
Chapter 101

Soon, the school's call for conscription was officially issued, and Tiannan University was transformed from a teaching and educating college into a war machine.

A steady stream of professionals and materials were sent into the spirit world to prepare for the upcoming war.

And Huo Ling, at this time, had followed his teacher to a fortress.

"This is where we will defend next." He Wenhan looked at the fortress with a complicated expression.

This is a fortress built on a mountain. The main buildings are made of cement bricks and stones, and the walls are thick and tall.

There are huge runes engraved on the walls with magic materials. With the blessing of these runes, the walls can have a stronger defense.

These runes can protect the city wall, allowing it to hold out for a while even in the face of silver-level magic attacks.

Of course, if there is only a simple city wall, the effect is not obvious, after all, the elite warriors are strong.

Maybe just a simple jump is needed to jump onto the top of the city and start killing.

So the city wall also needs to be used with a magic array, and the forbidden air array is a must. With the blessing of the forbidden air array, these elite warriors can only climb the wall honestly.

Of course, the forbidden air array is also limited, and some powerful professionals can get rid of the control of the array.

And because in order to reduce the consumption of magic power, the forbidden air array is generally limited, and smaller flying objects are not bound.

After the arrows of the archers are blessed with fighting spirit, because the arrows are too small, they can also break through the restraint of the forbidden air array.

Huo Ling followed the teacher to inspect this fortress, which is called Kangchuan Fort.

The fortress covers an area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters. It is a fully militarized battle fortress, with barracks, workshops, warehouses, canteens, etc.

The living supplies inside are enough for thousands of people to survive for a year, and a lot of defensive equipment is also stored.

In addition to the city walls and the air ban array, the fortress also has a gold-level defense array. If fully activated, it can form a defense shield covering the entire castle.

There are two garrison battalions in the fortress, totaling 600 people. The garrison level is Class C, that is, ordinary soldiers are at the peak of apprentices, and non-commissioned officers and officers are black iron-level professionals.

The highest officer of the army is the major battalion commander, whose strength is at the silver level.

In addition to the garrison, there are also 20 silver-level combat professionals who followed He Wenhan this time, which serve as supplementary forces for Kangchuan Fort.

So far, this place has a gold-level necromancer, a silver-level necromancer, and 20 silver combat professionals, and two battalions of garrisons.

"Our mission is to hold on here until we receive the order from our superiors to retreat. I am Colonel He Wenhan. I will be the supreme commander here, and Major Huo Ling will be my adjutant."

Everyone gathered in the open space in Kangchuan Fort, whether they were professionals or garrisons, they were all listening to He Wenhan's speech.

Gold-level professionals are the strongest people here, and they also have the highest military rank authority here.

"Yes!" Everyone responded loudly.

After entering the conscription, all the conscripted professionals also automatically obtained the temporary military rank granted by the school.

With this temporary military rank, it is convenient for them to obtain military merits and use military merits to exchange rewards. In addition, the most critical role is to facilitate command in war.

"Major Zhong Yixiu, Major Zhou Tong." He Wenhan shouted on the stage.

"Here!" Two silver professionals stood up. These two people were the captains of the silver combat professionals who came to support, and each of them was in charge of a team of ten people.

"Military order! You lead your team to join the garrison as a high-level support force for the garrison, guarding the north and south sides of the city wall respectively." He Wenhan commanded.

"Yes, sir!" Zhong Yixiu and Zhou Tong did not dare to neglect and responded loudly.

Both of them are senior silver warriors, and the team members under their command range from ordinary silver to elite silver.

Among the garrison, there are only two captains of the silver combat power, and the combat power of the middle level is still a little weak. With their joining, they can resist the elite enemies who break in.

"Major Huo Ling!" He Wenhan continued to give orders.

"You are responsible for guarding the west side of the city wall."

"Yes, sir." Huo Ling also responded loudly.

Then he began to summon his summons, first summoning the black iron-level skeleton warriors. These skeleton warriors

The strength of the warriors is now at the ninth level of black iron.

Next are the fifteen dark warriors.

After arranging the tasks of others, He Wenhan also began to summon his summons to increase the confidence of others in the castle.

The first to appear are eighty dark warriors. These dark warriors were summoned from the undead plane one by one. Their armor was even more broken and full of traces of battle.

After these dark warriors were summoned, they lined up in a neat queue, holding spears and shields.

Then came a dozen ghosts that were looming. These undead creatures with only souls left were flying in the air after being summoned, and they made wailing sounds from time to time.

Then came five silver-level dark wizards. These dark wizards were spellcasters when they were alive, and were created by He Wenhan after their death.

They have excellent spellcasting abilities and their own wisdom.

Each of these summons is a ninth-level silver existence, but their strength in life limited their rank.

Finally, the finale of the summoned creatures finally appeared. With the surge of magic power, three tall figures walked out of the summoning circle.

Three gold-level horror knights. Horror knights are the favorite undead creatures of the necromancers at the gold level.

Horror knights are fast, have strong attack power, impact power, and defense power. They also have several types of spell abilities to weaken the enemy.

The combat power of a single unit is extremely powerful. If you are lucky enough to get more horror knights and form a knight cluster, then when they charge, the scene will be really unstoppable!

"Da Da Da."

The horror knight riding the nightmare warhorse, the warhorse under his crotch took small steps, and there was a circle of horror aura around his body.

This horror aura will make his enemies feel terrified, and they will be three points weaker in momentum before they fight him.

The horror knight is tall, and he is about two meters and five meters tall after wearing armor, and the nightmare warhorse is also two meters tall at the shoulder.

His main weapon is a lance about five meters long, and his secondary weapons include a broadsword, a kite-shaped knight shield, and a throwing spear.

In addition to wearing heavy armor, the Horror Knight also wears a vest on his mount, the Nightmare Warhorse, which is a full-range protective gear.

When the Horror Knight charges, coupled with his own terrifying aura, imagine a nearly four-meter-long heavy cavalryman rushing towards the enemy at a very high speed.

This scene is really chilling. The enemies killed by him will contribute their souls to enhance the Horror Knight's fear aura.

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