
Chapter 115

The last flame fell, and the shield of Kangchuan Fort was also exhausted at this time, like broken glass, shattering piece by piece.

After He Wenhan used magic to defeat the last few flames falling from the sky, he wiped the cold sweat from his head.

All the people left in the fortress felt like they had survived a disaster. The fire just now made them feel suffocated.

It seemed that they would be swallowed by these flames in the next moment, but fortunately the shield lasted until the end.

Hurry up and let the servants go down and pile a large number of magic stones in the magic circle. The top priority now is to restart the defense magic circle.

Otherwise, if the gnolls took advantage of the broken shield to counterattack, it would be a big trouble.

Fortunately, compared with the defenders of Kangchuan Fort, the gnolls suffered greater losses.

Not to mention those who died in the siege, there were more gnoll warriors who were burned to death by the fire, and the miserable state of the corpses was chilling.

Now, except for the gnolls who were burned to death, the other gnolls who could escape had already fled to the foot of the mountain, without any intention of staying.

After waiting for a few minutes, He Wenhan restarted the defense array, and saw the shield rising, and the people in the city were relieved.

Outside the city, there were dead gnoll soldiers everywhere, and each one was burned into a ball of black charcoal by the flames.

Huo Ling stood on the high tower, his legs weak, and the scene just now really scared him, and he almost took out the teleportation scroll to activate it.

He stood on a high place and looked outside the city, shaking his head.

It was such a waste, a waste of natural resources. All these corpses were burned to charcoal by the fire, not to mention whether they could be revived as skeletons.

Even the enchanted equipment on some of the gnolls, I am afraid that the runes have been burned now, and some of them may even have the base plate burned.


The main gate of Kangchuan Fort was opened, and three horror knights rushed out like a hurricane. They wanted to take advantage of the enemy's escape to kill some middle and high-level gnolls who escaped but were injured.

From the mountainside to the foot of the mountain, there were gnoll warriors who escaped by chance everywhere, and their levels were high and low.

The middle and high-level gnoll warriors escaped from the fire by their own strength, while the low-level gnolls were able to escape by luck.

The three Terror Knights, with the pressure of the Golden Rank, activated the fear aura to the maximum, and killed all the Gnolls they met along the way.

Some Gnoll warriors who escaped by chance were already injured and had difficulty moving, and their fighting spirit was even less than one tenth of what they had left.

Now they encountered three Golden Rank Terror Knights, how could they resist, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to.

From a distance, a Golden Rank Gnoll General who was seriously injured by the fire felt the enemy attacking from behind.

With a panicked look on his face, he couldn't help shouting: "Marquis! Save me!"

But Marquis Buck, who was in the camp far away at the foot of the mountain, couldn't get there.

A Terror Knight took the brunt of the attack, and his sharp lance stabbed fiercely with soul fire.

With one blow, he pierced the Gnoll General through and lifted his body high.

The armor on the jackal general was broken by the fire and the attack, and some pieces of armor fell from the air.

He was hanging in the air, his limbs drooping weakly, blood gushing out of his mouth, and his eyes had turned dead gray.

"I will tear you apart!"

Marquis Buck, who ran out of the camp, saw this scene, his eyes were bloodshot, and he roared loudly.

The Terror Knight also achieved his goal, so he dared not continue to rush down, and quickly turned his horse's head and rushed back to the fortress on the mountainside.

Inside the castle, He Wenhan showed a happy expression and quickly released negative spells, which fell on Marquis Buck.

Weakened his fighting spirit, strength, physique, and reduced his speed.

Marquis Buck flew in the air and felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker. The fighting spirit that had been almost consumed was now more difficult to operate.


He roared, fell from the sky helplessly, and watched the horror knights run farther and farther away.

The horror knight returned to the castle and handed the golden jackal corpse to He Wenhan.

He Wenhan happily put the corpse into the space equipment. You know, the golden corpse is not easy to obtain.

The golden level is already a high level.

, and their combat power is quite good, and their corpses are also the most critical material for making Terror Knights.

He Wenhan has only made three Terror Knights in all these years, so you know how difficult it is to obtain this material.

No matter what the outcome of this war is, as long as He Wenhan can go back alive, it will be a big profit, and a new Terror Knight will be born.

Huo Ling was not idle either. During the teacher's rest time, he quickly dealt with all the corpses that died on the city wall.

All corpses below the Black Iron Rank were made into skeletons, or provided to the skeletons to absorb the essence of blood, flesh and soul.

The silver-rank wolf corpses were collected separately, and after simple processing, they were piled in a corner of the warehouse of the central tower.

Then the skeletons that had absorbed the corpses on the city wall were ordered to go down the city to absorb the corpses that had turned into a ball of charcoal.

Most of the essence of blood, flesh and soul in these corpses was only one tenth, and they were almost burned out by the flames.

But a mosquito is still meat, not to mention that some of them are dead but well preserved.

Hundreds of skeleton warriors walked in front of the charcoal like staggering old men, absorbing them.

From time to time, a skeleton warrior advanced to the Black Iron rank and became a skeleton warrior.

Huo Ling even boldly sent dozens of skeleton warriors to walk down the mountain road and carry back the bodies of the jackals killed by the Terror Knights.

The quality of these bodies is better, and sometimes you can see silver-level bodies.

Huo Ling was like a squirrel, picking up corpses and having a lot of fun, until the jackals at the foot of the mountain found the skeletons coming down the mountain to pick up corpses.

Only then did he send soldiers to rush up and kill these skeletons, so that Huo Ling's activities that made him rich were over.

After the charcoal of the corpses under the city was absorbed, Huo Ling ordered these skeletons to return to the city. Feeling the power of his subordinates through his mental power, he couldn't help but smile.

After such a long battle, the number of skeleton warriors under his command has increased instead of decreased, and now there are more than 200 of them.

In addition to the skeleton warriors, there are more than 500 apprentice-level skeleton warriors. These things are useless when hunting monsters, but they still have a great effect on the battlefield.

Huo Ling placed the skeletons on the city wall as a defensive force. He also sent many low-level skeleton warriors to defend other city walls.

In the successive battles, the garrison and the twenty silver-level professionals who came to support suffered heavy losses. It is estimated that there are only more than 300 people left in the garrison.

Six silver-level professionals also died in the battle, and now there are thirteen left.

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