
Chapter 120

The old man was very happy.

"Okay, let's not talk about that. Are you interested in joining my project?" He Wenhan asked.

"Yes, teacher, you must be interested!" Huo Ling nodded hurriedly.

This is a good thing. Not only can you learn new knowledge by joining, but if you master this technology, you can also transform your soldiers in large quantities later.

Although he is a necromancer, he will not lack soldiers, but there is still a shortage of mid- and high-level ones.

Huo Ling can now feel that there is indeed no shortage of skeletons at the black iron level, but it will be much more difficult for those above the silver level.

When Huo Ling advances to the gold level, it will be even worse, just look at his teacher.

After so many years of being a gold, he only managed to save three Terror Knights. It is conceivable that the higher the level, the less corpse materials suitable for making undead summons.

After all, on the battlefield, high-level corpses are precious materials in themselves. Even after some people have fought, even if they have killed the enemy, they cannot bear to let the opponent's bones fall into the hands of the necromancer and suffer insults.

So many times, the corpses of these people will be cremated, which is really a waste of natural resources.

And his comrades, it is even more impossible to make the corpses into undead creatures. Although the necromancers are thick-skinned, they can't stand being poked in the spine.

So learning the flesh and blood transformation technology is a very good supplement to combat power. After all, the spiritual creatures transformed by oneself can fight for themselves when they are alive.

Even if they die in battle, they will not be wasted. They can still be transformed into undead creatures and continue to play their remaining heat for Huo Ling. Thinking of this, Huo Ling couldn't help but be moved.


In the following time, in addition to daily patrol tasks and meditation time, Huo Ling also followed the teacher to learn the technology of flesh and blood transformation.

A genius like Huo Ling would never fail to learn anything. When encountering technical difficulties, he would directly use potential points to accelerate the learning state.

He Wenhan couldn't help but be surprised that his student's learning and absorption speed was too fast.

As he learned, Huo Ling gradually got the hang of it and could give He Wenhan more help in the transformation, greatly reducing his workload.

"Failed again!" On the operating table, a jackal's body lay on it.

Next to the body, Huo Ling and He Wenhan stood on both sides, shaking their heads and sighing.

Every failure would consume a lot of resources, which are all money!

Huo Ling took the scalpel and dissected the body with ease, and studied the reasons for the failure with the teacher.

"It's still rejection. It seems that if you want to increase the success rate, you still have to constantly improve the method."

After checking the dissected jackal corpse, He Wenhan quickly found the reason for the failure, and then closed the chest and abdomen of the corpse.

After Huo Ling recorded the experimental results, he looked at the corpse on the operating table and cast a spell on the corpse in the spirit of not wasting.

Soon, a skeleton warrior climbed up from the operating table, walked out of the laboratory, and climbed up the city wall.

"You don't waste at all." He Wenhan smiled when he saw this scene.

"Teacher, didn't I learn all this from you?" Huo Ling laughed.

"Hahaha, you kid, but it's true that we necromancers still have advantages in studying flesh and blood transformation. Even if the test subjects are dead, they won't be wasted in our hands." He Wenhan also nodded.

Among the dark warriors under his command, many were made from dead test subjects.

"Alas, if I want to get a higher success rate, where should I start!" He Wenhan sighed and couldn't help complaining.

The jackal test subjects in the fortress have been used up. Although the recent experiments have been much easier with Huo Ling's help, there has been no substantial progress.

"Many test subjects are not unsuccessful, but they can't maintain a longer life." Huo Ling thought for a while and said slowly.

"Isn't this still unsuccessful?" He Wenhan couldn't help shaking his head.

"Teacher, you can think about it from another angle. Although this is not successful for others, it is indeed successful for us." Huo Ling thought of a good idea and said confidently.

"What are you talking about? If it is not successful, it is not successful. How can it be considered successful for us?" He Wenhan has been confused by Huo Ling.

"Teacher, look."

Huo Ling pulled the teacher to the window of the tower, pointed at the patrolling dark warrior and continued: "If we put a jackal

Werewolf transformation allows him to have the strength of silver level when he is at black iron level. Even if his life only lasts for a short period of time after the experiment, as long as he has the strength of silver level when he dies, isn't it a success for us? ! "

"What do you mean?" He Wenhan said thoughtfully, he felt that he had grasped Huo Ling's idea.

"As long as the strength of the experimental subject increases, even if he dies, for others, the dead experimental subject is useless and wasted, but we can make him into an undead creature!"

"For example, you transform a silver jackal, and after the transformation, this silver jackal briefly has the combat power of gold level, but the experiment is unsuccessful, and this jackal will soon die for some reason, but you kill it while it is still alive."

"Then cast a spell on it without stopping and make it into an undead creature, then can we also have a gold level undead creature, an undead with gold level combat power! "

Huo Ling said loudly.

"This! This, this, this!!!" After hearing Huo Ling's words, He Wenhan's mind was a mess. He pointed at the terrifying knight outside the window with trembling hands.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it! Why didn't I think about it in this way!" He Wenhan's face flushed, he let out a long breath, and couldn't help saying.

Then he looked at Huo Ling with a complicated expression and patted him on the shoulder, "Good disciple, what a good disciple! Hahahaha. "

He Wenhan laughed up to the sky, his voice full of joy.

He finally figured it out. What Huo Ling said was not complicated, but some things were like a layer of window paper. They seemed fragile and thin, but when you think about it, you just can't find it.

Although He Wenhan would also make failed experimental subjects into dark warriors, his initial goal was always to keep the experimental subjects alive and live for more than ten or twenty years, so that there would be a higher cost-effectiveness.

But Huo Ling had just come into contact with this experiment and had not yet formed a solid concept. He easily pierced this layer of window paper.

It didn't matter to him whether the experimental subject was alive or not. He just needed to obtain a successful combat power after the experiment.

As for the subordinates with qualified combat power, it didn't matter whether they were living experimental subjects or dead experimental subjects.

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