
Chapter 102

The battle was over, and the battle was over.

He Wenhan was so powerful that he could easily slaughter Kangchuan Castle with his own summons, these powerful undead creatures.

Others helping him in defense were just a bonus, as the strength of these summons was already so strong.

And his own spellcasting ability, which everyone hadn't seen yet.

After seeing these summons, the morale in the castle soared, although the comrades around them might be these undead creatures.

But compared to the fierce jackals, these undead creatures as comrades were so cute at the moment.

Under Huo Ling's command, more than eighty skeleton warriors walked up to the city wall with clattering steps. They will serve as the first line of defense.

In addition to the two dark warriors who stayed by his side as guards, the others were also arranged on the city wall as defense nodes.

He Wenhan also arranged some dark warriors on the east wall. Most of the other summons will be used as mobile forces to support the city walls at any time.

The original garrison in the castle, their personal strength is not worth mentioning, and the main means of attack is the mechanical giant crossbow on the top of the city.

Although guns cannot be used in the spirit world, this kind of simple mechanical weapon can still be used.

The mechanical giant crossbow relies on the magic stone below to provide power for winding, and can shoot ten arrows per minute.

These arrows have good attack power and can cause fatal damage to enemies of the Black Iron level.

Of course, whether they can hit the enemy is another matter. After all, the speed of action of the Black Iron level warriors is already quite fast.

Kangchuan Fort is in the shape of a bastion. This polygonal city defense can make the enemy attack from at least two sides no matter which direction it attacks from.

The war broke out. As the news continued to spread, Huo Ling also had some understanding of the current situation.

The jackals mobilized nearly 200,000 troops to fight an annihilation war with Xinnan City.

After hearing the number of enemies, the people in Kangchuan Fort no longer had the confidence they had at the beginning.

The strength of the jackals is very good. Generally, adult jackals have the strength of the peak apprentice. With a little effort and practice of fighting spirit, these guys can have the combat power of the black iron level.

So this time, the 200,000 troops have at least 40,000 to 50,000 black iron jackals. This is not a small force.

If there are 40,000 to 50,000 black iron jackals, then the number of higher-level jackals will not be small. I am afraid that the legendary jackals will participate in this battle.

This is a severe test for Xinnan City.

Xinnan City was jointly built by more than a dozen universities. Among these universities, only Tiannan University has a legendary magician behind it.

Although there are also strong people behind other universities, they are only holy domains. Even if they are heavenly holy domains, they can't last long when facing legends.

Although the enrollment of all students in the university city every year may add up to tens of thousands of students, these students are not like Tiannan University, and their training speed is slower.

Maybe until graduation, there is no way to break through the black iron.

The considerable power accumulated in the university is less than the number of troops attacked by the jackals this time.

After all, more graduates will not stay in school, but will join the nobles or the royal family for their future.

This time, it will be a fierce battle.

"With so many enemies, why do we still have to stay in this small castle? Wouldn't it be better to withdraw our forces and return to Xinnan City? Why do we have to divide our troops at this time?" Huo Ling was puzzled.

"Our goal is not to defend this fortress, but to kill as many enemies as possible and exist as a strategic fulcrum." He Wenhan explained patiently.

"If the army is trapped in Xinnan City, although the power is concentrated, all the resource points outside the city will be handed over to others, and there will be no strategic depth, which is not conducive to defense."

"On the contrary, there are nearly 20 fortresses like ours and several large fortresses outside Xinnan City at this moment, which can support each other and assist in defense."

"Even if the jackal army besieges our fortress, the mobile division cruising outside can harass the enemy's attack and even destroy their logistics supply."

"Moreover, as long as the enemy does not take down these fortresses, they will not dare to drive straight in and attack Xinnan City deep into the hinterland."

"But the jackal army has nearly 200,000 people,

There must be many strong men among them. How long can our small fortress resist? "

Huo Ling continued to ask. Different strengths will lead to different statuses, and different statuses will also lead to different perspectives. Some high-level decisions are not something Huo Ling can learn about now.

"We are here, with a fortress and a golden-level magic array as a support, which is already a great advantage."

"With the help of this fortress, I have the confidence to lead these people in the city to resist the attack of at least tens of thousands of jackals. Even if it is an attack from the enemy's sanctuary, it is not impossible to defend."

"The city defense facilities in the city can cause a large number of casualties to the enemy, and our golden-level defense magic array, if fully activated, will not be broken in a short time unless the jackal legend attacks personally."

"The sanctuary has its opponents, and the legend has its opponents. If they dare to go out in person, even if they break through this fortress, they will have to pay a price. "

He Wenhan's tone was full of confidence.

Indeed, a gold-level defensive array, or the fortress version, has amazing defensive power, although the specific defensive power is unknown.

But it should be no problem for the shield to have two or three million degrees. Such a thick defensive shield, even if the enemy swarms, it will not be completely worn out in a short time.

"I also brought a lot of magic stones this time, enough for our defense, but magic stones should be saved as much as possible."

"If the enemy's legend or sanctuary participates in the attack, even if we can't defend the fortress, the fault is not on us, and we can even make a contribution."

He Wenhan smiled, and he continued: "Our shield, even if the legend comes to attack, it will consume a lot of fighting spirit and magic power. As for the sanctuary, it goes without saying. As long as they dare to attack, the legendary wizard of Xinnan City can use spells to severely injure or even kill them."

"Can it reach it? "Huo Ling asked.

"Our principal's magic tower is in Xinnan City. This area of ​​hundreds of kilometers is within the attack range of his legendary magic."

"Besides, you are still too weak to understand the importance of a magic tower to a magician. In a war more than ten years ago, the principal was sitting in the magic tower and killing people everywhere." He Wenhan smacked his lips and said with lingering feelings.

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