
Chapter 105

The soldiers were so busy that they were forced to retreat.

"Distribute weapons to them!"

With a wave of his hand, Viscount Hood brought a large number of worn-out leather armor and weapons.

These protective gear and weapons were of various kinds, and they were all weapons that the warriors of various small tribes had once used. Of course, they were all of very poor quality.

The good protective gear and weapons had already been collected by the jackals, and it was impossible for them to spit them out.

The slaves stared blankly at the protective gear and broken weapons piled in front of them, and the scene became a little cold for a while.

Viscount Hood walked to the side of the slaves with a battle axe, raised the battle axe and chopped it down directly, splitting a lizard man in half, and blood gushed out of the lizard man's body that was broken into two halves.

"Why are you still standing there? Move!"

Viscount Hood's roar, coupled with the bloody corpses beside him, completely awakened these slaves, who howled and pounced on the protective gear and weapons.

These slaves scrambled for good weapons and protective gear, and sometimes even fought and fought on the spot.

They fought fiercely, and sometimes blood was seen, but the jackals who were supervising on the side did not stop them, but watched them fight with interest.

Finally, after all the things were divided, the jackals went out, and they drove the slaves up the mountain road.

Most of the jackals' equipment was not good, let alone the equipment of these slaves, many of which were ill-fitting armor.

Moreover, most of these armors were still broken leather armor, which provided almost no defense, and the weapons were mostly bone, and some iron weapons were also broken, which made people doubt whether weapons of this quality could cut the enemy's skin.

As they climbed up the mountain, the passion that had just been aroused by the chaotic fight with other slaves for equipment gradually cooled down.

These slaves looked at the fortress on the hillside, the wall that was more than ten meters high, and their legs began to weaken. Some slaves began to be lazy and slowed down their pace.

But the jackals behind them would not indulge them. They followed behind the slaves and acted as a supervisory team. When they saw the slaves walking slowly, they would kick them.

Finally, with the slaves' slow pace, they reached the position where they could attack Kangchuan Fort.

Kangchuan Fort was built on the hillside. The terrain here was slightly flatter. The wall to the east was defended by He Wenhan's summons. This was the place to face the enemy's attack directly.

The fortress was built on the hillside. There were also enough places for the enemy to launch attacks in the north, south and west of Huo Ling. The only difference was that the enemy had to take a detour.

"Attack!" A silver-rank jackal officer ordered the messenger beside him to blow the horn.

Under the threat of the jackals behind them, the slaves shouted, roared, and charged.

Most of these slaves were apprentice-level, and only a small number reached the black iron level, but their combat effectiveness was not strong.

They carried simple long ladders, which were their only siege equipment. They were so poor.

The jackals certainly had better siege equipment, such as ladders and siege vehicles, but they were reluctant to use them on these slaves.

In this exploratory attack, nearly a thousand slaves were divided into four parts to attack the four walls together.

Even Huo Ling had two or three hundred slaves howling and carrying ladders to rush up.

Although the slaves were miserable, the garrison did not pity them, but skillfully used mechanical crossbows to aim.

Under the command of the grassroots officers, they began to shoot at the slaves under the city.

The air ban array has been activated, and these slaves can only climb the wall honestly. Of course, it doesn't matter if it is not activated. These slaves are not strong enough to jump more than ten meters.

Ada is one of the slaves under the city. He is a dog-headed man with the strength of the Black Iron Rank.

A month ago, his tribe encountered the army of gnolls. As expected, all the dog-headed men who dared to resist were beheaded. Only he knelt down and surrendered in time, and luckily saved his life.

He was wearing the protective gear that he had snatched with his Black Iron Rank strength. This leather armor was also a little ill-fitting, and there was a hole through it, which further reduced the defense.

There was also condensed black blood on the leather armor, emitting a faint stench. During the climbing process, Ada also picked off a black blood scab and threw it into his mouth.

Ada, who had not seen the taste of meat for many days,

Da actually thought that this blood scab with a rancid smell was unusually delicious.

The attack began, and the gnoll shaman behind him ordered the gnoll warrior to drag a slave over and cut the slave's throat with a sharp knife.

The strange spell in his hand absorbed the slave's blood like a sponge. As the silver-level gnoll shaman chanted the spell, he released the witchcraft: the mass bloodthirsty curse

Like a red light covering the dozens of slaves in front, their aura changed at that time, from submissive slaves to bloodthirsty beasts.

One after another, bloodthirsty curses were cast on the remaining slaves, and the officers issued the attack order.

Although Ada had reached the strength of the black iron level, under the influence of the bloodthirsty curse, his eyes were red and his muscles unconsciously expanded.

On the city wall, the arrows fired by the mechanical crossbow nailed the slaves to the ground.

With the huge kinetic energy, the arrows can easily penetrate the thin armor of these slaves and tear their flesh and blood.

While running, Ada tried to open his red eyes, trying to identify these incoming arrows.

With the help of the scales of the dog-headed man and his strength of the Black Iron Rank, he has a chance to withstand an arrow shot from a mechanical crossbow.

But Ada didn't want to be shot at all. He saw with his own eyes a wild boar man of the Black Iron Rank who was hit by an arrow.

The wild boar man's running footsteps stagnated, and then he was hit by several arrows and was directly skewered into meat skewers. He couldn't die any more.

You know, wild boar meat is naturally thick-skinned, and its defense is even better. Even he couldn't stand it, let alone the dog-headed man.


Ada roared and shouted, climbed up a long ladder built by other slaves, biting a half-broken iron knife in his mouth, and quickly climbed up the city wall with his hands and feet.


Ada panted heavily, luckily dodging an arrow attack on the long ladder, and then suddenly jumped up to the top of the city.


The dog-headed man Ada jumped onto the top of the city. His eyes were red at this moment. Under the effect of the bloodthirsty curse, he grinned and drooled unconsciously.

But the scene after climbing up the city surprised him. On the city wall, skeleton warriors were waiting in full battle array.

Seeing an enemy climbing up, the soul fire of two skeleton warriors suddenly ignited, and one skeleton warrior used a spear to pierce the unprepared dog-headed man Ada with one blow.

Ada looked at the bone spear that pierced his body in disbelief. He stretched out his hands weakly, trying to pull the spear out.

But at this time, another skeleton warrior also came, and the sword swept across and directly cut off his head, plunging him into eternal darkness.

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