
Chapter 11

After the battle, Huo Ling did not dare to stop. After a brief rest, he threw away his bloodstained coat and wore only stab-proof clothing. Then he carried his backpack and all his belongings and walked along the road. He certainly could not stay where he was. The bodies of six goblins were there, and there was a lot of blood. Who knew if there would be other dangers. And he did not know if there were other goblins nearby. He had just fought with these goblins and consumed a lot of physical strength. If there were a few more goblins, he would not know who would win. After walking carefully for half an hour, Huo Ling found another building and slipped in. After a simple reconnaissance, he found no dangerous places, so he found a slightly cleaner room and stayed there.

After a simple cleanup of the dust and garbage, Huo Ling lay directly on the backpack. He was exhausted.

Thinking back to the battle just now, he couldn't help but feel scared. Fortunately, he had solved most of the goblins by surprise, otherwise if six of them came together, he would have been in trouble.

Thinking of this, he remembered that during the battle, after two of the goblins died, two faint light spots flew towards him.

What are these two light spots?

Huo Ling checked and didn't find anything extra on his body.

With a thought, he called out the attribute panel.

Sure enough, the attribute panel changed.

Name: Huo Ling

Bloodline: Human

Rank: Level 0 Apprentice

Strength: 1.3

Constitution: 1.1

Agility: 1.1

Mental Power: 2.1

Magic Power: 21/21

Skill: "Dark Breath Meditation"

Potential Points: 2

The potential points were always zero before, but now it has become 2. How did it come about? Could it be because of killing the two goblins?

But why didn't he get any potential points after killing the other four goblins? This made Huo Ling a little confused.

Huo Ling tried to use the potential points on attributes such as strength, but he couldn't do it.

So, what are these potential points, and what is the use of accumulating them?

I couldn't figure it out, so forget it... I'll ignore it for now.

After fighting and walking for so long, Huo Ling was hungry, so he took out the compressed biscuits and started to eat them.

He didn't dare to eat too much. After all, after such a high-intensity physical exercise as fighting, if he ate too much, he would easily feel sleepy.

He was not sure whether he was out of danger yet, so it was not the time to sleep.

After a short rest, he leaned against the window again to get sound intelligence.

Then he summoned the magic book and prepared to continue studying the spell Bone Fang.

Suddenly, the attribute panel that had been hidden popped up with a line of words.

"Do you want to use potential points to speed up learning?"


Can potential points speed up learning spells? Huo Ling was shocked. He thought about it and clicked yes.

Then the panel retracted again.

Seeing this, Huo Ling did not dare to delay and lowered his head to start learning spells.

This learning was incredible, like a revelation. The runes that were originally obscure and difficult to understand now seemed as simple as one plus one.

It was easily sketched out in his mind. If learning magic in the past was as difficult as learning advanced mathematics for primary school students.

Now it is as easy as college students learning addition and subtraction.

Is this the power of potential points!

Potential points, come on, let me see where your limit is!

Huge waves were set off in Huo Ling's heart, but he did not dare to stop and could not waste this precious learning time.


When it was evening, the sun was setting in the west, and Huo Ling woke up from his intoxicated learning.

The blessing brought by the potential points had been used up, and Huo Ling was out of that happy learning state.

But the study during this period has benefited him a lot.

He silently sketched the magic rune in his mind, and three seconds later, a sharp tooth the size of a peanut was suspended beside him.

The bone tooth cast successfully!


The bone tooth burst out with a sound of cutting through the air and hit another building across the street, more than 30 meters away.

A hole the size of a human head was left on the wall of the building. Although it did not penetrate the wall, the damage caused should not be underestimated.

If it were a goblin's head, it would have exploded in an instant.

The attack distance is not far enough. According to my mental power of 2.1X25,

It's only 52 meters, but it's a good distance for an apprentice.

With my meditation training in the future, my mental power will continue to grow, so the attack distance will definitely get farther and farther.

I called out the panel and looked at my attributes again:

Name: Huo Ling


Magic: 18/21

Skills: "Dark Breath Meditation Method" Zero-level spell: Bone Fang

Potential points: 0

Sure enough, the potential points have been used up. This is really a good thing.

It's a pity that I don't know how to get potential points stably. When I killed the goblins, the two light spots that appeared should be potential points.

But why did potential points appear after two of the goblins were killed, but not the other four?

If I could have hundreds or thousands of potential points, then I would be like a fish in water when learning spells.

Looking at the consumption of magic power, one bone fang consumed three points of magic power. In my current state, I can only cast spells seven times in total.

On the contrary, casting spells consumes relatively little mental power. My mental power of 2.1 is definitely enough now.

However, this is much better than before. Now I finally have the ability to attack from a distance.

If I had this ability when fighting the goblins before, I would not have to show up. I could have shot all the goblins in the head in a few seconds.

Using mental power, Huo Ling scanned all the dilapidated buildings within more than 50 meters and found nothing else.

This time I can rest assured. He learned how to use mental power after mastering the first zero-level spell.

With the help of mental power, it will be much easier to detect in the future. At least when changing a building, I don’t have to run up and down to detect. I can just use mental power to scan.

However, this kind of mental power scanning consumes a lot of mental power.

In the few minutes Huo Ling played just now, his mental power dropped from 2.1 to 1.9.

In other words, his mental power can only be used for less than half an hour to conduct reconnaissance at full power.

As for the recovery of mental power after it is exhausted, it will take days.

Mental power is different from magic power. It recovers slowly. Even if he sits down and starts meditating, the recovery speed is slower than magic power.

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