
Chapter 13

As the zombies walked further away, Huo Ling wiped his forehead and wiped off the non-existent cold sweat.

He admitted that he had underestimated the zombies. This wave of zombies was not large, only a few hundred.

Among them, there should not be any strength reaching the level of Black Iron Professionals.

But just ordinary zombies made such a terrifying movement. It is hard to imagine how terrifying those tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of zombies would be.

Tonight is destined to be restless. Whether there is a trace of rat blood in the air or the sound caused by the zombies running wildly just now, it will slowly attract other zombies to come.

After the zombies left, Huo Ling began to meditate shallowly to replace sleep.

From time to time, he could hear the sound of zombies approaching. Whenever this happened, he would stop and wait for the zombies to leave before entering a meditative state again.

The zombies tonight were large and small. The large ones had two to three thousand zombies, the small ones had hundreds, and the smallest ones had only a dozen zombies.

It seemed that these dozen zombies had just gathered, or were left behind by the large ones.

Some zombies were just passing by, while some zombies had zombies staggering up to the building where the rats died.

Huo Ling looked at this scene and just wanted to move out at dawn. Who could bear the fear of the night?

I didn't expect that the bloody smell of a rat could attract zombies to keep going upstairs to check. How many zombies would the six goblin corpses left behind during the daytime battle attract?

I dare not imagine the scene. For the zombies, it would probably be a feast.

After the zombies left, Huo Ling shook his head and entered a state of shallow meditation again.

It was dawn and the sun was about to rise.

But Huo Ling's face was a little ugly. There were still dozens of zombies lurking downstairs.

This was the last wave of zombies. They happened to walk here after a long distance. Several zombies smelled the blood and were now checking upstairs.

Sure enough, the most feared thing came. This group of zombies had already felt the change in light, and they might not move forward next.

This was the worst case scenario. If these zombies did not continue to walk, then after the sun rose, they would inevitably enter the buildings on both sides to avoid the sun.

Now Huo Ling did not dare to move, and could only pray that these zombies would not enter his building.

But the sky did not fulfill people's wishes. After the sun rose, the weak sunlight began to sprinkle on the ground.

The sun shone on the zombies, they raised their heads and hissed in a low voice.

Although the sunlight could not cause any harm to them, it made them extremely disgusted with this feeling.

One by one, they walked into the buildings on both sides with staggering steps.

Even Huo Ling's building had several zombies.

This frightened Huo Ling so much that he dared not breathe, fearing that his movements would attract zombies.

Fortunately, the floor he chose was relatively high, and now the zombies were all on the first and second floors.

Huo Ling did not dare to be stingy with his mental power and checked the number of zombies in his building.

There were five in total, three on the second floor and two on the first floor.

What to do?

Should we stay where we are and wait for the night to come, and these zombies will leave on their own?

As soon as this idea came out, Huo Ling himself denied it, because there were too many variables in this idea.

No one knew what the zombies would do next, and whether they would come to the fourth floor.

As for waiting until night, it would be even more dangerous, which would directly hand over the fate to the zombies.

Huo Ling thought of using a rope to slowly fall down from the fourth floor. This was an idea. He also had a rope in his backpack given by his deskmate.

But Huo Ling glanced around the room and found that there was no hard object that could bear the weight of Huo Ling after the rope was tied.

The furnishings in the room were already dilapidated, and the brackets on the windows were even more fragile, leaving only a skeleton. It was hard to believe that this thing could withstand Huo Ling's falling weight.

He exhaled lightly, and the only way out now was probably to kill his way out.

Huo Ling sat down slowly, closed his eyes, and from time to time used his mental power to observe the movements of the zombies downstairs.

As the sun gradually rose and the sunlight shone down, these zombies gradually walked to the dark corners of the room where the sun could not reach.

Seeing this scene, Huo Ling thought that if he was careful not to make any noise and walked through the corridor, these zombies should not be able to

Come out.

But as luck would have it, there was a zombie hiding from the sun between the first and second floors.

This was the only way for Huo Ling to go down. After waiting for an hour, there was no sign of the zombie leaving.

Huo Ling knew that he could not wait any longer. The longer he waited, the more variables there would be.

He carefully put his backpack on his back, picked up the spear made of a short knife, and the fire axe, and tiptoed out.

In any case, Huo Ling was not powerless now, he still had magic.

It was a pity that the attack of the Bone Fang was straight and there was no way to turn, otherwise Huo Ling would have shot the zombie in the head directly upstairs.

In the mental reconnaissance, the zombies were all in a state of closing their eyes during the day, and they reduced the consumption of their body functions to a minimum.

Only when the sun shines on them will they be unable to help but move and look for dark corners again.

Huo Ling went downstairs quietly. When he reached the third floor, he saw the zombie hiding in the corridor through the gap in the stairwell.

The structure of this building has windows on the front and back walls of the stairwell, which used to provide light for the corridor.

Now this light just restricts the zombie's movement. Sunlight shines in from both sides, trapping the zombie in a corner. Otherwise, the zombie would have entered the room long ago.

Since he saw the zombie, Huo Ling was not going to get closer.

Sketching the rune in his mind, three seconds passed in a flash, and a tiny bone tooth was suspended next to Huo Ling again.


The bone tooth cut through the air, making a faint sound.

The zombie closed his eyes, and his ears seemed to hear the sound, and his ears trembled slightly.

But before he could react, the attack of the bone tooth had arrived and hit his head.


The zombie that was hit was shot in the head, sticky blood and brain matter spurted out, and the smell of blood began to spread.

On the other side, Huo Ling dared not move at this time, and turned on the mental scan to the maximum, monitoring the movements of the remaining zombies in the building.

Those zombies obviously heard the sound and smelled the blood, but they did not open their eyes or move.

This made Huo Ling very happy. It seems that in the daytime, when there is sunlight, the danger of this group of zombies is very low.

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