
Chapter 10

The dead goblin was lying on the ground, and the dead goblin was lying on the ground.

Huo Ling stepped on the wooden bed, which was not strong to begin with. After this battle, it was about to fall apart.

He pulled out the fire axe that was still stuck on the goblin's head, and the goblin below died completely.

Suddenly, a faint little light on the dead goblin rushed straight towards Huo Ling, and before he could react, the little light sank into his body.

What is this? !

Huo Ling was a little surprised, but there was nothing wrong with his body, so he ignored it for now and checked it again when he survived.

He picked up the backpack and threw the food and tools into it. Fortunately, there was no blood on the backpack.

Throwing the backpack in another room, he had to deal with the other four goblins.

He returned to the goblin's body and picked up a stone spear.

After cutting the rope with a short knife, he threw away the sharp stone and tied the short knife to it instead.

An inch longer is an inch stronger, and long-handled weapons still have an advantage in battle.

Compared with stone spears, short knives are sharper, and this slightly curved short knife has a very sharp front end, so it is not a problem to be a spearhead for a spear.

Huo Ling leaned against the window, watching the traces of the other two teams of goblins from time to time, while tying the short knife to the wooden pole with straw rope.

It didn't take much time to make a new spear, which was much better than the stone spear of the goblins.

Then, he quickly picked up the spear and the fire axe, ran down from upstairs, and came to the building where another group of goblins were searching.

Just as he was about to climb up the stairs, he heard the two goblins chattering downstairs.

There was no time to go up, so he had to hide under the stairs on the first floor. It was dark enough here, and the goblins could not find him without paying attention.

The two goblins walked down the stairs one after the other, each holding something in his hand.

Huo Ling, who was squatting at the bottom of the stairs, took a deep breath and let the first goblin go.

To sneak attack, you have to put the one in front and hit the one behind.

After the second goblin came downstairs, Huo Ling also stood up.

He took a big step, holding the two-meter-long spear in both hands, and stabbed it hard.


The tip of the spear pierced the goblin's chest, and blood began to flow down the wound.


The goblin looked down at the tip of the spear piercing his chest weakly and wailed.

This immediately reminded the goblin in front. He turned around and saw the tall and strong Huo Ling kicking down his companion behind him, and then pulling out the spear that was stuck in his companion.


The goblin screamed loudly, and threw away the debris in his hand in fear, even the spear.

Good opportunity!

Huo Ling would not miss this opportunity. He took two steps and caught up with the goblin directly. He pierced him from behind with a spear and then pulled out the spear.

The goblin turned around, covered his chest with his hands, and looked at Huo Ling with a horrified expression.

Huo Ling had a blank expression on his face, because the two goblins in the opposite building had heard the sound and came out of the building.

Huo Ling had taken advantage of the sneak attack to solve the battle so easily with the previous four goblins.

Now the two goblins were ready. They held their spears in their hands and made grunting noises, as if they were threatening Huo Ling or cheering themselves and their companions.

Huo Ling exhaled a breath of exhaust gas, held the spear tightly with both hands, bent his knees slightly, and took a convenient stabbing posture.

The next step was a face-to-face formal battle, which could not be sloppy.

The two goblins slowly circled Huo Ling, trying to find Huo Ling's weaknesses.

Huo Ling knew that he could not wait any longer. He was fighting one against two. If he waited for the other goblin to circle behind him or to the side.

If the goblin attacked first, it would be difficult for him to deal with it.

So he shouted loudly to cheer himself up.

This shout scared the goblins.

Then Huo Ling rushed towards the goblin in front of him with a step, and pointed the spear in his hand directly at the goblin.

The goblin was also aroused and rushed towards Huo Ling.

But he was too short, only about 1.3 meters tall, which was a huge difference from Huo Ling's height.

If he was shorter, his arms would definitely be shorter.

Huo Ling used the

With the stabbing technique, the spear lightly poked and knocked the stone spear of the goblin off the direction.


Huo Ling's spear pierced the goblin's body again, but this time it did not cause fatal injuries to the goblin, but pierced the goblin's shoulder.

This time the goblin screamed in pain, and he reached out to grab Huo Ling's spear. For a while, Huo Ling couldn't pull out the spear.

The goblin endured the severe pain and shouted, reminding his companions to come to help quickly.

Huo Ling pulled out the spear twice, and seeing that he couldn't pull it out, he also got ruthless and directly let go of the spear and picked up the fire axe on his waist.


The goblin looked at Huo Ling with a confused and horrified face.


The fire axe made a new contribution. Under the action of huge force, the axe blade cut half of the goblin's neck.

The goblin's head tilted, and his soul returned to the underworld.

At the same time, a faint little light spot flew out from his body again and fell into Huo Ling's body.

On the other side, the goblin who was originally ready to help saw that his companions were all dead.

He lost his courage. Goblins are like this. When there are many of them, they are like monkeys, wanting to touch the tiger's butt.

When there are few of them, they run faster than each other.

This goblin threw away his spear and ran away.

Huo Ling turned his head and saw that the goblin had run more than ten meters away without any hesitation.

He couldn't let him escape. We didn't know how far this goblin tribe was from here and how many goblins there were in the tribe.

If this goblin ran away, it would be dangerous if he brought reinforcements.

Huo Ling stepped on the goblin's body and pulled the spear out of his body.

He also took long steps to chase after the goblin, but the goblin ran faster and faster. Huo Ling took advantage of the running start and threw the spear in his hand with all his strength.

The spear drew a curve, and with a "puff!", it hit the thigh of the running goblin with huge kinetic energy.

This time the guy couldn't run anymore. The goblin couldn't pull out the spear stuck in his bones for a while, and could only drag his seriously injured body slowly forward.

But he was soon caught up by Huo Ling, who raised his axe and ended the goblin's life.

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