
Chapter 134

The enemy cavalryman was hit by a spear, and the spear pierced his armor and then his flesh and blood.


The spear in his hand hit the enemy cavalryman again. This time, the shield on his body failed to protect him. The sharp spear shattered the shield on the cavalryman like a balloon.

Then the spear continued to penetrate deeper. The enemy cavalryman who was charging at high speed had no time to dodge. The sharp spear pierced his armor and then his flesh and blood.

But this human cavalryman seemed to feel no pain. Even though his body was pierced, he did not let go of the lance in his hand, but stabbed more quickly.

With the help of the high-speed impact of the mount under his crotch, the cavalryman's lance also pierced the golden-level wolf man. The lance, which was blessed with high-level sharpness by magic, pierced the wolf man's armor easily like a hot knife cutting butter.

The wolf man sensed a hint of fatal threat, but it was too late to dodge. He could only twist his body to avoid the vital points and increase the protection of his internal organs with his fighting spirit.


He spat out a mouthful of blood. The enemy cavalryman's lance failed to cause him fatal damage, but the matter was not over.

Under the crotch of other cavalrymen, the huge blue-horned rhinoceros rushed over unstoppably, trampling the golden wolf man under his feet and crushing him.

Before he could get up, the knights behind him had already rushed over. The blue-horned rhinoceros carrying the heavy cavalry was extremely heavy. When the heavy cavalry rushed past, only a trace of blood-stained golden hair was left on the spot, and the golden jackal was directly trampled into a pool of meat.

Powerful magic continued to explode in the sky and on the ground, hundreds of strong men were fighting each other, and from time to time someone would die screaming.

The spellcasters in the back kept releasing various spells, increasing status, dispelling effects, and even simple attack spells.

Every explosion of a powerful spell would cause the death of dozens or even hundreds of soldiers, but these casualties seemed so insignificant on the huge battlefield of nearly 300,000 people.

If the perspective is raised, you will find that the fight between humans and jackals is like two burly giants fighting in hand-to-hand combat, wrestling together.

The charge of the human cavalry was like a sharp sword stabbing at the vital point of the giant of the jackal army. The giant's body was cut open and large amounts of blood gushed out of the wound.

All the blood that gushed out was from the scattered deserters. They could not resist the terrifying charge of the human cavalry and began to flee with their morale plummeting.


In the center of the battlefield, the legendary shaman Kru screamed in horror. The Demon Breaker had not made a move in the previous battle, which made Kru relax his vigilance a little.

But who would have thought that just now, Ren An suddenly took advantage of Kru's carelessness and jumped out of the shadow plane. He chopped Kru's body with a knife that had been charged for most of the day, almost cutting Kru's kidney out.

Kru's spell shield and various amulets on his body shattered to the ground with crackling sounds, and various healing amulets were desperately activated to heal the wound.



The two gnoll guards beside Kru roared and rushed up, trying to protect Kru at all costs.

These two were gnoll warriors of the holy domain level, and were Kru's personal guards. They shared the same fate with Kru. They had signed a master-servant contract before. If Kru died, they would die with him.


Toxic gushing!

The legendary spell was released by Kru and surrounded it. Even if a legendary creature inhaled a large amount of this toxin, it would be poisoned to death.

Ren An certainly didn't dare to continue hiding beside Kru, but as soon as he moved, the sharp Kru discovered something was wrong. He didn't care about the pain of the wound and quickly cast the next spell.

The ancestor roared!

A translucent ancestor spirit floated in the air, opened its mouth and roared at the soul level. The roar was indistinguishable from friend or foe. Several middle and high-level guards guarding on the side heard the roar and fell to death in pain, covering their heads.

Only two sanctuary-level guards were not affected. They carried Kru's amulets and their souls had signed a contract with Kru, so they were not affected by the spell.

But Ren An was not so lucky. The severe pain in his soul drove him out of the shadow plane. Even though his magic resistance was surprisingly high, he would still be affected by this kind of soul-level attack.

"Give me your life!"

Two gnoll warriors rushed up to leave a mark on Ren An.

But legends are legends after all.

He was afraid of enduring the pain of his soul, and he still suppressed the two Sanctuary Warriors.

But Ren An was an advanced profession of the Wanderer, and such a head-on confrontation was not his style. After a short battle, he sneaked into the shadow plane again and disappeared.

"Ah! Damn bastard!" Kelu covered his waist and looked at the dead guards around him, wailing in pain.


The war between the gnolls and humans ended quickly. Compared with the long preparations before the war, the real battle ended very quickly.

The gnolls attacked for half a year, suffered for half a year, and finally fell into a disadvantage in the two-day battle in Takuyuan.

With the injury of the legendary shaman, their lack of top power gradually affected the power of the middle and high levels, and finally caused a comprehensive defeat of the entire battlefield.

The high-level gnoll professionals suffered heavy losses, at least half of the gold-level professionals were lost, and even the Sanctuary-level professionals, more than 20 were killed in the battle.

These high-level professionals were nobles or high-level commanders in the army. Without these high-level professionals as the support point of the defense line, the low- and middle-level gnoll army quickly lost command and dispatch.

As expected, a great rout began. The gnolls, who only lost a small part of the front battlefield, began to flee, and most of the casualties occurred at this time.

The human army chased and killed for more than 200 kilometers, killing and capturing a large number of gnoll soldiers, especially the cavalry.

These knights, who moved as fast as the wind, kept chasing the gnolls on their way of escape. They drove away the large number of fleeing soldiers and then bit them like piranhas.

There were also some smart gnolls who huddled together and refused to separate no matter what. These gnolls did not escape in the end.

When these human light cavalry found that they could not take them down, they would call for support from the heavy cavalry in the rear.

When the heavily-armored Blue Rhino Cavalry or Silver Feather Cavalry arrived, these large groups of gnolls were like sand castles on the seaside, and were easily crushed by these terrifying heavily-armored cavalry.

It took two days to defeat the gnoll army on the front battlefield, and then ten days to pursue the remaining forces, and another half a month to search for prisoners.

These gnolls ran very fast. In the end, more than 150,000 gnoll soldiers, following two seriously injured legends, retreated to the gnoll empire, and only less than 30,000 were left.

This time the loss was huge. When they came out, there were more than 200,000, and now only a little more than one-tenth of them have returned, including the reinforcements behind.

When Grand Duke Abbot, who was lying on the hospital bed, heard about the war damage, he spit out a mouthful of old blood and was almost angry to death.

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