Arcane Lord

Chapter 3370: Seeing through the opportunities and the reality of the world

How is this possible!

Let alone 17 seconds, even if it was only 1 second, Xia Duo would never believe that Daphne could reverse time. As far as he knows now, it seems that the whole world has gone back 17 seconds.

Just think about it, what a terrifying scene this is!

You have to know that this world is not just the small area of ​​Tanzan Peak, but also the entire Northland, the entire main plane, and even the entire universe.

If Xia Duo wants to believe that Daphne has made the whole world go back 17 seconds, no, even if it is only 1 second, it would be easier to make him believe that Daphne is the Lord of Light.

In a flash, Xia Duo thought of a possibility. Since it is impossible for the world to go back 17 seconds, it must be that he has obtained the prophecy of the next 17 seconds.

Thinking of the inexplicable sense of oppression when Daphne confronted him, Xia Duo was more certain of this guess. But it stands to reason that this should be the prophecy of the other party. How could he also feel it? And even experience it in person?

But anyway, since we know the future development, even if it is only 17 seconds, we should use it. Xia Duo appeared from the micro-element channel.

As predicted, he first interrupted the duel between Daphne and Alliance Mages such as Candela with a ray of annihilation, and then shouted to the other party:

"Surrender, I won't let you run away this time!"

In fact, both sides understand that things have developed to this state, and there is no reconciliation. It must end with one side's complete failure, or both sides lose, there is no other possibility.

But Xia Duo still chose to do so, just thinking about the possibility of the other party's compromise and surrender, and delaying time so that Alliance Mages such as Candela can evacuate safely.

Then he tried the forbidden spell as usual, and Daphne blocked it as shown in the prophecy. The prophecy just now seemed very accurate, so accurate that Xia Duo had almost only one choice of what spell to use.

At this moment, even though Xia Duo still didn't believe that Daphne could reverse time, he couldn't help but wonder if he really went back to the past.

However, there is another explanation for this situation, that is, all the choices made by Xia Duo after coming here are the comprehensive calculation results of all his knowledge and experience as well as the intelligent brain and computing power pool.

And such results are basically the optimal solution, unless there is an accident.

Is there an accident?


Xia Duo felt the sense of suppression when fighting with Daphne again, and it was more terrifying than the last time, the kind of suppression that penetrated all opportunities and blocked all ways to survive.

At this moment, he seemed to feel that he had fallen into a net of heaven and earth that exhausted all changes, and he could not escape no matter what he did.

Is Daphne going to suppress him completely in this way and then capture him alive? Xia Duo wants to capture Daphne alive, doesn't Daphne want to capture him alive?

Fortunately, Xia Duo's goal is not to escape, let alone defeat Daphne. His incarnation can be abandoned at any time, and all he has to do now is to delay time.

According to his judgment, it will take at most 25 seconds for the elves such as Candela to evacuate from the beginning to finally arrive safely at Evereska.

In addition, he arrived here through arcane warp to interrupt their magic duel with Daphne. 3 seconds is actually 11 seconds after the predicted 17 seconds in the future.

But will it be a prophetic revelation this time?

In the last 17 seconds of perception, Xia Duo never had similar doubts because it was his first perception and experience, so he never judged the authenticity of the real world.

In fact, if there is no doubt, who would judge the authenticity of the real world all the time when they have nothing to do?

It is assumed to be real until doubts are found.

And now, having just experienced the revelation of 17 seconds, Xia Duo can't help but have a little doubt about the current state, suspecting that the current world is not real, but may be another revelation made by Daphne.

In this way, he constantly gains his duel experience from him.

I just don't know whether it is Daphne's spell error or Xia Duo's own peculiarity. In short, the revelation that Xia Duo should not have known in the 17 seconds just now was actually perceived by Xia Duo.

It even made him doubt the authenticity of this period of time.

Since there is doubt, of course it is necessary to verify. Xia Duo's way of verifying the authenticity of the world is very simple. With the perspective of the portable space, he can easily discover the essence of the projection plane - a strange spirit of the star world.

After the things in the projection plane are placed in the portable space, unless the planes are kept overlapping, they will dissipate immediately. Of course, Xia Duo can choose to materialize it at the cost of reducing the portable space.

The main plane is a normal material plane from the perspective of the portable space. Things in the main plane will not dissipate when placed in the portable space.

Of course, in the actual verification process, it is not necessary to judge whether the real objects dissipate one by one. The conclusion can be drawn directly by integrating the perspective of the portable space.

The real cannot be fake, and the fake cannot be real.

It's just that after the verification, Xia Duo couldn't help but be a little surprised, "It's true?"

Could it be that Daphne can only get one prophecy revelation? No, from Daphne's previous performance, the other party has obviously received more than one prophecy revelation, but Xia Duo did not perceive the previous revelations at the same time.

Fortunately, now that the world is confirmed to be real, no matter how many times Daphne has received prophetic revelations before, the one just now in 17 seconds is the last one.

And now should be the last time he and Daphne fight on Tanzan Peak. He is confident enough to delay until the elves such as Candela return to Everiska.

As long as Candela and others return to Everiska, he will immediately activate the light of annihilation to completely annihilate this place.

Having made up his mind, in order to make Candela and others retreat more smoothly, Shado began to pretend to be defeated and deliberately let Daphne counter a spell that was carefully planned and even about to be completed.

And the failure of this step even caused a chain reaction, causing Shado to lose courtesy in the battle for multiple spell elements, which led to him losing control of the magic network in that area.

For a mage at Shado's level, the essence of spell duel is to fight for control of the magic network.

And except for special magic systems such as elven magic that allow casters to control the magic network with their own abilities, most magic systems achieve control through amorphous spell elements.

No matter what kind of control, it is impossible to completely control every magic net string of the magic net, just like you can guide the water flow by digging a canal, but you can't accurately control the movement of each water molecule.

Even if you use the electric field of the polarity of water molecules, it is still a macro-level control, and it is impossible to go deep into each specific water molecule.

Maybe God can do it, but Xia Duo really can't do it, and he is very sure that any mortal wizard he has come into contact with can't accurately control every magic net string.

More macro-control is achieved through fields or specific spell elements, and the epitome of this aspect is the puzzle lock.

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