
Chapter 100

After spending nearly a month at school, Huo Ling was more relaxed, but the rest time was always short.

That day, He Wenhan sent a message to Huo Ling, asking him to come over.

"Teacher, I'm here."

Huo Ling met He Wenhan again in the familiar place, in the teacher's laboratory.

He Wenhan now had a solemn look on his face: "Xiao Huo, you just advanced to silver, and your luck has been good but not good recently."

"What's wrong, teacher?" Huo Ling was puzzled.

"The war has begun." He Wenhan rubbed his brows. "All the students and teachers above the silver level in the academy will be recruited. Although you have just advanced to the silver level, you are also among the recruits."

"War? With whom, the Jackals?" Huo Ling was surprised.

"Yes, the intelligence department recently discovered that the Jackals are gathering troops. I am afraid they will attack Xinnan City again."

He Wenhan nodded.

Hearing this, Huo Ling frowned. Although he has advanced to the silver level, he is definitely not a strong man at the silver level, even if he has fifteen dark warriors.

Besides, his current silver-level equipment is only a wizard robe, and he has no money to configure other things. It can be said that this is the poorest time for the silver level.

War is not a child's play, nor is it hunting monsters in the forest at ordinary times.

After all, monsters are monsters. They are not very smart, and they all have their own territories. As long as they are well prepared, the risk factor will not be too high.

But the war with the jackals is different. The other side is a sound spiritual race regime with a complete army.

Fighting with them is definitely more dangerous than going deep into the forest, and the jackals have a lot of high-level combat power.

It can even be said that it is higher than Xinnan City. Although Xinnan City was jointly built by more than a dozen universities in the university town.

But the combat power is not as good as the jackals who have a country as a backing.

"But you don't have to worry too much. After all, you are also a mage." He Wenhan comforted.

After hearing this, Huo Ling nodded gently, but his heart was still bitter.

The good days have not lasted for a few days, and he is going to suffer.

"After all, you have just advanced. I will make some arrangements and arrange you under my command, so that you can be safer." He Wenhan continued.

He Wenhan is a gold-level necromancer. He still has some power in the school. It is better to stay under his command and have someone to protect him than to fight in a strange place in the past.

Thinking of this, Huo Ling slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher, are there any benefits to this conscription?" Huo Ling asked.

"Benefits? There are military merit rewards, and at the same time, the military merit exchange items are 30% off, right?" He Wenhan chuckled.

"The school is so stingy." Huo Ling couldn't help but complain after hearing this.

"Be careful, you can say this to me, but you can't say this outside, the college will soon enter a wartime state." He Wenhan restrained his smile and said solemnly.

"Yes, teacher."


Daxia, not the Daxia of ordinary people.

It is the Daxia of emperors, nobles and academic tycoons.

Before the Blue Star was captured by the spirit world, there was another country on this land, Dayu.

Dayu ruled this land for hundreds of years. In the era when great power belongs to the collective, such a national destiny is not short.

Civilian land annexation is serious, the rich have fields and fields, and the poor have no place to stand.

The land of China is like a raging fire, and there is a possibility of explosion at any time.

At this time, the spirit world came. This was a tragic era, and also an era of heroes rising up.

Mortals were reduced to cannon fodder, blood food, and soul supplies.

With powerful enemies from the spirit world outside and many extraordinary people inside, Dayu was destroyed as expected.

As the strength of the Blue Star extraordinary people increased, soon one person stood out and swept away the enemies.

All the enemies from the spirit world were driven back and a new country was established, Daxia.

But Daxia did not belong to the emperor alone. The meritorious officials who followed him were also conferred as nobles.

This was an extraordinary era, and the great power belonged to individuals. Even the emperor did not dare to deal with the meritorious officials at will, because their strength should not be underestimated.

Today's Daxia has experienced three hundred years of development, and the pattern has gradually stabilized.

The royal family is still the strongest in Daxia, but under it, there are also many powerful nobles.

The academic cliques were also formed at this time. The academic cliques served the royal family and nobles of Daxia, and were independent of them.

In addition.

The academic cliques can train low-level extraordinary professionals in large quantities, and the final destinations of these professionals are also divided into three parts.

The largest part is taken in by the royal family and joins various domestic departments or the military.

A part is accepted by the nobles and joins their private army.

Another part stays in the academic clique.

But no matter which side ordinary extraordinary people join, they can't escape the fate of being exploited. The extraordinary knowledge of the superiors is always a chain that binds ordinary people.

Daxia on the blue star is no longer willing to defend on the mainland, but is actively entering the spiritual world to expand its territory.

Then war is also indispensable. Ordinary extraordinary professionals are just a currency for the emperor, nobles, and academic cliques.

As long as the war starts, war mobilization will be carried out, and the academic clique has the right to recruit all professionals under its jurisdiction.

If you dare to refuse to be recruited, you will be sentenced to treason and imprisoned, and finally be sent to the most brutal battlefield by the death squad.

This time, the school only recruited professionals above the silver level, because the war was not intense enough.

The students of the black iron level, their strength is relatively low, and they are also the seeds of the future, so they are not among the recruits for the time being.

But if the war is urgent, they will also be recruited and sent into the spirit world as a corps.

If the skin is gone, where will the hair be attached? The school clique has a conscience, but not much, but compared with those nobles, it is much better.

The army in Daxia is mainly composed of Class C Corps in Blue Star. The soldiers of this kind of corps are basically apprentice-level soldiers who cannot advance to black iron.

Their combat effectiveness is not high, but with the combination of technological weapons, they are also strong when guarding the homeland.

But in the spirit world, those garrisons stationed in large spirit world bases are much stronger, most of them are Class B Corps, and the ordinary soldiers of this kind of corps are also black iron.

The officers of Class B Corps are all professionals above the silver level, which ensures the strong strength of the army.

But Xinnan City is different. Xinnan City is the spiritual world base of the university town, and there is no Daxia army involved.

The army here is mainly composed of private soldiers of the school tycoons, and the main body of the army is still those apprentice-level soldiers, who can never advance to black iron in their lifetime.

They are all cheap currency, not as good as real professionals, except for these apprentice-level human soldiers.

Xinnan City also has a lot of humanoid indigenous soldiers. These servants composed of various spiritual races are not very strong.

But they are much more convenient to use, even if there are large-scale deaths in battle, it is a small problem.

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