
Chapter 119

The price of the new product is still high.

"Teacher, if the technology of flesh and blood transformation matures, our school will be invincible and can mass-produce gold-level professionals. Who can stop us?" Huo Ling said.

"It's not that easy. First of all, let's not talk about the effect. Do you know how much it costs to successfully transform a black iron-level wolf man into a silver-level combat power?" He Wenhan laughed.

"How much?"

"This number." He Wenhan stretched out two fingers to gesture.

"Twenty magic stones?" Huo Ling asked cautiously.

"What are you thinking about? More than two thousand magic stones!" He Wenhan laughed and scolded.

"So expensive!" Huo Ling couldn't help but exclaimed. This is not a transformation. Isn't this just a waste of money?

"Yes, it is expensive. This is just to enhance his combat power to silver level. If you want to enhance a silver-level professional to gold level, the cost will be even higher." He Wenhan looked bitter.

"However, if the technology is mature and mass-produced, there will be no need to worry about the lack of magic stones. Just sweep across the spirit world and defeat the jackal empire, and you will have money!" Huo Ling comforted the teacher optimistically.

"It's not as easy as you think." He Wenhan smiled, "Even on Blue Star, there are many similar technologies, and there are even more in the spirit world. The only difference is how much resources are spent and the success rate."

"Are there other methods?"

"Of course, let's not talk about the distant ones. There are several methods in Daxia, such as the armored knights of the Champion Marquis's family, the dragon blood warriors of the Zhao family, and the Sky Eagle Guards of the British family. Of course, the strongest is the royal family's Yuan Cong Imperial Guards." He Wenhan said with a smile.

"Yuan Cong Imperial Army? What level can their strength be strengthened to? Can they become the strongest?" Huo Ling asked.

"Yuan Cong Imperial Army, their strength is all at the Saint level, do you think it is strong enough?" He Wenhan's tone was full of longing.

"So strong! How did they transform?!" Huo Ling's heart was in turmoil.

In the three hundred years since the rise of the spirit world near the extraordinary, many people have very high strength. Legends are already the overlords of one side. They usually don't take action, so the Saint is the strongest existence in conventional force.

Before obtaining the attribute panel, Huo Ling's biggest goal was to become a Saint.

"I don't know what method is used specifically. I heard it is a sword oath." He Wenhan shook his head.

"Sword oath?"

"Yes, the Great Ancestor of Daxia once obtained a divine weapon in the spirit world, a sword. Relying on the inheritance on this sword and the power of the sword itself, the Great Ancestor swept all the way and established Daxia. This sword is now the Emperor Sword Tai'a."

"And the sword oath is that the royal family selected a group of imperial guards who are loyal to the emperor, using special magic potions, and swearing to the Emperor Sword Tai'a, and being loyal to the emperor forever, they will then receive the blessing of the Emperor Sword Tai'a, and be strengthened from a gold-level professional to a Yuan Cong Imperial Guard with the combat power of the Holy Domain."

After saying so much, Huo Ling felt that his teacher He Wenhan had said a lot.

"Do you know why Daxia prohibits the appearance of the priest profession?" He Wenhan asked Huo Ling.

Huo Ling shook his head. He really didn't know this. Even the jackals have priests, and Daxia is vast and has many legends, but there is no inheritance of any priests or priests.

"I heard that the Great Ancestor of Daxia wanted to ignite the divine fire, hold high the kingdom of God and ascend to the godhood. If he could ascend to the godhood successfully, then the people of Daxia would be his natural believers, and he would naturally not allow other gods to appear in his kingdom to compete with him for believers." He Wenhan said secretly.

"The Great Ancestor wants to ascend to the godhood? But his strength is no weaker than that of the gods. Didn't the history books record that he once invaded a god's kingdom in the star world and successfully killed the god?" Huo Ling asked puzzledly.

This is also a very significant event in history books. Although there are not many gods in the spiritual world, they are not uncommon.

The spiritual world is a material world composed of infinite worlds. Many worlds are captured by the huge gravity of the spiritual world and finally merged into the spiritual world.

Unlike the blue planet, many worlds have magic or other extraordinary powers, so there are also many worlds with gods.

After these worlds merged into the spiritual world, these gods also merged in together, but because of the special reasons of the gods, they can only stay in the outer void of the spiritual world, that is, the star world.

In the spiritual world, this material world, gods and spirits cannot move directly, and can usually only descend.

Incarnate or possess their believers.

Gods are of course very powerful, but their power can only be reflected in the star world and their own kingdom of God, and they can no longer enter the material world.

Everyone can have the goal of becoming a god, but not many can truly become a god.

And some people disdain to become a god. In their view, gods are just stronger people.

After becoming a legend, if you are interested, you can start preparing for the affairs of becoming a god.

If measured by strength, the fifth stage of legend is comparable to a demigod.

And legends can continue to climb up, and the tenth stage of legend is equivalent to some gods with weak divine power who have just ascended to godhood.

The most outstanding achievement of Taizu of Daxia was that more than a hundred years ago, he led a large army to the star world and invaded the kingdom of a god with weak divine power.

After a bloody battle, the head of this god was cut off. It is said that the godhood of this god is still embedded in the hilt of the Emperor Sword Tai'a.

More than a hundred years ago, Taizu was already comparable to a weak god. So after so many years, how strong should he be now?

With such a strong power, he can already walk sideways in the material world. There is no need to consider becoming a god. After all, there are still many restrictions on gods.

If he becomes a god, he will be connected with believers. The more believers he has, the stronger he will be. But if there are no believers in the mortal world, no one will continue to believe in him.

Then the gods will fall into twilight, enter eternal sleep, or even die.

However, if Taizu becomes a god, he can indeed get a lot of dividends. With the population of Daxia, even if not all believe in Taizu, the new god, he can at least support him to a high level of divine power, and even powerful divine power is not impossible.

In this way, with such a rapid promotion of strength, if you think carefully, it is not surprising that Taizu has the idea of ​​becoming a god.

After all, powerful divine power is equivalent to the 30th level of legend. How powerful it is.

It is no wonder that Daxia prohibits the inheritance of other priests or pastors. Daxia is already Taizu's private land, and it certainly does not allow believers of other gods to grab food.

If Taizu ascends to the throne, Daxia will really become a unity of politics and religion, and the status of the royal family will probably be more stable.

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