Arcane Lord

Chapter 3371 The Essence of Magic Duel: Feigning Defeat

From this perspective, the degree of control over the microscopic magic net strings determines the true limit of a mage. Of course, such a limit can be achieved through one's own efforts or through external objects.

If the magic net god in an area can be completely controlled by some means, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the magic god in this area. The arcane master should be born under this expectation.

However, even the arcane master's private magic net cannot completely control the magic net strings in a natural environment, but can indirectly achieve more efficient control of the magic net strings by suppressing, repelling, and resonating and cooperating with the magic net in the natural environment through his own magic net.

Although Xia Duo is at a disadvantage at the moment, he has not yet deployed his private magic net (the incarnation also has arcane fire, which can be deployed as a private magic net), and there is a chance to reverse the situation.

Just like playing Go, temporary gains and losses are nothing. Only when it comes to the end can we know who wins and who loses.

However, Shado was deliberately at a disadvantage to provoke Daphne's desire to win in order to delay time, so he did not launch the magic fire, but showed an unwillingness to admit defeat, and he must take it back from where he lost.

This actually violated the general strategic principle of magic duel. The duel is for the overall control of the magic network in an area, not the local gains and losses.

If you can use the failure of a small area to exchange for the overall advantage, it is obviously more advantageous, and then you can use the general trend to crush the opponent who has the local advantage.

Shado has a reputation in the Northland for being good at magic duel. No matter from which angle, he should not be entangled in local gains and losses, but there is one exception, that is, he is too excited.

Emotions overwhelm rationality, so naturally you can do whatever you want, regardless of gains and losses, regardless of consequences, even if you know it is a wrong choice, you will still go all the way to the end.

What Xia Duo is performing now is a person who cannot accept that he cannot beat his enemy in the field he is best at. Of course, he also knows when to stop. After a simple attempt failed, he decisively launched the arcane fire.

After all, this is what he is best at and should use in his current identity - the arcane master.

There are advantages and disadvantages to launching the arcane fire, but at the moment, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It is originally a one-on-one duel, and the game of maintaining and destroying the arcane fire is originally included.

No arcane master would mind launching the arcane fire under such circumstances, because he already has the greatest advantage. If he dares not to do this, there will be no spell duel at all, and he should just run away.

As Xia Duo guessed, Daphne immediately tried to destroy the private magic net. Since the arcane master's private magic net itself is also made of natural magic net, under Xia Duo's control, Daphne is actually unlikely to directly destroy the arcane fire or the private magic net. The so-called destruction is more about destroying the structure of the private magic net itself.

The volume of the arcanist's private magic net is far less than that of the natural magic net. In fact, it is just a crude magic. In order for the arcanist to control this micro magic net, it must have more structures for control than the natural magic net.

This is the biggest and most difficult difference between the arcanist's private magic net and the natural magic net.

Of course, the arcanist is not stupid enough to expose his biggest weakness to the enemy. In fact, the essence of the arcane fire is to absorb energy and create arcane energy, and unfolding it into a magic net is just a byproduct.

Since it is not the main purpose, it is natural that it will not pursue complete consistency with the natural magic net. If it is completely consistent, then anyone can use it.

This is obviously impossible.

No arcanist can accept that the private magic net he has worked so hard to build can be used casually by others, so any arcanist's private magic net is a reconstructed magic net.

The more advanced the technology, the more it can be consistent with the external magic net while ensuring its own control, because the external magic net is the most common in the current plane state.

But if the skills are not enough, then you should prioritize your own control. In this case, some spells may be naturally restricted and cannot be cast through the private magic net.

From the external performance, Xiaduo's magic net is almost the same as the normal magic net in the outside world. It will even be more hidden and safe when it exists at the same time as the magic net in the outside world.

However, he still took the initiative to reveal the flaws and even let Daphne destroy his magic net. Anyway, he was ready to sacrifice this incarnation, and he didn't care about the incarnation's arcane fire.

On the contrary, during this process, the secret of the arcane fire was known by Daphne, which made Xiaduo more concerned. Even if the arcane fire of the incarnation and the original body is not exactly the same, the essence is to create arcane energy, which is even the essence of Misera.

Therefore, despite the step-by-step retreat, Xiaduo still kept the bottom line very tight. In any case, the secret of arcane energy conversion cannot be known by Daphne. As for the characteristics of the magic net, it is secondary.

After all, the characteristics of the magic web are related to the origin of the plane. If you want to know different magic webs, just change the plane. If Daphne knows the characteristics of the magic web, it is nothing more than adding a new plane magic web sample to the other party.

Similar samples are already everywhere in the North, at least with Daphne's previous identity as the Crown King's consultant, there should be no shortage of them.

For Shaduo, changing the characteristics of a private magic web is not much more difficult than recreating an arcane fire.

In this way, Shado continued to lose in the duel with Daphne, which made his control over the surrounding magic network less and less, but there were always two red lines in his heart——

One is not to expose the nature of the arcane fire, and the other is to continue delaying until Candela and the others return to Everesca.

Although the current situation is very unfavorable for Xia Duo and may be completely defeated in the next moment, the first red line is still firmly maintained, and the second one is almost there!

"Quick, quick, quick!"

Sha Duo kept urging Kandra and the others in his heart. Seeing them rush out one by one from the passage they opened when they entered the mountain stronghold, Sha Duo's nerves became even tighter.

In fact, he has prepared the light of annihilation and can launch a strike at any time, but if he strikes now, none of Candela and the others will be able to escape, and they will be affected by the energy dissipated by the collapse of such a huge material on Tanzan Peak.

The light of annihilation can annihilate energy, and it is precisely because it can annihilate energy that Xia Duocai plans to use it to erase Tanzan Peak, but after all, it is not a real "reality eraser".

Whether it is disintegrating the material structure or annihilating the energy form, it requires a process. No matter how high the power is, it is impossible - at least it is impossible for Xia Duo to do it without a trace of excess energy leaking.

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