golden Dragon mages. The reason is that Go is so similar to a spell duel.

Although the details are simpler, the ideas and ideas are the same. For Jinlong, the spell is not without consumption, but if you just move the chess pieces and play chess, it will not be a problem for even the next month.

What Xia Duo provided for the Melting Snow Competition in the main plane was chess, which only added chess pieces for battle. He only promoted Go within the academy, and this was also because Go had a very obvious effect on improving the thinking of spell duels.

Of course, good things must be kept close to your own people first.

At the moment, Daphne seemed to have the upper hand in the stronghold from the moment she chose to pursue Candela, but in terms of the wider war, she was undoubtedly at a disadvantage.

Her best choice was to ignore the underage elves of the Yueying family and just go on her own. At that time, Xia Duo was beyond his reach and had no way to stop them.

But now, Sha Duo has arrived.

I saw an exchange in the channel of the stronghold, and suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred, and a huge creature squeezed out of a very small channel of extremely tiny elements that swirled and annihilated.

This process happened so fast, in just a moment, Sha Duo completed the transformation from the arcane form to the original saint form.

At present, his development of the arcane form is still very insufficient. The only applications at present are arcane jump and repair of body damage. He agrees to restore the missing body parts by transforming the arcane form and then into flesh and blood.

In terms of the bonus to spell casting, the arcane form is obviously not comparable to the saint form of elf magic. Of course, on the other hand, if enough applications of the arcane form are developed, there will probably be many countermeasures. It came into being.

But at the moment, without more development applications, Sha Duo still used the original saint form without hesitation.

Naturally, Daphne, who was very concerned about the battlefield, couldn't hide his appearance with such a big noise. But knowing it was one thing, and whether he could handle it was another.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, Shado did not hesitate to summon the light of annihilation, or in other words, it was actively activated by the main body and the positioning of the incarnation. Previously, Candela used a guiding magic weapon for the precise strike of the light of annihilation. When Daphne did not move her true form, of course, she randomly He uses.

But once Daphne takes action, the guidance weapon will naturally be useless. Even if Xia Duo "fights on her behalf" later, the situation will not change.

But the incarnation is different. Daphne can't prevent the connection between Sha Duo's incarnation and the real body. In other words, Daphne may not even think that Sha Duo's incarnation is an incarnation.

So both sides retreated at the first touch.

Daphne retreated to the stone room at the end of the stronghold, while Shado retreated to Candela and other elves. While controlling Candela and other elves to leave, he walked past the stone room where Daphne was, shouting to the other party as he walked:

"Surrender, I won't let you run away again this time!"

But this time it was Daphne's turn to remain silent. The two parties had already had contact before at Tevimansa, and it was that contact that made both parties understand the other's attitude towards the time-related ceremony——

No concessions allowed.

Therefore, whether it is Xia Duo who speaks or Daphne who remains silent, they both understand that it is impossible for the two parties to reconcile, let alone surrender. There is only one outcome for both parties, and that is life or death!

But Daphne's silence did not prevent Shado from continuing to approach. This time he came to observe the mysterious starlight emanating from Daphne's eyes. He guessed that this might be a shortcut for the other party to activate time-related spells.

It may also be the medium or price for the opponent's use of time-related spells.

Until Xia Duo reached the threshold of the stone chamber, Daphne did not respond, nor did she even cast a spell. She just stared at Xia Duo with very calm eyes.

calm? Sha Duo's heart moved, and he realized that something was wrong with the situation. It was clear that Daphne's emotions were very rich in Kandra's perspective that she had shared through the spiritual link.

Have you suddenly become calmer? Do we have to wait for him to make such a change?

Or was it that Daphne had been pretending before, just to wait for him to come?

No matter what the situation was, Xia Duo pretended not to notice anything unusual. The incarnation itself did not have such rich emotional expressions, especially when he was distracted in many places.

However, this time he did not continue to summon the light of annihilation. Just now, it was just to interrupt the duel between the opponent and Candela and other alliance mages. If he just summons the light of annihilation now, it may be difficult to defeat the opponent.

But staying still is not a good choice. How can there be a "policeman" who sees terrorists right in front of him and doesn't take action?

According to convention, Shado casts a forbidden spell as soon as he casts it. Not casting a control spell is equivalent to sending the opponent away. If the floating city is not temporarily unable to leave, he should directly summon [Wide Area Ban].

But now, it is the same when casting a spell in person. He is not the kind of full-time war mage who does not know how to do things without war spells. Before obtaining war spells, he was also proficient in spell duels.

Shado made a move, and Daphne would naturally not watch him complete the forbidden spell. The difficulty of countering the forming spell and the spell elements is that even beginners who have just come into contact with magic know that the former is more difficult.

So Daphne also made a move.


As soon as Daphne made a move, Shado felt deep pressure. The opponent could always counter the key elements, and even arranged a backhand in advance before he cast the spell.

Such pressure is far from what he could compare with when he just controlled the elves such as Candela to fight against the opponent. It was as if his duel ideas and even the details of the spell were mastered by the opponent in advance.

Logically speaking, if the opponent had the strength they have now, they should have taken down Candela and the others quickly. After all, they were just "substitutes" just now, and there was not only a delay, but also the inefficiency of the casting tools themselves.

"Why is this happening?"

Was it possible that Carano's capture was a trap specifically targeting him from the beginning? But what's the point if it's just targeting his incarnation?

Now it's a war period, at worst, they can just give up this incarnation and create another one on the main body. Although it's still more troublesome to create a saint form, Shado still has this decision.

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