Arcane Lord

Chapter 3381: Drow Demonic Issue

Yongle City.

After the meeting at the alliance headquarters ended, Shado immediately regained most of his consciousness, and then summoned the other party from the Dark Area with the help of the holy seal given by the Rich Envoy.

He had previously made a prediction about the future about the crash of Everriska, and now Everriska is in the floating field of Yongle City. Although he is very confident in the protection of Yongle City, he cannot stand it. What kind of trouble will the Illuminati do again?

So he found the Rich Angel back, and did not ask him to help resist the Illuminati's attacks when the time came. He only needed to be able to anchor him from time to time. This would also prevent the Illuminati from launching attacks from the timeline, making it difficult to defend against.

At the resting area of ​​the square, Chateau asked Richie:

"Angel, the previous transmission was hasty. I wonder what the situation is in the Underdark Region? When will Angel Ted come back after handling the matters there?"

"The situation over there is a bit complicated, but it's not a big problem. It's mainly troublesome to track down the escaped demons. I don't know what you have experienced before, so why are there so many demons there."

"The drow in the Underdark region launched a war before. Their usual method was to summon demons. Not only the Underdark region, but also left a lot of abyssal pollution on the surface. It's just that it's easier for us to clean up the surface. Over there in the Underdark region is It was inconvenient, and the demons summoned by the drow when they retreated were all released from control, which caused great chaos. Our alliance has been dealing with this matter since then, but there are still many demons that cannot be traced. "

Sha Duo briefly explained the previous drow war. In fact, he had already mentioned this when the Kingdom of Glory asked the other party to come for help, but at that time it was more focused on introducing the background, but now it is mainly to excuse the alliance.

"This is troublesome. Ted may stay there for a long time! But you don't have to worry too much. The prototype of the abyss has been almost processed, but it will take a certain amount of time to be completely purified. As long as they are not contaminated by the abyss again, there will be no problem. As for the escaped demons, I believe Ted will be able to deal with them."

"Then what do the divine envoys think of using drow to summon demons?" Sha Duo asked again.

He didn't mean to force the other party to help fight against the drow. After all, this was not his family's business, but the alliance's official business. Even slightly biased, it could be said to be the elves' private business.

But if the envoy is willing to take the initiative to help, then he will be very happy. After all, he does care about the alliance.

However, based on Xia Duo's understanding of the rules of the Kingdom of Glory, he could actually guess what Envoy Rich would say. Next, the other party really expressed his opinion as he expected -

"The Kingdom of Radiance will not interfere with the personal behavior of mortal spellcasters. Unless those drow mages summon demons in front of me, I will not do anything to them.

"But there are special cases. If those drow mages who have summoned demons are severely infected by the breath of the abyss, even if they do not summon demons in front of me, as long as they are discovered by me, I will take the initiative to purify them."

The purification that Archangel Richie mentioned is indeed purification. The key is that if the target is too heavily infected by the breath of the abyss, unless additional measures are taken to save his life, purification is generally equivalent to elimination.

The divine envoy actually has the most say in the reasons why a target infected by the abyss is infected.

Those spellcasters who actively summoned demons to be infected, or even actively infected, must be the ones who need to be eliminated.

"What about the demon descendants?" Xia Duo then asked.

He has mentioned this problem before, but this time the divine messenger descended, what a great opportunity it was. If it could help solve the demon descendant problem, it would be a real pleasure.

Moreover, although divine envoys have no obligation to spread faith, nor will they take the initiative to spread faith to mortals, if there is something readily available and easy to do that can spread faith, they will not deliberately avoid it.

As Sha Duo thought, Divine Envoy Rich mentioned again:

"If those demons are willing, I can help them purify their bloodline. However, I still have doubts about those demon mages who have mastered the magic power. If possible, I hope you can persuade them to give up the power of the abyss."

This is actually an issue that Sha Duo has discussed with Archangel Rich and Archangel Ted before. Both of them have shown more vigilance towards demonic mages who have mastered magic power.

The reason is that these demon mages, when they are still in the mortal world, that is, the material plane, have limited power, and the power of the abyss can indeed be perfectly controlled by them.

But once they go to the abyss, they will immediately transform into demons that are comparable to or even more powerful than the divine envoys. By then, it is unknown whether they can control the power of the abyss like in the mortal world.

In fact, the Kingdom of Glory does not prohibit the research of the power of the abyss. The [Light of Inspiration] potion that Xia Duo asked Ted to bring back to the Kingdom of Glory for testing was actually made using the power of the abyss.

But it has removed the negative effects of the power of the abyss. For ordinary people, taking it still has a high risk, but for a powerful spellcaster like Xia Duo, it is an out-and-out good thing.

However, the manufacturing process must use the power of the abyss, and the manufacturing process is more risky. Although Xia Duo has control, he still promised the two divine envoys not to actively create the [Light of Inspiration] potion.

But if the [Light of Inspiration] was created by others, as long as it was not contaminated, there would be no problem even if Xia Duo brought them to the divine envoy.

At that time, the people who jointly obtained the [Light of Inspiration] manufacturing method were, in addition to Shado, the Seven Towers and Hildalanna of Erlan. On the Netheril side, Shado would not take the initiative to create the [Light of Inspiration]. At the same time, he Nor would they allow Seven Towers to manufacture it.

After all, it is a high-risk behavior. The more you are exposed to the power of the abyss, the greater the risk of infection and corruption.

As for Hildalanna, Sha Duo was not sure whether the other party would make it, but if the other party really made it, he would still choose to buy it.

After all, compared to technical products such as computing power pools that rely more on users, [Light of Inspiration] is more like a miraculous creation that can directly inspire inspiration. It is an auxiliary research method that almost any spell caster does not want to miss.

"Those demon mages, I will try to persuade them to give up the power of the abyss. I am sure to convince some people, but there is no guarantee that all demon mages will give up the power of the abyss. In addition, there are not a few demon mages in the North. It’s time for God to work harder.”

Sha Duo himself has actually mastered the technique of peeling off demon blood, which he brought back from the projection plane of the Red Heart Alliance, but exposing this technique is not necessarily a good thing for him.

In addition, he still hopes to leave professional matters to more professional people (god envoys).

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