Arcane Lord

Chapter 3369 Wind Movement Time Reset

But if we don't figure out what's going on, even if we give up this incarnation, we will only get rid of the current situation, and we still don't know Daphne's true purpose.

So Xia Duo squeezed out a little spare energy to test the other party during the duel: "Are you waiting for me here on purpose?"


Daphne still responded with silence, but such a response was enough to explain the problem to Xia Duo.

But no matter what, now is the best time to catch Daphne. If you miss this time, you may have to wait until the final decisive battle for the last chance, but it will be too late by then. Even if you catch Daphne, it may not change anything.

So it's still in advance.

Thinking of this, Xia Duo's heart was ruthless and decided to use the light of annihilation to completely wipe out Tanzanfengche, but before that, he also needed to delay time.

Not only to delay time for the attack of the light of annihilation, but also to delay time for the safe evacuation of Alliance mages such as Candela.

Sacrificing the lives of elves such as Candela in exchange for the annihilation of Daphne is undoubtedly very worthwhile for the overall situation, but it is hard to say for Yu Xiaduo.

Moreover, whether the light of annihilation can completely annihilate Daphne is still an unknown. If he can be sure of 100% annihilation, then he may be able to ignore the lives of elves such as Candela and directly wipe out the Tanzan Peak.

But in reality, Xiaduo is not so sure, and judging from Daphne's performance when she escaped last time, the success rate of completely annihilating the other party with the light of annihilation alone is very small.

However, Xiaduo is not completely unsure. His confidence is himself. He can now basically be sure that his existence can cause a certain degree of interference to Daphne's time-related spells.

But to what extent, he is not clear yet.

In addition, no matter what purpose Daphne has now, she has obviously made more adequate preparations, and it is highly likely that she will not come here to do things alone.

So the power of the collective and even external objects must also be considered.

Thinking of the real core ritual of the Illuminati that has not been exposed until now, Xia Duo felt heavy-hearted, which is the fundamental reason why he must capture the core members of the Illuminati.

Only by capturing the core members of the Illuminati can we know the real plan of the other party in advance, and stop the other party in advance, instead of being led by the nose by the other party like now.

Don’t think that Xia Duo sent Kendra to Tanzan Peak to capture the remnants of the Moon Shadow Family, and then blocked Daphne who came to rescue the younger generation of the family.

But in reality, this is probably a situation deliberately created by the Illuminati in order to achieve a certain purpose that Xia Duo has not yet been able to see through.

“Kandra, Kendra, run quickly!”

Xia Duo has not yet lifted the effect of suggestion on the minds of Kendra and other elves, but the action of running away itself is more of an autonomous behavior of Kendra and other elves.

Suggestion cannot completely replace control. At present, he does not have more spare energy to control Kendra and others, and even if he controls them personally, in this situation, he may not be able to run out faster.

When Shado came, he found that the magic net near the secret base of the Moon Shadow Family had mostly fallen under Daphne's control. Even if he couldn't block specific spellcasting elements from the enemy like a maze, he couldn't avoid Daphne's influence if he wanted to teleport out of this area safely.

Elves like Kendra are not arcanists. Even if they are arcanists, the current arcanists in Netheril do not master the arcane form. This is a new spell that Shado brought back from the projection plane.

Without the arcane form, it is impossible to use arcane jump to bypass Daphne's influence on the regular teleportation spell in this area, so he can only choose to run out.

Of course, for the elves in Kendra who are at least elite mages, just running is too low-class. They cast a wind walk spell under the auspices of Kendra that can greatly increase the speed of movement.

Although they still have walking movements, their feet hardly touch the ground, but are lifted up by a gust of wind and slide quickly on the ground. Occasionally, when they encounter potholes or protrusions on the ground, they will also pass by quickly like the wind.

The reason why Wind Walk was chosen instead of the flying spell that most ordinary mages would think of most is that the evacuation route in the mountain stronghold is not straight. Once the speed is too fast, the flying spell can easily "derail" and hit obstacles in the straight direction.

But Wind Walk is different. Even if it encounters obstacles, it will automatically adjust the direction like the wind passing by. In addition, there is another advantage. Once Wind Walk is used, it will use the power of the wind element to penetrate the inside and outside, and directly obtain the fastest route to leave.

If you use a conventional flying spell, you can only plan the evacuation route yourself, which is definitely not the best choice in this tense environment.

Once you leave the stronghold, leave the mountain, and stay away from the magic network environment that Daphne can affect, it doesn't matter what spell you use, you can travel freely in the vast world.

At this time, you can teleport directly back to Evereska.

This is also the route that Shado planned for Candela and the others. Once they return to Evereska safely, the annihilation light that is enough to wipe out the entire Tanzan Peak will come, and Shado's incarnation and Daphne will be wiped out together.

Regardless of whether Daphne can survive in the end, Xia Duo believes that it will not be without cost. Even if the other party can survive, as long as he comes a few more times, he will be able to completely wipe out the other party.

Of course, plans are plans, and reality is another matter.

A long time ago, Xia Duo knew that the world would not develop according to his wishes, and now, this understanding has been proved again.

But in the past, all the developments that did not go according to his wishes were at least within his understanding, and more or less acceptable. If he was willing to pay an extra price, it was not impossible to change such developments.

But now, Xia Duo found himself suddenly back in the past, back to the moment when he came to this secret base through the arcane jump.

The reason for this certainty, in addition to the familiarity of the scene, is that Xia Duo's body had been blessed with the timekeeping spell [Magic Moment] a long time ago, which is mainly used to judge the passage of time in the main plane and the projection plane.

The time determined by his body through [Magic Moment] just now was clearly [6:05] in the morning, but now it suddenly became [6:04].

To be more precise, the time displayed by [Magic Moment] has gone back about 17 seconds!

After discovering this situation, Xia Duo immediately conducted multiple verifications with the outside world through the command network. The results shocked him greatly. Not only his own perception and state, but everything in the outside world also regressed 17 seconds without exception!

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