
Chapter 114

The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

All the high-level gnolls didn't talk about attacking the city anymore. Now they just wanted to escape and save their lives.

Each of them only hated their parents for not giving them two more legs, so they ran very fast.

If this legendary spell fell, the gnolls on the hillside would be burned to death, at least 70% to 80%.

If they were unlucky, the scorching meteor would fall beside them, and it was even possible that their spirituality would be burned, and they would not even have the chance to enter the Styx.

Legendary spell: Remove the legendary spell!

Another glimmer of light lit up from an unknown distance, like a tiny meteor, rushing towards the scorching meteor at a very fast speed.

Where there is a spear, there is a shield. The gnolls also have a legendary spellcaster, a legendary gnoll shaman.

After he discovered that the legendary wizard in Xinnan City had released a spell, he immediately released a counter-spell.

This glimmer of light hit the flaming meteor, and the runes of both sides kept colliding, and the runes of the flaming meteor were destroyed one by one.

The power of the legendary spell was also constantly decreasing. It seemed that the spell was about to be completely destroyed, but the spell energy was used up first.

This is because the legendary wizard was sitting in the wizard tower. This legendary spell not only stored energy to the extreme, but also added many super magic skills.

Legendary spell penetration, legendary destruction spell, legendary spell extension, legendary spell extreme effect, legendary spell strong effect.

Legendary spells blessed by so many super magic skills are far beyond the ability of ordinary removal spells.

The remaining spell energy is still burning with hot flames, and it is about to fall down.

Berserker, push me up!


Without time to think, Atley looked at the scorching meteor that was about to fall on his head, and quickly used the contract to let the golden Berserker jump up and detonate the spell.

"Damn mortal! I will tear your soul apart!" The Berserker screamed in horror, but his body jumped up uncontrollably.

Although he was a projection, ordinary battle deaths would not affect his body in the abyss, but legendary spells might not be.

His jump did not reach the falling spell this time, and his body instinctively used the spell-like ability of teleportation to send his body to a higher place, and then did it again. This time he was finally going to touch the legendary spell.

"Ahhh! I curse you, damn dead dog!"

The scorching meteor fell down at a very fast speed.

Even though the Berserker hadn't touched the body of the spell, his skin and scales, which seemed to be always wet, had been dried up, and then, like a mud pond exposed to the sun, dry cracks appeared one after another.


The Berserker collided with the remaining scorching meteors, and it seemed as if there was an extra sun in the sky, shining extremely brightly.

The Berserker's projection was burned to death as expected, but that was not the end.

Far away in a certain layer of the Abyss, a Berserker was sleeping in a swamp with a rancid smell, chewing the material world soul that had just been sent through the contract.

It's so delicious! He couldn't help but exclaimed.

Suddenly, a trace of hot flames broke out in his soul, and then the flames burned rapidly, igniting his soul and spreading to his whole body.


The wailing Berserker could never have imagined that the projection sent out for a dozen ordinary slave souls would burn itself and burn its body to death.

The Berserker, covered in flames, was running wildly in the swamp, howling. This kind of extraordinary flame could not be extinguished with water. The magic power in his body not only did not help him extinguish the flame, but became an excellent fuel, causing him to burn for a longer time.

His running awakened the silent swamp. I don’t know how many demons watched this poor guy die wailing in the dark.

Even though this spell had been weakened once by the curse and was detonated in advance, its power was still amazing.

Countless extraordinary flames fell from the sky, hitting the ground with scorching temperatures, like a meteor shower.

The defensive array was fully activated!!!

He Wenhan opened a thick spell shield above the fortress with a pale face.

If the spell fell normally, this distance would not affect the fortress.

Now the spell was detonated in advance, turning into an indiscriminate attack mode

, He Wenhan didn't want to feel what it was like to have a legendary spell fall on him.

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge group of fireballs fell from the sky, and the attack power of each fireball was no less than that of a silver-level spell. Some large spells even had the destructive strength of a gold-level spell.

The fortress had a magic shield defense. A group of fireballs fell on the shield, bursting out more sparks, and the shield was rippled.

The defense value of the magic shield was constantly consumed, and the magic stones piled up like a small mountain at the power supply port below were constantly decreasing at a visible level.

Compared with the defenders in the city, the gnolls outside the city were even more miserable.

They didn't have a magic shield defense, and a group of magic flames fell, burning the gnoll soldiers to scream.

The flames ignited their hair, and they wailed and fell to the ground and rolled, but these flames were far from being extinguished in this way.

These flames continued to burn on their bodies. Not only did they not get smaller because of their fire-fighting movements, but they burned even more fiercely.

Some lucky jackals hid in siege vehicles or ladders. They were lucky because these siege equipment had a reduced version of the defensive shield that could resist the falling flames.

But the good times did not last long. The defense value of the shield soon reached the bottom, and the magic stones in the siege equipment were quickly consumed. These jackals hurriedly contributed their magic stones.

But even if they all contributed magic stones, the number was like a drop in the bucket. Facing the continuous fire, it was of no help at all.

Soon, the defensive shields of these siege equipment were burned one by one like bubbles, and these tall equipment were also ignited under the scorching flames, turning into large fireballs.

The jackals inside, like trapped beasts, wailed in pain, and ultimately did not escape the fate of being burned to death.

Some high-level gnoll officers and nobles ran as hard as they could to avoid the flames falling from the sky.

Those who couldn't avoid it used spells, magic or bursts of fighting spirit to resist, and at the same time accelerated their pace of escape, away from this fiery hell.

The strongest Marquis Buck was a Saint-level warrior, and the remaining flames had little effect on him.

He was now like a firefighter, bursting with fighting spirit, running on the battlefield, and blowing up balls of flames in the air.

But later his fighting spirit was consumed too quickly, and it became difficult to continue, so he could only pick up a few gnoll nobles and flee down the mountain.

While running, his heart was bleeding, and many of the gnolls burned to death by spells were his family's private soldiers.

The losses in this battle were too great, and the most important thing was that no decent results were achieved.

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