Arcane Lord

Chapter 3379: Overcoming the difficulties together News report

"You win this one, but our battle is far from over. I hope you can keep winning!"

After saying these words, Daphne suddenly disappeared again just like she did in Tevi Mansa. Shado used the perspective of the portable space to search the stronghold several times.

Until Evereska urged him to go back, Shado could not find any trace of Daphne's existence, as if the other party had never appeared on Tanzan Peak.

Everriska, Alliance Headquarters.

Sha Duo hurried back, and Du Mu was appointed by the alliance representative to ask about the specific situation on the Tanzan Peak. Sha Duo was about to answer, but he swallowed the words. He told Du Mu:

"This matter is complicated. Please invite representatives from all countries to come to the conference room to discuss it in detail! I have one more important thing that I would like to ask the representatives for help!"

Upon hearing this, Doom frowned subconsciously, with deep concern in his eyes. He couldn't help but ask: "Does Consultant Shado still want to allow all countries to open up their permission to support war spells?"

Xia Duo had mentioned this not long ago, but it was firmly opposed by representatives from various countries. There are so many sources of time-related signals now, and even if the alliance's current strength is exhausted, it is still difficult for representatives from various countries to let go.

Doom was worried that if Shado said this again, representatives from various countries might think that Netheril had different ideas, and then make adjustments to Shado's current command position. But in this situation, no one could be missing. Xia Duo.

For a moment, Doom even felt that there was no point in Shado's insistence. Such an alliance might as well be destroyed by the Illuminati.

But then I thought about it, the alliance was destroyed, and Netheril would hardly be spared. At the moment, all countries should try their best to strengthen communication, eliminate misunderstandings, enhance mutual trust, and overcome the difficulties together.

At Chateau's request, representatives from various countries quickly came to the conference room next to the command hall. Doom, as the top executive of the alliance, also participated in the meeting.

Due to the critical situation, Xia Duo did not want to make any detours. After working with representatives from various countries to arrange the protective measures required for the meeting, he went straight to the point and said:

"Compared with the basic information about Tanzan Peak that you have obtained from Kandela and the others, what I want to talk about now is the true identity of the mysterious high mage who appeared on Tanzan Peak."

As soon as Xia Duo finished speaking, the representatives started whispering, and Yeerlan, the representative of Osmantus, could not help but be the first to ask: "Who is it? Who is that guy?"

Upon hearing Osmantus's inquiry, other representatives also stopped communicating and turned their attention to Xia Duo. Naturally, Xia Duo would not show off and said directly:

"Who wants me to tell you? Isn't Ambassador Osmantus unwilling to admit it until now? That mysterious mage is Daphne, the chief prophecy advisor to King Helion!"

"What?" Representatives from various countries suddenly showed extremely shocked expressions.

Only Osmantus looked gloomy. In fact, Shado had informed him in advance about Daphne's suspicion when he handed over Carano to the Alliance. However, how long has passed, the Crown King has not completely cut off from Daphne yet!

Now that Xia Duo suddenly broke the news in front of other representatives, it would inevitably trigger turmoil again in Yeerlan. Haven't you, Xia Duo, thought about the consequences?

There was no need for Shado to continue to explain. Osmantus's expression was enough to show that what Shado said was true. However, in order to learn more about the inside story, the representatives asked Tirion, a Netherese man, to come forward and ask:

"Consultant Chateau, Daphne has a special status. Is there any evidence for your accusation?"

"Of course there is. Didn't I hand over Carano of the Moon Shadow family to the Alliance before? That is the evidence. The real relationship between Daphne and Carano is far beyond everyone's imagination. She is Carano's aunt, and she was also the subject of the Wild History of Erlan. The kidnapped daughter of the Yueying family’s prophet.”

Ignoring Osmantus's cannibalistic look, Chateau continued to briefly introduce the history of Daphne's family, focusing on the identities of two generations of wise men, Daphne and his father.

Under the shocked eyes of representatives from various countries, Xia Duo then revealed a more serious situation——

"According to my understanding of the Illuminati, every prophet who is still active in the North is highly suspected of being a core member of the Illuminati!"

"What?! This is impossible!"

There was no need for Osmantus to jump out and object at this time. Representatives of two countries that were hostile to each other, Ilfaran and Comanso, raised objections almost in unison.

Comanso's representative, Euphonius, even criticized Chateau unceremoniously: "You are slandering, you are insulting Comanso. Please immediately retract what you just said and apologize to us."

Representative Cormanso took the lead, and other representatives also accused Shado. Shado had expected this. If Ye Erlan had not found out many Illuminati members, and Carano was currently detained at the alliance headquarters, I am afraid that he would have been the first to challenge It was Osmantus who came out to accuse him!

Xia Duo actually understands the attitude of representatives from various countries. On the one hand, it is true that the elven world has a tradition of respecting prophets. At the same time, prophets are almost all superiors. Such existences are suspected of being the Illuminati who want to destroy the world. Members, anyone will feel dissatisfied.

On the other hand, precisely because the prophets have special status but are mostly in high positions and are inextricably involved with high-ranking families in various countries, even if those prophets really have problems, they should not speak out publicly on such occasions.

This is simply forcing all countries into a corner.

But Xia Duo doesn't care what these representatives think. He just wants all countries to take action as soon as possible and investigate the true situation of the prophet.

If they are members of the Illuminati, they should be killed as soon as possible. If they are not, they can be eliminated as suspects and used to deal with the Illuminati as soon as possible.

For a long time, the elf prophet has been very detached, and Xia Duo has little contact with them, but time-related magic is largely the same as prophecy.

If there are clean prophets who can participate in the alliance's research on time-related magic, he believes that a prophet can at least be ten ordinary high-level wizards.

Can't such strategic resources be fully utilized?

"Everyone, now is not the time to vent your emotions. I have fulfilled my obligations and informed you of my suspicion of the prophet. As for how you decide, I will not interfere, but I have more to say!"

"Anything else? What else?"

"Regarding the ultimate plan of the Illuminati, a war on the timeline, all countries have already participated in it and cannot get out. If the hidden dangers of the prophet cannot be eliminated, it will almost inevitably lead to a failed ending."

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