Arcane Lord

Chapter 3380 Xia Duo answers questions about the limitations of anchoring in the past

"What is a war on the timeline?" a representative asked.

"To put it simply, the Illuminati will disperse the final battle to local battlefields, and the timelines of each local battlefield are under their control. As long as they lose, they will create a new timeline , until they win, and then cover the timeline of their victory into reality, so that the victory of each local battlefield ultimately leads to the outcome of the decisive battle. "

"How is this possible?" A representative immediately questioned, "If the facts are as what Consultant Chateau said, then every local war we experience now should be a loss. Why does it happen that we win?"

"Only the Illuminati themselves know the real reason, but I can make two guesses. One is that the opponent's method is not a conventional method and will only be used in the final decisive battle. The reason why I raise doubts about the prophet now , It’s because the decisive battle has begun, and Daphne has already used this method on Tanzan Peak.”

Speaking of this, Xia Duo paused for a while, reorganized his thoughts, gave the representatives some time to think, and then continued:

"The second guess is simpler. It is that where we win now is an inevitable victory. There is absolutely no possibility of the other party changing it, or the cost of changing that reality is too high. We can only choose to acquiesce, and then find ways to win back from other places. victory."

Speaking of this, one representative couldn't help but raise an objection again: "According to what Consultant Shado said, we can't sense the war on the timeline at all, but you just said that Daphne has already used this method on Tanzan Peak, Isn’t this contradictory?”

"It's really hard for me to explain this, but I still have to say that although I can't stop the other party from manipulating the timeline, my consciousness remains continuous during the process, so I know what the other party did."

"Since it can't be stopped, why should the opponent run away? Why can't he defeat you through endless battles? As you said, the opponent only needs to win once to win, but you have to win all the time. I believe no one can do it all the time. win."

"It seems that Master Septalis has a good understanding of the timeline war."

Xia Duo first praised the other party, and at the same time he also observed the other representatives. Although these representatives did not really believe in what he said about the timeline war, their understanding of this concept was quite good.

They don't know if he explained it well or if prophecy was already within their understanding.

"It's true that I can't always win against the other party, but I don't need to win against the other party all the time. I have mastered the method of anchoring the past so that the other party cannot change the past by creating different timelines.

"If you can't change the past, you can't change the present. I have no choice about Daphne. She can only run away. Otherwise, if she keeps using this extraordinary power on me, the Illuminati's own plan may be unsustainable."

After Chateau finished speaking, a representative immediately raised the following question based on what Chateau said:

"Since Advisor Shado can anchor the past, why not completely anchor the current history of the alliance? In that case, wouldn't the Illuminati be able to change the past?"

Shado has actually thought about this issue, but since the Illuminati is already trying to change history and make Elan "reborn", the concept of "the history of the alliance" is most likely a broad concept.

Unless all key nodes can be anchored, they may still be changed.

But Xia Duo is not the Illuminati, and he doesn't know what the key node is that allows the Northland Alliance to exist, so it will be difficult to anchor it, even unless the Lord of Glory appears in the Northland.

Or maybe he brought the divine envoy to connect with every individual in the North and completely lock the past, otherwise it may still cause the past to be changed.

But if it is just to anchor the established outcome of a local war, it will be simple. This is almost the only choice that Sha Duo can make.

Only specific events or characters can be anchored, and broad concepts are almost impossible to anchor. Even if anchored, it is only a broad concept and cannot be comprehensive in detail.

For example, using historical events [the founding ceremony of the Northland Alliance] to anchor the concept of "the history of the Northland Alliance" can indeed be anchored, but is the Northland Alliance necessarily the current Northland Alliance?

If the Illuminati wins, the Northland Alliance can be turned into a regional alliance within the Elamite civilization, which is completely different from the Northland Alliance on the current timeline where Shado is located.

Xia Duo briefly explained the limitations of anchoring to the past. Representatives from various countries couldn't help but show expressions of regret, but at the same time, they couldn't help but look at Xia Duo with a little more expectation.

But the elves still have some arrogance after all, and they are still somewhat skeptical of Shadow's current statements. Instead, Tirion, who is also from Netheril, almost immediately summoned Shadow privately:

"If possible, please ask Advisor Xia Duo to anchor me there."

"Okay, no problem."

Xia Duo agreed without hesitation. In fact, he also wanted to know what kind of effect it would have to anchor a person alone, whether it could completely solidify all the past experiences of this person, or just this person.

Judging from his own experience of experiencing time loops (the birth and death of timelines), it should be the latter.

That is to say, if the Illuminati finally wins, even if Tirion's past as an individual is anchored, it is actually only possible to produce a Tirion from the Elan civilization, and there will be no memory of the current Tirion.

In an instant, Shado seemed to understand a lot of things. Why did the Illuminati dare to manipulate the timeline so unscrupulously, and even clamored whether there was a place for anyone in the new world, it turned out to be through such means!

But if consciousness cannot be continuous, what is the meaning of just one's name or even blood and memory?

"Really idealistic!"

It's just that such idealism that disregards the lives of others, Shado wishes it had never appeared.


At the end of the meeting, Shado failed to convince the representatives of various countries, but he had informed the other party of the severity of the current situation and made some predictions.

Next, if his prediction is true, then as long as the countries do not want to disappear completely, they will definitely make a decision, but I don't know if it will be too late at that time.

Although Xia Duo was also very anxious, after experiencing the time loop of Tanza Peak, he knew that he could maintain his consciousness in the birth and death of the timeline. If it was just him, he was not so anxious.

Anyway, most of the people in his territory were taken to the other dimension by Nia, so at worst they could just wander in the ether!

The countries that really can't afford to lose are the countries!

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