
Chapter 104

Of course, Xinnan City also has countermeasures against these jackals who come to burn, kill and loot.

Xinnan City also sent out elite teams to strangle these jackals on the vast land.

Among them, the mobile division is the largest force, and it is also the strongest mobile force in Xinnan City.

The whole division is divided into six regiments, and there are some forces directly under the division, such as reconnaissance battalions, guard battalions, etc., adding up to more than 10,000 people.

The mobile division belongs to the second-class combat unit in the classification of Daxia. The lowest level of soldiers is black iron, and non-commissioned officers such as squad leaders are all silver-level professionals.

Officers above the rank of battalion commander need to be professionals of the gold level, and senior military commanders such as division commanders are all professionals of the holy domain level.

They did not participate in the defense of Xinnan City, but cruised outside as a mobile force, and could put pressure on the enemy's back when the enemy attacked the fortresses and fortresses.

At the same time, they could also go deep behind the enemy's back and attack their logistics supply lines, causing them logistics pressure.

Recently, the mobile division has also sent a lot of elite forces, with companies as units, to sweep across the territory to eliminate the jackals, and the overall effect is still good.

In the quiet moment of the war, it didn't last long, and the jackal troops had already arrived outside Kangchuanbao.

Kangchuanbao was built on a mountain. As a mountain city, it is more advantageous to defend.

Standing on the high tower, Huo Ling looked down at the enemy below the mountain. The number of jackals below the mountain was about 15,000.

The morale of these jackal soldiers was good, and their armor and flags were clearly visible. They were elite troops.

There were at least 15,000 of them, which was more than ten times the number of the defenders. This was a huge number, and the pressure of defense was too great.

With the increase in numbers, the corresponding elite forces of the jackals would definitely not be less.

I didn't expect the jackals to be so fierce as soon as they arrived. It seemed that they would not stop until they took Kangchuan Fort.

Huo Ling's face was ugly. There were too many enemies. As the saying goes, there are 10,000 people, and there is no end.

Looking down from the mountain, it was densely packed with jackals setting up camp.


"The Duke ordered us to take this fortress within ten days. Do you have any good suggestions?"

At the foot of the mountain, in the first large tent built among the gnoll army, a dozen gnolls held a pre-battle meeting. The speaker was the main general, Marquis Buck.

Marquis Buck was also one of the powerful nobles of the gnolls. He was powerful and a gnoll commander of the Saint Realm.

Among the nearly 15,000 soldiers he led this time, more than 6,000 were his family's own private army.

The other soldiers were also private soldiers from other nobles in the tent, and they joined together to form this 15,000-man army.

"The intelligence shows that the original garrison of this castle was only a few hundred people. There is a silver-level defense array in the city. This is a difficult point that needs attention. At the same time, humans will definitely increase the number of people in the castle during this period, so I estimate that there are at least thousands of people in the castle now, and there must be high-level professionals among them."

An old gnoll man spoke slowly. He was Earl Atli, a gnoll priest, and the god he believed in was Yenogu, the gnoll god far away in the abyss.

Unlike orthodox gods, the priests of orthodox gods, most of the spells they mastered use light energy, including healing spells and amplification spells, which are what they are good at.

But the divine arts mastered by Yenogu's priests are different. Most of their divine arts are to torture the enemy, and they are also good at summoning demons, such as summoning secondary demons and summoning some low-level demons from the abyss.

There are also summoning high-level demons, such as some six-armed snake demons, berserker demons, etc.

Sometimes they can also summon the Abyss Gnolls from the Abyss. These Gnolls directly under Yenogu also possess considerable power under the influence of the Abyss.

"We have more people, what is there to be afraid of? Even if they have a silver-level defensive array, how long can they last in our hands?!"

Another Gnoll noble laughed and said, his tone full of disdain for Ateli, the Gnoll priest.

He is Earl Warren, a powerful noble, and a gold-level shaman.

Earl Warren follows the path of shamanism, and there are many such professionals in the Gnoll Empire.

Gnolls are a dualistic worship system, some of which are

The gnolls believe in Yenogu, the gnoll god far away in the abyss, while the other part disdains to act as the lackeys of the gods.

They have embarked on the path of ancestral worship. They believe in the powerful ancestors in their families and provide these ancestral spirits with the power of faith, hoping that these ancestral spirits can accumulate enough power, ignite the divine fire, and raise the throne to become new gods.

So Warren and Atley look down on each other. This is a battle of faith. Fortunately, it has not reached the bottom of the water and fire. Otherwise, they would not have to fight humans, and they would fight each other.

Warren is also a spellcaster. He can use the power of ancestral spirits and blood sacrifices to release witchcraft, and his strength is quite good.

"Earl Warren, do you have any good suggestions?" Buck did not comment on the dispute between the two nobles under him.

As long as the two don't fight in front of him, it doesn't matter.

"Let the slaves go up and test it first. We can't come to any conclusion by discussing here." Earl Warren grinned with his big mouth full of sharp teeth and gave a suggestion.

Marquis Buck nodded, then looked at the gnolls below and ordered: "Viscount Hood, please take a group of slaves to launch a test attack first and investigate the enemy's city defense facilities."

A gnoll officer wearing thick armor stood up from his seat and answered loudly: "Yes! Lord Marquis"

Then he walked out of the tent with a battle axe in his hand. Not long after, a melodious horn sounded outside.

Soon, a force of hundreds of people was successfully assembled. This was Viscount Hood's family private soldiers. The strength of these soldiers was quite good. Each of them was an elite apprentice-level combat power, and the best of them had even broken through to black iron.

The low-ranking soldiers wore simple armor, which provided little defense, and some were even worse than the natural fur of the gnolls.

Driven by these gnoll soldiers, more slaves were driven out of the slave camp. The races of these slaves were varied.

There were goblins, kobolds, boarmen, lizardmen, etc. These were slaves from some small tribes that the gnolls had recently conquered.

Viscount Hood walked in front of the group of slaves with a battle axe in his hand. He was wearing thick enchanted armor with dense runes on it. From time to time, the aura of the runes would light up, and the aura would fade away, showing the defensive power of the armor.

"Good luck to you lowly slaves. See that small castle up there? As long as you can break through it, I'll set you free!"

Viscount Hood opened his mouth wide, his bright red tongue dancing between his teeth as he spoke words to seduce these slaves.

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