
Chapter 8

He could not meditate anymore, and now he did not dare to sleep, so he could only lean against the window, relying on the weak moonlight.

He summoned the magic book again and began to learn the three zero-level spells on it.

Gray Mist, Bone Fang, Touch of Fatigue.

Among the three spells, the first one to learn must be Bone Fang, because only this spell has attack power.

The learning plan of the other two spells can be postponed. In this dangerous spirit world, mastering a certain amount of attack power will make it easier to survive.

Bone Fang does not use many spell runes, but it is more difficult to remember these runes.

Huo Ling had no teacher to guide him, and he only relied on this magic book to learn. It takes a long time to master a spell.

According to the book, it takes an apprentice a week to half a month to master a zero-level trick.

And this is just the entry-level spell, which can release the spell, and there is also the possibility of spell failure.

If you want to release the spell faster and better, you need to practice for a long time.

Fortunately, this kind of spell failure will not cause backlash to the caster, otherwise a large number of people will die while learning before the mage fights.

Learning and mastering spells takes a lot of time, and it is something that needs to be persisted for a lifetime.

It takes about three seconds to release a zero-level spell normally, from outlining the rune to successfully releasing it.

This is okay in normal times, but if it is in battle, three seconds is enough for the enemy to do a lot of things.

So if you want to really put a spell into battle, you must first be able to cast it successfully and skillfully, and compress the casting time.

Some spellcasters can compress spells to one second, or even shorter, and cast them at will. The advantage of such spellcasters in battle is too obvious.

When a spellcaster just enters the apprentice level, he is the weakest, and most of the zero-level spells are not lethal.

Even if there are offensive spells, the lethality is not great enough, and the casting time is not short, and there is a possibility of spell failure.

There is not much magic power contained in the body, and it is probably not possible to release many spells together.

This is also the only stage where the combat professional can bully the caster.

Unlike the caster, the combat professional who relies on his own body for close combat begins to have combat power in the apprentice stage.

They rely on the fighting spirit they have cultivated and bless their bodies to burst out powerful power.

Even if the fighting spirit is used up, their trained bodies can still support them in fighting.

Of course, the strength of the caster is not necessarily in combat, and the caster can do too much.

Apprentice-level spellcasters can cast few offensive spells, but when they master the spells, they can easily kill several warriors.

And even the zero-level spells are of various types, such as disguise, protection, attack, opening the way, and decryption.

As for warriors, apprentice-level warriors can only chop people and monsters.

Wait for them to advance.

Iron- and silver-level spellcasters can master more spells to solve various problems encountered in life and battle, and begin to have more lethal spells, better control spells, and even learn healing spells.

As for iron- and silver-level warriors, they have learned to chop people hard.

When they reach the gold and sanctuary level, their spells can basically meet all the needs of battle and life. They can use powerful magic to destroy the enemy with great force, and can also summon powerful creatures to fight for themselves.

They can even revive the dead, teleport over long distances, move across several planes, and create a space to rest.

As for the gold and sanctuary level warriors, they can chop people more violently.

Legendary spellcasters are even more amazing. They can move mountains and fill the sea in a single thought, create a plane, destroy a world, and pick stars with one hand.

Space in front of them is like a piece of thin paper. They can travel through endless planes, and even the bottomless abyss can come and go freely.

As for the legendary warriors, they can use their legendary physique and legendary power to chop people more powerfully.

This is the difference between spellcasters and warriors.

Why do spellcasters have a nickname, called magicians, because compared with other professionals, they are grandfather-level

's power.

Late at night, it's a time to get sleepy. After waiting for a long time and not hearing any other zombies walking by.

Huo Ling, who was almost unable to open his eyes after reading a book, decided to take a nap.

He had already experienced the dangers of the night, but he didn't know whether this abandoned city would be dangerous during the day.

If he didn't take advantage of this time to recuperate, if there was any danger during the day tomorrow, he would not be able to deal with it when he was so tired.

Fortunately, he didn't snore when he slept, otherwise he would attract zombies because of his snoring, Huo Ling thought before going to bed.

I don't know how long I slept, the faint sunlight shone on Huo Ling's face, and he slowly opened his eyes.

The second day in the spirit world has arrived. Feeling the warmth of the sun, he stood up and stretched.

After simply solving the problem of food and clothing, Huo Ling continued to open the magic book to learn spells. Learning spells is a process that takes a lot of time, and there is no shortcut.

Trying hard to memorize the runes and constantly sketching them in your mind, this is what Huo Ling should do in the morning.

He took some time to find a room upstairs, relieved himself, and solved his physiological needs. Then he used the sundries in the room to bury the excrement to prevent the smell from leaking out.

While Huo Ling was holding the magic book and studying it continuously, he heard a burst of noise in his ears again.

It’s not over yet, right? What else is going on in this city during the day?

He carefully poked his head out and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Squinting his eyes, he finally saw a few green figures at the end of the road after a while.

After a closer look, it turned out to be goblins!

This kind of spiritual creature is common in the spiritual world. They are green all over and between 1.2 and 1.4 meters tall.

Omnivorous and social creatures, most goblins are not very intelligent, about the intelligence of a seven or eight-year-old child.

Goblins usually exist in the form of small tribes. They are fierce and cowardly, and their courage varies with the number of companions around them.

The more companions they have, the braver they are.

At the same time, after the goblins expand their tribe to a certain extent, they will also produce some of their kind with higher intelligence.

The more goblins there are in the tribe, the higher their intelligence will be. Some goblin tribes can even develop into goblin kingdoms.

These intelligent goblins can also practice fighting spirit and even have spellcasters, but there are not many of them.

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